J( J tiIJ-j' , JfiA R- Y ~i ~O 0THE MICHI(GAN-D-A LAP / ____ __ _ _ WODERN ENCI IER C. E.L Groesbeck Discusses Need of Specia Responlsib-ility to Small ivestors, Col. W. A. Starrett Describes Pat o f: Engineering its B3uildling, Progress." I (Conthiutd ProiiiP-rve * investors whoese saving~s are em-I ployed to creaLte or expand .Amer'- ica's g-reat industrial enterprises. Capital Called Neemssary. "So long as indutstry vas confined to them;small shop, operated by the owner with his. own- money, large accu:emultations° of cpital for indus- trial purposes was ts Unessary,".j said Mr. Groesbeck. "116Wever, the; iritroduction of power machinery anidtHe evolution to ip-ass produce- tion, together~ with advances in tr-ansportation and distribution7, created a new situation Which. ft- ;5 {rdF ii4 !? I DELEGATION OF T YPISTS AND SECRETARIES FOLLOWS SNE NIDERLayrMyecie4JPftflT-,rin NATIONAL REPRESENTATIVES TOLONON CONFEREN Wol- aE Poiti 1U II lIi JLUE M Now Aitin g ~nsultatksi I; to Speed Reassessment of Territory Committee ~ of All Property. SOONIDSCSSTAF SATE MAY TAKE ACTION j Pictures tak,-n in London after; the arrival of the Amrncica~n delegatio (BY Associated Press) _('v Associated Press) WAHIGONaan 0.Seae 'a'" ''CHICAGO, Jan. 30.--Gov, L. L. t - --action on the question of independ-' ence for the Philippi'nes seemslikte- Fmrnerson made a tentative ges-i ly befor~e the end of the present kI tone of first aid toaday to the empii- Ssession, but a decision in the. Hou,~ yprsso hcaoadCo i .. ..';la is regarded as improbable. cmity Recent labor riots in' California, involving Filipinos, and thne intro- He -I wired members of the state ' tduction of the- question of Philip- ' tax commission, the Cook county cpine imports into the sugar tariff, board of assessor; anid the board of !discussion have brought the sub rvetom thihreoorw I 1ect to the fore.t ics asadmaso ~Two measures are under considl- t ics asadii~~ seratiosn by the Senate Territories speeding the reassessment wich i Committee, and Chairman Hiram ;ha.s delayed collection of 192' taxes. k Bingham has indicated that a re- The governor indicated hie souight port will be madec some titnt after I thn n oldn~lifr Fe.1,weteai~so hs mation" concerning the money dif- : bills are completed. Binghiam ste uhrof bl ficulties of city ands coun~ty. He did -;,; ",z tppoofisnthe authisin or thbile "~' not state whether he would go oaly A, pupsofstudying the question;', Leon Fraser, further into the, matter than to cx- A.SJ:taP ~ooIanother would grant immediate New York attorney, who acted as; ercise his influence toward hurry- in to the Naval Arms Limitation s freedom, and a third, now being cuslfr hiae lansr-1g reassessment but officials here imsn ithArhurHederon 2prepared, by Senator Vandenberg of ," were hopeful, that the state might ?s of' the dlelegates; below, the conl-, Michigan, a member of the commit- partedi a passible ch~oice for second j find a way to hDelp. gates. tee, would give the Filipinos rode-;American director of the Bn for First direct results of the payless - - -- pendence in 10, years and gradual' International Settlements. paydays which city and county tif autonomy. employes have experienced in Jan- C U T,'he question of restricting inn - ~lk eA dC ro uary were seen yesterday i, Judge RADIO LA W FIGHT- migratloh. from the Philippines was (John F. Haas, court. Eleven fain- brought up in the Senate yesterday'I to lay 'B ll H reCidies, dependent upon city or couin- (It Asncited res)in connection with the 'California Ij I ty for a living, have been ordered (I~ cNO'iaII i'e' ~ disorders. At present, Filipinos Jean Goldkette's Country Club evicted from their homes for non- WASHINGTON, Jan. 29.-The, may. enter, the United States at' '~ payment of rent. In some cases first legal attack on the~ validity of will: Senator Vuillard E. Tydingsocsa0 io an o Cr Judge Iiaas was able to effect corn-, the Davis equalization amendment', (Dem.)., Ma~ryland, sai the situa- son's Michigan League band hav,, promises by which owners agreed to to he adi la, nvovin th fihttio4' was making more and more been obtained for the annual Fire.- defer eviction a little while longer. dcifficult th~e solution of racial prob- n'men's and Policemen's ball to be One of the evictions involved Mr's. ofsi stations for the same wave- lems'already confronting the Unit- held Feb. 17, 'in the Intram~ural is oeesyadhrfu length, is to be threshed out in the 'edl States. ' I children. Mrs. Mogelepsky is de- court of appeals of the District of 'building, it was announced yester- pendent 'upon the mothers' pension Columbia. Electrial Mv'ei.r Tc day fund, Which has become exhausted. 4 quired new systems of financing. coference are shown above. On. the left is Secretary Henry L. St 1t is difficult to 'estimate even' member of the Eritish delegation; at right, the, typ ists and secrtarie& approximately," said 'Mr. Groes- ference room in the Ritz hotel which will be used by the American deleg beck, "the numbei of people who ___ __ wi~l share in providing the billion j~ oss dTlars of new7, capital needed by Dteaut a osLrg Macln the electric publi1c utilities this year.Is I'xwould hazard the guess that more'o e. e tdnsLk aiue more' than a million citizens wil a ng;M nSudnsLk aiue p14 tiaein suplyng hiscsp-1y P. R. student customers call up long in ".Unlless I misread all the signs of I h hn n ro advance to make sure that they can; the ime," oncude Mr Gr&-eauty parlors depend on co-eds bcteotrbuov whc th exclusively for their business would geponmnsatseii ie beck th catri5"uior whch he 'be sadly disillusioned by the list, so that they 'won't have to wait in ef ieelhs ae nte ril of s turdy Michigan men who reg-;Ithat waiting room' as they say." e fnc during the past fifty years 'ularly visit these places of artificial Further evidence of the shyess l: is "as nothing to the contribution he beauty- making, accordingg to sever- fmnwh optoiz yh eu Wil e aledupn o ak driga of the local proprietors and pro- parlor was shown by the fact the ext half century." Y p reses t 'Starrett Outlines ",'Construction"pites. that parlors which have open Col . A Strret, pesientof Why, many of my customers are? booths find fewer men among their the Starrett Corporation, New York,! ,nwo om n eeuireu I customers, than do the shops where give the second speech of the aft- alyfr mncrs"aerdoeprivacy is assured. A prominent I' eroom'n"h n'ne saIof theme,"They usually have a cer-shpTyeEgneas , barber shp in town finds few men t' fl~ilder." Cl. Starrett outlined tre tain favorite manicurist with whom I'willing to have their nails mnani-c gibrth of mant-made constructions they spend an interested half-hourJ cured in the shop because the man- and sometimes I wonder whether 'icurist sits next to a lare late the eetaim erid fhsoyt it's the manicurist or the manicure glass window and passing students I sthe res ent time.' nt that holds the center of attention who gape at the person re eivingt getea sethledenthfinvinto with the men students. Then there the attention of the manicuris tl t~ons of steel and the adaptation of [are those men who have developed serve to scare away future busi- thoe m~tei~l tQc~nst~ctin a favorite curl in their hair and'ns tb't' ushered i the true science," must have it twisted with one of Many barbers in town say with he6 said.ouculn irnevrnwad much, pleasure that the days of Building 'Termied Progressive. then to preserve it, and the secret "shave and a hair cut" are gone, "Toay e sandhers f al aesof its artificiality will never be di- for today when one of their cus- Tdywstnherofalae.,In the progressive march of' civili- l vulged. Moreover, we have many tomers gets into the chair, partic- ztion in the fixity of what our ma- 1 examnples of shy young men comingI ularly on Fridays or Saturdays, it terial comforts in'buildinig shall be,, in here with the statement thatI meatis "Shave, haircut, shampoo, and _yet' heirs of a. marvelously jin- they would like to have One' of: face massage, and 'something nice genious generation that ha 'J ust those marcels, or whatever you call o n the hair.' " Dates of the big preceded us and enabled- us to cast them, that make the hair curly'."f social affais in Ann arbor are no- off the limitations of all a's a The shyness o nmen who venture ticeable in the barber shops sever- biief ei'a 'that has "giveintifsrthe mfod-pinto the beauty parlors was point- al days beforehand, as the steady ernm and well-night perfecj struc- ed out by another proprietress who increase of special face rubs, re-i itrs that today proclaim us tieI asserted that "Many of our neen quests for favorite toilet water, de- greatest builders the world has ever 'i nads for the meticulous for care-1 khi~vn2 Ine said. I eces Sv i Ertfl attentioin to sideburns oer In speakingn of theo curriculaReces SV [i r "amnount of hair oft the top". area found in engineering schools, Coo- I Who Was Stu~ in Mudl certain indications of ainiipencb- nel -Starrett stated: "Modern engi-' ing social affair of importance. neering. colleges contain such a! (RvAi Thus the Michigan he-man hasi wealth of values that one would' fallen; yet he has risen in his ap- ' have temerity indeed to suggest;I MONTREAL, Que., Jan. 33-- pearanec or :snmoothness" andI arty radical changes. Still, we; telegram received 'here today an-'stands in sote measure as a pro-I kilow full well that the 'graduates' nounced that the body of PeterI duct of the beauty parlor, instead as they come out are not equipped, Trndvrwoledbe rpe f jut plain old-fashioned; _p for, they have yet to obtain that Trasaiverwhohadbeeatracedob. which only time and application '20 feet luier1 water at the plant of wlean ob can give -- -expelrience. And expel rI the Onhtar io'.Paper Co., at Riviere 01d } use enlce," he said, "is such an imdc'fl Aix 01t i'des since Monda yimorn-'OdDicse Sponges, 111fte and clasive thing, th(e il'lot n was broutgh 3tt iv( de siliae t I AS t Phi ig m~"a Meetin i subtle and yet the rmost. panu 'i s Q t730h is mog rnn. ~ietsG l flhw o~;y< thlint' in Iiift'" Tetlgr~nrciea h Iteg'eitt Slhorts itilts. onc~ iaily's office ber e saxid:-\IA(I C0( 4tW Z.~~ l' thentR PryShrs ft'e~body of Peter Trans wars patmlent spoke last Wednesday University was the last speaker oall rouht 'to' surface at 7:30 this igh efrrhePniSga 3 tl,in program yesterday aft'rnoon. #irning Doctors now examining ITlgical Society onl"The. 1ichi~anr Thle subject of1 his adcdresw - viasJ body.". Fresh-watter Spon es. " "Amneran Butsiness -and he En- Trans had been underth ~e icyi During the iast suiin i('i'1Mr.1O gineCer." waters of: the Outare rive' ince I with his wife mlade a c olleting 1I ip "irosperity is with us whein r. Mosnday nrning, a period of al - ' 8f,000 mil 1es troughr neali'y e - areall al, work," sai event Shorts. most 72 hours. when two divers ry county il the upper and loweri p'9renteuist and who lhad flown there from Moe- "peninsula of the state. prset eqisteof industrial treal-brought hisbody to the sur- Much valuable scientific hio- i griowthl and developmnet." face. today. nlation ol the ecological, chieical Economics a Problemt Messages to the offices here of and biological factors of the Iistri- Regent Shocrts went, onl to discuss ,the paper company said the diver bution of spoans was obtained t tWt~ "tEconom11ic nro4iP.nS of tpi, t'e (waseadweaenfo.h th 0 oaile hrwohelitt 6AV day and the nee'd Of lbroa'derwte weemade. spread of economic education.". He [ ________ diScurssed at somte length the rela- tioni of brawn, brains, and capital,, asserting that "the wonderful tbiing-Al w ab~ut it all is that this advent;V oft brains into industry has not been ' to the detriment of the moan who wl tols with his hands, but, ittther, tol his everlasting benefit. T.[he best "r i friend "the laboring manl has ever had is the man of brains." In treating tine importance of. .scientific research, Regent Shorts si,"The successful business mant! af today keeps his hands on his' business--but his eyes are fixed on science and invention, etherIT," through his ownt engineering staff or througl° connection with univer-a l 1d8,A. . sity or independent laboratories. AadnDe 0 .D Scientific; research has at last come - Just siting antd waiting for an Aladdin's lamn to brim; you the { into its own. And wherever you fulfilment of your dreams of riches is inconsistent with 1930. Thler&e ffiAd Scientific Research, there you are other ways of gaining ha'vhincss, leisure and wealth today. also hand Engineering and Engi- 3 AIG1S13-A deers. Engineering is playing~ a SAIGIs13 A xedn pr n h aro us bt3%j interest couv'ounided semi-annually will work no miiraces.. leadng prt i th haronios t iill bring you a considera'ble sum to be sent on luxuries Aadiu joining of humanity and industry.:' ee rtie f I vTine challenge of the Davis amendment, keystone of the reallo- cation in 1928 of broadcasting. sta-. tions, is nmade by the Westinghouse. company in its appeal from, the re- fusal of the federal radio- commis- sion to allow Station KYW Chica- Po, to continue to operate' on 1,020 kilocycles. The commission says that the. chanznel was one of eight cleared wavelengths alloted to the second zone in the reallocation. Givent 'r uem ' (By Asociated Press) PITTSBURGH, Jan. 30.-A for- gotten, electrical instrument is, among the hundreds of exhibits of the early electrical industry col- lected ' here by the Westinghouse Co. 'for H~enry Ford's museum. It is a little instrument and no one seems able to identify it.' Next ' to it in mystery is a hys- teresis motor, so-called- because no one knows how it is supposed to aWork.} s .. $ _. ., r .. LANE HALL TAVERN JA N-UARY SO CERAC Our entire stock of Men's, and, Women's Wintcr Shoe reduced to two prices. fS L. &B. SHOE STORE 620! East Liberty Street i The Choicest o Woxome F ods p I Mrs. Anna Kalmnbach I i5 iB- I-I - _rl ' N ., S . O U S MOHE R s= I R Th-ihia aiycnrettos aat.omMfryu 0WA Q Sa"dy.n una retelstdy ta oucnadet" theebfoe hesesedreeser a a. WAA., - ..r a - a - a- A CLASSIFIED a- . II Ii