0 OW - - - r%,.t $~~i . ..n:... .-__4.:.___-_______._._....._. _._a .- v . a -. a .a s ,- . 4 * W _ . A * a .. ...i * .-._.___ _ ._. -_.._. ._. E kk ",:1+4 . *?.A r..: .i, ,-V ' . C ,, P ' *B ' At ? k Rt>'.k.,. k.: rm 1 Iritat Balisketball. Delta Alpha Epsilon "BA" 13, The- to Chii'"B" 8. Trheta f "13" 14, Si nia Alpha M11u "B . Sigina Chi. "B" 18, Bta, That: Pi "B" 9. Sigma Phi Ep3silon, "B" 16, Si ima Delta Kappa "B" 2 Alpha Phi DORA "B" 10 ,, Alpha, Clhi Sigma "TV' 13. Kappa Nut 'ids, 9',Phi Siftm Kappat "B" 12. Chi Phi "A' 17, Phi DOW a Cbhi "A" Sig malol6, "A" 4. "All- 6 1Jp Phi 00OB UPPKERAYS Pighiting Illini Mentor Accuses Report of Being Only 19 Percent Right. (Bly Associated Press) *LANSING; Jan. 30- - Fighting Bobl, Zuppke of the Illini told, a football audience here last night that the now-famous "Bulletin 23" recgiitly published by the Carnegie foun~dation is accurate in only 10 peircent of its statemenits. the Ill - noia. gridiron mentor was a speaker atA Merchant's banquet in honor of Michigan State's football team of 1929. "One out ~of 10 statements pub- lished in whot is known as Bulletin' 23 of the ,Carnegie foundation is based on facts. The rest is hear- say," Zuppke said. Professing a personal acquaint,~ ance with and adiration for "the scholars who are the authors of the bulletin" Coach Zuppke said that their investigation was "color- ed- by' their individual opinion." Frequently branching off into theI realm of philosophy andt m-etaphysics with unusual descrip- tions of the ancient and hallowed teaiiers, Zuppke defended football , and,- the modern coaching system against its critics. flqlta Upsilon Tike's w1930 Bowling TWitle1 DfeOta Upsilon rolled into first Plae -t- the fraternity bowling chamipionship with a score' of 2493. This is a new record, beatig both, last year's chamipionship score of 2432 made by Delta Sigma Dets and Delta Apha Epsilon's new rec- ord ;this year of 2468. The sixteen highest teams qualify for the finals. Thirty teams have rolled to date with these results: 1.- Delta Upsilon .....~....2439 2. Delta Alpha Epsilon, .... 2468 IIGAMES 2M reDay - of our Faclty Votllyball-I 4:30--Scientists Vs. taihy. - . 5:15-Enginieers vs.Educators. .Cre-Inven1tory Jack Elder Beaten by,.- Forher rinceton Star (P~y ASA Ett1 14L" WAR, N . J., Jan.:30 Ja(."K", c lEider, hero of many exploit: i, ~vn 20Fn Suits-40 Ovrcat foot'ball and track for No re Daiim 'has tasted~ defeat 'for the first.- time this season, but he did not, a]-;=Elwt etset igr OR HK 1 Making his- second appear, nc~ ORCO C of the eastern indoor sea on at the - Sst. Joseph Catholic Clubr galllcc here last night, Elder lost the first !- race of the Ruper F. Mills nierno- rial sprint series to Jimmy Pappa s,f former Princeton star, now wearin" Patppas Woni the 50-yard event, b0,1to Elder camne back to win-at 6$0 and!=- Values $50 70 yards and capture the series;= prize. HProfits and cost havr been forgotten.. N Iew Squash League Our policy is a new stock every season. to be ormedSoon'We have all sizes in stock. We can fit you= A squash league is being formeri poperly. in which play' will start Februaryvt , 20. Teams are being organized or Fo1or2~o ueo an inter-class basis and will bejFo YurJH p K"e g E made up of thred men. An organ- lzation. of this kind will go a long Choose Your Tulexdo andE way towards increasing interest in __ = this new sport. . accessories f r o in our Wei- Wolveri ne Basketball = known lilies and be~ correcctly ~95 Team o Met Chcagodressed, notch hipel will be (Continued From Pat;e6) Regula" seniors into the fray 2a starilw d ething. We ca Est Reula $35 combination, ralthough Weiss is 1= sure to see plenty of service beforej= shapes. the final whistle blows. The squad which will invade Chicago tonight L includes Captain Chapman, Trus kowski', Orwig, Ranitz, Lovell, Mudcl son, Weiss, Daniels and Ricketts. ( Joe Downing, who wats injured in I the Indiana gae-u'woh~ been ifr uniform for the past few'# days, has developed water on the knee and will not be taken on the x - trip. PROBABLE LINEUPS: 213 East Liberty Stieet MtiHGdAI4Position CHtCAGO " Orig.....R..Cagon(. Where Only Best (lotlhes Are Sold" Rait... .LF....Stephrenson = Truskowski ... .C .. , ..... Boesel -11111111l1111 1111111#11#l#lll 11#lll l#! !!#l1U l111111t Chapmn:.n... RG .., Fish Lovell ..LG. X'I' __________ DRES-S XFQRDS atA S AV-IN G! NOTICE PIANO TUNING - Phone 877. Victor Allmriendinger. The (tein- way concert artist tuner. Office at residence, 1608 Morton Ave. * 2340 r'PIsT-speEdyl , acutwill copy theses at any timhe. Reason- able, rates include expert advice on English construction. Lucille. 5865. C tYPING-Theses a specialty. Fair~ rates. M. V. Ilartsuff . Dial 9087. C2 WATfEI 2(L C 4C' it, ALE of- FLORSH ElM SHOES 11 r I2ADIO SERVICE Competent service men makes of; radios. STIMPSON RADIO SEF !Dial 21408 521 East oan all RVICE tLiberty 246c lI ADL La pair of these smart patent oxfords to your wardrobe at this reduced price.' Reg- ulr styles jfl oallleathers arecal-so included "la A fpd)'IJ9S tan u --w WANTED -Students to enjoy a real, meal. Forest Inn, 538 Forest. 2460 WAN TED-.-A trunk. Anyone wish- ing to sell, Call Canberg av 8882, FOR RENT -Attractive roomt tor on-e or two girls. Steam heast; shower; soft water; washing piviledgcs., Dial 8544 or 9714. 422 E. Washington. 234, CLOSE IN (West side)-Four room furnished{ apartmnent. Private bath. Garage. $45 per month. Phone 22839. 456' 1kw Now Whil es Are Complete 304 South State Stye-t FO!?R RNT-Lame.r, verv comfort;. READ THE DAILY CLASSIFIEDS! -able front suite;. Phone 8194. -- I 456i fATTRACTIVE, comfortable,. quiet south room for second semester, Reasonable rent. Phone 5035. SMALL---Nicely furnished apart- ment two blocks from campu~s. Grad, girls preferred. Call 6509 during the day. 3x PLEASANT FRONT - Two room' suite. Also single or double front room. 909 9. Wash-ington. 4 VERY,. ATTRACTIVE--Nicely dec- orated and furnished apartment between State St. and downtown. Four rooms and bath on first floor. Ideally arranged for a permanent home. Call 6509 dur- ing the day. 3x WELL kept, quiet room for inem One block south of Engineers Arch. One double room, and two roomns to share. 11.10 Willard. 3. 4. 5. ?. 7 . aQ. 10. 14. )I, Psi Upsilon...,..,. Delta Chi ........... . Phi' Kappa ........... Kappa Delta Rho . ... . Beta Theta Pi ....... Alpha Phi Delta.... Delta Sigma Phi .. ... . Pi Kaippa Alpha,.... Tait Delta 1Phli j.... .r.. Delta Sigma Deltar,..a .Phi oGammna Delta ... Theta Zi Alpha Sigma PIf 2405 2375 2? 26 23 19 2W1 2307 2289 2287 2242 2209 2150 213 2061 2056 Mress Shirts $3.00 StudSets $1.50 2.00 Sai ol 6 Silk Hdkfasi Derby $5.0 Dress Ties $1.00 Silk Unid. CAMPUS (Near)-Fooir ro*) ti ti Yed apartmnent. F (Garage. $60 per ionth, 22839. )OWn fur- ?ireplace, aPhone 456 "R"' TEAM NUMBERS orrell ( W-Guard. Coomlbe (9) -Center. JUtisice (10)-(iuard.. H)oleorward. Lindsay 1) - orward. Fall (1'7)-- Forward. Arnold (19)-IGuard. Pendell (20)---Forward. Weinstein (21)--Forward.. bell (22) -Forward. Tyler (23)-Guard. Lytle (24)-Guard. TYPEWRITERS RtIBBONS SUPPLIES for all rnakes Of typewriters. Rapid turnover, fresh stock, iasureS best, qualitf at a moderate Price. 0D. MORILL S1- outh Nfate St. Phone 6613 QUALITY SERICE 1 Nbow Y(ou Can Own a FOR RENT-L arge suite, double room and single room for men in quiet home. 425 S. Division. Phone 22352, 450 FOR RENT -._ Second semester;, near campus; two desirable single ,rooms for men,.411, lAinil- to)).Place. Dial r)839. 345_G FOR " ENT-1 or 2 mnen;y large; warm room with shower bath. Half block from campus. 215 South _Vhayer. Phone 7981. 345 SMALL APARTMENT-At 819 S. State on first floor. Private bath and entrance. Furnished, Dial 88370 456, DESIRABLE FRONT SUITE-.Neai Ca~mpus, Dial. 4051. 456 ONE SUIT'E, an i~yc nesinglero . Clean and warm; hot water day 'andi night. 304 E Jefferson, Diail 235801. 4.") FOR SAIX FOR 1ZSALE-Talokw a;.de i 1-1i,1 ex- eellent condition; a-bot s ze 3t, Phone 501O7. $15.23 FOR AT ETuxedyt/o. Size 38, cl~l i74 rce 20f We are showing a handtaildred ITux. Silk trimmed with sdlk lapels. Ttouse rs are 20 inch bottoms.- Special Price $35 I Vests are white pique and black LOST should. beyour, prerequig tes for tasty Iun heĀ§. and delis oius toi sell for $6.50 and $7.50, LOST-mall rin: Fwith redl set- ting;. Phone 0568. 3 I