0 rotm THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, JANUARY 31, 1930. Published every morning except Monday uring the uiversity year by the Board in ontrol of Student 'Publications. Member of Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Press is exclusively entitled o the use for republication of all news dis- >atches credited to it or not otherwise credited n this paper and the local news published erein. I IF comes under the jurisdiction of the interstate commerce commission, and what this body has done for travel by rail, it certainly can and should do for travel by air. 0 About Books Music And Drama -C r r t r r. All (ii Ch Ine ne' an (Ed. Note: The following discourse is a re- ply to the article that appeared in this column n yesterday's Daily on the subject of campus TONIGHT: In lill Auditoriumf beginning promptly at 8:15, Vladi-4 ._ TYPEWRITER REPAIRING makes of ma- ines. Our equip- ent and person- I are eonsidered nong the best ill the State. The ult of twenty years' careful ldiug. Q. D. MORRILL 4 South State St. Phone 6615 -j ii f . , Entered at the postoflice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as-second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Post- master General. Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, *d.5o. Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May- nard Street. Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR ELLIS B. MERRY Editorial Chairman.........George C. Tilleyl City Editor..... ,.........Pierce Rosen~berg News Edit::.. ... Donald J. Kline Sports Editr.......Edward L. Warner, Jr. Women's Editor...........Marjorie Follmer Telegraph Editor.........Cassam A. Wilson Music and )rana........William J. Gorman Literary Editor.........Lawrence R. Klein Assistant City Editor....Robert J. Feldman, Nir ht Editors- -Editorial Board Members Frank 11. Cooper Henry J. Merry William C. Gentry Robert L. Sloss Charles R. Kauffman Walter W. Wilds Gurney Williams Reporters Bertram Askwith Lester May Helen Barc David M. Nichol Maxwell Bauer William Page Mary L. Behymer Howard H. Peckhar Benjamit iH. Berentsonllugh Pierce Allan H. Berkman Victor Rabinowitz Arthur J. Bernstein John D. Reindel S. Beach Conger Jeannie Roberts Thomas M. Cooley Joseph A. Russell )-obn Hi. Denier Joseph Ruwitch Helen Domine WNillian P. Salzarulo' Margaret Eckela Chbarles R. Sprowl Kathearine Ferrin A dsit ;tcwart Sheldon' C. Fullerton S. Cadwell Swanson Ruth Geddes Jrane Thayer Ginevra Ginn Margaret Thompson j ack Goldsmith Richard L. Tobin orris Groverman Elizabeth Valentine Ross Gustin Harold O. Warren, Jr Margaret Harris Charles White David B. HIempstead G. Lionel Willens , .Cullen Kennedy John E. Willoughby' en Levy Nathan Wise ussell E. McCracken Barbara Wright Dorothy M4agee Vivian Zimit r. BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 BUSINESS MANAGER A. J. JORDAN, JR. Assistant Manager r ALEX K. SCHERER Department Managers Advertising..............T. Hollister Mabley Advertising............Kasper 1-. Halverson Advertising............Sherwood A. Upton service...*... .......George;A. Spate Circ~ulation........,.,Vernor Dayis Accounts....................John R. Ros Publications.. . .y eorge R. Hamilton Business Secretary--'Mary Chase Assistants Byrne M. Badenoch Marvin Kobacker ames- B. Cartwri ht -l awrence Lucey Robert Crawford Thomas Muir Harry B. Culver George R. Patterson Thomas Al.Davis Charles Sanford Norman ElBizer Lee Slayton - ames Hoffer Joseph Van Riper. Norris Johnson'. Robert Williamson - Charles Kline illiamn 1. rWorbo Dorothy Bloomugarduer Alice McCully Laura Codling Sylvia Miller Agnes Davis Helen E. Musselwhite Bernice Glaser Eleanor Walkinshaw Hortense Gooding Dorothea Waterman Night Edito '41RANTK i'. -COOpEI FRIDAY, JANUARY 31, 1930. I) to nagaik ' 'l(, vt 1tUU ofUt '-''*AUr1 il-I res will cherfully print controversial matter of a mir Hoowitz, Russian pianist, in Ciamipus O i1«on kndied nature at practically any time.).bu Cam us piionreeita. Contributors are asked to be brief, MR. ELISON At the Lydia Mendelssohn The- confuning themselves to less than 3"() INDIGNANTLY RPLIES. eCs "31 words of possible. Anonymous com- are, Comedy Club presents In Love ;. ninnications will be disregarded. ''l Much as I detest the idea of be- names of communicants will, however, With Love" by Vincent Lawrence. be regarded is confidential, mpoml ing analytical and psychological, I COMEDYCLUB. quest. ILetters published shoul hot lie CMD LB construed as expressing the editorial find myself face to face with the . opinion of The Daily. Tonight and tomorrow night, necessity of being analytical and T . _-Comedy Club, recovered from ther THE BEST SOLUTION psychological and even analytically jesting with the horrors of Floren- FOR THE FILIPINOS. psychological in sheer self-defense. To the Editor: Te tine pyschology, turn to a light sn- The news about the disorders inTg timental comedy by Vincent Law- certain sections of the Pacific prone to be unduly sensitive about. rence. "In Love With Love" en- Coast where Filipinos figure prom- one's intellect, for example. To b joyed a successful run in New York inently are current and attract told that one's intellectual attain- oeascesyuarsnIingNeok the attention of the reading pub- ments have never and can never some fie years ago being ne of te LLynne Fontane's early successes. lie. Labor compettion, is, by con- rise above the plane of "bo-do-de- sensus of opinion, the primary Vincent Lawrence is a young play- Case.. 'o-do" and "hey-hey" is a blow that cause. wright who has kept his quite tal- In years past there were at- cannot be sustaineupassively. Par- ented hand consistently in the light tempts to debar them from getting ticularly when that advice comes comic vein. George Jean Nathan, into this country, thanks to the from an erstwhile buffoon" who whose periodic groans about the omnipotence of the courts of jus- has but recently turned literary tice they were not carried through. ; and therefore intellectual, hence a "poverty, running almost to the There were dther trials made to bit contemptuous. starvation point of comic drama- deprive them of their rights as a I rather admired our traditional tists" has been his earnest sponsor. people that owe allegiance to this foe when he was an out-and-out He likes Lawrence because in his great democratic nation. Very of- bufton and proud of it. There was ten, they were involved in mobs, a certain vigor in the way he ma- coedies there are no subtle doses riots and the like, such as has been liciously ground out humor at all of Schopenhauer, Neitsche, or Bor- happening . lately. The, presentI costs and at anybody's expense trand Russell inserted. Nathan trouble is but one of the many sad i that I liked. What a shock it was has always resented comedy with a incidents between the two peoples. to learn that the old slam-bang "metaphysical theme song"-high' It is very evident, therefore, that medium has been "outgrown"! they are not congenial companions. How incongruous to find this griz- comedy, that i-being slightly low- And to this, themost plausible so- zled warior among the smooth- browed in his own pitch. But i lution is separadtion. browed ranks of those neo-intel- support of Lawrence is justified. The Filipinos have for a long lectual pseudo-sophisticates wh He writes with engaging skill from time been asking for their inde- take ocasion to find "all of Tchia- a sound, if not profound, comic pendence. They have convincing kovski's music uniformly bad"!viewpoint "In Love With Iove,,! reasons to support their conten- But there he is, and there, alas, I tewpothtr "I Loe tion. Can the present conflict not must turn to answer him, tells the story of a young couple be presented as an evidence in **who fit around dangerously near their favor? the brink of the Great Emotion, the C. G. Manuel, Grad. i The status of the humor maga- girl because she is anxious to make 0!zine in campus periodical litera- a conquest which seems difficult to IIture does not seem to be thorough- t Ei C ly understood. Henceforth, then,her, the young engineer preoccu- I Ealet it be understood. The purpose pied for the most part with his is of the humor magazine, aside front work on a bridge. With the rejec-. e a COLLEGE FRATERNITIES. its apparent worth as an activity tion of his bridge as "too vision- (Saturday Evening Post). and an outlet for its own type of ary," the engineer turns for sym- In the past, the question of col- creative endeavor, is entertain- pathy to the young girl who sud- lege fraternities has been looked ment. The humor magazine is the denly knows for the first time an upon as a local and private one, vaudeville, if you will ,of campus earnest moment. That is, she's in in no way the concern of the pub- periodical literature. To serve our love; and, so is he. Then there is a lic. But the enormous attendance cause, then, I have only to justify curtain. It is a pretty comedy; and at colleges and universities has vaudeville. Witness the great hue done lightly and cleverly it makes brought this type of organization and cry- that arose when that com- very good fun. to the fore, and recent outspoken modity was recently dispensed with" k comments of Doctor Wilbur, Sec- at one of our. local theatres. retary of the Interior, who is like- SHOW BOAT. ise a university president on Now to proceed to the psycholog- Floienz Ziegfeld's musical ver- leave, have served to call further I sion of Edna- Ferber's novel comes attention to the subject. Fraterni- cll T iala, from the very na- to the Wilson next week beginning " ffe en~e; av benandarIvrycl. This part, rmtevr a _Ves can be, have been and are very ture of the article which attacked IMonday night. Jerome Kern's mu- - good and very bad. Doctor Wilburr si has been quite exhaustively Isays that in too manry cases they our position, must necessarily be (i a enqi~ehutvl have grown liko muhrooss thy the core. Let us on, then, to the whistled al over the country since have grown like mushroo s, wit l core. the opening of the show but it still -.I it. Tergaldesion is wetere- Humor is emotional. Moreover, it remains about as good musical ity. The real question is whether is a sensuous emotion. It has even comedy writing as the American ethey are doing the job before them. be eerdt a esa m-stae has known in some few years., - All people, especially the young, been referred to as a sensual emo- Ktag has known in mfe years. cravehs ovd ganthis year inj '-caecompanionship, antd this thre - tion. Then if we are to be humor-Kr hsproe gi iyfr rae p isI is ous we must yield to our "purely "Sweet Adeline" his capacity for ~- fraternity supplies. It serves a dis-,,u yk oue ei. the imostentatious, ingratiating, -tinct economic nteed as well. Most I sensual" desire for amusement. te uotnaiuigaitn t-of the eourmceeas ofu.ivest But to do that, says our friend and song of a strictly melodic appeal. t of the resources of universities critic, is unmanly. Our only alter- He is writing strictly in the simple y have gone t to classrooms, tlabora- native th'en, is to cease being hu- lyric tradition of Victor Herbert t tories, athletic fields, and the like, norous. Ah! we ouldn't do that! and Franz Lehar, somewhat scorn- - factes. This gp raertes and We'd no longer be a humor maga- ing assimilation of contemporary i facilities. This gap fraternties and zine What a dilemma this fellow musical idioms of the concert hall. sororities fill for many students. has fixed up for us! Though his music thus becomes al- - At its best, the fratermty is a very Itis suggested that we overcome most too. sweet, for the light musi- -real help' to scholastic and other!or"nelculsyes n cal comedy, the pretensions of -worthwhile camnpus attainments, 1 our "intellectual shyness", and clcmdtepeesoso I "hurl darts at other groups." That which are never profound anyway, s and in practically every case pro- leads us into a discussion of the it remains the best music. d motes the desirable trait of loyal-5 d mtyB ther sreve toallfthys. types of humor. The picturesque period of Ameri- g ty. But there is a reverse to all this. In the "dart hurling" type of hu- can History when boats served as isLoyalty often degenerates it n I h dr uln"tp flu asurdeltyf-andmgieraton mnfia- mor, A hurls a dart at B, who is floating theatres along the Mis- n absurd self-admiration and infra- wuddb h at n sissippi river, which the book 7e tion. Far from promoting scholar-! wounded by the dart. C and D gisipvriershih h(abo e ship, some fraternity chapters have laugh heartily at B's plight because treats wit-h such fidelity, gives am- - made, oafingtert onaer al.No they have not been struck by a plc opportunity for some beautiful Smade loafing their one goal. Nor edart, and feel immensely superior. staging iin terms other than the - well the economic function e i They say "haha, you have been feminine body. The company that Swel performed all cases.To struck by this dart, and we have is coming 'to Detroit with the ex- y often housekeeping and financing scthis ,artind-whce 1Irflg-n1 ti stetd that ception of the absence of Paul e ae otony4amterih utso I.J, a ~Ja. s ug et ! venly. Also, it is a question whether we use this type of humor. Robeson is the same one that won 1 tet oony Aotnatedantjunihetyr 'Then there is "surprise" humor, support from London audiences for the too often attendant juvenil in which the trend of the narrative a year l horseplay and general effect of inkwhich thexted tmrative ayr t bedlam will fit into the newer uni- takes an unexpected turn, catches r Th diff us emotionally off guard, and we e entation of higher institutions of laugh. It is suggested that we use MLLE MODISTE. e ,learning and therising importance too much of this type of humor. Fritzi Schelf will remain at the eof all manner of seriins, business- We should "opef up a battle front Cass next week in the revival of n like profesional schools ue chang- I (there's two-fisted journalism for Victor Herbert's operetta, Mlle n k jprof nsch re. chang-you) that would be aggressive and Modiste, which is the first of a se- I s ishe whole picture. -or1imesnowso1-at. DON"S BARBER SHOP Dependable Work 802 S. State St. at Hill St. I Vacaiionist Finds This Smoke O.K.a Erie, Pennsylvania Sept. 25, 1928 Larus & Brother Company R1ichmond, Va. Dear Sirs: lavi -- j ustrl'fulnod from my fishing c..Ilp in Northern 0111urlo, and in the reiecions upon a foitnight of most excellent- weather, wonderful fishing and complete camnp comfort, I feel that an appreciation of Edgeworth is due. as one of the principal factors of our enjoyment. In past years, I have taken along a supply of various well-known brands 3~f sm-oking tobacco, never having be- come fully acquainted with the diller- ence in the smokiug qualities of the so-called .sigh-grade tobaccos no\V UPoia the iarket, and acting upon a tip from an old smoker friend, and as a matter of convenience in packing, iis year I took along < -ozen tins of i Ugeworth Plug )hce. 9 Tnere are no places nor conditions in existence where the contentme'nt ;-rawn from a briar pipe meets with keener enjoyment or more critical analysis than beside the camp-fire after a strenuous day in the great outdoors. It is the unanimous epinioit of Ithe ,-mokers among my party that Itdg;-- w.orth is without a poer, arnd ' d 1: smoothness, fragrat-ice and fine sum' k- ing qualities are unsurpassed and un- atched; and I thank you for making z:, possible to obtain it. Yours truly, (Signed) It. N. Curtiss Extra High Grade Smoking TObaICcO lI Lindenschmidt-Apfel & Co.'s Pre /o o all MEN'S AND BOYS' FURNISHINGS and' CLOTHING BOYS' You save on Boys' Suits and Overcoats, Jackets of Leather and C o r d u r o y from 25c to 50c on the dollar. ONLY TWO DAYS REMAIN TO SAVE AT LEAST r MEN'S U1 You save on Men's Suits and Overcoats, Jackets of L e a t h e r and Corduroy from 25c to 50c on tht dollar. i a u-. Y s On Furnishings 20c on the dollar. at least t 11 On Furnishings 20c on the dollar. at least '11 CORDUROY PANTS FOR MEN Slightly Shopworn. Colors are Tan, Grey, Blue. Sizes 28 up. Values to $5 and $6. -_ 4t Lincnscbmitt-Apfel& Clothing for LAD and DAD 209 South Main Street s 'U READ THE DAILY CLASSIFIEDS! i THESE AIR CRASHES. Civilian air navigation has re ceived many severe setbacks since its conception on a commercial ba sis last summer because of the nu merous crashes occurring on sev eral of the best lines. This does no mean that air travel is basically unsound, but it does mean tha steps must be taken toward th prevention of such terrible acci dents. Two definite factions have evi denced themselves. Certain news papers, on the one hand, have de voted columns on their front page to even minor air accidents aji' are actively engaged in attemptin to, hamper the airplane business a much as possible. Several aviatio companies, on the other hand, ar trying to block a bill now befor Congress providing for an investi gation of recent crashes, and ar naturally quite anxious to stop un favorable publicity. The count coroner at Kansas City, where th latest crash occurred, claims tha the hasty dismantling and remova of the wreckage had wiped out a: possible evidence which he migh have obtained. Both the newspapers and th aviation factions are pulling in th wrong direction. Instead of offer 1mg constructive suggestions o: mow air tavel and 4vFtlon in gen eral may be improved for the safe ty of passengers and pilots, eac has alowed its partisan attitude t blind it to the essentials of th trouble. Because- of their bull headed attitude, each has succeed ed in weakening its case so tha there is no gain to the newspapers the aviation companies. or to th public. As a result, the department o commerce has changed the ai Iegulations for commercal flyin to require a minimum altitude o 500 feet instead of 300 as formerly This marks a step forward, ant Congress has undertaken to pas a bill authorizing investigations o i h ;o it1 e it Yd' d s, e Safter all, it is a great acivt tar purposeful." In other words, I sup-1 to attempt Oto educate such large n pose, print a magazine that con- numbers of adolescents away from tamed nothing but promiscuous home without the corrective in- razzing, biting sarcasmi, and ma- fluence of. military, church or other licious parody from cover to cover. disciplines. The 'old alumnus, re- That just isn't our'idea of being turning to 'his fraternity house, is py funny. Not that an occasional most often struck by its dirty, mes- playful "dart" isn't a good thing. sy appearance. Under our free- Ah no, we hurl the u occasionally and-easy system college stu- ourselves. But a handful of dull dents can be, about as sloppy i -darts in the hands of a clumsyk their quarters as- they wish. Prob- dart-hurler (and may this sink ably some forni of adult associa- home) can become very tiresome, tion, such as that provided by stupid, and sophiomorical. house mothers or resident tutors,IThe two-line joke as a ,teady must be developed. Fraternities I diet is no .longer satisfactory. seemedto develop qiite nlaturally Granted. College humorous publi-I iAn the older and simpler AmcricanlI cations will evolve a satisfactoryl f" ,"he oldert an sh mpl e ries of revivals of the shows of thyt S prolific contributor to the musical stage. The spectacle of a comic opera star of twenty-five years ago coming back and in the same ve- hicle proved rather exciting last week, according to the Detroit crit- ics. Miss Scheff had the samne verve they said; her voice still re- tains its splendid lyric quality and volume, nicely suited to Herbert's melodious numbers. ANDROCLES AND THE LION. Shaw's broad slams at many slaiable subjects in Androcles and the Lion proved so popular- last 1 er t- ii 1i fh t f , -aiorlmi , snor'ikam I aa -1