-- - U ljIAI,~k-~\ n-FT. W RI l - 2iiW1W; r. Aug"~ BIG NINE CAGE QUINTETS CONTINVUE TER, REST' WOLVIIINE WRESTL.ERS, CONFERENCE TITL R'ACE TO OBTAIN CONF NE TIT' LE ! OR WO W EKSTO NCO U;tNTRPURJJLIE1FEI3U ARY15 r~mIM Big Nine conference basketball neplsado et~te rei Michigan's 1930 mat team, ul (Mit and middle west. (Kelly w willi, n nth et te r ydfae so far this year, will meet" fU UTIN wilprogress for the next two weeks scheduled to be at Evanston to do i ,ih Chanoes to r lit second Conference opponent Anwmnwl1ersetPru iei withno gmesscheule forthebattle with the strong Wildcat quin- ~op3heas andBagri:wenherstng-fcsofPu tilapndwieeterM.jaohr fWoLMrithne qu~ et etintetoeAtle of theaLoMi4c ganr ~ ct ue inad et'lg ous e t u- iiar poteudwie ihrII nte Wolverines Will Visit M'%ichigan Wovrn u n'd h il -os e-Glir,'eoi, or Aldinger will Ray :P Stt o i~ ie maining eight teamns in the i('ame Brghi ruax;y 5 to attempt to block t t the' gof r ic;gn. *,a~l Y,a Statefor irstTini i to iiisoa z~in i r- _Wolverine drive toward a:;"i u } il HIewitt will be opposed by a i weiiht. Flu yl.will paJ)cpae ngamestht WlltuilrAenwap, iftne Oci f;PQbniiiY :ly Mateis t ceoiastie will b al ig Nne title. vetran at 128 _ponds where Weil- of . idit' have a bearihiN on the standin~gs. laniid the(n W day,; later they will 'lil- . oWtachlfs in the way of Purdue has lost two :uct. iYl raubtl will represent the .Boilrmalk ri~i T ED AT NE FOR Purdue, s et undefeated wiL11j i >l1)' ,Mciga 's varsity aicksters overt won oe il this seats 3 j t' aeMihian has won four mesIon~t~Pru 'iwl poesaE them a do e t workn1-theWl-ay 3(Th .loieakers shoutld oeaDad ors, the Wildfcats will ~~p~' o i illbe hell for Coachsm oEhdbsdie -if iith en nth 48pud iisobu iwun verine cagers will throw their' togsjpetience little dificulty in romping the Gophers atI Evanston and at- I vi e11i atfrCahEdc-__________ ---____ _ into the corner forteaer part over the Ohio teamn. Purdue will tempt to shove them fuirthel°rflown Statreyte r tl he icigansL oftenx th weeatoerake t Chicago, anolther'weak CStatel:iii 1-lieormsr thelfirstt hd i 1m thle filal e t 1utio ~ins which are ttt, (ii Februairy 8 M, Chieago, and I indianla will tn:,rpt to retain1 incttenwsmse nFb bound to give thiem more opposi- wi ti vel to coolubis on ebru- j their present 2and ings in poit ofI r .tth:ol 'm frtre tion tj-i their taint tworival:: on i y15for tile r itrn 'enuiter g. nes lot 1by tal*.'i~c, ri Oio onv--Wi vde hockrytegan with .al- the ~l~t~~l curt.withthe uckeyes. Lo view of this rllririiry f4,:ni n liCroQ aQoweekene theOggWWl curt" wtilthe1t~; :outihe u g i, tOS out'(-in g Ilse ntt gan or the Miebi an trio ofl' tunu, .it Purdue ibaSKet lawl r, n wyad h hacifo.p basketball ; ts mwill be against the fels S flVCexpeted to retain their ------1 - -th eiho ivandmte chaanc seoui u Micjx~gipState quintet on Feb. 15 Big Nine lead for the next. two -on- etti ir o l Iik scmatoerbi -or- lFr ZQ first time recently theI weeks at 1east. E XAM SPOUIT (CAlnFjNi (tir P-er Bfit defeat n the Coil- Maize .jcl lBhue wil truveJ to the Wiscnsun will wa ge a niglijy - sion ice was landiecl to diemn by, capital csity to engage their ciae t struggle with the Wildca ts on Feb- asketi I.. Marqutte's woder team Ili -tle- rivals a t the dedicatlon 9f the $par -ruary. - 11, with the Badgers still1 eb 15-- Michi ran ta te at j a'ecotid game of the Marquette se- tan's ,new' court. Smart n rm h ting ofthirlast Lansing res b Friday gi t. Juist what the Michigan cagers only defeat of the season dis far l Iest, iIg. the Al-Amerrican Mvas prged" an do against , strong opposition wh(en they bowed l)foire Nor thwe" Febi i. --Pbridn b(-unbe liltf~i ol toa~ has remained a matteL' -of coniour tern] in the opening gamU~e. This is, ovear tho e' iut i- old trag1af1e1 since the Indiana contest. 1riday thleonl affair scdll1ed fr til-l-(,,!~y Feb. 17-Mch gan 'State, her. _(Cont~ruei 1 M Pg 7 - nlight's gamre with the Maroons was Wisconsin c.agrs, until February 22, far frpinl a tsest of ability for the when they go to Chicago for a F'eb ..__- Grand 3apids "Y" at TYF WRiT ER - Wolver'nes as they uip a lopsidced game with the Maroons. GadPapls PA ING -, lead during theel~ay part of the i~efore Mic i ~n again sees, ac- - All makes o Ma- game and rmkahed f- ° in front ion on the harcwood flooir, 1Ill11Ni ___ _________-c hines. 0O. 4-equipa u~~ ~le ~i - hitl Will liave jplenty of o pp rinty t- t -a d piso- Fvery Mlhga lyer 's cd re Pm its third piatc{ ije wih the 'ft( Mblti'ccfnlty tiaced in 1ii jl- a t fisiere~d atwaln'st OCiag6 and all bt ene oft j Wivernes, with a total offliveyprio bw~els in (Xd~forinia because ' tnonit the hes.t in tle fat-.TI ther counted front the floor. Trrus- gamier int 13 days. On Februtary 5! Of race tioirlh,, has jtust been lift-i result Of~ twenity yours'' ,ArtuW kowsl and Kanitz lead the scoring tj(,,e Indians will iert Phicago oil1 ed by GCilifuisorc1 james W Yoods it~11n for the Michigatn cagers the for-Il their horme flr on t, it h they oIl1ow-lig- Cxiicli (s withithie 0.). MORR .. ' grou -Covliu~ir ag will-elcunter the Ulophirs at Mili- governo~il'atd thetr citiissioer31t4 St iii SrtS.Piof, r 66l - do N FIELD HOUSE ill probably have an easy the 158 pound -ight against inexperienced man. arker is slated to meet Had- 'eteran in the 168 pounmd Two new melt, Al St$~inke :on fame, aii Stewilrt, will 75 poundls, and si~e tbothi e on the -football teams of Ahools, the -'a-ttlk, f rhis la ef u hto e r boilermaker Qoobalf ard, will meet St( ddard iii railed (livision. - IRMA= i ,YY I , t=. . For To Valentine A ste-rS Pin! Burr Patterson &yd o Fraternity Jewelers-Siatowrs 603 CHURCH STREET Iu fb ill_ 04-- M 111111 #. i i i i j { I E' I E ;. r r 1 s ac $ri. scs .ncx SUPPlies AND -S 35 I, A AL DEN ,Iuc. Gym Supplies MIdle U 4n- with fe#w ood - MI KAt oe 324 -ttStile AT - - - _ _'_ _ q - ~ 4ve-r Or t ' I* - j Y'om' ; - M - - ,,: A-X _ _ - ---~~ xipia S - - '' q - _ ',I Di, 1- J: r ;; J r i " ' 1 ./ ' - 'rC l' - - - -.',, -C-'-- 'C -'C 11 Mp, I , TIE'R w . .- :- - - -d C v ;r the Horizon For ", -, .. {' a-r.. and. 4wala oilnen l Every pair to go a SLZ AND. PAAD SHOES O0 Pairs $785im Broken~ Lots to b discontinued_____ WOMEN'S XFOIDS AND PUMPS All 'New Fall «and.Winter, Styles -AlIeu~4t .Otai eo ~3 VALUS UPTO.$O, $9:00, and $10.00 Values Now o;, $9000 AND) $10.00$,.900,.$5.90, $0.90 and $7.45 I III 'I I I I I i I.FC-'ITRkc HOU R, I(XI~C 1AV.;Z, A itl DAV rA 1- I) 1'. \t-, E.. fW 0-i A 5. t SN I Y;l ,Vb h l'. T 1 W A tiE-Rls ey come--Ite -nucleus of an all-electric t4 lecChaint marin~le. Yesterday, tiey w-ere a 'dlc3am. { 'i~d-ay~ dy are well over rthe horizon, linking the ports' 1 -,ic cause and west coasts with fortni-ghtly ser-vice. The ~odof the Panama Pacific Line is -to build thr-~c more furlpl u cu-~ctic ships, thus'enabling weekly Ncuw -York- vcn noh w,, the thre- lners, ('alifornia, Vi-rg7 r an I'rtelsylciiri1i, ('Ons-iItut c largest flerof tuine- ~celccric (Qtci i -ij Atships in the WC0ld. lit i-s- jropelling thcse sbips, elccxi cky &LOJsts frreighr, r~tajS jitrs. ans pumps~, .turns rudlders, dlrives w~ic he, <1I1,( \VI sti e s csels ito their berths. It 1ih cisps tiI,5