mmpp--- 7054= Imm - I Ma ll'i THE, Ml(-HIGAN J-1% 1 .f _. Y 6UNDAY, r.,I'1I,,RUAIiY 2, ID30 ..)........S.N.A...... . ... .R...2. . .. auv J YM DAI LY OFFIC I'ALBDUL LEI N I'tlbiieatlfpn 1Dthe .~luli 1c isjcrlaic notice to all Members of the Unlversity. copy rrceiv ,d1by the Assistant to thcesi aert urtti 3:30 P. mi.10 a n auda VOL,~ XL, , SUNDAY, Ff"BRU ARIY 2, 1930 No. 91 I i Geography 1: Finnil Eainto o onda, Fe' brua ry ;3 at 2 p. tt tvwwh~' wn bg~ wlith A to T illvii c r(potl, its rnom 29{'; 1., ntc 'd of, inlroom 5a nonedyscdl;tio ;'o ocgin wv"Ith M to ? inclusive report i room 231 A, T. L _, _ ifra lDivii(lOn ofEn.. Ilsh Selllilars :0,t1the.Universiity of lBerlin, will I cri -i I DDRESSE',S, ST UIW1:NY' I . ,.... ._ Graduate StudcilS dcsiring o Dvn i q,amrdto speond seniescz rvl!istr:Aion should (-all at ther ofliwc, l)fforc Thvr sc- y, T"eb1ruariy 13. lM, .Jw~jl be out, of town .af'ter thiat, date. x'. E. ames ;cn iineuernamni[university v:'otcuius of'1Today" 1i-1room 22.'5 Auvcel ProfL dsonit Sunldrl nd of t1 t.E tms hll, Tuesday, February 25, at 4:15 .p. in. The public is invited., UAW School recently addressed ,1 Geogra~phy 31: Students in this cour~c should bring their atlases to F'dy olg fLie°-- cccan h rs h erur niesuetboyo h er~* their exadeination.f t e. D. Dodge mee>ting of the Literary Faculty will he fheld M onday, February 3, Pit City Law school on "J~ d e a . : 0 p n ,i o m 2 2 n el b l . O d r o ui e s a i n u c c0c d r . e d suss d lteal ( Rhetoric 31, Mr. Stevens' section: The class will meet for exanmina-'by mail. defects in present practices a*,4 tion in room 2225 A. H. instead of room 2082 N. S. as previously an- suggesed various methods of im- ' Faculty, School of Education The next staff luncheon andc faculty provement. itkhetorice 2, lar. Stevens' sections: Those taking the cxrrrz , oil meeting will be held onl the P ird floor of the Michigan League building ~____ Fcbr xuary 12, will mecet in rooin 35 A. H. instead of room 2011 9S. a at 12 o'clock on Monday, February 17. pre ;i.rt~y annnccd. - I. Michigan D1ames lint will mlet Ti c,"idcunt and 1M s .kittfl' E, ])be at llonle , after February 1, Iron tGoclcnthfis v, u if oeahmnhtmembrs of the faculties, their fricnI .-and othcer residE :t~ of Ails Arbor. On the first two \VTcdnl~c3: a fternoons of each month after Febru- ary 1, fromn 4 to G o'clock, Pres-ident 'Aanl M.7S. iuthVell will be at houm to the Ntudeut's of thelic nvv~y organ Plmr'?1' ~~e~ : raitwill give tin( ~) Wing pr - ',o";11];7 \W , t:f }',;:?y i:' e:1:"(> at 4: 15 i"nlIr i ll211 imkd Itone mili 101011n: (,H 1111 l Pr.l uCle iIi Iiw'.i' o A' ,, n de' il?(' "i : Eovi urzf 1 ,1l~mu l'xilg i :l I'"0, I: *t.1 yme IM.lI nbcer : C cmj any soprano will iethe iini i7 1l)'ogrtl? inh the Choral Union SCALSs, ill Hill audityrium, W ~dr~~'y eei February 12, at,8:15. Charlcs A. Site Vs cults. C111"e~ of Iiterahtci'e. Scieii c.iidw the Arts; It is requested b y the A ciis8trali ve floarci that aIl i bi1 ,ors who make reports of ,i1nC11imji c'.or Ab.ciit from xain i'nLi lsoifornlal ion shlowiiu the ,1 cuflity of flhat part of tvhe worl which h s been emus~inletedc. 11A. may lt b ie e y Uthejuse of the prnmholis kl AC X(131, (etc. W1. , lt 1 1 ,1 i't" , 1'Fo r he Adun ini;,s :ra t v e oa i ,iii Frateriity lresidrnts: AUll at~'iIiW arcrreques;ted to SubNi' a1t this time a comxplete list of thei~r pledlges on Wlank~s to be ,secured from the office of the Di:crrv of ?tucleat:. CCer ifcatus of eligibility fat fraernlty initifition cannt be .)'_ i w", iii;arch1. 3. ~ ~l~C.D'aiof sttudents Class Lists, Cot ige of Literature., $ei~e. all~d the ASrtS: Class cord.;: Insfur he l'iil I~nit)-.1 on i . . J nxf".f rcli' room xa;ssJu i l tsI r A bbot ............, Mrris hal ader........ .25 A 1if, sBa ke r....... ..103 t.. , I3' bout........03I.. t., Bill410y ............10:35 A. H., Bliss...........22191A. 1H. Bootho.......2013 A. HT. ltchar2t .202 W. P'11S.;, 1)1bld SEV'-1Tett.... ........22'13 A. JH. .ITIiWl..............2.1 A. TI. ll. z'a a1 ';;'r......... 205 NM.1Ii. lntru1t' c r rsi uix a signtl for Jak.......... .. 3213 A. H., Morris . .......... 2203 A. :1:. Nelson........... 3209 A. H. Ott ............... 2225 A. H. Proctor...... 165 Chem. bldg,,,. Lecture Room) Rowe ........ .... 2235 A. 11, Scheink ............. 229 A. 1-1. Waltecr .... ......... 2061 U. 11. Wtson ~tc~1........,.... 21003 A. 1:1. Wells;........,..... 1009 A. 11. Wetzel ............3017 1A. I1. E A. Walter >avoClasses: Priof. Ma:ier's piano? cla SC will 1met ou tonday, I<"(bruary 3, at 4:00 for beginnlers and at 5:00 o'clock for i1ntr ia~itecs iinstceacl of onl Tuesday. .Junior Riesearch Club will meet at 7:30 p. i.. Tuesday, Fecbruary 4. in room 1121, Natural Science building. The folowing papers will be presented : Dr. H. H.. Riecker--"The Endocrine Glands." Mr. A. D. Moore--"Radiations in Engineering." Women's Rtesearch Chib meets Monday, Feb. 3, at. 7:30 p. mn., room 304Museums Bldg. Dr. Margaret Wylie will, talk on "Problems of ecog-! nait ion and Recall in Abnormail Mental Cases." 'f~l' ie 11t ZIa ing sectLion of .11e FacultyWotuc '111b wiil IneO, ull Tuesday, February 4. in) the lobby of tHe Lydia Mendel sohn Lheatrc. The meeting will start promptly A 2:30 p. mn. IFnculty, Colleges of Engineering Indu Architecture: There will be a : :eeting of the F~aculty of these calegcs en Friday, February 7, at 1:15 p). in room 34,~ West; En- 1;i( ecrilig Building. fxlui : A. Ilop kiinsSecretary I bI Pychology 31. Final Exam The Final Exam in Psychology 31 wvill b en Thursday, February G, 1930, f romi 2 to 5 in the followin~g roo11 asignmnczts: A tor F inclusive, lVe t Lecture R'~oom ins Nvcst PIhysics B ilding ill bak of thylc Iburry. 1 xto 1, incluslyc, 1025 A,11 15 -Tail. M to Z inclusive, Natural Science Auditorium. Ulucbooks ,}houzld bac the regular small sirc, 6 x 0 1-2 inches. Only bluebooks may be brought to the ectamluation room. Fina.l Make-up 'xa,,m. Students with conflicts o illness which' prcve)( nt xaination at the reular hoer may lbring their excuses to that efe ot~c101he exam11ination room, and may 011e0thei x"I'mi ltioil monl. day, F;,l;.uary 10, 1930, from 2 to 0 inlroom 1121 N. S. Building. Awdu"bert Ford Uxmilinlatijiu,MUdi>1cm.w11".W,:'Ime ion s will . meet .aS follovws See. I (Stephenson) room 4017 U. 11. S. Sc r. II (Davis) roonm 110 Tappanm lull. Sec. III (Edlmoln son) room 109 Tappall hail., Sec. IV (uti)roof 4009 U. 11. S. S'.V ( Johnsl om) room 40.11 U. II. s. EVE'NTS TODAY ,T i4Jop ~comiuiittfe netin gtoday at Michigan Union ca nged lfrom 3: 15 to )2:-.30 lp . m. I - - r f . y _F 1',,, ..-*!-- ....-r ,-- - - - P -w- r-" r -rr T- r T ""I'-r-r-rr.'V^'!." r"T '...'"T..",T'7".T'-.V"..r-r-r-rw - ' E3,x~--~- EXv-~ El _ __I, I or EXCHANGE SECONDHAND BOOKS YOUR MONEYS WORTH ALWAYS AT UNIVERSITY I ,II Examination illplitical Science 121 (Constitutional Law) will be given in room 209 Angell hall, Monday, February 3, 9-12 a. in. Jesse S. Reeves For tho-ge who appreciate Specially Home-cooked Food Tasty Salads nri Sandwiches We invite You to come to ! i i 3i I ) k,, -- I li ' I's. p- ' *' l___ a Make your aped intm en s early for TpHE J-HOP Hair Cutting, Permanent Wayxng and all Kinds of Beauty Culture 11 t I r PHONE 9616 NOW 11 Where Quqlity an .Se rvie Excel SPECIAL SUNDAY CHICKEN DINNER 6c OTHER SPECIAL DINNERS ...50c 11-10"- S 0Uivers #y Serving St.iiday 12 -to TO 1. in, N'+J!CIi-W will be ojecat on Frliday, February 14th, from 3:30 A. M. to 8;00 P. M. .4 !3LU[? 3BID HAI R SHOPPE 3 Nickel.. Arcade 9 I I li l 07mmmmmool I 11 .A w lcx so } Big Suprise to dho who, havenl't N 0 The End Cracked a book during the year -somec of my best. " , 9 Good Humor Friends Downed Goil te finals! by of tlir tc vc tcj' ought to have been looking around for jobs. Whei you've been* Corning by a don't yoqr- book, to the give up, keep! ~ give up, eep605 Church St. just off south U. .- __ _ __~, ....... _ r._... .___ _ _ _ _ -r _ _ .. _-._. .__-__ _- -..--. -__ .--_ . ..-.__. _ _ __- .. ... ! 1' , J~ 1 ' ' rfi~' ' arr arrr r a ^4.k. 9r9i1r3r_4mr_'f1-2 rnr"3F_!NJmr9!!7mmR-R!-!fir-7 P"anew;r+nn.a- --- ...i.-- ---w-® - ____.e.- __._____- - ®_ , -- a- a- .,.: ; x; a i=HOP MATINEE Mimes Theatre LAS~rPPORWTUN~ITY - STHL Ihigan Unlof. Opra 1. / ! HOP MATINEE id Mimes MTIete I !t I Mims1he1r s'I ImI' 9 11