_ :.__..._..__..._..n.:. _____..:.___.. .... _ .J. - - ~ ~ - *~ *VUJ..,d~L * U MSU WILGIDEEP FLOOD WATERS IN ARKANSAS i IBRARIAN RECOMMENDS COLLECTIN+G1 [UM l[ []j WEPDOWN ST. FRANCISLE ECHR UD 0SA1 EN FIRST EDITIONS AS HOBBY 1 TWaEW E HW IcI;H AFI MTACK fascnting and profitable to FYii eln o 2.0 asotys y " : -- ~~~~vesity students, I can recommend 'F--. 1 n. orsyte Saga,' ublishted in 1922, MridUvCh44Ic AWOrRM 1th1cole"jg ' odrnfist"ci-sells for $8, The same price is Valiiab] j I hpsopaliatn 13ishop, tiols," Sand Ranidolphi . Aams,l aised for ime's 'When We Were Fr M&ss Cystal Thomplsoii Pregalies I AX' t 64 Years Old. Gi tdim of the W ilim L. Clem1- l ery Young,' printed in 124.1 xib ition of Many-Coloed TOI0i 2fC'INcr of Americ na yesterday. Land Artid Ocean Shellsi. I; is a dhcir e hallenge to your 193 is bringing $250; Wells' Sal-PtRl 1 ' lik,-erry judgment to seec; a book,l vaging' of Civili~ato of 1921, $2 ' - ~~~~~~~~~as soon as it i published, whichfAn o1''Old'of 92, D GROUP Dih EiAYF I3 (11C AGO, .fu. ,0:~.- ie Tot you believe wil be of lasting v lue. mI Wofs'ranO f12,MT. --'ezv, (:'ia ~le& Pilnierston Anderson, I11 youi ire (,orient, in two or three $2250 m I L Jaes 'Wood, Staff Taxhrist, presidia , hji~hp of thero l aestant L; yerYiI will finid yourself in pos- "Ini the Uniitedl State , Cabell' i from S Plas Coyte Dis l~;Fv iucpl(lncxo .~ino oeeloje.Yu Smething About Eve' of 1927 is Specmen Are.Seiwcd . tate, ded tday returns then come either i thelselling for $0; Corird's first Eg-I Si rlxsAeet°rl 1arde oa.Saisfaction experienced by the !dy and Trt.o important exh ibits are Ibe- 1 l _ ai~sa etIcue'liofi192bisewordthio170" forigted l.g plcdi"he nvriy u ?- suit of 1 a 4ttack ill( days ago j pleasure fromu simply owning a g lce nteUieriyM- ~ ....cuk o t wnsf riiIeiinof 1920is wrth $170 signTa eane sens building this week by Mis from wllfhie never rallied. Ie aeho o t w ae ri dto fDesrs'mrcn~'g le,70md UrstaLPo'pon r htvsal.y. yIis 1( the sale of that hok for several; edy' of 125 is now bringing $21 t 3,~0 education. depar tment, and James fl opt-th hcaoDocs. times the original price. Of couirse, A uorpe dto of Sab- sow. Wood,< _taxidermisto th and stan Diocse athe longer you efrain from selling A uorpe dto ~ a 6 ts~; alldeinstan stffpYe-quarter of: a century, lie had been the highr the price soars" tini's Writings' of 195 is selng/ One< pa o.AssocWiafet S V8 hWot for $9p. Wilder's 111rde of San celusions prtrMany Colors Shown. Flood water, sweeping through levees on the St. Francis rivtr iniID.h raised to the pimnacy pt his church; a Comereal Appeal. Ld e'o 13 snwreteling ut pta MissThompson'.s exhibit, which Arkansas, near Big~ Lake, neared the tops of the windows when they only two mnonths ago. Is health Dar.h Adam'tyfsudhet recognized: ad Lawrenoc197 s, now lt n rajspo will be finished by the end of this reached ti riaedsrc tto.Terp~ ieof the river is had been. apparently good, despite fthat temajoriyo tdnswould !at $2,adLwncsReo week, includes a group of fresh-, creating wide disturbancle in neighboringr towns, duce to the possible awa h ',uni h ftlatakbfor intmercdin shapp hobbyd t$10,he sr'oa12iildelfr.lgt f ce salt-whter, and land shells.!iidto of large areas of farm lands. Jan. 21, feAw days af~er he had fo t omeca peaad$1,"h]id three1 Piegroup is being placed in the --____--,returned from an eastern trip. went ahead to explain the prs- uj started fouirth floor exhibit hall, and. is in Mrs. Anderson and their three tc fcletn.Leagueto C a piiIgdbl teid d to acquaint the enaIForsWythCe h D clares ls Cause Qurer auglhtes we ed~ to te bed- Fieitions are wat cont * 'andra pdial with, the varieties of colors odsQ are sidTe erly coday.seo past prominent Authors I for New Distribution ee t clsAlVisits aren fte soa probably out. of the reach of ee t sizes and shapes which are found Iof Al tu~ent to Health Ser'vice pasigo h piscpal nand afato i')imteleaeshi curc wthutuniversity mnadwomlen. But Of Highway Rceits nlyo in a. single group of shells. Nearly i__________ piaelavshscurhwtotonmtemuttdef ok en every color in the spectrum is n- a. head and his diocese without I___ ire fli ctddi"CodtogthprvlnefjcoldssadDotrFsthicreIbhporodjorihp. A published today, a few are going toIy sxac rrT cded nthe exhibit. ,tog tepealneo Icls(sieotolosthi aeiop or coadjutor bishop-wAn become famous and their first edi-' (P A1'ctd re)i On the third floor balcony exhi- thenm varies greatly from one time is taken to remove all superfluous Iletions bofe coadjutorWil bishop,,In.30A who-id Ith fig siehllvWdhaallwne idredplcdtanhe th rhotthe a," clothing such as overcoats and' g- called yesterday, scheduled for the at present they can be picked up camaNintogiven.0-AttieWiethe flng grusiclyesi D.Wa ftea,ohswe on nor. diocesan convention here next for $2 to $5, a very few years will and townships a dret portion- of pise. in h hckade nofae eat evcesafystraj;s ky-rocket their price. Accuracy1 the mnore than $40000,000 collected Thec uapland longspuir, tuffed tit-mouse, "cause about 25 pr cent of the It would be a good practice for T uesday. and cardinal. -Within a few days visits of the student to the health ;women to remove their coats in the nihpAdesnhdoenee t nbeecfrtnhs ee hih wil lanually bytestfratl ecfr ighwayonabouptt tfe addition of junco, snowy-owl service." The treatment of colds cas-Imtogh heao nIe at suh a meeting Nov. 13, 129 o tfefrotni hr h p upsswsfral eie pn ~ini lassroo, tough th amuntof; in Wash in gton, after the deth of {Pealig risk in ones judgment1 by the Michigan Mnicip.+d league he said. bue-jay, nut-hatch, and grosbeak 'i s one of the big problems of the' od asdfo h alr oIth otRv on ade u-hn here Wednesday. Excellent specimens andunimitedpracicalyntig tee n do so is probably low in this case! ray, Oct. 3. He assumed the addi- To give some conception of which The effort to obtain a share in and unlimite tronaicadutieshiimmediately. in boks are valued today and their I state finances will be opposed by available space have given this new asmuch as the cold has not as yet! because of the fact that womentionamoretthaniamqurter enur current rices, Dr. Adams conclud- state officials, including the head exibta rmien laeinte be efctveytraed nd cor-( generally have become more hard- a psoa ihpa lmcg ed with quotations from recent cat-{ of the highway department, the Muem'Cayteoryi. tperatieclitleisown a bout thined to the temperature than men,I Bishop Anderson wvas principally ! alogues on modern first editions. ; Michigan Good Roads association CooeEIbitp fineto syet. Certain ;h ecae.concerned with the problem of en- rices Quoted. land the -Association of County Along with the bird .exhibits,I treatments have, however, by ob- I larging his church and keeping "oa in London, Drinkwater's ! Road engineers. Wood is preparing a group of coy-; servation seemed to result in their For the student who gets the I Wtadncsm einivc______ - - ___ _____--- ____---_ ates which were shipped recently alleviation and some of these are cold, in spite of the precautions pace wihve ns madencivi from northern Michigan by mem- given below. which he has taken, a restriction offI Being keenly interested inl Chiis- F- 2 EFRACS MsncTmi bers of the state Board of Coner- Contrary to the usual belief, coldsl activity should be his policy as!stian unity, he played an impor- Ierur~uy 1-2 ON E WSES asni e I-e vation. Three of the five specimens' are not caused from any certainI possible. If he can remain in bedI tant part in the work of the na- Detroit's Greatest Season of Graie Oprea b the ° are in excellent condition, and the kind of bacteria, according to Doc-'for about three days, so much the { tional church. He was president CiiCo mounts will be laced in the fourth f or Forsthe, though there is some betrrhuhtishrl os-o h cmiso fteWrdC iaoO~r floor exhibition hall along with the evidence that they are contagious. ble during the school year. It is thei,Confereneon Fith and Order.________________________________ present mammal group. They are generally "caught" by erroneous impression of- some that I -- - --- ---MNAFB i,8p .TUSAFBi1,8p n Wood says that the coyote persons of the "hot-house -variety" the best way to cure the cold is to creasing rapidly in northern Mich-rte than those whose who spend seti f na feno' srniD totT e te iaMzio. Olszewsla,w gan tein info c'uoseecsintegma I:.Formici, Lazzari, Lucia Di Lammermor I t~ ign rkigi rmWisconsin, I a good share of their time out of uaseecs ntegmaim Cavdore, marhall, Schipa Salvi, Lazzari, Hill Oliviero. Minnesota,, and Canada yearly in{ doors. Those unfortunates who do' Such a practice, on the contrary aroreo, mallet cond. Polacco Cavadore. Balet conductor, S. Leger greater numbers. The larger size spend their time in the air and are i o taldsrbebtoea- C S THEATER of the specimens given the Muse- subject to colds, nevertheless, ps-! flicted with a cold could well take Evenin-gs, $1, $.50, $2, $2.50, $3 WDEDY E.1,8~ n HR. E.2,8Pll rn indicate the availability of food sibly may lay the blame for suchI a teaspoonful of ordinary home' St.: -Matinee, $1, $.50, $2 Le Jongleur De Notre Dame La Traviatal ini northern Michigan, a probable infections to the poor, adjustmentI baking soda in water every hour; FRI11 SCHEFF Garde:, Formichi, Baron'eo, Ringling, Mitzio, Hackett, Boneli ; cause of the annual migration to of clothing that they wear. Unless, until he is relieved, in VirrI erbert'is masterpiece Defrere, Ritch, N3icocli. Defrere, oliviero. Sanrini this state. Wolves, says Mr. Wood, clothing is regulated with regard Epai nsu ris I te "MftrEU IS~cnductor, Polacco. Followed by Ballet Ballet fond, Moranzoni - are rapidly dying out in Michigan Ito the weather and temperature, diet Will help, as will a large' (onlianry-.Orhestra-Ensembe lU, ~*. T i SAT., MIAT. FEB. 22 2 p. nI alhuhsm ftewl~rparts chills -are liable to-. result. amonnfgaeri n eo-.d the Ai tistic rr, 8 Y,., n i.rltre of the upper peninsula are still i- A ccording to this analogy exe- am rohrcircfut.Albeija Rasch Balet I Ptaia Olszewsha.- Bonelli The Love of Three. Kings f fetdb hm"cs illil ntepeet o e or__t__e_______ri____fr____ts-Marhal, Baromeo, ure GreMioLazzari, rete b tem" in wllhep n heprvetin f aren Misn,_ - -----______-_"-"-Defiere, oliviero. cavadore Formchi, PBari. d'1ermanoy, Oiviero Balet Conductor, Polacco Codctor, Mranoni. TODAY tJ1r [ A200 3:z, HN1 Ir. ,t D o n Pasquale DA MA Ii olettos U iI , ' o,_-Sav, Scita, Rtmun,~~Msn, T es Gade, Corts; lontelli TH E TCIK D A AOiir CoPcor oanBufaroreo, efrere, Cavadore, Sandrini. 0i i-&D"T' aa ES a v 1K IBallet Coductor St. Leger EVER MADE- FOR ALL --- The first 100 % technicolorII TICKETS NOW ON sAm ,EFOflCE O AYproduction ;I'$1.5, 2 $250,$3:$1;$5,$f.BoxSeas $, (ii ax ON ' itIoud Local Reresentatve: Anne Arbor-PRINT AND BOOK SHOD ' AII 521 Fi1st Jefferson Tlehone 2J081 I ~WEST COST Ic Experience Gtted 10"i Detroit-Spokane Rzeturt, Trip. JITT PLANES FASTER ;LEMENS, Jai. :u--iie ir- corps' "Arctic pai rol" fligh elfridge Field to Spokane, and return was hi'tory t- :1 of lecers had before them dy a vast anont of dlata from experiene during the ie jourey over ieoeand of the most obvious coil- was that a convoy of pttm-- nes will run away from air rt craft during a winter Throughout the trip the transport planes, which with 18 pursuit planes, lag-, ind. Although tie pursuit insportation planes got an art on the hop from Esc - the home port Wednesday e of the latter made the en- :ht, two remained overnight Ralph Royce, commander of ;ht, said that the purpose of dertaking had been accom- corps, learned a gmeat deal -he practicability of present ent under winter conditions,- AE THEATRE NOW SHOWING AL.L TALKING AND) SINGING 'IN OLD'( .Atr Cp r o ona nce AM1 ftRGUSOW GEORGE DURAA, ,.ay I1alor Lat -fr Qers ' .irec fed Z'q BURTrON KING. . A Dttzi Rmre " tam Brought ,;imHUS rp risng and 2Dramatic COMING SUNDAY BROADWAY II from the stage play "Nightstick" The vivid romnance. of a policeman's daughter whose heat was stolen ey 'a gangster and redeemed by' detee- tive s love. IlZ CHORAL UNION SERIES S I I ' F F rr AL I I I I !I U -~----.----.-'------- K