'.FAETWO T-HEMICHIGAN D~AILY WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER. 9, 1929 .................... ..... . ..... . ............. 4 I- II RESERCH0 1B I CTR Tree~ w~eber ILNDBRCH ISCVER Mihigan Men Appear !Professor Thomassen Selected This Fall oMn Lecture Program As Member of Staff '!ikMndy 1Uiii Oirvrnnn n R~rga ih the announcement o te Gives T'aikMna L3R\1lIIt ufU }l dcaina sscato' Dr. Lars Thomassen, assistant Silve Hols Dereesgan men are included in the list of professor in the chemical engineer-. UL1.IV L I Wo fdwrd and (ConinuedFroePageOee speakers in the conventions ing department, spoke Monday aft- H ISTilHY iii M 111I~ from Michigan; Gloyd from J{oniudFmPaene tt "tO t tiversity nofOife nor sign of human habita-i throughout the state. Prominen t ernoon in East Engineering build- i inane i bnks. h among these are Dr. J. B. Edmon- ing on Crystal Structure and 1 6 : . i .+ i i i 6 ; ,. I i m. ii : k, Y' ,j., .; " ei : d h' r 6 y. _ R. E. WILSON TO DISCUSS Dr. Alvalyn Woodward, J. K. LLTHICAIONREFRE Gwynn Silvey, and H. K. Gloyd SOCIETY. have been added to the staff of the IS SANDAD OI OFFCIALzoological department this fall. 11,;STADARDOILOFFIIAL Dr. Woodward was appointed as-. Mo'ving Pictures Wvill Be T mjdolyed sistant professor in physiology. She, in ~owlg Wht Tkes ace obtained heer degree at the 'Univer-. in Beaings.sity of Michigan and has taught 3.n ear s"at Simmons College, Boston, and at the University of Maine. When "The Mechanic of Lubrication" is Dr. Little came to Ann Arbor, she the subject of a talk to be given was transferred to work in his3 by R. E. Wilson, assistant director cancer research laboratory. of research of the* Standard Oi Silvey is a graduate of Southern Company of Indiana, at the Octavo ehdstUiest-a als ber meeting of the local section of Mehoit toknivstyasteDallas, the American Chemical Society to Texas, butre Ftokhieesmsersde- be held at 4:15 o'clock Thursday grehe.Frteesm rse afternoon in room 165 ChemistryI has been attending the Ujniversity' building. Biological Station inl Sheboygan Mr. Wilson's lecture will include, County. Gloyd was also at this some recent interestig work on the sainfrtosmes ega- property of "oilness," and a prac- uated from Ottawa University, ical discussion on the lubrication' Ottawa, Kansas, and last year wntutri olg tKnas problems in automobile engines,.ntutri olg tKna Moving pictures of a glass. bearing' State Agriculture College.4 operating under different condi- tions will show graphically j ust S hop Pro fe6ss or Gives'" what takes place in a bearing,. Soit Mr isnhsbe soitd P prwith the research laboratory of the' General Electric company and forl Prof. O. W. Boston, professor of several years was director and as,-I shop practice, presented a paper sociate professor of Chemical En-. j before the American Society for gineering at the Massachusetts In-. Steel Treating at the Eleventh An- stitute of Technology. Since be-. nual Convention held in Cleveland coming assistant director of re-.1 last month. search for the Standard Oil Comr7Professor Boston outlined the va-. parry of Indiana, he has interested, rious methods which. are beung used himself primarily with the pi ob- to designate the machinability of ies of lubricationa involving metals and under each method of studies on the flow of liquids, the test, outlined the work by various physical properties of hydrocarbons, authors as published in a few out- corrosion, and petroleum chemistry) standing papers on the subject. Res G1 £j9u s ac !da son, dean of the school of educa- Restmes eare Tody ',tion, and Dr. A. B. Moehlman, of During the latter part of the the school of education and admin- flight Dr. Oliver Ricketson, also ofj istration. Others in the group are the Carnegie institute, took Mrs. Harry Kipke, Prof. H. P. Thieme, Lindbergh's place in the cockpit. Prof. Emil Lorch, Prof. J. E. Dun- alongside her husband, and discus-. lap, and Prof. J. W. Muyskens. sed with him charting of the in- __ ___ dications they found. Balloon Race , Mrs. Lindbergh, still wearing herVit y khaki knickers and blue shirt, as-.: Ofically onfr e sisted Dr. Kidder irn the photo-. j graphing. *j WASHINGTON, Oct. S.-Ward The plane arrived at Belize T. Van Orman's victory in the 1929 shortly after 5 p.,in., its occupants International Gordon Bennett bal-. tired, happy, exultant at their ex- I loon race was officially confirmed periences, but all red with sun- today by the International Aero-. burn. Today they will fly into the nautic .Association, which an-.i Flores region, nrorth an~d west: of nounced that Van Orman, pilot- this city. 1ing a balloon for the Goodyear Zeppelin Co., traveled 341 miles. Chemical Constitution."^E Dr. Thomassen who is spending his first year at Michigan is a grad-1 uate of the University of Oslo. He formerly taught mninerology in Nor-. way, and upon. receiving an inter-. national fellowship continued his studies at the California Institution of Technology. Prof. Thomassen re-i ceived his PhD. degree under Prof. Millikan i 1928, and since then i has published several papers onj crystal structure. _ n Txt Book S--levd a new blaze of h Atres :item- breakfast of IsmtDOW WI-At. Natural food tlake~s You feel fine, SHREDDED WMkAT ~ot~i everything you 'i(Alntin you dont. with fruit and milk or cream A DI(.rIONARY Or CHEMICAL. FQUATiIONS Contains twelve thousand com-. pleted and balanced chemical equa- tions, classified and arranged for ready reference. GEORGE WAHR 103-105 N. Main 316. S. State ®i s -- - ---- I ALLt TIS WEEK( tFour Shows Daily. 2:00-3:30--7:00-9,-0 WARESL, BR S .presvent - I' NOW SHOWING *I Phone in your order--we de- lu'er, C I P 217 North Mains 723 North Ur iversily 207 uia n A l11 products advertised are s ta n da rd in quality and are freshly stocked, i I I 'l ullo, J AN Av = i t k -- Starring'T'oday -.Here In Person- La.te Michigan Union Operai Star of "Cotton Stockings" Etc. 1100E,. "MIKE" AMES with JIMMY CLARK( Presenting "FEMININE FANCIES" }' also MANGEAN TROUPE, offering Sensa iona1 Acrobatic Pu~stmo -on the stage- ROBERT ARMSTRONG'S funniest picture since -IS ZAT SOT) I'On The Liv: B ~ The Theater With Perfect T1 Unmatched - Charm! Sealed lips. r they held the sec- ret of her privatet life. . her- 'pri- vate hopes her private long- (. ing for a love she " could never get. Never? Well,< see and hear for ,your- S eel1. ling Screen Tonal. Reproduction Today T Ii wii-W 0~c Shave Crea" Mennens 43c 35ci Merne~ Tlc12 6~c FOHAN'S 53c I 1 Courtesy i Maltose rLaworie AQUA VEVA 44c /1 * *I I rA5 II /.,~ 21:00 3:40 g:00L 50c: 2 yc $1v5Nal Hot Water 85c $1009 75C DON'J' CO:NSIDER YOUR ayou do other merchants. Your dr uggist tier fotrms more important dcliis than ym, give him credit for. On him rets the responisibility of Compounding medicie for your pre- scription. lHi; store is always open so that he t..n be of service to you. He s.mus t ow lis business .to justify his existence. MAKE THE CRIPPEN STORES YOUR DRUG STORES. Thelma Todd, Walter Pidgeon Holme$ Her- bert and Montagu Love. Based on play by Zoe Akins. Directed by' Alexander Korda. "MOTORING MAMAMS" PARA? rI _. , . . I. "BIG NEWS" An All-T alki ng Comedy with Added HIGGINS AND GREEN To Much Acting MOUNT NEWS I CAROL LOMBARD SAKI HARDY I UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN I I Next Sunday SYNCOPATION SHOW with Zerro Entertainers SATURDAY a 'I Isntroducting MAURICE CHEVALIER in "INNOCENTS OF PARIS" t1 WHITNEY IOCT.11 GEORGEE. WINTZ C -Ac o h~llidL 3m Uica I it L 10. '1 " te" _ o r < P tea- C I'n D~/ A-"Oft r J4 L i. ...... ...a I t l I present i°l) 9 .(Y WILLIAM SHEPERD, OCTOBER 23 LOUIS K. ANSPACHE, NOVMBR 14 F. H. SOTHERN,, DECEMBER 5 WILLIAM HARD, JANUARY 15 ORATORICAL A--SSOCIATION SEATS NOW CRVETH WELLS, FEBRUARY 27 HIDELA RICE, MARCH 11 LORADO T AFT, APRIL 3 Bring Rsults HewAr the Me n You Hear About '11 Mlail Orders:5 $3.504 $3.0OO $2.50 1P ]1' i I s s i