/ .: LA C1..i L : E10S11 i TlJ- F. AlICIJ- iA D.A 11, ['iI1rAY, JANIJAflY 3.1) DAIL OFFCIALBULLET1I j I'1ru laiC'n in[t1 htl"4' Ir4l eo!5 .r! '' ie no 1 ' tlcto a 7 ll tnwmbe1J rS o tho IuiVf:rsity . Copyc Iirvi, , ,d ly1t;eA. .:ht:,nt to th e i r'- dcrt t zil :3::t P. irk, (01-30a. Ill. Str y VOL. XL 1. FRIDlAY, JANIURY 31, 1930 No, ~ N Oi C V S University Let ure:.1Pro fessor F. Sulhoeneni iji 0, he11(ad of the A ianc i -an Diviioln of English Seminars ait the Uanix ersity of Berlin, Nvill lecture cn "The C erman University Problems of Today" in room 2225 Angeli lall, Tuesda ', Fcbruary 25, at 4:15 p. Art. The pubolic is invited. lE':k ink . lIotaliim All Fraternity Pres~idns: 4u fi'al ernitiecs arc reque.Isted to submit Z~it this time a comnplet e list (of tl--sir pled :s, oil blank~s to be secured front the oicie of the Dean of S~t.udeut; . C'rtiiciates of eligibility for: fratornity initiation cannot be zs 'ucd until Marchz 1. J. A. Btnz'!Iy, Dcan of St udeits Studcnexts, who (do nct pois.''s rc gillI'tr riving ermts rLWdwho wj'ih to use cars for Uhe J--Uop weeCk v('W, are r"eciested to file with this> c(tliCe a tter of permlissionl from W [eir pareiitts includcir,, the uvake,I type, and license numbers)'t' of tho cears W~ be d'sivCV. 'll1ey will then, bc eli Wic for the social u.';c of lhli f::ar for thle period beginning at n oonr, ridlay, February J.1, Kaii f tcrmia;.ting at .8:00 o'clock (o)ItMondcay -)oru hig, Fi'e ruary 17l. ,gp plli 'iy oonsfor, pli [vil., c: 11157M!y oc mde .It t oom r2, SUniversiTty haloil onorth1 tL 1'mAr uy 1.1 University lWmaef Out of respcefto1 those who are studlying ;for cxamiationrs, all woman studcents a-c reituestcxd to confll..1 thcir m1c1ving; opec: tions to the wed:, end of F(J binay y to 1-7. CA 1-ac Riclard4 4"pr vvh 3:1 ;u1(I 12 iiial { n ate ~:Tlie final ex'aminations in Speech 31 and 32 will be l~cd on 'I'hutrrcay. Februa ry 13, at 9:00 a. n. Speech 31: Students from A to L inclusive will report at room 1025, Angell, hall. Students from M to Z inclusive will repo, t at raonk 25, Angell hall.1 Speech 32: All stirdents will report at room 25, Angell hail. G. E. Densmnore tr1' x.7(ti > 1'i,<'tltii '14}; Itl'' it)1iil,> tt :30, '. eki I1 it ll t {'' C' li 2' }l tlii{,i V it e 111 )fie (ft J 1 . 2 jotl t) lt:; , ?v2i '' : IV 12' it f-i I Oii!-s xi! Ibe exteldxl unltil 11:0910' i(W k. Week.-{,act ti n r VS Vii i1ku, pp r 0[SpBOTANIS' PflMIE u SPINMISSING r REDISCOVERS TREE GENUS FOR POPE THAN CENT'URVI utl s : 30, ; I), ilay IJ Igts; 12:4O, : Atli]1(day uni ;t ,) i 1 1 l :lit)I(iii ,l is yI 1eIB*j1 ", DrAI I lI'13'T ',%tJ116tb0- [ulltlostt V u 111v ley' in Georgi a, by Jo i, t the J.11-op.tAill House Hcad:; til receive tl:hZlN ta.,Uive-a Jan. V U0lU ' ' ' - Iliti~ ri fPildlha hY ?' '1 Ib .lrm T14___Gordona. the famnouzs I njaram1 l tan fPiaelha a 1101) xlt iust Preidet r h 0I1. F' ,rs:,1ce.<<, ,.hrankin tree issing to botanists ;nzaed it after Franllili. Again Sk MagaetS fus, rsien 0 heWwcr- I 'i 1 3 t n .cr to Occupy ,Two Posts 140 years, has bsen found.j 1799 it was found in the same v ' l';i~b~t ~~o, Caimanofth I~ar oli~~lS(Ml Iin 1His New Cabinet Which Tots is filis written to aii old Iey by Moses Marshall. i citraminral Budidinig will be closed at 6:a) p. m Idrn 1 ;Rcie inPece.botnial reseryan the dram Sice then, until Schuzes di- iieekls of IrX iliu AOlopeid. of 20 Years come true for Gx. A.! ovrt reently, it never had bem~ POLICE PATROL STREETS Schau1e.govemnmnt botanlli+. e il.S'hl ~udi E NT DAVT he "'lost" G ordon1i i . is a sre potc w . S h le"onst CholuwiUnion Concert by Viniir 1lorowiK Uussxn iaiiist, .*: AV,,.i{~a I i',) ,of bay-a beautifull, fowering htre- narivth ee' s o temame t 'z ~; 5p UHl udtru.MADID, Janz. 30. - The new shrub, of which several domecsticmaa ierwh e.o ay oh 81)11j'h cabinet which succeds speciions are incxi}olre llte faled C olection of Water Colors by Vernon Hlowe 3ailey i, r C;',.1 c_*iii EliePrimode Rivera government United States and Great. Dritainl. i Thec swamps of the Atamai. bitin i grundflor glley o th Arhitctual uhdog.~inler(mIh Gn. amasco Berenguer at, But the domesticated tree has; otfer little encouragement ~ zlislpic~cs of the Ann1 Arbor Art a ssociationl. Oe diyult iitl 1s head was officially announced; been in fertile, and could be ropa- erches, since they generally aV, 31, from 9 to 5i o'clck, except Sundays. The ailys nvteI 1.>s afternoon, Berenguer taking gated oly from cuttings. So an- lwist deep in muddy water, pultihnvtd le pot folio of minister of the; other wild specimen has been In searching for the Gordona EhitoSikndCtoPrnsbAnrendigesadm n-armyr in addition to premier. I sought for years in hopes of pro- Schulze studied old maps to aid fturrthdfloArhtcuebiinThe cabinet will be as follows: ducing fertile seed. him in locating the road which foki&° ________hrdflatAchtetue___lll t.Premier: and minister of army_--Thec original Franklin tree was owd the path probably taken ~ J~tatoric 1;4-V rse Forms:; tdns gDeldf rthsL)ii5'1 i. D1 jN,-G ' f(T Brenguer. found in 175 in the Altalaa artr am in the eighteenth centui'y the Second Semnester will met, iiProf . .. M RItJ W11te to lav, a ~ ,atnd eo nomiq----Mazo.e -- ____-_____ --_- - 4:1a to arrange a1schliuc iar "adeooy--Maul ~ --- - l'u1t 11 e! ioz -uk o Aba 1 hitercollegiate Pebatiug , All students eXpeedil(;to piitibri tc .II odeintutonDk o i Iintercollegiate (debating during the second nsemesteiso uldi orn.'thv~lot Carvcia. Vc dialW~v- akfternoon prepared to give a five milnute argumtalltiVe SPec11on oll L r ala iudpeiJie ---Pero an ph1ase of the Ontario system of liqluor control. This t, ;xot will be cl UN'(C roao ~at 3 p. m. in 3209 A. I fArhie.ur:Ylas oe nns b p' I useean orsi ~ -Js s Freshmeti-College o rb'ppre lsssit b i+ili ITi . bc~ ~i(t contains no pl otfo- iQ'rce 10d er to meet butstanding bills. Dues will be collected today, from l .3., tocy frign ~z taars as the pre- I ,at the treasurer's desk in the rear of the freshmlian droft in_ room.- ,Bier autonlatically acts as foreignI ' Itznn tr. Choral tUnion Ushers: Report at H-ill tuditorium before 7:30 p. Y- Although havily-armcd police for concert tonight. still aroleid the streets of the cap-1A tadac h afternoon aftr the 1eel tea .s: Al m mbrsplae ep rtto De'sskd o ody ital today, there was no further, J Ho egnnn at t h re e Cece rn~s llmmbr pes rprtt Dysstdo o, Te former Anne Morrow quai-- Evuithat....... 2213 A. IT Walter. .. .. .. .. ...206 U. 1H, t the home of the President. Mrs. Ruthven, assisted by the Excen: zire accid for the distinction here Wed- Helm ... .......35 A. 11. Watson---- .2003 A. H-. Board, is hostess to the Association. r escay by making a flight of a lt -Hioag ..........231 A. I Wells .............. 1009 A. H. Dean Voigt of Ohio University will givethe address. do molrre than six minutes while 'Hornberger ......... 205 M. 11. Wetzel............. 3017 A. II. her famous husband, aeronauticall - E. A. Walter 8,0 ichigan Dames Club will meet Monday evenin5-. h cl-. a3:0enrsai codo eihe __________ 'clock in the Cave room of the )Michigan League bilding. The Chi'' spectators watched. Col. Lixdbergh JEonomics 51: Rooms for final examination on Wednesday, Febru- Study Group will have charge of the programn under the ieadership of iself made a similar qualifying :dy5, 2 to 5 p. n.: AMrs. Louise Stelw pen - flight here a little more than.a 2aA . Ms nl'sml %r.EgessetosY All members arc urged to be prsent and all wives of s ud nts are wetak -ao, mnareuveuring a motor- 1025 A. H-., Messrs. Lindahl';. Robinson's, 119rner's and Caverh's v c- - es plane for 32 minutes. Sections. Mr. Lindbergh soared aloft '135A;11, Msr.Y eiasadIueassci. ("'ift.;miep -Mectin' at 7:30 Sturday night :n~loon-tnth second to win Na-!I 2225 A. H., Mr. Bradbury's sections. - - -ton )! Aeronautical association rec-l II.L aei k Rhetoric 31: Mr. Bbout's section will meet for its finalexui -vno. which has been conferred! Cael ini om20..3 A. I-I., Stra p. m., ebury 1. upon opaaively few men. HURON AND FOURTH AVES.' C. W. Kelsey Management V ( 1.ee 31: The following Irocnis inl A/li M i2b sdfo h Mr. I~r' -t tsIn rooill 25.7 -Mr. Clulcannlon' S sectlions inl room r-oom 135 Mrl. macdo x's Sections in room ljms1(S . Pollock, Jr. Sy Vincent Lawrrence- New~ York Listed AC m i Po nto Stockys. o~aYcll4t ~lYiw!jfjj s- RolmhTheatre ''iJ .p~oc22 71 - -- -- 'Crtain at 8:130 O'clocke BRAWR{-PRE$S & O C is 7-5 MAphone 6300 I Ann Arbor ITrut LLdg. l t lur , S- - - - - - - - ---- - - - - - All the Lead in p Makes-Every One Guaranteed $2900 to $1000 I I _ inI III I } n z I t I- II 8-15 t" II A limited number of tickets avafla le at $1.W0 $2.00, $2.50 at School of - r =Music Office, , i BLUE OKSOf Every Size and K ind--at F,~ _.' - - - I - .". i, I- -------------------------------- IW aj pi 21 i ?i al, 2 J, ?i i j 1.11 116'1 1 Ir V I n N Mori= M ocigan Leag 1 N 7 onn r A ncnwvc no vcc TUD A