. 1:'t'UtLJ)1L;Y,,- t'-fxl'I:j y " !; yJ i .. H MICHIGAN D AI Y . - p PACE- "IIWLM *.THE MICHIGAN DAILY ~AGL TU~ -w CHOIR .PROGRAI $UNDAY NIGH A A i i s so o , a d i s rmt nm 1nbers on the organ w ill icluded on i agmsicalt program be given tomiorrow~ night by Andrew's vested chroir oT. men.a boys at the church. Preceding the program will the traditional Episcopal Eve songy; service including Staine fainiliaar seven-fold amen,t Magnificat and the Nunc Dimitl The following anthems will rendered by the choir: "Tarry Wi Me 0 My Savior"-Baldwin; "TJ Sun Shall Be No More Thy Lig Bly Day"-Woodward; and "Ha: H-arkK, M,,, Soul"-Shelle . /E~ GRADING S YSTEM WITHOUT CONDI TIONAL MARKS "GAINS 1 MOTHER OF DEAN iCHICAGO CITIZENS PLEDGE MILLIONS 6M POPULARITY IN EIGHTEEN YEARS SI~NCE INSTALLATION; DIES IN TOLEDO! TO KEEP POLICE, FIRE PROTECTION it h atcassoe n ill, however, have to which had been handed out dur- Mr.AieE. t soliio ~ 0dIidThrdywt cut or +Smester, examinations onothe hor- D er .Btso h a HCGJn 1Apeg frdTusa ihcut or izon, Michigan's10,000 students be passed upon by. the Board of ing the first semester of 1911-12Deanchooded nryM.Tesooh a HIAOJn3-ledgeeaof officials relative to advancing near- s col idinTld al yester- $10 000,000 for the maintenance o e-have turned their attention tojRegents before it' can be put into'In one class in C. E.,3, 28 out of 46 day morning at the home of her (police, fire and health protection ly $2,000,000 to meet all expenses be those precious little things called 'operation. It is proposed that, be- were given what is comnprable to a'son, Frederick G. Bales, actcording aand other essential public services up to Saturday, Feb. 1. tgrades, whose installation occur- ginning with June, 1912, the final ""D Minus" under Ulhie present sys to word received here ,ye i rday. was handed to the "Citizens' Relief This was folowed by reassurance tored on the 14th of February just semester reports shall be made in tem. There was no way of telling Doean. Bates immn-ediahly left for comittee today by the Building from Gov Louis L. Emmerson that St. eighteen years ago. acrac a ewudd i tott pe ofaccod withmarthe Afollowing planollwingwhethern goastudentthe a sudethwa"worhToledo. Theedo Th funeral lrvies wll Mna ersissocMtio.agers'l dassocimosatiope. and According to a Michigan DailyofmrngA-xelt.Bgod "B" or "C," on the other hiand; be held tomorrow -Ui the ressessment of 1928 taxes. Ifor that date, the Literary faculty C- fair, D-barely 'passing, and hence, the adaption of the present -__ - CHICAGO, Jan.: 31-The pinched; A :meeting of state officials and be wa given permission by the Ad- E-not passed with I-incomplete." marking system. Included in the The present enrollent 01 the pockets of Chicago and Cook cun- members of the tax commission, ministrative Board to install a sys- "This plan admits no condition= original plan was the point system university of Texas shows an in-; ty had the prospecs of a slight I called by, the governor, planned a' e-tern of five grades insteadl of the al grades and the rule will probab- whereby students must have an crease of 28 full-time students over bulge today. program today to insure quick set- or's ithen existent "con" and "pluck" ly be adhered to as such marks are equal number of honor and hour° the number enrolled in th-~ long, The Citizens' Relief commnittee tlement of :both Cook county ad the system which either passed or ( generally considered to be unsatis-( points for graduation. session of 1928-29. headed by Silas H. Strawn confer- esat tax problems. tis flunked a, student. The Daily's factory. Frequently a condition ex- ---- --------_________________________________________ bei story follows in part: amination is worse than the orig-? 7__________________ 'ih"The plan prescribes lour pass-; inal and the student is let through hcpassing, with no condiinA e-1101, haveL don inU1prepara~1tin ght mium of points is placed under the According to reports of. earlierI rk, new system for a higher grade oft issues, the campus was highly in- work. This latter phase of the censed about certain "con" gradesj Onlya Fe Mor Day 1 To Join Our, hrst a s av $Club BJe Prepared for the Christmas of 2930 IIII IIIIIIIIII III IIII IIM!III IIIII litlittlllltlrt111llUl1111111,11.Mil111111if 191111111111111111Ill HIItilIIIIIIitittliltrilltliiiititrlUnl11cr11,,1i111111ri rriirrir timrrrrrirIfIHIHIIHtill 7 I Prima Donna Soprano of the MetropOolitan Qera Co. Choral Union Series HILL AUDITORIU1M 8:15 P. AND START SAVING NOW OUR S AVINGS CLUB, BRINGS NOTHING BUT H-APPINESS AND CONTENTMENT Ann Arbor Savings Bank Main at Huron- 707 North University Alimited number "of tickets available at $1.509,$2.009 $2.50 at School of Music Office. a Will r j:z.ai.auu wa .srrrd ,a .+ i.r + sati+r a rw r i.r .r r ra r uc r 6- ~-l:~G~~ GLifa 6~~io~B - - - a- - !-dSai'- -- - - - - -- - -- - a t~ - .a- ---------- I. rwok YOUR E w '" At Our There 32W Stat fit -° 334 S. State St. 549 E. University Ave. I tiOAPAAATErf