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Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members
of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the Presi-
dent until 3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturday)
Vol. XL
No. 9
both to be operated, as originally announced, on Tuesdays and Thurs- IWorld Fellowship Committee: Construction fUniversity
days at 8:00 A. M. Section I will meet in Room 2300 E. Engineering There will be a meeting of the R o f Zoo g
Building; Section II in Room 3215 E. Engineering Building. The men- World Fellowship Committee on Rapidly As Animals For It Begin to Arrivo
bers in each section are announced on the Aero Bulletin Board in the the Women's League at 4 P. M. W ssp collection of wild animals and rep-
south basement of E. Engineering Building. Wednesday, October 3, in the Cave Work is progressing rapidly onilet n ini d e-
F. W. Pawlowski on the fourth floor of the League. an octagonal animal house, cage, tiles at present kept inside the mu-
Val sem.
Valborg Egeland, Chairman and pool, situated in the V formed The plans, as announced yestr-
Ciloquiy in Applied Mechanics: in Room 336 the first meetin by the two wings of the University day afternoon by the Building and
of the year will be held. Mr. E. H. Donnell will talk on "The Problem Student Master Masons: Museum. This construction, the Grounds department, are that the
of Resonance in Machine Design." Plans for the year will be taken All student Master Masons are project of President Ruthven, is house will contain eight pens; it
up at this meeting. All interested are invited. invited to a Smoker and .Get-to- will be surrounded by a pool 20 feet
B. T. Liddicoat gether at the Michigan Union, University zoo, in diameter, the entire affair to be
Wednesday, October 9, at 8 P. . Two bear cubs, a badger, a porcu- enclosed in a large wire cage. Lead-
E. M. 3a Experimental Dynamics: R. J. Armstrong Chairman Ipine, coyotes, and a family of five ing up to the structure will be three
Two sections will be given Wed. 3-4 P. M. and Wed. 4-5 P. M. on coons, which arrived Saturday gravel walks. The building is being
the third floor of the Engineering Annex, starting Oct. 9. 'Varsit Band night from the State Conservation so constructed that it will not i-
L. H. Donnell The regular rehearsal will be Department, are to be quartered in terfere with any possible addition
-Th g . .r - -e - - this modest zoo along with a small to the museum itself.
Unversity Lecture:
"General Pulaski: His Relation to the American Revolution" will
be the subject of a lecture to be given by Dr. Tadeusz Mitana, Lecturer
in Polish Literature in the University of Michigan, on Thursday, Octo-
ber 10, 4:15 P. M., in Natural Science Auditorium. The public is cordial-
ly invited.
F. E. Robbins
University Lecture:
Professor Leon Asher, Director of the Physiological Institute at
Berne, Switzerland, will letcure on the subject "Specific Diuretics" at
10:00 A. M., Saturday, October 19, 1929, in the Natural Science Audi-
torium. The lecture will be illustrated with lantern slides. The pub-
lie is cordially invited.
Frank E. Robbins
American Chemical Society Lecture:
Robert E. Wilson, Assistant Dir ector of Research of the Standard
Oil Company of Indiana, will lectur before the local section at 4:15
P. M. Thursday, October 10, in room 165 Chemistry Building. His
topic, "The Mechanism of Lubrication," will be illustrated with moving
pictures. The meeting is open to all who are interested.}
Leigh C. Anderson, Sec'y.
Women's tryout for the class in advanced debating, Speech 81,}
will be held in 3209 A.H. Thursday at 2 P. M. The tryout consists of
a five minute argumentative speech in behalf of or against the Junior
College system.
Floyd K. Riley
Garden Section, Faculty Women's Club:
Members of garden section of Faculty Women's club will visit]
the Booth gardens at Cranbrook, Bloomfield Hills, Wednesday after-
The group will gather at 12:30 at the north entrance of the Mich-
igan League building. All members having space in their cars and all
members desiring transportation are asked to call 21455.
Mrs. G. A. Lindsay, Secretary
Chemistry Colloquim:
Chemistry Colloquium will meet Wednesday, October 9, at 4:00
P. M. in Room 300. Dr. J. H. Hodges will speak on "Band Spectra."
M. Gomberg
Choral Union Concerts (Change of Program)
Louise Homer, distinguished American operatic star and concert1
singer, will open the Choral Union Concert series on Tuesday, October
15, taking the place of Giovanni Martinelli, previously announced.
The change in program is due to illness on the part of Mr. Martinelli
which cable dispatches announce will delay his return to America for
a short time.
Concert goers are requested to use for their season tickets, which
will be mailed out within a few days, coupon number 1, marked "Mar-k
Also, IgnaceJan Paderewski, distinguished pianist, will give his
Ann Arbor concert on Friday evening, December 13, instead of on theY
date previously announced. The postponement is due to an opera-
tion for appendicitis which Mr. Paderewski underwent during the
summer and from which he has made a remarkable recovery. A few
weeks' delay in his American tour was necessitated.
Charles A. Sink f
Visitors' Night. Angela Hall Laboratory:.
The public is invited to visit the Astronomical Laboratory in Angell
Hall to observe the moon from 7:00 to 10:00 P. M. on Friday and Sat-~
urday nights, October 11 and 12. Admission only by ticket, Reservationsf
must be made by calling the Observatory office on Ann Street between
9:00 A. M. and 12:00 noon on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.
R. H. Curtiss. {
Graduate Students:1
Students who have changed their elections since submitting the
election card should call at the office of the Graduate School, 1014
Angell Hall, this week. This involves dropping and adding of courses
apd substitution of one course for another.
Ruth A. Rouse, Recorder.
Graduate Students:
Students who expect to come up for the doctorate this year shouldA
bear in mind that the language requirement must be met at once. Evi-
dence that the language examinations have been passed must be on file
in this office by Monday, October 14.
Ruth A. Rouse, Recorder. P
IFculty Volley Ball and Tennis:
Any man on the faculty interested in volley ball or tennis shouldC
phone the Intramural office, phone number 22101.I
Intramural Department
Freshmen and Junior R. O. T. C. Students:
Measurements for new uniforms will be taken at the R. O. T. C.
Hqrs. between 7:30 A. M. and 6:00 P. M. Wednesday, October 9th. All
members of the R. O. T. C. requiring a new uniform should report on the
above date.t
Basil D. Edwards.C
Aeronautical Engineering, Course I:t
The class in this course has been divided in two parallel sections,
Student Council:
There will be a meeting Wednesday evening at 7:30 in the Stu-
dent office.
Ernest' Iteif
Purdue Game Special:
A special bus from Ann Arbor to Lafayette is planned for the
Purdue game this week-end. Those expecting to go should phone
22206 as soon as possible.
B. James
Sigma Delta Psi Tests:
Trials for the Sigma Delta Psi tests this fall will be conducted
each week on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday from 4 to 5:30 P. M.
Any one is eligible to try-out for these events and those desiring to do
so should report to Mr. Webster at the Intramural Sports Build-
ing on the days listed. Trials begin October 10.
Intramural Department
Phi Sigma:
The first regular meeting. of the year will be held Wednesday, October
9th at 7:30 P. M. in the Botany Seminar room, 1139 Natural Science'
Building. Professor S. A. Grahan of the Forestry School will talk on
"The Influence of Animals Upon Plant Succession." There will be a
brief but important business meeting afterwards and every member is
urged to be present._
held tonight at 7:15 at Morris Hall.
Bring folios.
Elbert E. Trail, Asst. Mgr.
I Michigan Union Opera Orchestra:
All people who have registered
for tryouts for the Michigan Union
Opera Orchestra and all others de-
siring to try out must appear at the
Michigan Union tonight between
the hours of 7:30 and 9:00. This
is the only tryout and anyone not
able to meet the committee at this
time should arrange for a special
hearing by 'phoning 21617. There
will be a short rehearsal of the
orchestra at 9:00 o'clock or imme-
diately following the tryouts. Room
number posted on bulletin board.
Roy S. Langham, Conductor
Michigan Union Opera Cast and
Anyone who has not had his
voice tryout regardless of the posi-
tion he is to have in the Opera
Play Pro'ductioni
"The Truth
About Blayds"
OCTOBER 16, 17, 18, 19
Seats on Sale at Play Production Office
A. S. C. E. Meeting:
There will be a meeting
ber 9, at 7:15 at the Union.
Evelyn Dressel, Secretary. rmust report to the Union tonight
at 7:30 or make arrangements for a
ecia hearing by 'phoning 21617.
of the A. S. C. E. Wednesday evening, Octo- I Room number posted on bulletin
Please be there on time. d board.
Ray Daly, President. Roy S. Langham, Conductor
Aeronautical Society:
The first meeting of the year will be held this evening, Oct.
1929, in room 348 E. Engineering Building, at 7:30 o'clock.
C. M. Ellicock
I NORTHWESTERN-For the first
9 time in many years, Northwestern
9 , university may be without a wo-
men's dean during the coming
year, it was learned recently.
Choral Union Tryouts:
A Choral Union Tryout will be held at the School of Music on
Wednesday, October 9, from 4 to 5.
Earl V. Moore
Varsity Glee Club:
The first regular rehearsal will be held Wednesday evening, Octo-
ber 9, promptly at 7 P. M. in room 308 Michigan Union. From the
following list the regular Club will be chosen after the return of
eligibility lists, but it is imperative that the men listed below be present
for this first rehearsal.
At this time it will be necessary that every man come prepared to
mnake a deposit of five dollars which will be further explained at re-
FBauschard. M. V. Brown, W. Graham, J. Howell, R. Jack, E.
Krontz, H. McNeal, F. Ryan, R. Severy, R. Suffron, B. Swartz, C. Bennett,
C. H. Brown, R. Glahn, D. Hall, F. Hazen, W. Kearns, K. Osborne, A.
Reeves, C. Robertson, R. Yeager, G. Chaffin,.,C.P9reenidge, W. Greiner,
R. Hamilton, G. linnes, W. Jansen, J. Jennett,- M. Langford; G. Mat-
thews, J. Maybee, C. Wright, K. Ball, N. Bowvbeer 6G.Irohnson, R. Rans-
ford, J. White, C. Wightman.
German 221-Seminary:-
Will meet Tuesday, October 15, at
3:00 in Room 406 General Library.
J. W. Eaton
Pi Lambda Theta:
There will be an important meet-
ing of Pi Lambda Theta on Thurs-
day, Oct. 10, at seven o'clock in the
Tea Room across from the cafeteria
at the Women's League Building.
All members must be present.
Helen P. Bush, Pres.
Pi Tau Pi Sigma:
There will be a meeting of Pi Tau'
Pi Sigma on Wednesday afternoon
October 9, at 5:00 P. M. in the Mil-
itary Office.
P. E. McCaughey
Ann Arbor Art Association:
The Edward W. Redfield Exhibi-
tion will be open daily from one-
thirty to five o'clock in the West
Gallery Alumni Memorial Hall,
through Sunday, October twen
Bruce M. Donaldson'
L. M. Goodspeed, Manager
Granger s
I once,
In days
sidered the e
ment meantI
ness is taken
to cleanlines
of any cont-
wear and tea:
And in
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which inCrea
the cost to y
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TARSITY WAY insures, in addition
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