SATURDAY, n Mr,,UAR 17 1930 THE MI HIGl,, .DAILY SA~uDAY F~fRUA.Y 1.1a3O T._vMICIIIGN I)AlL s. ..- ,. .. WATAMM 0I ANNOUNE CHANE ELIZABETH RE'THBERG HAS AMAZING 'TITfUDE OF UNIVERSI"TY AUDIENC~ LE [Eiabeth Rthnbeig prima don- hoame ws 'a cnter of culture ashfitl "U~~Y 'niversity audiences are inded f)hi time is spnt in travellinug fromn N"J Bna sopano of the Metopoitain,1 aasnian erVU~lepasure to me -they are 8,p- lc to pac te 1_i! ppenan Opera impl,au o will b hWdii ! yhehad motCIt herws ine ndusherOfCHonfic Iewen Or R J~rJ ilautiu delat ani. Thy1HI181or12Fot hEodan janid 66Al t RM L ~E OIin the Choral Union Concert Series1 father a pianist. From babyhood a -. owitz, young pianist who played in ; Aer c oc(rt, but lin the sumn- NS H Onight, Feb. 12, is recognized as one gre~t mastera and very early the f Alt.Itoi seem to consider the concert at part, whlen he can return to his native t _..__Of the greatest singers of the (day.; genius of the child, later destinledi of their education and they al)- landIHoro)witz liv,, thc life o any, Annual Basketball Banquet to IA heavy schedule, of operatic en- Ito Become a great prima donna,I on Tuesday, Feb. 18. + iiad." ;ornmal vong main his twentes. (gagements In this country and ~was awakened. I o the third time. Morowitz is "I like all kinds of sports, politis, l of Second Terni, her from being heard fn Ann Arbor.; play the piano; and at seven she ice hour for chor uses Bl and CT indc time hie has visited AnisA- ways interestng but. of course miy invited --- sa8,ng the whole cyle of Schubert's !the junior Girls' Play, Ruth \ar,iib or on the Choral Union Conceirt pactiin coms first. I have my party t TEAMS TO GIVE STUNTS ' 1,wntr journey," At seventeen 1Tuyl, assistant chairnt(, has an Oi ie 1 . His extrene youth - he is next ,year's concerts to plan then; styGir S-Iyeor5 or age she went to Dresden 1onedaslgtlhr n eonly twenty-six -~ makes his con- you know" he said in his precise I.Y Sdedk orFia Runs f! wIshe lwas enrolled in tihe conw- ! i c .for Tuesday, Feb 18,.The, cnts all11thic mre rciarkable in I' E lish, jutst, aquredince liy lastati { 1. .1 ;s Turnamcnt - Two winters later her jshdue orMnayin t'edahir glorious success, but ifame is visit to u AnnArbor.alot vryOIi0 n Iteca ourncd. . . ,bathe wasta rl ed tofrom hi da F- eb. 17 and 18 are slolo'ws: clot 11CW tahint fo' lie hlit en Hooizplays ams vr d rk,,Monday: m kigcnett~Olo i -.ter, requesin; th'at lie colie at 3:304:30. Chorus A, Civi.' tt,; 'tr ecuyears old. is mus ic htle ially lt- otilergi nionnceisent ofpa =ocIiintc ihefiLeague builinngother Annoneet facage"inorce to Dresden anid sigficet con- Lau ulig 1 at Ii.iie of rateir easy but terested ii.Ilie concluded the in- bach, ' the date of the informal basketball tract to appear as prima donna at 330-4.30, Chorus 13, theattrie ret,Iieess critical attention terview with a friendly smll, "I Weber, spradwasmae y Mrgre Oh- te Rya Oj~r Huse Wenae tac hich has: annoyed many' visiting haven't time for anything iport- walker, on'3,mngrobakbaat -Ireached Dresden. the excitemecnt 4:0 :0 hru ,sa;,ceebrities did not seem to bother ant but my music-and that'. The en th atpatc.Tesra ilalready awakened proved comta- I:0:0 CouM, ae orowitz in the least. On the con- enough, I'm sure." Elaine, th atpatc.Tesra ilgious. Fritz Reiner, then concductor ( :0-:0,1or CCge rary lhe said, Yonpeleae - --- -- be hld at6-o'lockThurday,-eb* .1-Tusday behl;t",'lc, hrdyFb of thfe Royal Opera was overwhelm-; rucdy. free to express what they feel aboutI 20;' instead of Tuesday, Feb. 18. ° ed by her singinng. Musical circles; 3:30-4:30, Chorus H, Committee' my paying but I like that because{ Ths"hng hsben aee on of Mvarch 1, i the bi i- if time Michigan Lecagu. Alitian~, '32, is Chairman o feral coimhltl..', awl te embers are Willeia Kam-_ 32, riaily Bites, '2 Orm 30 S.M., Georgia Vander-' '31, and Tielen Mikei, '2 tertainnient is in care C) F'rost, '30. Voices Saying MUSIC HOUSE yting Mus~ical Rey wick PH AW, MgrW Phone ~75 d to attend an 'on ART" by Y'AHYA Saturday, Afternoon i2 to :.4 o'clock Third Floor Persian Art pieces gseolus! IMarumoset she' color for February - THIS AFTERNOON- Coat 1, t 'Hll from 2:30 to 4:00 e'I iau~ -M ic -Iu't ni el d'' 1 f sreet, afte-\ III 8 8 La d u tility c o a ts . V a lu e s to t l c v n g w e r Faldesion$5,50, erectly for a delightful._t; beautVify t $9.5.t $1450 I.batf Spring A group of silk and wool tpr; Portayasd $1650 Utility coats of camelaine resses including mi a n yansevc . Prtraals* * 16and tweed mixtures. Values early spring models Values Th e oeto $59.50. to $29.75. 5 is more becoming thxan you 1 t°I Chic ta~ioed dresses inthe I I 4a T1 J~ I7AL d '("7 (. Ity 'and weaz'zI-"g TOCKTNGS the ankIl" and . le 'e it., for metil f Of