1 ti ~ JAINA v 1 P ilYO lii iYillil iM IllrililiiMYMYMYiYIiY l n a C F aa iam mn onfer e ,c ouaige"I is as yet too early to venture ,IIttttliI 1HeI prediction ats to the results ISCREENV REFLECTIONS! MCOM -ENO DesiteRtdd D j(pett 7SysPretIss Iwich the conference will achieve. - __________ 'T M S r__ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ts problems are many and diffl-i-Cming 1Events. omance Full week starting Sat IVO CUlIML(I aDete edroPae v pme ,cmstlesreuthi t ~s e ncoaini to nte;ofdarday, "St's~ hougShona," i ur II UOF esse h r mnds 1srv, a enecliaginwabut its santons are cult butlt i encoraghgrtonoteWednes- So f"olwo ek 1tAe rc g iel t e tg t a ant w r'he evient sincerity of the dele-hi;a~:provemen"TIerdayoShowd b eg 2ELa unday Edition as Sourlcete United Stat lestohvjjee i order to give Prance thei the p3ropsals thus far tentatively Mighty," plot od, acting better. fvLIc. Sundtera o uret greateir niler of' the large 10,000(i political security she requires. AI advanced and the statesmanlike Rest of week, James Gleason's' b"wl-oedoeTruhmserMna,"Ai ofMteilfo uret tricuses eiterranean( or anl Atlantic ;e i grasp which has been shown of the !'"8Ita-no of roadcway,." Next, T welsdonmstry Through= Evehts Contest. "The ,fat< L t att mLon is fo- crty pact would beo aceptalrle, fundamentals of the problem of iweek. rnenodii',pi".fom Thrda, os"oans Sng Suyof the Sunday edition of 1 uhe prnOpaHtrs nti confes sbti pciaiguo h s-drmaet."-thitaemsia.I starting Friday, ickford-Fair-I tuytepnijh tfSitecofribltics of such an agreement. it. 1heepctaameg oftheShre,"' he New York Times is particu- ence should not.be. permitted tol must be remembered that the Senz- 'ak ei,"amigofteSre, aj*stic: Trhrough Tuesday, by Bill Shakespeare. Week of Feb. lrly valuable for students plan-, obscure thei importanc-e of the parts ate woud probably look upon it as "Sret ir, ning to compete in the National played by Franm e, Italy, and Japan. a departure from the traditional °. omd.entwtiinYmscar1,kay ooe'ssVrgnendfo Intercollegiate Current Events Con- It is ohzvous tha t there canrbe ho otttu~tde of the United States to- i noes' "YounSg whra,"Bawhe isics novel. test, according to Prof. J. L. Brumm r eductio n unless all the powes can ward purely European afairs. The( Stocky IU.--J.___A._ - CE of the Journalism department who agrre The Unitdcl Sates will te- statement~s of the ;various dleleates. is in charge of the local contest. duce her iiavy, according to Sec-show that the problem of security1 In the daily ,newspaper, wit~h its retary Stia sore to as low a level as is essentially involved in any I Conwrtivte wargRFSFRVE A+, .1Iwide range of reports and limited Geat. Britain will redue her::.. f t scheme of disarmament, ar oisoicite j '.~ "SE AT I space, it is obviously impossible to' thie htt r ur-oed: re i part (e- IvMr ri s stated, after review- .. explain and1 interpet fully the Iterminut y nii t fi the na'vy ing the complete sirutn ia n ta, TdintC 2271 h'ours. Information bearing on state~n uit ~by reni ir Tirdieu -n-- Cuirrent events has been collcted dcifte itt r. ni oice will of mi daiictla IETj 200 CHAIRS And analyzed in the Sunday news- tonnacge lra rger than GEra Vrita 2 Weave all Y Ii k A, V & cO ~ I W . u at ~1'ic;,yi, Otte Mock Noth from Hfill Aitdorum peer "The New York Times," ac- will he ale to conede. MtalyI cisrding to Professor Brzumm, "sea- diemarncing 'z parnty with Fr'ance, t .a. IA s~ 0 f7 Tr~es that It is the function of the pointin,' ou t 'her dependence od ti vdstmwv Luch ndtiner " I b.akground of the news of the week task c f econ ihnt the claims of ~U~ET~-Wt iii i'eadatble form" The imnportance' Prance and Italy nifty b he ;t M R IRL ,ele~rs 750 e ,4; the Sunday imes ar, a source- dffticut problei-atheat the onfe.r '31i4"~i fS~ae ~Pone 601I W~ok1 for the student of the inews 'once will have to face. I ______________________ ___ ___________________illitlllll'Ililliillllllla was also emphasized, I"Tardtei t, c.~ :y , ,rirld tht ~ iiiiiiiiiilii:IbkT iMse' oc!S Mihi'gan is one of the twentyjFran(e I.; willing to) reduece her de- I 4 (ii Saigit sbhT is which will compete in the Irands if poltical ecity f guar- j y annual current events contest i anteed lher," conI; nutd Mr. preuti. { I: -Y ICH US sponsored by the New York Time . I The General Pact. for the Re-FoMuca The local contest .jwill be held oi1 nuncation of War may be, as Ma- -'Fo EverythingMuia Tuesday afternoon, March 4. LDonald has said, 'a mighty Jular 1z R ad'fait- 7'+lfto 800PM* n Pla VicorE rcestr4 Ixtrtment.. ~ tcm yoI ~ V~tor (ottnia,&wi ki D -,March - J ~ol1eumiartl --_ oaa. TWO Intere tiu i~dy groupM w* l1l meet¢j ASK THOMAS HINSHAW, M1gr ALever~v Sunday eveni n li ft, at W11' in Street Phn Til, __________ ~2"""~"'he I' inal Test Dir~n~W~eCws kdyLeader ia _ oii Uv &V "A f EeryParty g - Topic "Reigiousidewa ad Mental Tlge eS9 T 4 I T R 1ih rdeRpi eri EDr. Duriey will discus heprblm. oretlgo { H RS O R T a hygiene whh special reference to the place of rlgon 1"THE,~ ARSOCAS in ouy p ler: o>alWe . .ITEi C°IG ND R a NiIL (Opes Grvy to uiidevai e) The Varsity Serentadersj N O I E T i r ip wilt not onvene in til Feb. Sole, (N ow at Joe P ark r ) ___________________________________Leader: Miss. Lois Benson. -1 Fvs 3 cr (a ri ci=c~i , c ~o tTo Fpic: "Car we Live the Chr~tsike Lfe." ~o~ e H W i1?C o 1ie Cl O chesctra Srvice itlt~ ha ve orrii~ee tiijply wthof 7il efrnc t tepracicability of leading s 1at~' = jre 7$~i( Get yours now end save irne. L E TIA I . ____ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ _ 0SUNDAY THROUGH WEDNESDAY 100% Talkin g-=Sinig--==fiancng iivI :: /q$ The MICHIGAN brin ____________________ ' illshows yoa need betwee Nuts. Pressed 35c mi end Deliver Cleaned' andr Pressed all and Deliver,~ )tresses Cleaned and Presses Plain Drse ',10 'REEINE'S JOCLEANERS and DYERS_ Want Ads Pay, gs ycou cwt of ,n your i VICTOR HEWRBERTI'S MASTERPIE CE "Mil1e. Modiste" TH-E NEW YORK PRODUCTION INTACT Also i.