v. f FHRT)AiY,' JANUARtY 31, 1930. THE MICHIGAN 1 AI\ , NLY MAUE FIVE ~TAW'ww SCHOOL OF OFFRoS. M EXTENS ION MUSIGC lCHIGAN' COURSE' Professor Joseph E. Maddy Has Charge of Organizing Music InI High ;Schools. SUMMER CAMP PLANNED Arrange for National S+ Orchestra and Band kchool Camp. An extension course ini Publicj School music has been olerd l7 1 the School of Mu ic -throughout the state of Michigan for the past se- niester. Joseph E. Maddy, Profes- sor of Public School Music, on the faculty of the School of Music, is doing organization work through, the state instead of offering. cors- es; on the campus. lie- is ~working in connection with supervisors and is demonstrating to teachers the newest, methods of instruction.! Holding musical clinics, he is con- centrating his cforts in the north- enpnnuaThe National High. School Or- chestra and Banc Summer Camp f FIRST IMPRESSIONS ARE IMPORTANT fl'0TOUln FIELD OF ANTHROPOLOGY HAS FEW j[~DfIUhfI IN CHOOSING HOUSEPARTY CLOTHES' .1.I~I IL PLACES FOR WOMEN, SAYS GUTHE I!LI0ISAlL IOURSh By Belle. be more your type. A lovelygon H "L Women students throughout the peetsse feuaini o i Whlat with house-parties follow-!is 1adc with loosely-fitted top in ISTORC [.l Kcountry are electing anthropology; eIpepre'Urwoe I TFOR C 0 HU SES Ing so closely on the heels of exams, contrast to tti^ sheath-like skirt, IIItU IUi ~Cors Es in largdiectmbrs, tdeclares y neeteare dfrwmnispecially teeshardly time to get from the flarigndepflsa i hm las fialto he ama huse o But whatever evening gowns you Artics of Historic Interest! versity Museum of Anthropology, I postions. But Mr. Gutie pointed Junior Play Schedules for Eary whelrever you're going, much less wvear, they muust be' ankle-lengthln to be Exhibited in "but their value to themi must be' out that here, too, are found ex- part of New Semester Arc get ready the necessary frocks to and they must bec extremely dlecol-1 pulrely cultural In commenting ,ceptionls. Mr. Guthe feels that tle take with you. Have you thought lette A moddish note is added in Stores. uponr the possiblities of anthrop-! time may clic when teachers of: Listed by Chairman. about what you'll need? mat cling evenhig slipper; and bag.; ology as a field of specialization, the social st udies such-as histori- - To begin logically at the begiin- Saturday morning--if you are iM N UISPO U E Mr. Guthe declared that the na- i cal geography, in the primary PRM T ESI AKD ning, first there is the simple aft-' M NYCUROSP---UI jture of the work pra-tically closed, grades, will also be trained in ani R MTESI SE ernoon costume you will wear on; Americ;an History week, which s its doors to women. "At present," thropology, but as yet there ns Practice schedules for coruses Friday afternoon. Remember, thisi to be sponsored by the Sarah Cas- ;he stated, "there are three genral been no development in this di- of the Junior Girls' Play have A- is your "first impression"arnd asp well Angell chapter of the Daugh-;divisions: field work, teaching, and rection. ready been arranged for the first such is very importCant! But it is . ter of the American Revolution, museumn work." There are scretarial and f e- tcly of the secod semester, sure to pass oft successfully, if you; will be held in Ann Arbor next' Field work is the Most obvious h cl psiioo pedtawyesI wear, for instance, black satin, with) week. The event is port of a na- type2 and consist, of exploration museumn work but these do not re-' Monday, Feb. 1, and Tu. 'Ja,,b atVwo-tiered skirt falling well be-_ tional pani being sponsoredlby the trips and studies of primitive poo-! wire anthropological training, hel3, a ccrding to an ,:UrnoLnne1 low your knees, and a high waist- national D. A .R. to awaken. the i-;pes. Convention and the physical stated. however, he believes that I mde by Ruh Nan Ttyl, assistant line.- Such a model should have itorest of the present generation in h la dsliips endured exclude woen such training would be a gret as-1 chairman, yetrday. long, tight sleeves, disappearing at !American history. frol this division, Mr. Guithe as-!set. To get a position as a telui-; The schedules aro' as follos: the+ cuff beneath wristlength Washitenaw county history will i te~d although there have been cian in It museum. Mr. Guthe cis -' Monday: whzite kid gloves. Dark hose, black be stressed partiwu'aly in Imc~ lu ,utsl unihng e xceptions dared that a woman would have 3 ~:30-4:30, Chorus A, Cave roo, sai headoeo h e ng week's event. Antiques and' Anthropology is at pesent; to have an unusually ibe record.{ League building draped satin hats should complete heirlooms of local histoic interest taught only in colleges and the; ,owevr, Mr. Guthe pointed out' 3:30-4:30, Chorus B, theater tecsue Acrsa chkrare to be displayedl in store win- --ntoooyia young and grow-, stage would add the finishing sophisti- lows all next week. i si; ng science and as such has to buck]I 430-5:30, Chorus E, stage cated touch. The Gamma brothers'SvrlSaes !e m~lns1 iIL ~ P flDthe social conventions as has any 7:-83,CouFCv ma nt ot hedeaisbt he w~ill be amon~g those having ex- TN -jIthttUILIJIIUUI other science. But when it e- 8:30-9:30, (Chorus C, Cave,. will all be sure that. you have been hbtwnihinidos ~lersI oes firmly established he be- !Tufesday: attending house parties for years, jewelry store will have mnany iae- f~1 rf ~~IO lieves it will be easier to find posi-r .3304:30, Chors II committee and will make a double effort to IU ~ L P tin o oe.A peettecro impress you with theirs. iee o atqu ewlranod 1i ULare only about 100 persons in the i3:30-4:30, Chorus -E, stage Of ouse yo wllnee to ve-lapanda uant ldedtio o the Bible which' is illustrated with i-'United States who earn their liv- '430-5:30, Chors B stage nin gwsIfnndecieinI steel engravings. Perhaps the most Eta Sigmra Phi Honors Poet Iiga rie nhoooith 430-5:30, Choirus G, committee lerastwes rcod lujstsitedwoud unique article in this window will; With Papers Relative to asserted, but ten years from nowI ro prasboae-busaiwol:i be a fan which w belonged nto aeAnn! it may be a profitable course for ( 730-8:30, Chorus D, Cave -- f Ale, one of thlw nsatr His Anniversary, even women students. 830-9:30, Chorus F, Cave PR F S O A Swhom the city was named. Nevertheless, Mr. Guthe feels - I n ldnwsapr te ihianjINITITOHS LN E that it is w11 worth while for wo- Following the Michigan state- POET RY IS DEAD:!State Journal, which was edited in-- men to take the elmentary courses (Eope basketball game Tuesday, a Sccturint; before a college alidi-? Ann Arbor in 1839 will be shown atj Eta Sigma Phi, national honor- sin anthropology ,far its cultural - lay, The Mistress of the Tin," was oneeamps"bokPtoreeThssvr- trjy classial fraternity, eld a reg- value alone. Ile believes that so presented under the auspices of en ~on the subjc oehTs BIs ar Poetry j time is of extreme value as it is one ulWar monthly meeting WednesdayI many are electing it becouse is con- the Michigan State college chapter Ded'PoesrJsp .Hri of the few to Jec found in the cou- ;night in the Alumnae room of the tans much human Interest, but a of the Michigan State college son of the University of Washing-,. tr.I League building. Marjorie Bettler,l certain romantic appeal, and gives Ichapter of Theta Alpha Phi, na- ton English cepartment discussed/ Foster's Art Shop to Elibit. x'30, was elected as program chair- one a new viewpoint on life.. 1 - tional honorary dramatic society. ththde edecmoodenrno tendency of science tof~i +h r~~n Amt~ fl--------------------------___ which is also under his supervision will be held again this summer. This summer camp is a'musical la- b ratory for stidenti of high. school age. Last summer 300 students were enrolled for eight weeks and were given instruction in classes in prac- tical music. R~equisites for Attendance Stated. All students at 'the camp must bO' holders of $300 scholarships, th~e cost of at tendanc'e for the sum- nier,,donated from a private source, or given by the musical society of the high school which plans to send the 'most talented student in theI school to the camp, Usually a Jun- ior in the high school is sent so that in his senior year he may work iii the musical interests of his class.f The camp is known as Camp Inter- lcen and is situated about 150 miles from 'Traverse City. Practical 'Work Carried on in Camp. The work carried on by this camp is practical in nature. Columbia University and the Cincinnati Con- servatory of Music offer courses in ceflnection with the University of Michigan faculty. Every Sunday dairing the session of the camp two concerts are given, a band concert in- the afternoon and orchestra in thje evening. Guest soloists perform at these concerts, Mr. Moore and Mr. Harrison of the School of Mu- sic giving concerts last summer. Os-. ipGabrilowitchi, conductor of the etroit Symphony Orchestra, was# the guest conductor one Sunday afternoon.! i i fIj 1 I ! kill truie poetry. e developed his theme by means of vivid word pie- upyou will need somec sort of a Ptursa ecttinsports costume. Tweed is far and4 Poty.. in fact all, art, will sur- wathmst popular spaorts mza- vive as long as we treat it as "artteaayh o ol osil hoe for art's 'sake" according to Pro-f.i fessor Harrison. "The moment cul- Perhaps a tweed suit inz an ~open! tur chn~g-sfro beieingin t-weave of beige, brown, and black, self to-understanding itself, its fate: would be what you'd need.' The, is sealed," he said, and added fur- dress would be sleeveless, and the ther, "Day dreaming cannot very hip-lenigth coat lined in bright well survive in. a race that rides on printed crepe. wheels; ,and crosses arterial high- uAnd then for the tea-dance Sat- ways. Poetry is of no use as an es- Iudy or the Opera, oi' whatever fcape from reality. A bootlegger you may plan to do, there' must ned would do 'a better job of it."' i needs be another afternoon frock. All_ in all, Professor HarrisonI If you run to black, and it is .very seemed to, thing that if people doe' smart to do just that, black crepe not change from their modern ide chine can not be, outclassed for methodsof acting instead of think-I chic. The accompanying picture ing, and developing the practical Iso'.t .nwlnt cd h e side of. life at the expense of the I treatment., idelitic tuepoetry is in danger-----. of disappearing from modern liters CORR~ECTI'ON attire. - We wish to correct the state- - nment that there will be no dance Working her way through the athLegetngt, -lwvr Michigan State Normal -college at it will began at 9:30 instead of Ypsilanti, Miss Bernice Cooper of' 9 o'clock as usual. The dance Utica is one of 45 students in the I tomorrow night will be held at college having an "all A" average1 the regular hour. for the las.t se~mester. vaJiliuiAJ oooKS, c1.-le icU K UI, anaUis ll i JAJA Uit;uiil- ~ ii;,A l other articles of historical interest) fill the position vacated by Grace will be included in Foster's exhibit. Leonard, '30. who is graduating at On Main street one will find the end of this term. Virginia Lar- many attractive displays. Mack's! mee, '30, was appointed as a meom- Goodyear's Hutzel's, and Mill's are I ber of the program committee. showing quaint old dresses. A A discussion of plans followed for hand-made, quilted dress, worn in a formal banquet and initia~tion to INew York about 250 years ago, will be held early in the semester. Dole- be seen in Mill's window, gates to a national convention of Downtown Merchants Included.' Eta Sigma Phi, Which will be Indian exhibits, old coins; andi sponsored by the University of currency, antiquated bicycles'," tools, Pennsylvania at Philadelphia in guns, china and cooking- utensils April, were considered. The Michi- and many other objects 'used by I gan chapter will have two repre- pioneers in this country will be dis- l sentatives at the meeting, accord- played by downtown Merchans into Esther Hoerner, '30, presi- Mrs. J. J. Kelly, regent of the dent of the society. local D. A. R. chapter, and Miss El- Following the business -meeting, len C. Bach head the committee papers were read by several of the which has been instrumne tal inI members on topics relative to the collecting the curios to be ,9hown.. ,celebration of the 2,000th anniver- during this novel week. sary of Virgil. After a discussion of -- the Aenleid, Latin songs and games Delegates of the Associated Wo- were enjoyed by all who attended men ' tudenats and the Woman's the meeting. Athletic association met at~ the Alpha Eta chapter of Eta Sigma University of Oregon to hold anr in- Phi was established at Michigan in formal discussion onl the prospects May, .1923. Many of the professors of forming an organization of col-; of Latin on campus- are among the lege and normal school women stu- honorary memb~ers of the frater- I dents in the state' of Oregon fnity. hbila Hark> To His °Master's Voice! Saying GO Top UNIVERSITY MUSIC HOUSE For' everthitag uscica Radioi:- Majestic, Victor, Crosle? Lowest TERMS . -Piano:- to suit, Baldwin, Kolfer:':&. Camapbell Play white Orchestral Instruments" you pay. Victor, Columbia, Brunswick Rlecords l~w 0r. 1 w)iM* b l iA. !id A li 'P O~m Thb W* in amid ASK THOMAS HINSHAW, Mgr. 601 Last William Street Phone 7515 44 1 c i i s the sumC t iVA VAAiL ASLra V.' UI+Al67ln UGl. i.; . _ _ _ . _ I i I 0 ENGLISH WOMEN PLAN TO TART 1 DAILY JOURNAL!I 'Demnocacy without party politics is, the ideal of one million English women who plan to publish Eng- 1d d's newest newspaper. The I scheme is to have one umillion con-j tribute a share of $5 to the pa-per a~d at the same Ctie bcome sub- scribers; starting the daily off with a -capital stock of $5,000,000, one million stockholders and a paid subscription list of 1,000,000. ;Each of the stockholders will# hove a vote in electing a central I e0 mittec which will determine the policy of the paper and select toba editor, who 'will be a mlan al- though the paper is essentially wo- mltan-managed. Thee staff will con- sist of both mhen and women. 'The new daily will be ark, "all- aro ind newspaper" rather than one exclusively for women's interests, but panty politics is to be abso- hWtely barred. -- In'thlis yeair of gr~jice the college girl may t'i'lly be isad1 .&tlc i s ;t wboI4e vattlidde tea"h When 4u4t'~ciIthe Ibuck and wing or take ones breaith ww;y with 1er ski-jttming .lt slagjmstn't look adlletic Qor jboyish . , (.Ilw e cw ulo (-, for te:a and1 tlaiiejtig . is slc c0lur:; and lice:;. as a. "s tt < 3 M1d iL¢a 6U LQa< 4cR g it n r. T i of each small unit Of the bring new snl~rsa , to the BRIDGE SETS, .DIARIES, PADSI, Etc. CALENDAR Me L :v oFtlic _ ±tc~wlarriv c'. i'for (Att1-ntrl , R that thn arry ov.er, we .jre off'iig the above icd&lciionis, All good (h'al nStock 11.)rSL t-OxsC!s ciAJj oll, Shoct arl .ir %s the slip ply ill Soln, ' ' e'iN bin iti d. - O.D.L OI r1S4* t LitJNNs~l t'' / Acressoat-ics f romr Good- late st and finc-st of stylesi, Suede, calf c-r fabric, is $2.9 2 to$10.50. Uixo1ves acte a IA irin~ II ' b F portant acces ory formal season. Slip-on and cuff $2.95 to $5.00. inz this BoathI styles. i i W4 POTAL TYPEWRITERS Wtfe have all makes.U Remington, Royals. Corona: Under'wood Colored duco finishes. Pride $60. *0. D. MORRILL 314 South State St. Phone 6615 We arc offering delicious assortmncnts of HOME MAPE VALENTINE CANDIES PS SpeciaFml ESellning -- - Wraps fJ - Formerly.t $4 5 PM 9Now Priced- to a smart the beauty amli they glances cas wearer, Costume jewelr-y in colors to accent or liar. unonize with the frock is high ill fashion and, at Goodycar's, reason. ably lots in price. Hos~iery foot;, tie col- un-in but that doesn't meant it is lcast impor. tint. Hose in costume colors, $1 to $3. Iup, the accessory values id at Goodyear's are meanis Iensemble. They add to of theC costume complete multiply the admiring st in the direction of the II