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October 08, 1929 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-10-08

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TUPSs)AY, Oclobenr ', 1'2

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members
of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the Presi-

Mathematical Club. Student Master Masons:
The Mathematical Club will hold its first regular meeting of the All student Master Masons are invited to a Smoker and Get-together,
year Tuesday at 8 P. M., in room 3201 Angell Hall. After election of lat the Michigan Unionn, Wednesdaw, October 9, at 8 P. M.
officers for the coming year, Professor W. W. Denton will present an ex- R. J. Armstrong, Chairman.
position of "Love's Biharmonic Analysis and Application to Bending of
Rectangular Plates." Eng ,ineering Council Members:
i Everyone interested is cordially invited to attend. There will be a meeting of the Council on Tuesday, October 3. al

dent until 3:30 p. M. (11:30 a. im. saturday) N. C. Fisk, secretary 7:30 P. M. in Room 304 Michigan Union. All members elected last year
Y Vo, XLTUEDAY CTOER 8 199. N. 8please be present.
V.XLTE AY C BE ,12.N.8 Botanical Journal Club: F.11. Beebe, Secretary
------ - "A meeting will be held in room 1139 N. S. on Tuesday, October 8, - -- --
Notice to all Deans and Department Heads: 1929, at 7:30 P. M.. The program will consist of a summary of the botani- A. E:.N1.
The secretary's office will have NO Student Directories for free cal work of the department during the past summer. Meeing will be held Tuesday evening, October 8 at 7:30 in room 38
distribution this year. If you office needs a directory, please requisition; F. J. Berman. at the Union.
as many as may be required through the Purchasing Department. j D. H., Lewis, Librarian.
Herbert G. Watkins, Assistant Secretary,.... j- A. S. C. E. Meeting: - -----~
--- There will be a meeting of the A. S. C. E. Wednesday evening, Octo- iAdelphi:
Graduate Students: ber 9, a 7:15 at he Union. Please be there on ime. The first open meeting of the year will be held by Aedelphi at
Stuent wo hve hagedther lecion see ubmttng heRay Daly, President. 7:30 tonight. There will be a debate by members on "Lobbying." Visitors,
election card should call at the office of the Graduate School, 1014 inluding freshmen, are invited to attend
Angell Hall, this week. This involves dropping and adding of courses Chemical Engineers: D. R. Tobey
and substitution of one course for another. The student ehaper of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers --
Ruth A. Rouse, Recrder. will hold the first meeting of the year in room 3210, East Engineer Build- Comedy Club:
which t meietinglecio of offiers, Captain iA. 1.3.Custiswill sek ROOmulr03 Umiversity Hall. Allmembers must be pret.:( 'lci
GaeStudents h xpect to come up for the doctorate this year should 1informally on the research work done at Frankfort Arsenal. All Chem- Robert K. Adams, President.
bear in mindthat the language reluiremlent must be met at once. Evi- ical Engineering students are urged to attend. K -- h--
dence that the language examinations have been passed must be on file _K. R2. ach.1. Grgoyle Business Staff Tryouts.
in this office by Monday, October 14. Second semester freshmen and sophomores desiring to try out for
Ruth A. 11ause, Recorder. P 1hi sigma: l he Business Staff of the Gargoyle may do so by applying to the Business
_, The first regular meeting of the year will be held Wednesday, October O Cffice in the PreSs Building any afternoon between the hours of 1:00
9th at 7:30 P. M. in the Botany Seminar room, 1139 Natural Science{ and 5:00 P. M.
Visitors' Night. Angell H1all Laboratury: Building. Professor S. A. Gxrahan of the Forestry School will talk en Theodore S. Long, Business Manager.
The public is invited to visit the Astronomical Laboratory in Angell "The Influence of Animals Upon Plant Succession." There will be a
Hall to observe the moon from 7:00 to 10:00 P. M. on Friday and Sat- ibrief but important business meeting afterwards and every member is I peech BI:-
'ugdurday nights, October 11 and 12. Admission only by ticket, Reservations ugdt10 be present Tryouts for women who desire to be admitted into the class in ad-
mrust be made by calling the Observatory office on Ann Street between, Evelyn Dresse, Secretary vancecI debating, speech 81, will be held in A. H. 3209, Thrsday, October
9:00 A. M. and 12:00 noon on T'uesday, Wednesday and Thursday. - --- --110, 2 R. M. All women interested in that tryout should be present this
Rtil.sCurims. Field Work in Sociolo gy: aftrnoon at 1 . M, as the subjetrdsuso ilb eetda
I am unable to keep my Wednesday appoint mens la cm hstm.
Phillips ,Scholarships: ITuesday afternoon between 4 and 6. Floyd K. Riley-
.Two scholarships of $50 each are available to Freshman studentsI Alice W. Kemner. I----
who have presented Latin and Greek, or Laiin alone, for entrance to the ------ - Atena Literary Society:
University. The awards will be made on the basis of competitive ex- M1athemnatics Assistants: All girls interested in literary wok are invited to come, prepared
aminations which will be held this year on October 25 and 20. Students i There will be a meeting of the Mathmatics Assistants tonight at wt he-iuesec naytpc oteAhn om 06
wishing to enter the contest should place their names with Professor 17:30 in room 3200 Angell Hall, It is extremely important that every IAnhelll all, re tonight. mnt Oldspeo members areo requested to be h there promptly
Campbell Bonner or Professor James E. Dunlap no later that October 21. assistant attend- i 7:16 for the business meeting and tryouts will begin at 8:00.
A complete statement of the conditions of the competition will be, Paul C. Moore.GrcDalnVe-rsdn.


Q uarterdeek:
There will be am s:aofQuaX'-
terdeck on Tuesday, obr , e
7:34 P. M. at the Mihiga Unin.
11. B. Andrews, C-ommodore.. .. .
World Fellowship Committee:
There will be a meeting of the)
World Fellowship Committee osi
the Women's League at 4 P. M.
Wednesday, October 9. in the C;ve
on the fourth floor of the Leagt;ue.
Valborg Egeland. Chairman.
lnglish 31:
I shall not meet the class on
T. E. Casady.
English 45:
iI shall not meet the class on
T. E. Ca-sady.
Fr. ach /Aviator Safe in Manchuria
After, Trip of 6,150 Miles
From La Bourget Field
Peiping, China, Oct. 7-A tele-
gr.m received by the French con-
sul at Harbin, Manchuria, from
Capt. Dieudonne Coste, French, avi-
,tor, says he and Jacques Bellonte,
l;in their plane the Question Mark,
covered 9,610 kilometers (about 6,-
1-58 miles) on their .long trip from
Le Bourget to Manchuria.
This, estimate is 1,300 miles in
E xc:ess of the previous long dis-
tance flying record, established by
the Italian aviators, Ferrarin and
SDel Prete, in 1923, of 4,353 miles.
Capt. Cost's telegram was sent
from Tsitsihar, Manchuria, and
said they had landed safely in a
desert section of Hleilungkiang
province, Sunday, Sept. 29, and had
been able to reach Tsitsihar only
,Sunday, Oct. 6. They left Le Bourget
Friday, Sept. 27.
Their blight established the
first non-stop air communication
between France and China. The
French consul at Harbin, M. Rey-
'nard, left immediately for Tsitsi-
har to assist them to obtain fuel
and make necessary minor. repairs,
Ther original destinaionheas flaht
divostok, Siberia.
ANNAPOLIS-L. L. Koepke, of
Flint, Flint, Mich., and a graduate
of the. Swavely School, has been
elected captain of the Navy, foot-
I all squad for the coming year.





found on the bulletin board opposite Room 2009 AngellHl n n
v~r vnr A %"f 7 f ia T~iv~cif ' ffllti P~t i.~cI"Seolashis. rizs.

1943~ g~vi- - - - - 9V

pages u ana 'Orte uie ~ ueu niauuiuaa. riv, n~nC *4
and Loan Funds" which may be obtained at the office of the Secretary.; Will meet Tttesday, October 8, in Room 407, General I ibary. Anll suet neete ncnrbtngsotsis esysece,
F6ng r all o a nomto suet e Professor Bunnap, 2028 An.el. Hall. poetry, or any other sort of literary material to the Inlander, should
AAgexaHndero Profesor DunapPsychAnlogyHa2.3--- - do so as soon as possible by leaving their work at the Rhetoric Office on
AJoxnd .Effig.ereminarhooy i lnia2schlg il et7:sa, o5 'l( the third floo of Angel Hall, or by mailing it to the Inlander Office, The
JCanmp.ellBoger, Smnr nCiia scooywilme usa,3t c, University Press Building, Maryland Street The first issue of this year
Jampes E.BDunla, 121NaualSceneBugdn. of the Inlander will appear the first of November, and if material is to
Jm E. D n chaTrG.Hege.I be considered for that number, it should be submitted at once. All Uni-
Comtte chreversity students are urgently asked to submit their writing. Also those Seil os ol e frScinI in I nSldGoer r nt~latineetdi tedn nadrdsuso russol edi hi
ISre sdmG e a n d - uy ,o rpR .cU . T C . S t u ds :ts :t e rle s t e n a t n i g I l n e .c s i n g o p h u d s n n t e r
Frsmnad uirR .T .Suet:side the Secretary's Office, Room 263 West Engineering Building' Paul I. Adams
Measurements for new uniforms will be taken at the R. O. T. C." Lotis A. llopkins.
Hqrs. between 7:30 A. M. and 6:00 P. M. Wednesday, October 9th. All;-
members of the R. 0. T. 0. requiring a new uniform should report on the .. Varsity Glee Club Tryouts:
abovedate.Classical Archaeology 121.. Final tryouts for the Club will be held today. All tenors are particu-
abv ae ai .EwrsI will not be able to meet my lecture section in this course today. 1arly urged to try out during one of the hours listed below.
BasilD. Edards. . I). Meitt. Also men who sang with the Club last year and wish to continue
Gut-f-Twn ame: their activity this season must appear at one of these hours if they
Girls who wsh togo to out-of-town games are asked to file a letter Junior andSenior Menin hyic datinon: ca duaio irilmhavernt done so previosyorthir naemh s illbeautomatically dropped
PwMho have received assignments in directed teaching in my office, Room;" Tuesday, October 8, 1929, 4:30 to 5:30 Room 206 School of Music.
'Thursday, October 10, at P. M. ,0, Waterman Gymnasium, at 3:00 Wednesday afternoon, October 9. Tuesday October 8 1929 7:15 to 8:15 Room 308.Michigan Uion
of permission from their parents in the Advisers Office. Those wishing E .Wea.L od dMn r
to go to Purdue on October 12 must have their letters in not later than P-
...Choral Union Tryouts: Society of Industrial Engneers.
yneftr mietn fteItrrtri oni o h Choral Union tryouts will be held in Dr Earl V. Moore 's office today' All men taking the 5-yar Industrial Engineering course and anyone
election of officers, on Tuesday, October 8, at 4:30 P. M., in Room 302;(ctbEa)rlm :0 o :V . M. te ae il n one a. else interested are cordially invited to attend the opening meeting of
of the Michiga~n Union. It is extremely important that every fraternity the Society of Industrial Engineers at 4:00 P. M. on Wednesday, in
send its representatives. Ro 2,Ws n.




zPortio Literary Society:
Portia Literary Society will hold tryouts for new members at 7:45,1
J. A. Bursley, Dean of Students { Tuesday evening, October 8, in the Portia clubroom on the fourth floor
Entering Sophomores and Upperclass Women, Hygiene Lectures: i of Angell Hall. All women on campus are eligible, and two-minute in- English 181:
The second Hygiene Lecture will be Tuesday, October 9, at 4:00 formal talks on any subject may be prepared. I shall not
o'clock in Sarah Caswell Angell Hall (Barbour Gymnasium). Pleasel There will be an important business meeting for old members of the Wednesday.
bring bluebooks. society at 7:30 o'clock. All are urged to be present.
Margaret Bell, M. D. Nadine Stewart, President.

Henry O.




Want Ads Pay


meet the class
T. E. Ca ady.

Phi Beta Kappa:
The Secretary of United Chapters wishes to make the Society Jour-
nal, THE KEY, of more use to the organization. Hle therefore requests
the we furnish the following facts:
1. Names of members upon whom advanced or honorary degrees
were conferred at the last Commencement season.
.ihe'L istofbooks written by members of this Chapter with pub-
' 3. Any other facts which would be of interest.
The Secretary will be glad to forward to the central office any facts
which the members may care to furnish. This information may be sent
t.- :x'33 Angell Hall by either U. S. mail or by Campus service.
Orma F. Mitlerr, Secretary.
Phi Beta Kappa: }
In order to correct. our office records'the Secretory of the local
Chopter will be glad to receive the following information:
1. Names and addresses of all new residents who are members.
2. Names and addresses of all former resident members who have j
either changed their place of residence, or have failed to get the notices
sent out from this office.
This information may be sent to ne at 3233 Angell B~all by U. S. mail .
C r Cal-opus service.
Orma F. Butter, Secretary.
Jior Research Club:
The first meeting of the year will be held on Tuesday, October 8,
si, 7:30 P. M. The following paper will be presented, "Exploring for
11Ctr:;leui in Northeastern MVekieo" by Dr. Lewis B. Kellum.
H1. C. Eckstein

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