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October 06, 1929 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-10-06

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F ==I

FOR NEW CLASS [V[NT Past Ten Das Have Been Marked proved to be fake money,then paid Fern B. Schott, Mt. Clemens. The intramural board has re- Literary Society Plans to Spend
AnProgram exorbitant prices for their break- Kappa Delta also gave white rose quested that all sorority houses Year in Study of Drama
Another Tradition Was Replaced bPrgfasts. Katherine Bailey, of Detroit, formals in accordance with sorori- and dormitories elect their athletic and Literature.
By Innovation At Meeting is a guest at the house this week ty symbols. Alumnae back for managers for the coming year at
Of Committee day's game ening foryter- ' rushing and the game are the Miss- their meetings Monday night. A Portia. literary and speech arts
Omays, the beginning of classes and Colorful formal dinners were es Ruth Allan, Harbor Beach; Jes-m- society, will hold its first tryouts
ARRANGE CLASS MEETING formal rushing have made the past given the rushees of Delta Delta sie Church; and Ethel Klander- iting o the mntramural boar d for new members at 7:45 o'clock
eh ssy Delta at the Haunted Tavern, yel- man, Grand Rapids. with the new managers will be held on Tuesday, October 8, in the Por-
Inweekeonethf thembusiesttsociallyyof.low and white being used as the Mrs. Minnie Royce Walker, of Wednesday at 4:00 o'clock in Bar- tia clubroom on the fourth floor
n placeofsthen Sophome rthe scooler. nM h k motif for decorating the tables. New York City, one of the charter bour gymnasium. Plans will be of Angell Hall. All women on cam-
cis which has been the tradition Newcomers in Martha Cook were' Mrs. J. L. Gresby, of Denver, Co- members of the Beta Delta chap- made for the intramural hockey pus will be eligible for tryout with
for many years, a new sophomore entertained at a tea given by the rado, a provincial delegate, visited ter of Kappa Kappa Gamma, was a tournament and schedules for the a two or three minute talk on any
event is being arranged. For the Thursdaynigh Tera and on e chapter the rst of last week, dinner guest at their formal Fri- year will be mapped out. Any in- appropriate subject, such as dra-
rdy nghtwr guests of ,A aEslnIt netie aa
purpose of formufating suggestions honor at spreads given in their Alpha Epsilon Iota entertained day evening, dependent women who are inter- matics, book reviews, travel, or art.
freshmen medical women at lunch Oriental Meal Served es in playing hockey should at- This year, Portia will devote
for their class activity, a committee private rooms. in their chapter house last Satur- Mrs. Carl Rufus, whohas chaper- tend the meeting so they can much of its attention to literature
hajenapitdcmoe faFehe ee day. oned university tours served an or-, choo... managers to represent theml and other arts. Prominent faculty,
representative group of sophomore Helen Newberry freshmen were; Delta Zeta announces the initia- iental dinner at the Sigma Kappa and organize teams. members will speak at its meetings,
women in connection with several entertained at a get-acquainted tion of Myrtle Gerisch, '32, Detroit, house Wednesday evening, doing Hockey teams may play either and plays will be produced. Ample
junior women as advisers. This ? party given after hours. Tuesday and Helen Aulph, '32, Detroit, the cooking in the dining room. Mondays and Wednesdays at 4:00 opportunities for individuality of
committee will present its sugges- night. At Betsy Barbour the first I which took place after the formal The guests were seated at chow or Mondays and Wednesdays at expression in the speech arts will ;
dions to a class meeting to be held year women have been guests at dinner Friday night. The initiation tables and Mrs. Rufus told about 5:00. be oxpre
at the Michigan League this Thurs- pop-corn parties and picnic din- banquet was held last night. Chinese dishes as she served them. -__
day at an hour to be announced ners. The house chaperone and Guests at the Alpha Omicron Pi Alpha Delta Pi gave a Chinese oS=:Xo<=:>o<:o <=::oc oo o
later. business manager were hostesses at house this week end are: Miss Win- rushing luncheon Thursday. The1 1
At this time the class will con- the latter. ifred Benedict and Miss Winifred formal used a black and white V Are You Uncomfortable
sider the plans presented by the Mrs. Kathleen Patterson Krause Sample of Detroit. Red and ivory modernistic effect for decorations.
committee and will offer any ad- of Detroit has been a house guest formed the color scheme for the Six guests from the Detroit City About That Dinner p' ,
ditional suggestions. These will in ; of the Alpha Chi Omega's this rushing dinners Thursday and Fri- chapter were here for the formals. Enohi
turn be voted upon so as to formu- week. Many alumnae are back this day nights. Phi Sigma Sigma announces the -aIt
late definite plans of procedure. week end also. Red, buff, and green, the sorority engagemens of Gusta Goldberg, Evening? u
The committee will then meet Alpha Epsilon Phi announces the colors, were used to decorate for '28, to Samuel Shuri, '25, an o Rita
again in order to discuss the offer- marriage of Doris Ruth Nathan, the Alpha Gamma Delta formals. Klein, '27, to Herbert Zipkin, of A fresh collar of linen with a touch of
ed suggestions. At the second '31, to Robert Donnenfield, '30. 'Several Detroit alumnae have re- Cleveland, Ohio. The sorority also . color or of sheer georgette and lace, with a
meeting of the class to be heldI. turned for the week end. announces the marriage of Rae smart handkerchief to match will unbe
Srority symbols, the white cars Alumnae Visit Pitzele, '28, to Frederick Zio, '28. lievably revive and alter the dress you've
cutive committee will be elected nation and the owl, and the colors Kappa Alpha Theta has as house Guests at the house this week end 0 been wearing all day.
I straw and cardinal, were used in guests over Sunday: the Misses El- are the Misses Constance Zidder, fHave just received a new lot of French linen print handkerchiefs
to finally carry out the suggestions the decorations for the Chi Omega len Grinnell and Louise and Mary Helen Schaltzer, and Marion Mayer, with hand rolled hems, in all-over modernistic patterns of bizarre or deli
as acted upon. formals. Week end guests are: Louise Murray of Detroit Olive Detroit and Evelyn Crall, Wind- t shades. They are offered at c and $1.00.
Gertrude Bailey, Mary Lou Guda- ios Mrra ; Desot Olive, , Detri There is also a selection of English all *ien print handkerchiefs with
Doe-Ski Shoes and kunst, Louise Coates, all of Detroit; Nichols Marshall; Susan White, Gmso, POntario. B 1-16 inch hemstiched ede at 6 for a dollar. You can afford a generous
Gldy Schrader, Plymouth; Esther Freemont; Katherine Beardslee, Gamma Phi Beta held style ~ supply at this remarkably low "rice. v
EnsemblesSelected G erCeveand.Pymuth;Esh Grand Rapids; and Eleanor Wood- shows between the courses of its Mack's nekear deyartment prides itself upon the excellent service
Ensembles aSete G - row, Chicago. formal dinners. Pink roses, can- it offers in getting the exact fit for the neck of your dress.
Silver and bordeaux graced the White roses, tapers, and crystal dles, and smilax decorated the There are embroidered georgette and lace cae collars for $2.98
Autumn fashions dictate doe- tables at the Alpha Phi house, add- bowls were used for decorations at tables. The sorority has as its OJand up.
skin shoes for the well-dressed. ing a very formal touch to their the Pi Beta Phi formals. Mrs. Paul guests the Misses Ruth Moore, of icEgg shell satin and lace pleating from 2 to 4 inches wide comes
Doe-skin appears like suede, but dinners. The members of the so- C. De Vol, Mrs. Ira Beck of Grand Lansing; Virginia Brown, Grand at $1.85 a yard.
in comparison with suede, it is rority gave an informal tea at the Rapids, and Mrs. Alfred H. White Rapids; Gladys Martin, Hst style
h vi~ asaie For the suit or cretone dress the moire silk vestee ii Buster Brown styf
much richer in quality, a firmer house after the game yesterday in and Mrs. Homer Heath of Ann Ar- Out of town guests for the Theta is charming and chic. They come at $3.25 and there is a variety of
material, and tihe color has a lus- honor of returning alumnae. bor were among the Thursday eve- Phi Alpha formals were the Misses styles and materials at other irices.
ter all its own. Doe-skin is the Rushees Hunt Treasure ning guests. Those here for the Elizabeth Black, Marguerite Mau- Tailored linen collars enlivened with colored linen or braid are priced
natural stock from the doe while An original treasure hunt break- week end are: the Misses Florence rice, Julia Kerwin, Marion Killy, at $1.25.
suede is manufactured from calf fast was one of the social affairs Wertel, Gibonsburg, Ohio; Harriet and Ruth Brady, Detroit; Mary Chiffon berthas trimmed in chantilly lace are offered at $3.25, while
skin or kid skin. Marks and scuffs given by the Delta Gammas in Lowrie, Doris Robinson, and Elsie Wedemeyer, Fordson; Irene Drueke . the georgette model with venise lace trim coies at $2.75
easily wipe off doe-skin by rubbing honor of their rushees. The guests Murray, all of Detroit; Nataline Grand Rapids; Mary Hickey and r
it with a piece of cloth. Though after finding their treasure, which Vincenti, Pasadena, California, and Doris La Core, Muskegon.is Ce
the original of doe-skin is higher ---~~-~~-- -A--~~~-~--h~Xitia initiated six
than that of suede, the shoesre-ph VERSATILITY OF FAMOUS SOPRANO members at 1 o'clock Moday,,
tail for the same price as suede'b t1 'lc ody
shoes. e DEMANDS INTERNATIONAL APPLAUSE ept. 23. They are Sally Thomas, Man Foor
Tweed ensembles and jersey suits31, and Irene Thomas, '32, of Haw-
are popular for campus wear. Tea ----- ----- thorne, N. J., Olive Strohmeyer, '31,
time is velvet time. Transparent Elizabeth Rethberg, lyric soprano, of emotional expression and giv Detroit arianna Paddock, 32,
velvet dresses made on princess who will appear in the first Choral ing intense meaning to every son g Pk . ra C
lines with longer skirts and higher sh ig.AdsesnsagetLansin 30AaiaRt ls 1
waists are seen at all the rushing Union concert of the new year, she sngs And she sns a gnert Lansing. The new initiates were
teas. On these new frocks there brings all the fine vitality of youth repertoire of a thousand songs. guests at a luncheon following the
is a prevalence of rows of small to the concert stage. It is this Her command of opera is exten- initiation. The tables at the for- °
buttons which actually fasten and i all the wa from "The mals given last Thursday and Fri-. ~f-
art not mere ornaments. Such but- strength that enables her to reply "se B a" t"hengron"The day evenings were charmingly dec-
tons range up the front, bak or i capably to an exacting internation- Make Balkrt."Lohi and orated with rainbows vanishing*
sides of basque bodice dresses and al demand for her singing, and it is ene alkure" This rer ,into pots of gold at each end. An --
add minutes to the time it takes this resultant demand which has great a field calls for great techni- unusually large number of out of
a woman to dress. evgained for Madame Rethberg the cal excellence, having for back- own alumnae have been guests at
cal xcelene, avig fr bck-the chapter house for the week end.
Sati and fishnet lace vie for title of Ocean Commuter. ground a charming personality. -nd._
favor as the material for evening Her engagements carry her from That is Rethberg, a remarkable ~ -- --
wear. Black is classic style though New York to Europe and back voice havingfi as a complement a
the new satin dresses are shown in again, often going back the night remarkable personality.
such shades as egg-shell and fin- of her arrival, after giving a single * A lyric-soprano voice, termed
ger-nail pink. concert. It is Rethberg's amazing variously by critics "magic" and
versatility added to a perfect tone "golden" carries this "Princess g
Announce Opening 0¢ reproduction which is responsible Royal of the Art of Song" triumph- nn u nCin the
Riding Classes Soon for the tremendous ovations she antly from the simple songs, amaz
receives. She is familiar with every ingly tender, to vivid operatic suc-
A recent innovation in the h - style of music, voicing every phrase cesses.

Sirni ficamnce

BAGS-Stunting in shape are
trimly made of soft leathers in
attractive fall shades.
$3.50 to $5.95

GLOVES-In fall
comniete sport and

shades to
dress en.

$3.95 to $5.95


sical education department is the .--. ....r .- ... . -.
riding lessons which will be given
sophomore and upperclass women,
either as an elective sport or for;amona B eauty S opz
credit in required physical educa- a
tion. Classes will ride from Mulli-' Permanent Wave .5.00
son's stables Mondays and Wed- Finger Wave and Shampoo $1.00
nesdays and Tuesdays and Thurs-
days at 4:00 o'clock. Don Hall has Marcel and Shampoo . . . $1.00
been chosen as riding master. Manicure...............50
There will be beginning and ad-
vanced classes, both at the price of Open Evenings Call 21478 625 E. Liberty StreetI
twelve lessons for $10. Further de- Uo
s may be had at Barbour Gym-U
All women who are entered in -mta
riding classes will be eligible to ;
membership in Pegasus, a campus ^
riding club organized under the
supervision of the Women's Ath- -
letic Association. Pegasus put on "nd y Djnnir
a horse show last May, and is
planning to present another next,-
spring. Those who are not taking at
riding lessons but are interested in 11
joining Pegasus may see Betty
Healy, '32, about membership.
Latest reports from Paris confirmv
rumors that the new Patou hat of HEAR BOB
black felt will prove a charming 'TT
combination for milday's fall CARSON'S MUSIC
chapeau. This hat worn with a
three-piece sports costume will be Afternoons and Evenings
seen on the most exclusive streets,
of Hamtramck and environs, De-
troit. }C=>t) U=>x=>

±LOU'LL want this as badly as you
need it. The finest college type-
writer done in the finest college colors.
A special lot made exclusively for us.
They are beauties. They are going
fast--drop in today and arrange to
have one delivered on trial.
More college students have used
Coronas than all others combined.
It's a great machine. Has everything
and does everything. Lightness of
touch and all-round convenience are
amazing. If you have a used typewriter
Corona will more than satisfy you. If
you have never typed, your first
Corona will be a revelation to you.
Corona cuts down work and builds
up marks. A big time-saver. Indis-
pensable to success in outside activ-
ities. Corona typing will aid enor-
mously in making good after college.
You can learn to operate it in a

tI r

gay wisps of color give just that
finishing touch to a formal gown.
25c to $3,00
UNDIES-In soft silk either
trimly tailored for daytime wear
or delightfully feminine for dress.
$3.95 to $12.50

'. 7 ,

-for dancing.

sport-for campus
In all the wanted

Easy terms-old
in exchange.

typewriters taken

i d .'

Mullison Saddle Stables
326 E. Ann St. and Fair Grounds (Jackson Avenue)
Fine Gaited Saddlers for Rent at all times.


$.95 to $2.95
During our anniversary sale w~e
give a discount on all purchases.




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