ECSTABLISHED[ 1 99Q L tt 7,11a I1 MEMBER ASSOCIATE!) PRESS VOL. XL. NO. 93. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATrURDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1930 EIGHT PACES PRICE FIVE GENTS ICH.IGA ' / {1 , Fk _ i' 1 c i .I. 4. TA E 2 9- ddlm AE FROM M AR00 , yR r COOLEY HONORED' I I NTAIOSMY BYSTT GO P riM ROF E HELD MARCH 1 SOUND PROJECTED THROUGH BODY STTIROP FREC IRU1NII O[NA WLEINES HOLD I BYENGINEER; EMER ON, ODRICHIPASfl[NTTNGIIs Pcu i~tRpdI N FIRST PERIOD TI ANDBOROAN DDES METIG AR EOc uni aftriMach:vill zdz CON FERENCE BASEME ANHUHHOWN 900HESS MEETING ~ ~~~~Rinstatmnit Not (o ltz oauzz sudYG)edya h .,j i, c 1A t of ileaea U of stucleats. t $ > Pa t i s cain ni l("ye tiationeoti fiat rfneity- Speech Projected Into Success Attributed by! PaTiratz . 'fl Big en (lforjiilL ~iof lracrnesity Truskowski and Kanitz DivCid Brain1 Directly b ymn Governor to ';*t IWAPNIHE EO G will not be issued until that in FourthSucsieC Pequidents of alt all fraternities hv i h E g t P i t Elcrct9E gn e 1 ann .N. C. A. C. Pannied Inquiiry,fLl(e of the clan a complete list of.______ _ "c:.'of . cinl. A fa'' C~A~ir; nc. f"~~j~I p, . )JL A nn.Lni I ?L IAIn I LEAD GAINED 0' OVERCOM1E :NT QUINTET lScoring Honors rference Win Apiece,. Speech projected ctr~hostatic- ailly directly inito the human brain'l - as otle of the rciiarkabale demi- onstrations 1)ef orlncd esterday afternoon lby *D r. Sergitus I.'. Grace, who closed l the lecture prEo- grail of thleMichiigan i iicr ing Conferecgc in Ilill auditori- urn.< D~r.(":rase spoke a sentice int10 a telephone transmitter ;uid~, t)V meads of amplifiers, this sentence, was distinctly heard by all thesz audience. At the same time a pa-rt! "J ;"l tililm lilyi,c ii) the 'po- li t wal lil l 10t: 1othe faIct 1that I ";iin b)v nature a' politician, lbut to the( faict that. t a i iiengineer,'' said the II oji. lFraidk C. Emtlerson. go ye rn o 1* of Wvoii iii hs ad -} dress Ito11 lel)CP5 of the *Fourthi 1', rineering con tlrence yest erdlay alt (eriooll . Gove rnor l14,il -csI. vN hlo is aradnu~ctate of the TEiio-)'i- rlecering collegec, spoke onl". i el0d of the Engineer in Govern- 1 ffor. N4Mvarch7. obtainable at the office. AVE IVAOXMIl i. AIGI.ER DIECL1INES COMMENT Professor Ralph W. Aigler, University of Michigan member of the Big Ten faculty commit- ?tee on athletics, declined to comment extensively tonight * on a report from Chicago that : Iowa university will be restored* to good standing by their .orn-: mnittee tomorrow. "Interesting, if true," Pro tes- sor Aigler said when told of the ronnrt. Pv(nfr.!tirA i rrii* r who. is H OCIKEY TEAM5, 32 M+.cFayd en and McK c izie Scorc Uast Two Goals to Turnl Defeat into Wi. 3y iAssociated Press 0.11I CAGO, Ill., fan. 31.-Setting up a long lead in thk, figit- half. M icli k;a tiNwon its fourth WVestern Con ference basketball v ictory tonlight. deicatiiig Chicago, 29 to 16. The\Vol venuites ran all over the !Maroons ini the firstIt-a~l f tit a lead by) 20 to 6. Iln the last p~eriod, howvever, M icluigail played r godly and was outscored by )1one poinit. Kati itz ad 'lriisklc('N;i toppedC~ the \Vol \eritles in scoring while Captain Cl ungin in e4d i11w' 'Maroons. It was Chicago's fourth str~aight(lefeat ill ( 1 fill 1- comilpe tit i oi. foe Trttskowski started the scoring with a fre°e tiuro w, l) i N ('hiang;non, Maroon captain, came right back wvith a basket tOev Chiicago the lead for the only' time during the gamrek. .. .. r "There arc, in my opinion, a of the electrical current from theI amplifiers representing this sell- numnber of qualities possessed by the competent engineer that make D~ean Emeritus Conley, Who was highly honored at the luncheon meeting of the Fourthl' Michigan Engineering Conference' JOSIPH SCORES 'TWICE~ tesews tre i "eiy ir hmpatcualyeesietint e 'ray by Gerald J.Wagner and * clairma'n of the commaitte e in yStwwdou tC. lullerton. -Kiauitz and Chrapman dropped ii sh cult. After a storage of four sec- field of government. Gov Fred W. Green. Dean Cooley; Control of Athletics at Midi - Marquetes fatluou pair of Cal- oeCa uncutrdo o ~oe ains this electrical current was "First there is integrity. The en- was given the title. "Dean of the gai rcetlydesried ond- aryMacouotnedepryete on a lo ne transformed Into high voltage andl ginWr must be honest to the high- Engineering Profession." tions at Iowa as "appalling" in vne ees n Tusa ~~wr passed into Dr. Grace's body. Mr.! est degree. And, as in engineering, ; a report in which lie attac ked ;nights encounter, gained revenge 1 T flIIrng vigacouthynthe fad finger good 1government raete ssd his fne.go oenetdemands a vastL SOLU v rusyte aosCange for the previous Iiltopper defeat IflVI IU Tru against the car' of one of the mere- :amount of integrity. COMITTEE. ISSUyESeoioundtatgoalsBulletinni No.123. L I shot : N , a eiugIlr ol ht 1 l;tbetrs of the audience, who heard "Then comies straight tikn.p [follow sot r~r.L'tMeign -,i is~ngi LII i I t i k lgBy C art s W i u t ry nq c t 1 v i f ni b h n ttCadirectly w ithin his brain the saine A ccuracy a nid clearn css of though , riu ndick sentence tJat had issuedl fromt the, which the engineer is schooled to h cCAOcII*Iu n-ioly (01 t't. the V loud speaker four sconld3 ear'hl',ier. aeqire, is deinitey Sesetial to a ---- iversity Of Iowa Suspenldedl from e E 'It ws oinC i clydi, cap- Jtiir Varsity Defeats Detrot iargi U ;s.ecetinete Swehi soth-ayrui ing political machin. Cessation of Dancing Set for Western Contiferen ce ol carges of 1h fteMrutetata Th, gne uliishr e icke dill) a loose puck directly in ~m 'Dr. Grace also gave a cdemonstra- cause heis sureuofi his facts,"he 3 O'clock; Spectators ..i1i:igad prOSelytilng its a111-.1. t'l, of Lhe Mihige an.net0todrive by 2618 Scor. ei( tion of "Inverted" speech which is sai. Not Allowed. letes, will b^ voted bck ito the it P a t jo ie Tol'ius for theKp ed orinryspeh evrsd otht Thrdi te i--Iwul pac3ig 'Tnt 1 a t'Iiui' or the fa-final Iliii]toppr sore with only 20 ,ANDJRSON HIGH SCORER1Etph t :..,l ~ : r r# ncices become low i1urY, frper viic id~ RE-ENTfRY TO I i A<13RI(Diit O l[t( '. ~~~It wai n o seethe hi I rc and vice vrsa . This tmdefr ~ ~p~fcto~frw1orv lcnttwti x ;s ~incM~ye h crdt o any successful business. Whatever i General rules governing the 1931pc cl e('t;,> become eflecctive March one early in tthesecGond pleriod,; attempt on the part of the Cadillac after i wtlrted"s' speph is unintelligible a niount; of inldustryI do possess, I J-H-op and attendant house parties 1. 19,0. T1is action, it was authour- whtiale it was his running mate, M-' il tob a hit eer and isan iteresting il- owe to my training as an engineer, as adopted by the committee ini itively learned today, will be take, K-.Ur/ic, .that counted the other! A. C. to turn defeat. into victory,fiedS T rat fi of ntithods for obtaiing "After industry I place vision," Y 1charge were issued last night. The to save the Hawkeyecnisitution ,Mnr"gtct t gol midway during the; Michigan's junior Varsity quitet Chica sebrecy in radio connections. continued G ov er n or Emnerson., regulations in general cover the rein further humliliation, as it had! tin al seson , won a hard fought game last night sent 1: Thie traiisatliutic short wave ra- "The engineer is above all a cea- !poor rules of the affair itself, and been reported that the North Cen-: Michigan, chiefly through two at the Field House by a 20-18 count. of thc diet 3eceiv'ng station on top of tor of things for the benefit of+ specific house rules for the fra- .tral Association of Colleges intend-! brillianet efforts on the part of Jo- (After leading 18-0 at the half way in a &3hooleys Mountaein in New Jersey mankihd. And, as the engineer de-i ternties heaving separate parties ed to Investigate conditions at. septh, veteran wing, wheo was play-,pro oc orrih' rtgssoy whs ;describedl by Dr. Grace. An- pends upon vision in his working! the weekend of the J-Iiop. Iowa at its meeting March r. ! ing his last gamei for the MaizepeidCah outghspreestry othe very recent development he out of huge projects, so must thei The regulations for the J-11op are The general seniment o the and Blue, went into the lead early l allowed the invaders to run the Mick desribed' as the transmitting and executive of the people employ the in part as follows: other nine Institutions inl the West- in the opening period. On two oc- score up to 2-1 with four minutesIwr receiving apparatus for communi-" same faculty in his task of increas- '1. Dancing must cease at 3:00' er Conference, apparently, is that 'casiones the speedy Wolverine ace' to play before they stiffened misse - ctln wthairplanes. ing the happiness of the public, a. i. and lights must be out in the Iowa has been sufficiently puish-! skted through the entire Mar-, nuht tpteDtotta' on The ransatin ofmecanicl "he ffthquality held hin con- Intramunral building at 3:30 a. m. ;cd for its infraction of rules ov- ; (t1ette defense to fool Scultz and ons.teb Tonebyrthelcapablefengineenand "2.iThereifhallhbebn < puss into speech was an expr- the manbithefilelnofgoveernent Thlersonlse eospectators, ceiniig athletics. Furtlhermnor e, the ;sc liil tepuckxining into the op-! Drinh.irtprodteWo-eg innt that :startled the audience. temi n iefedotgvrmn h ol esn dmitted to the action of the Ilawkeye athlic an- onents' net.ono Opcrat ghgeIi dial on a standard' is adaptability.' Both must have hall shall be those bearing tiekets theoits in the recent houseclean-, Following Josph's second goal 'venues held four of the A. C. plty- Oi elphone set, 12r. Grace was able '.(conltinued on Page ) issued by the hdip committee. ling, in Which 29 athlletes were de- howeer, the Mihigan team failed rs sc~nt1orlswit fhiAndersMac- to make the loud speakers con-.--..---- "3. No corsages sh1all be permit- dlaredl ineligible for furl h(r cr-!to clickLe properly, most of the at- w cont hfreeallsxe[ts. te's M ie.nt neted with the translation appa- R DItRO D AS led to be worn at the hop.' petition, has reacted favorably withtlILcks down the iei the filal two ! minuive fotree asktroes. ffth e is - kai ratuDspek an nuber r1coJ-T "4. There shall be no decora-' emibers of the faculty coilui- S tis beinm s ucessfully brokenmnuiefrrdtopd ffheTul bination of numbers that he dialect. TO HAVE VA-iRIETY llions of individual booths except te. .r.... II 'teby the wsMarute debyfense tlooreevwi h ih scoringDonorsfor D. Ltan Dean CoEm ueriu . --Drbythwhping n ee With the awk ye ,c h iol rr'e;e 01dduplicatinghis codfirst thalf eperform7jorwl Lve DenEeiu .I.Cooley was ;Clildrcn'sDrwn and 11rt "a. Taxicab rates siall be ar- ed to good ° Landing iretw'eonl- ~i ients between thle efee n n.i tescn ihthe oe o hligly honored at thke lunchecon of tbcDi.uscd."iddby the hop cimmnittee and ferew-e, it was pointed out- tonig h',ticlla'I e'.gy -b Dsused i!WM tAty Lakts. (Weiss the Conference 'yst irdlay when cove chai'rgcs should be reported to t hat there will be no necessity of P ,teMcia urigwscoe erdJ.W irformer 131(25> ; the s i.5 ithe North Cen tlntl Associaleian to -cigta" Ps. lV~idtc 'ieMcigegurig atcoe det ofdthJ MiWagan ghtclimg our faiculty nieibet's will s pcaih 1T I' - Imip i i . c------CScutz especially ill the first half when 'flot .society, resented hirn with flowers Il teeuipsrai rga o i.,. }v_;Jbi forthe rope conuctiiyi - II, -.i~aiiihli 11 'op ponnsddntgtasot C yp e boadcast tonight at; 7:30 o'clok frtm i'P2Iuidw ar shot at the basket, all of Andersons Chan whil.etin Mtreisgymnasiumioof ala Al ications for Crars-------- .Meadncouners coning onl long tries. Dc- Sepl den oto eng inre uae m ro tun h ris hallg studio°o s-Iro ithl alosebatjtedgthe hop. Offnders t Iirit ......---C ...McDonaldsatthscoegrdnheWlBee the lUniversity to cdean of the en- ;loiohall beDtrotejected m, -from the hall andi at J1Hop Tak iToday Nyg ord--------...I. ...Fulog ipit hscoeurigiheWl os their miames reported retoltheostu, TJ(;%nph ----19 ----Moore verites were called only four ties Fish gingrin LrfWsIon C r teirnams rpored Coteurt - 1for fouls, and these did the team Temp Den ooeyi hsesoneout- lrog'am wllbe peetdby (ent advisory comminittee within 24 iBeginning today, stuidets will be M ~ir:1 iech i g all_ - - .ri, j~~a h naer eeu-All lie'teofteeniee-two faculty memnbers of the School bol-. allowed t make aplcton at-tic SI I nrr Mrqutte --. M- lndtegrowthi oof theo plid enlg-ineer-. - allu>. able to count onlany of hcem,'1Th1 in"sholatte , mvrs," and f Music. ccording to Prof. Waldi "9 SmroingininI-e gmasium - office Of te dean lor students fort' yl', lezerr. pasdthe wonderful. sirtthat ! .ver 1 and the use, psse.ssion or showing tenissiu t l utomoiless- _-lc , i~_,n Iio :e~0 ling lu othefit alfguadinghwell To praisedl spicri radio statioi I. 1le effect of intoxicants shall be cially over the J-flop wenc d, it 1.,>1, Jseih, 13.,.50t.efis hlf atouhe was shown by tm ery PrfJea P Sueirwh-; el- ,vri fnsaWleiewudUn of the profession. Deant Cooley PrfJem .luswhh-al- consiered improper conluct, is announced by «. B. Rtca, asis-- -3oiu! -Scoi al priod: 1). M-bseval timesforadWoblein eeult U then introduced Gov. Fred W. ! es drawing and painting i the l"I. No person shall r-eter 'ant to tihe dean.- 7,';y ydr-u3:45. ra wyfradibei lo~ Green to the delegates of the con-.Cllg o:Acuteraiiw c h building after one leaving." All those who at peent ld S in-l')r iemA:Mceze ferlieia; a ltraiiv ~~di s Regulations concerning tie conl- permits 1-o drive cars for Sen ;ed i~( 1.:5; > . Mlden, 19:40. ItJnet ot was tihinscoer s foR In 1j,.suec Gve .o.Uc,.. hailtc'r of water colors, will di r- ;U o house cofor ltoprposes will e aio PLral 'enlaties- -I. i ,ydl ,1)7M),i , ,litspeeoaovrolCaei "C~,...rtright fwith_"s nine points-., FRtohi, reit at ouh iewa praised Dean ~ Torc "iss Children's 1)ronvlngs and Al .those req uiremients laid down by; grated pemui s iou to use their .1aydei 2 Biyait 24 lcKenzie 3 clnoey pressed by Weinstein whio' pr~e enColy fr the cuon-1b tribution he has made to thne n- Pr"of. Alen Maria of tiench- the dean of students as prevailing ars for social purposes of the Rl- chaoderer, Furlong, Jseph). cote over such affairs. IFlop week-end -- -- -Rfeiee-RIuslime (Windsor.- eone o od L gineerineg prof ession. "Innthe olnW11 I engineringayepartentdwill ___ days when someone was needed ll fhsdsoeisrsliglo basketbaill and shilndixg shots from road -Who could be looked top as a leader, ieetcmi TeEfe~ of Paints adags, ltohatimsIfem reerhi TeErfc~ I ,,iddageatog ttmsirrand who -could be trusted for his and Inlosure on Radiat-or Pcrfor- COMEDY CLUB TO PRESENT ~ LOVE WITH LOVE' Iruhesiiterforwr ew judgment, we always tturned, to iniies. ENT SECOND PRFORM1 ANJCE OF TWO IGHTg' Jsyste Dea Coley" said Governor Greenc. - Prof. Wiliam W. Bisho , ibrr-- OF w .'riri- S A D soe amchirod"Bws ian i.of the University aind head or -1 a aaici>riaoe ""ws1 ES IO A SIiU~T telodreetcw1leVaiaa Final performance of In Love lxLtl me flirysctcr i night. and with the exception ofi day. wil elo eratn h 10 With Love," by Vincent Lawrence, -- -h0wl osin itie first part of the j i'h LEAD PRO FIELD 1lirary at t Pne. scn af te hwda°mohBii B__--Iarbara Hra1. Bartlett. hpruf(s.5Or will be given tonight by Comedyenl shstlehodasfheErie (By Assocated Ft e, of Public lealthn nursing., will t lk club at the Lydia Mendehssolnn the-., 'A~ ius and an airtight defense. I twoI BRhECKENRIDGE PARK . N on "Child Conservatioii." atre. The curtain is at, 8:30 o'clock. -BiOX SCORE. [ or w ANOITxJn 1-Dn- Ou 4mI ~jr yBeh- The oiginal production was first Mi liga;1 f ft pf tp I with snore Shut, young Columbus, Ohio, yn ntu nvnet ste a- presented on Broadway with Lynn !-oe l------000O nm professional, amd Al Espinosa, Cli-imal selectionr to be presentedl by; Fontaine, Ralph Morgan, Robert- cago, a veteran golf pro, blazed a: Manud Z Okkelberg, professor of ; Stranger, and Berton Clnurcinill in Winstein. If,........ 39 0 0 l tuith p a r b c k n a l o e h s d - i n n t e S ch o o l o f M u sic, o nce ! th c s. ji d srr bll e- - - - - - 1 1 2 y t ceitfuil umunclpial (course today to Mi stLuou c Cuyle, violnst and iP- 1ae lyugpiothofpi -is leada feldof almost l150 golfers n in srctin the theory of nmusic. I f ouncofithe s.seeticsinteoiz (.:oiirg103cm the opening round of the iith an-'----- -.- .- -- -ml production. C aacteis il this cu utie g(ap.... 1O tnual Texas open golf tournament. - stutIion ar, from left, to right.--;s Eahso h a 1lyu i 8 _1QKWo Ti1'Y to a.- peak Robt t tranger Ralph Morgan, Totals--------- 8 4 26 day. I I. ~ -Cadllach- ..a:,.... dla A. C. rei itort shots for Michaiga.-,1 Changmion scored all -4 h is. sin the first period, and they the only points the Maroons uip during the :fracas. zkowski scored anothier '"dhov-' for Mlcigkn and 'Bill Orwi". ed withn two field goals fi succession. Chapnai , Lovel Canitz all scored again to give olveries their first peiod in. Ashley, Chicago guainrO . nad beemnomit; of action wit. h fected foot, was inserted ii the d period anid his presence ed the Maroon attack ienson md :Fishn ~c ,l ifound oop before. Michigan was abl ant in the second -period, and 'Truskowski had collced;a goal and a fol shoct, Bocsel tephemison countedagain f or ,go. Daniels mnd Weis!; were in for Michigan near UP en d e contest and each dropped field goal to finish up the Iigan displayed' abih'<;y to the ball in for short ihots bt d many easy shots. The Ma- forced to shoot lont; hots, n ot danigero us cxc ep ciduring ief flurry iiithne last ha't'. Ci- failed to cash ini on a sing.l e )f its foul shots attemlpts. BOX SMI)LE. -higan:i :owski .......... ....2 4 1. Ls ...............1 0 0) Iran, C . . " " . "..-- - 1 1 als---------------11 76 ica go: ; tgnon, f-----,-3 0 p) enson, f------2 0 1 lThe ...... .........1 02 g..................110)3 ale; g ...............0) 0 1 'y,g----------------.10 2 ;als---------------10 eree, rlTravnicsk, (Artuotri Ire, Malony (No tre Da~mv). CANCIES DELAY (bly Associated Press) oNDO, Eng., Jan. :31.--11i ch plain for smoothing the of the five power naval Col- ide by means of a Conromscf een the global and category nin of the tonnlage limitation, seemingly halted at an execu- session7 of the conferene to - .e difficulty arose when the sih were unable to fill their places on a special conmittee vlichi yesterday's session voted the idea that the committee .d study the French suggestion I the mnembership of this corn- ce is completed, it is probable the subject will be considered me full conference sitting 'as a inittee of the whole. iy general principles were di- d at time executive session! to-- :It is probable, however, that rite proposals will be for thcom-