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February 02, 1930 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-02-02

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! Ripley Will Tel of Adventures in Search1
13iU of Strange Facts for TBelieve It or Not'l
1 0,Unt-dievable 'Tales to Feature New Yorl;Globe. I.atace.wd
~jI~JFebruary 18. ! ether cnough stuits." 11e did.
iThat was eight years ago.
Babe Ruth hit 125 home runs in' Today ten million newspaper
tAnnual one hour, the word Shakespeare i'readers look eagerly for the daily
toural ,can be spelled more than 4,000 dif -' fcature tha _jt h.As aroused ;uch wide-
muferen ways, Yogi Haridas could; spread intcrcst. and "Rip" heas a
" ~touch his forehead with his tongue,i collection of faet~s that will fila
and a surgeon by the namve of Dr.I dozen books. His first volurte is
LARGE. Politman died at the age of 140,! now in its 14th print~ng and ana-J
havhig been drunk each cla y sincef other l;, being preptir ed.

BISCUSION r 4HTHighway Con f erncci


Two Bands Will Play at
Junior Party in Intra]


eeb, rn~n an Asistnt Qw.,cr? ot ,;ojuec(rit ,tlz- tended lrt school, carr ies more
Conroy Will Lead Guests !is on to sonie of the other Stran ge ;or facts and rccordis In his headI
in G rnd Marc h. thii)~s Riplevy proves as truths. "Bie- thstn any newvspaper man in Amer-
liryc IR or Not" Rip is coming here {Ica, receivecs 1,000 letters a day, en-
February 13 under thxe auspices of gages three research secretaries to
Success for the 1931 J-I op). the Oratorical Association to te ll! confirm every item used, and et
Michigan's premier social event of some of the strange facts that hie the first telephoto of a newspaper
the year, was assu red Iast night has uncovered in his traxels cartoon.,
when Francis Beebe; '311;, general through more than Gi4 countries ie ha sUt ret htrncd from Cenx-'
elhaIrman of the azffaizra,annxoun~ced ih the Pas8t 8 ears; and al-Lml Amrica where he (liscoverf-d
that the finail dcta4ils for the danzc! thouglxhoh ha.. been called a liaxr; some iiw and astoiniding facts
wer copleed nd(an encura ioi z than once--and he -actually; that will comprise his lecture here.'
inxgly large number of tickets" were ;i st e hsadese-ecnSeats for this talk, which will be
gold. The party, to bec held the I ove every statement he mnakes. given in Mill auditorium, are, ac-
nih f rco, e.l d .~Ti Rp is a former sports cartoon- cording to Henry Moser, of the l
traurl uilin, illmak andc at one(, timne promxised to spechl departmxet, business man-
clnaonof mor tan ac vhieve fame as a pitcher with the ager of the Oratorical association,
, lttx).iZilti)l ) I71.f.?I(3 thFs for Ton hn~ In. U TJ, tk 11 Z trrn , -civ.. - ,nipg61 A 1 ,'


Professors Marin, Bartlett and I
Bishop Also Speak Over
WJR Air Program.
Broadcasts During Exami Period
Will be Given as Usual
on Feb. 8 and 15.
In discussing "Children's Draw-j
ings and Art" over the MichiganI
Night radio program last night,
P~rof. Jean P. Slusser of the College
-i Architecture stated that there
is a great deal of interest to beE
:foundl in the crude ciraw .igs of thi
small child. "Some of t~he parallels
between the work of children anld,
of primitive artists, Egyptians, As-
syrians, Mexicans, of various8 his-


,mental Statement Qualifies De
Furth er House Cleaning Advised;
111 Athletes Are Barred,



I~u! A. 1 fic/1'lson, /JSSCtcidiecd rss Stf I; h
.. ~CICAGO. lFcb.],I 9:30--The icUnriversity 0of 1u~~a wu riin
ti z "h statLed]to good1 Stalilig nllIthe Westertz Con fereiice uLoda v It1,
4}~ on tfereiice factiltLv commixtttee. thle remnstatemenit is effctive ;t
once. Ilia eceision to rc-adm~lit lIo ~vz was re-ached after four hcmur,-
and Iwty,- GVC Miut of discussionl, the trend Of Wihich vN as iot
reveal .d.
\Vhuile Iowa is reinstated, the action was riot without qulwIl _ ,
tions, In a suppleenttal statement to the One giving Iowaacln
Proft. L.1 Morra'0fl,; bill the faculty coninjittec, members flatly stated that they c\ c t
Of the d i < trcnt of highway conrvinrced that all evils had been corrected, and advised Iowa an i 1ih
engttineeringt and ixlughw xataspoti, ities against ap 1f ing for r%-inst ateinent 3to eligibility, any of 11
who ha- s been working severall ;itliih'tes disqlualihl~ct~ ec. 11, 1929. At that time, 27 nzc~ieicltii iu
111.0141a, in coinpleting plan~s for thel 11 who still are inl school were bannzed frome furthiert CultietL iui,


lNWUNew or& Mont, roe 'Jou AiA, j o sateat skater's L~andu 311 Angea _. If ' 1 ,1 1 l Ti. .
months' efort of thJic uiior classes. ,l ~e(l, h ls a h p ~l.tone periods are very strkngin- + tf ti uluI hiway ngi -
Beebe and his guest, Miss Josse- "________ deed," he said. "The mature pi-nerinig conferece, to be held hereHS fa
lnMcLean, '32,at atand Leo) J. Conlway, peiand eli nifac omhish tatotenminlEitive has of course real mastery, lFeb. 11-13, Ilnclusive.LI More
aih is eel pa aki IkI-i often calls it a lucky break, for NI~~IL~lII and acvsfrequetly eiough. a 1700 are expected to attend the con- RTS bUS tze
will lead the grand march it '32,not long after that he drew heis first 4 dIU~f1 genuine art, but the kernel of~ art !vntion. PeI rNt" ato sa ot1c UT ~ BYI thT none. uiwllb yld
Prof.ee cIto ot a't o s ot s Al in tex a ic o hild." 1 al I 4ot
Wesbractig adadiof faller fr the sports page of the 11ffPo.AexM; fhasnenm ntir~JU i ~ JyI~JI~ j
anouncedcMsictillbby Ted II~J (I lelgIIWcVrig dt, Leic-t i IV
Fletcher Henderson's Ntw York or- I RI lC0lNt.RTIH II L einsedthe heat pdriaie fIlUIIe'l Ija A A A
chiestra. C DllFpNear !difT rt kind of radi-ators, ai1d L- HMME T O irst Lrd tAexander nouancs ly w
Thle Setting for the dance wil A thehighzortalty rae lIe 14 Iflmetc
T 01 H 1 HE E ilfolow a modernist-ic design. i February 12 ini Recital1 clild~ren and what can be done to ' I '"'ef I1 7,000 Ton Boats a
Kaleidskop Stadt,"oncive^d for i'UYll 'GIEHat 1-ill1Auditorium. leaevent it. ast tn the lrrva T .saloen
Jvlitha ' alor sh, wiacurewas Prof. William W. l3islhop, librdo- WreCON Plko evlpmns li i1ENCJ3 TAKES RE ST'isc
presents kaled4-%copic lightinug f-___ I METIROPO.ITlAN S ' T rim of thle University and head of - - oTako evlpet
mfets climaxinag inl the oulinecs of the deparment of library ,i ueci in Transportation'; Meet By Fraolk II. Icing 1Ti;
the J-Ho b'Ath e ers And U oldr of transcontiniental Air ' , ho decribed the tremendous wrk t ~ i ssoiatedrestafWir. Vm
a metropolis at one [end of fthe ball Rcordls 1Pu11c-aes Latest A ..teld Pr1e~e~- novdinree in h afII15IODOIn. eb. 1 .--fh rit ct~iali
'u "The orchestras: wilt be sta- t seumcsti. r rc(%s, Chaoral Unoi , V? Lan library in Ronwic, ainwhichv ilelroibo
pp l- ores ratoprsenating Th~sabeth RIethibrgso-; work lh. played anl important {art. RI 1NJO W$ XANE)ishgvernmeldn han twdropperom Y
middbe-of the ballroom, and booths - - TU~Jrni rctlWdedyngt A Stng (Quartet 1 t aalbidn:ln w oeV~
's"i PA AIN IE O RIrni arctlWdeda ih lycuier, than was realized when Far
wiilllline thesisidesfothethecdancingA sAingOquaIDEt Feb.s12,ofin Hill auditoriumangtmengs fa+rtTte fei poketd yot reminingpfor iapFof.ar12aninment auforoA.uV.+ AlexanderxfirstrLordsoLorthef ooth
floor.- - Louise Cuylcr, Ruth. Johnison, the sitenth annual highway onl- Admiralty, made his announcement food:
Th'e kcsytrmann o ap . Frank Hawks, holder of the' The record of Madame Rethberg osras l reeet TeTem Newell and Lucille Tlicfgin cring conlference, to be eld to the Houuse of Commorans that thle Hens
thie affar will be sold from4 untilt, records for both eastward and seems tsupass almrcdnt h nai~ll of thelacschool of Music. ries Nrhmbrad"aa =il
sctee gu ecnes-h1 rgaln:ucdb rt .L orsu Srrey," Jiad been canicelld.bal;
Unin. avrs ay e edeme stp figV',wa inAnnAror es-wielysctteed usc cntrIthi ProgrWlon :rt M.ea'".. " i, e by Pof. the L.rorrio.i 'onaio eaepbi
during the samne hours at the ticket terday to purchas.e a glider from jspeaks for her riaistery o e' : P'o liWdod. bbot of ~iL,()z i a a . ~i'~ofteporn rewietevroL' o~ot
booth. Booth lists of all fraterni- ,prof .IR. E. Franklin, of the depart- Within the space of six months departmient, drctorv of the Morris oppuaineetndrexec-I Puail
tisms einthehands of the mn fenierng+hc h ilMadame Rethibc'g's list of engage -!hallpstudao .yesterdayaannoreexpect-.tte naval disarmament cneec iconferenceto nieeig hc lewl alsudoysedyaiarn; c t trc h htrs f are!wr tlaoe h ek-n ulIwt
committee by the first of the week, ;use on ,a barnstorming demostra- meats called for appearances wt the programs to be broadcast nex tiatte neeto arewr tpay oeteweked mulis
it Is announced. George WeYl, '31,1to flinghtaround the coutry.r four important opera companies, C Saturday andic the week -tfolowiig. )pat?;t of thle Student body, he said. in negotiations, and caused oe-
w ill receive the mnes of all mdc 'Udera soaring te xwithit athe MetropoilanOpera comapany, IOil. ile piogr n of Febriiairy 8,Dr. Prof-. Jon S.3 Worley, of th1e d- tigofamnr estini avl1
pendent men who wish to occupy 5-oo insred i helte; ;;Cyuis l) trio hedpcicd ,~a ie~to r~nlvra~o et r- le,4 rli
booths. In the case of any frater-fotinspea,"sth ltet heate Paksmerao sDesenofthe ;aof1 _ ,rtiji'ai5 of te wlldeatment pA- tnn o raipo:tin 3 Bidestle two projected 10,000 e
blt abt lit -creation Of Profesor Franklin and VIneawsumrsaono h fintera eiiewlldsus e-i, is expeedl to address ca schro
nity sumin abot0litcon- his snWlaeFrn"n h opea in Chicago, and the San I the reety ' I ncd e ret-;tons ships mietioned by Mr. Alex-(al
IraniscoOper oallacecityInd aecetly tiwhoind ne tr at . , 11het1)011 k o1 ade° po which plans were sus- P
tainig les thn th rnllmun of rancsco peraof Uit cty I I) +mwnt for perniciouit ineevaralrofcenpdeioy crowds when he speaksrof.Op'I nndei
taigls hntemnmmonshae usd ideralsrecnt.dCm- .Los Angeles. Louis A. Hoplkins of fthemathemna -j hanges in 1modes of transportation jended before Prime Minister Mac- Cinet
pressed with regard to combining ,ai akwoi edo h This series of bookings brings' tics departrment will talk on th( uall-dutring thle last centuary at the an". Donald went to Washingtonls e~
withanoher ous. ai'itoi~c~ivsio~ o theTexco i er up to her long series of ap-' uxsu~i topic of thic ntela,l iacnY 1i-;mal cnferene banqcueIto be held auturtu , the fritish Admiralty to- (viir
No Ticket Reservations. i cmaypastotu heUie pearancres at the Metropoltan Op-; tution of tie star,; Prof. A i) i'IwJ-rscly, Feb. 13 day confrmed reports that two 101
Albert Donohue, '31, ehairl'0411f t m it, tgrte glider behind ani~r Hot.Ateohtwe sshd Moore of thle lect-nel n iceo" ('a fiter cangshaeocue i thrcuiesoe f1,00tosu
th-e ticket comlittee, stated List '." utled fora concert tour. !departmnnt, wil talk abouiItClr the 1wi r.nSprattion feldl during the and another of something under 7-jA
nih htn eevrin o i.:eaiplane, to stimula te interest, inl nmciatel ." olconcluding hh onrsytrincll " amd io . s e e "r , n thatn. most po- 000 tons had been adroppedfrom t hle ICnt
tsmybmaeadall tickets vty Met piiic c n Opeto r g a _ jncntt. - , ,_o--!t1"I' pc r ,iz.e, nfdsrWutyy.' 11130Obuilding programl. Wii
emaning forete art wllbel i on-ilial intenution was to M-ode.a pea eggenf t acit ord, of tevyi ~ ~ C ~P~~sl ~Jw~
reann o h at ilb odI purchase Professor Franklin's led - ~iaideparnictit. has chosen wfor r .ilub-NotiolW ao,00 atobyspI''lcc "aiirshs"ndneet
wiho t rfeen eto first corners. Bird," atsecondary glider of s mnaller )Rrehearsals f r re d n o egnfor. ha thsy hoog'world premiere _ ro _a -.t .lcs of th~r, he 1 ,0 0 o-ne ,onill 1a
Richard Purniss, '31E, chairman ~'igped hssih iree admstiporatwrdpemanee Iessor Ford is now engaged inl r- ]ortatun comaip ais if le wished lalmst be called a mythical ship, o
ofumusicstated thati hc the catj was demolished Frdy feno of "Thle Egyptian Helen." Richard;fut
nubr o teafi wihtewhile bgeing test-flown on the Bar-Stashecporhseero company in the psychology of ad- this coningencey has been obviated fleet for 1930 giving the complete thait'
bands have promised are virtually !toilpoSdricesbhind atomobiles choseeherstog.by the rgania tion of large trans.-- buildinlg program does inot list it. ta
creteth ttleroe.-. i-- co il
armthnwohadr.a.irplanes. Pilot Larry Rogers'cctete ilei>. . h oIrr1a;L-1o.l rlil 10 i~wona. ,wih
hafurl o e frmoemo - in I toah ep a a tc t e tr a ' w- , . -J w p or- 49 1 iil t c niel.e, w ic I h
twhe leder. Te; roolap peranctaro. the 01n the,[nighlt of _NFe rula ry, 14 fL roimi te l sekt:-for railroads,lf__i II/IY~3IO' !IBIAVIN a-l
mu.c frllhe :anmip.{1 c t __ limit o 1:e Mer ohuloic , la r ed I -
be braast foronthe d:0r1:3 - an d was tglding dcown for a. lurid- or 'lockA _'-l :30to 1:30 'lock. the 'auIl] oa ts ,, ai-_airplaine Fns ija- 1OR EXAM1ltdATION PERIOD tI
bi racatflg eon the, ice when ,a gulst of wind I nme fsnleamsintcetsstationi wllbroad._cas, it.lr I -' ohsn oeo teIWith this issue The ajlill
ti., lhe "Goodwill station _ _ I himgl dm sso tc s:, towardm trees p on e f r t thefeen e w ll lu - w ll ,re d
I ~iit'-' _ l twrdtes i fo.WJ, the imu~cfot ha-lop oe fteiofreitc, , ll u in-pend publication for the ex--
through the coiurtesy of tihe mtro- are on sale at the School of Musric be t he ntrallinrail build-: [mI-c, his talk on the i-igh ays of allllatian eiod. the firstii-.
w~; o ola utcomapanly of etrit. ; orn offTbthe tres ead the offce. ira, led We c anamd lec.ca elle -l oth Aleicawith a rmtion l r+- isuofteecnsmserm
Prof. Waldo M. Abbot of t thei li 1,.shitsun dot i1 to thie e 11o31- +----d~er sonwill lay t thiis ftnir,ii o-1re potra~i',g primtive tranlspor- appea on-Tuesda-y, Feb. 18.its1
ric department, director and all - r t from in altitude ofab u 30 F i a CAuh g'il O e ar~ February r1n rogra'mI willil__________ ____si_____ aArr i~c~rj; re
a alle ter ofMorshaitn i.e. fe;.I a- atae byn r- Will be Given eb._15'clude Dr. John Barnw'el, instr uctou-------------------------------reef
h andlete irphoe.pai, but Rogers escaped uninjlured ___kin internal medicinae, 4ho wi ll 't P EUSS i.SAYS OUTLOOK T LONDONis usI
due te sturdy metal-tube co- jM1imeas /PIresell! ,,IleOutsidier' cuss tuberculosi; Prof. Thomas CAUSE and
Minnesoar ttISota Beats OhioI struction of the ship's nose. l ainond, of thle vocation ,l cedhirjesn GIVES CAUSE9FO ENCOURAGEMENTVi ,-
Captain Hawks was among- tic} le iuring First Week 0of ilm. epartment; Major Baiil I). T;l - , ---- - beau_____________
29-26 for First VlCtOTY" iinterested setaosyesterday ad-wrswo 'wil[ l, btl ieI;,. (,.()liaIdry Ntl-as asosl f uua ofiec
(B s cae ) )Friday w ho w atched the w or k be- : Final perform ance of "M errie- 0.'s.C.; and Pr f. lar nceforea
MINNEAPOLIS, Feb. 1- The Un- ilig done by the local Glider section' GoRounid," the 1929 aind last pro - er of the department of generaI - isesSoluhoofle Aofmutucalad tBisama met r
iversity of Minnesota basketball ( in- training embryo pilots. He was duct ion oh' the Union Opera as Iingustics, who will discuss Esper- Nov al Problems. delegations hiave recogn1iized that Co
team won its first conference vi- enthusiastic in his praise of the i scheduled for Saturday afternoon, a to. ---the ineeds of their repective navies l abil
tory' of the sao here tonight, d- University's glider club, and expres- . F;bruary 1. The box office sale for iThe Union dance; rehcstra will "Xitlolilr 11Wike ondon aval are rltvadti ak l l
fating Ohio State 29-26 in a con- sedt the opinion that "glidling is the ti e performance will start Wednes-i present music for this progr1, - era'th n f tsfrs eti Anndvanceovrtecnac
test marked throughout with loose mssmigblk between the studenti day,Fe.1,ath Miste-I Professor Abbot stantes. ten ionu of te British at Geneva Iabe
playing onl both sides. and aviation." re ______ Q11d ,y las. ion it Passedbeyond ht!hi nes eeabsolute i ~
heGophers camoe from behind - Following the engagement of r, p Div7ing Permits the ))epariitoi'y stages of its lab reegitono h rltv sad e
a®e hoSae a c tteFimo Ja fArc' "Merie-Go-hund" 1in the Minis! [ptmo e, rc is 1, ml c ruere Inefi ",IWo ftear d Invans that ths con ference will tow~
al,1- 12,he engagement being ,, theatre, Mimes, honorary campus tobeGi 1 n by Dea ni?errt n 1t11,ie prls received, th-us be uie of reduction and not one one
nearly a duplicate of the recent { VYWill Come 3P to LPegueP dramatic organzatioin, will presenit ;ar," tated Mr awr ence Preuss of thle upward limitation of arma-F
game between q ff eto aer. dr~i the two quintets in I "The Outsider" starting Feb. 17, and ] - Ici , ,cnC >,,fc'I the Poltical lee department metits, the
Coubswhen the Buicke yes won l First attract ion lit the Lydia t running through Feb. 2. N[l1 - in disussintr.(; le iosble ucomre I ..Je United States," averred Mivr. thl
after holding the short end at the Mende-lsohin theat re Ior the see- tor ---- -- 4PI Q!. t[f l~omol mnwec1ti. several t, a tss, "is lnt willing to aboish at
haf h edcagdfour times aud semester will bae a presentatiolerman Chemist Will ~-- f the problemlas whichi beet the capitl hps entirely, but will co- fli
pneriod prioe ofpla.cofthplayn. - aThngaseod _ u German sonsfor I sent00 Wa;hto .n Cnfeenc of1JXt5P11 o placediionplie-d 1 s)0 afft
In __________ Of Joan Of Arc" Perforniances are Give TI1o Taks P r l e t~'a e aatoluobileLs or cr a l:,a' 1W-)23.bla _n lrcaused the break- j thr -si-ic a-d a small reduction in ago
1 1 Break fast I~eue o each night of the' --- ~o:,e-s over tile J-liop week-e;d l opif the (4eilieva Conferenace O hi ubr oh r-tBianar
.S'rip,'uni 1101) I ~~in ..1. 1 e +,.in I'Vmf R-4[._ (iiim frrnerIV r- ihe obtatined thlnouLclIthe iA exill1 I9.t,! gemCito[be on thle taLy to a!.i h hifr tirrv~it d

e imnmediate ieinstatenicn, it
explained by the conn iite,
nis that Iowa can engage ini
etic relations with <rayn mci-
of the Conference ini medhktely -
_ough the 1930 scheduale' for.
ball has been arranged , tuw;1
the right to schedule all sli;
games possible. Iowa natural -
ill engage in the Conference
, swimming, and wrestling
s, but hardly can expect to get
Y, dual meets with Big Ten
ibers, all of which have ther
!dules completed.
Names IDisqualiled iMe,i
te eleven athletes nined il tile
nittee's supplementary resolu
were: Monte Stewart, swine.-
7,1loil Ioyer, pole -va nIIIter;
C[ Mitchell, basketball; Mike
-o, Captain-elect of the :1930
ball team; Seward, Leeka, bas-
all and football; Lawrence
on, basketball; Boyd Liddl,
amner; Doyle Pn ikeJ., -,baa Ket,
;Irvitig 7 c' son, feool tba a;-
call, aldi basebll; Pete A'Gr,
ball, and Homner MAs,.%grove, base--
These athletes were c hargdI
iacceptinlg mloniey'tbrouigh pro-
Tory notes from the ;o-cld
A "51051) fundt."
iwa was barred from abbtlt ",
Lions with tile other mie
aos last May. aaubsequteutty tvwo
tiomis filed by tile School for re-
atement were denied. Iowa was
riled to the fold oday, how-
'without haing imade a new
ial plea.
Action to Spare low;',
mniouncement that the North
tral Conference of college;, of
Hi Iowa is a member, would si ",
igate athle tic coditionsr at te
keye school inspred the aton
the part of the committee. 1 t
felt that Iowa should be spared
;her humiliation c-nsidering
Lit hadl made earnest efforts to
iply withl suggestion ade by
faculty group to improve it"
letic affairs.
he rehistaternlent resoilution?
Whereas, the Conference i., sat-
d that the athletic authorite
lowa have reestablished the
iciple of faculty control, anderetye~eaoigt o_
tconditions which led to the
pension of athletic relations,
Vlereas, although there still 'is
on to suspect that certain
:es outside the administration
still resorting to improper
hiods of aiding athiletes, tie
ference heas confidence in te
ity and determination of Iowa
,horities to ascertain the fact;:,
1 to deal effectively with such
ses as may be found to exist.
'bierefore, resolved that athletic
itins'with the' University of,
ra be resumed, effective- at
'ollowing up this statement that
4y were not completely satisfied
t outside agencies were not still
work to aid athletes, the come --
tee issued the supplemental
temnent which cautioned Iowa
~inst asking that thie athletes
eddy barred-be returned to good


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