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January 31, 1930 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-01-31

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t 1890



a ugNIM16




Committee to Debate Measurinig
of Ships by Global, fonnage z
inl Categor~ies.F
Ambassador Gibson Gives Review
bf History and Convict
Between Theories.
(B{y Frank w i/wiaund Aiqr,
4. P. 5SufIfJ"riler)
i4,N O I9N, Jani. 3.- a jkl en c,_______________ ar .
ary sessioni at (lid St. Iles PI>al 4s~mc 'l( Sergius P. Grace,
ace today, the fve Dow~er n>aval co'l- Gov. Fred W. Green, ~* Assistant vice-president of the
fcretice p)ublicly attackedl and 1partl 'One of the speakers on the pro-. Bell Telephone laboratories who
lirninishecd the urublem of fm1it; gran of the Fourth Michigan~ En- will lecture this af ternoon in Hill:
ginecring conference. Gov. Green ' auditorium before the delegates to
a mecthod to ilicasure iava d streiigih !ill greet another governor, FrankI the Fourth Michigan Engineering
I-or purposes of intfernatiolial tret- E. Emerson,, of Wyoming, who will; Conference on "Recent Marvels of
ties, One of the Most baffling ailld in- speak this fternoon.' Sound Transmission.";
t ricate i the w hole Subject of (uS-
Asa result of the first conifer- i dROVU COUPAON
once session open t/j newspapermnOLER
the prblem oimeasuing byglobalnumber will be continued today
tonnage or by tonnage in categ or - 3 I ll I~ J LII5 t h ot nUiest al
Ies lof ships was tonight in the if IJat111th LbouonhldUiersyobain.
hands of a special committe. TII c their copies here, while others
committee is charged with the task. - may purchase copies for 15
of taking these bad boys of disar- Hoidcers of .Reserved TicketsI cetits, it is announced by Theo-
mament, global tonnage and cate-t Must Redeemn Their Stubs done S. Long, '30, business man-
gorical tonnage, anid of making!a r
them presentable and acceptable i by Tomiorrow Nig*. ager
a, compromise for the conference
table. 1 !BOOTH LISTS UE TODAY fna1.sor.... nnr r

Furious1 Tbrce Miutes of Mlay.
I in S ( 011( Perid Ncts

Recital of Vlndini Horow it {
Is Pbnni d for 8 o'crlock



Trioof 1 5. ., I-ill Auditttiuua. l oc trikes Key S. P. Grace Will Give
inSeeh Better Passing and Tcamwork France, Geri any, ,ald AmericaTHARPLNE
Play Feature Role Inceluded in His Recent SPEA KS OF DEVELOPMENTPRT
in Victory. World Trour.

- Meee r- rxf rE«l ,

.. .1 .

l,}"i dotard1 L.Warner.
Three goals within as many mhin-
utes in the secona period gave
Michigan's puck tcamza a 4-1 victory ;
over Marquette at the' Coliseum
last night. McFaydlen and McKen-
zie, the famed Calgary "Macs,"
were held scoreless as the Wolver-I
Ines completely outclassed the visi-
tors to register the first win ever
1turned in by a Michigan : extet
riover the Hillitoppers, and keep:
their perfect record on thc homaes
ice intact.
Team Improved.
It was ,a greatly improved Maize
and Blue aggregation that hxeld
the Marquette skaters in check,1
limiting them to a single goal, and
then breaking through with an at-
tack that netted three tallies early;
in the second frame. Bill Langenx
and Gabe Joseph were the Wolver-
inc stars on attack, while the de-
fense duo of Hart and Captain'
t Bryant were instrumental in keep-j
ing the invaders awvay from the
net. Tompkins at goal also was in
form, making several sensational

Vladimir Horowitz, Ru ssilan 1pialp
isi,, is ,ichecluled to present the
eighth of this season's Choral Un-

Michigan Engineering

ofj Governor Green, F. E. Eiierson,
and Harold Boardinani Listed
on Concluding Program.

Adams, Gibsoni Figure.
Secretary of the Navy Adams and
Ambassador Hugh Gibson. ar"e the
American members with Secretary
,of State Stinson ready to assist
r them. For the 'British, First Lord
9f the Admiralty Alexander and a
delegate fromn the Dominion will
act with Prime Minister MacDon-
Thefir"A Coil' tee 111CC ting twill
be'' hed at 3 o'clock toinp~rrow Ift-
With Secretary, Stillson, 'Vrhin
Minister MacDonald cautiously and
successfully steered today's plenary
session through the dangerous
whirlpool of European politics.
Italy Silent.
Italy's decision to wihhhold int-
structions of the political issues in-
volved for her enabled the dele-
gates. to procet(d wj~rltot t hy to
consideration of Ow i.Freiic Icomn-
promise plajt Jfor fleet ztmEasu rn
11ents. On the Anicerica t side Ain-
bassador Giilyon furnished a no-
table, contribution to tho proceed-
ings by reviewing the his tory of the
c~onflct betwee',n 1the rival i thories.
Bloth PreejJ r 'TardihtEu adlir,>Jl
Lord of tihe Adiralty Alexatnderc
gave Mr. Gibson high pratise for his
hole analysis atti clear statemticu
of the problem iovfer 1he cotf reijw
Th'le A__rerica i dip] oi t fexplini
ed that there were, rougly :lie.pc
ing, two schools of thiought. That
of liimltation by catego ries fixes thle
tonnage that each cotntrtq ay t se

t Few tickets y.e-t remain for the
19".1 edition of the J-iHop, stated
{Albert; Donohiue, '31, chaihnran of
the sub -conimittee on tickets, last
night; hie expects a sell-out by the
G nd of the week. Ali those who
have rescvod ticeket, must; redeem
tliiif by Saturday night. Sale of
twckei; will contirtue from 2 until
f;5 or'clock every afternzoomn until li he
'11'nd of (tlhe0Week,
D15tributioii of favors will be ox-
tended another day, according to a,
1!statement issued by Henry, W.
Schmidt, '31. They imy be had a
the retail store of Burr, Patterson
anti Auld, manufacturers of this
year's favors. More than, 500 fav-
ors have been distribu ted, due prin-
cipally, Schmid(U believes, to the at-
trac tiven es~s of thme modernistiC
bridge scet~s whichl. are being used as
i pres'e nn forUwe a trair. 'This ax -
i ej .eliu a of Ii itrait limiit im-eCvioushta
seat for' d istribit t ig favors will be
he lJa: si, ,Schmidt. s.aid; after theiy
regulari distribuation period is overU,
! the conainittee will niak; ir ii rryp
ular' hours rat thne ainh desk oft(lite
TliIi lst-;for bulb a t era iOtis .
anin(W ~dpeami~t groups must be in
Uie hands of the coininit tee at the
maf~.j in esk iilit eUnionIor ifli~d
atoa Qeoi'e Weyl, 31 elom inlhof
ic booth (oWIfralIaq(',by ,oiiig .
14"acis Ii 4 4 Ii azl c ('01 Ai a IIit in-
_ u'~ii of 20) t~t.jm; oil erise two
o r more lists will be comiaxed.
UJroups are expect;ted to )f"ramish
'ilh~ici charone a.iid also furnish
'thesir booths; the coittee in

I 9 i Q F U i 6.1 L L


IYJI~ LJU11 [ uOL t, The ssi5,ng'of
Jvnim u in beani was the best
cal rink inl three
T H 11their team11work g<
ATHLTICPROLEMveloping into a
Univer sity ComJ4lmittee Attemptc~d~i_ s eJ tion.ay r
Investiga~tioni of Athletic !! asses going wide,N
Afairs at Minnetapolis. ,ra~i defcminep C1t
p echek most of t
j ICE IS14 OMeM-FIIMAN 0>t<t
rtotamuy ~vCourtis
S;ufal. oila blot; 8sh1
NA 1'E ')IS ar.3 n utces of the first per
MINIAVLIS Jam. 11 . A-rani. art rceived
pointmnent of a committee to ill-- this l)eCiot but rest)
vest igate aithletic affairs at the Uri- 'next fr amie. Not oni
ivorsity of Minnesoita withb a prube_- 4ars but another
bWe view to roorgan ilon was an- M I i neibye arine
1)O1ICdI oci yby rots I. Coil'- rnod, ps i;the p
ri.ni, Jprclsidicll of the univers ity. kills ;xfter a pass 5f.
f Tji 10 ('0) mi ritt('t'w,1..> expected t~o;Q Willii half tlic
.t;m t f, wif li a 1a Week, Ran i nvc,5t1 a Mr4ieig~a nlauniched
-ion Wiit i 'lO1'lc a to o'haJj MV6 i11Ilima _1 wIL f lira~
fl'aticrH lcj'ili.oI, 110 he on 1 folie tosi B) a ,!
Mrlltcplce f11c nvcr.i~. ;i lil yle mbers of the co."uiaaittcee olre Ij.TdP gn .,or(c)1((oil 1]
Moajoi' Joi .11 31 . rliii, coil mis- ecit r c~, aI)(l Nyl.
siol ci oft aii(tlielcs otin] eVvsk-'r ' itlic ),past the iM,
('01 ronico; P'ei~r m ic.tr.ii . l"i. Gage '. iJust 38 :T-o~td:S late
of e occollege; (C. W a va, (ir e r foin'th W Aolveri
for of z).thics at Oberilin colleg"' .r !iaX1ixu l nhfont aor
.ri11( Carxalitl h if i co imd l sicr 5j IDiii'i the last1
Wrliter1. 'e'i mes lmldsever
Dr1. (.o[L zm~a 1 ,;id i Cz' 1111 ittee I aeso th op
Wou O . 1 ~4 livulato t11i';3. ta Lci i yealr wr uieii
c <01~t ~~iiccIf,i V pro'; ;J11 I o plgrsaI tl S IMIV
e dUcation Wiu.d', li .himl orl tl-IahRz ......J .
'climlildtc, a1)11505 of present W oail !aiiirhlt'za.1.). .
petitive atlilctaics.'' i:.KaminsJni.D. . )
Th ' ollasolu he gave! for.tUe Choice ; !c~oitl l c,
~i BlO) bcof 01 ie 0coillfittee, JIotic i rvo .....I.
! o f w 1h o m i is a W1111 a i c cd w i t hm t h e i n E 1 i " , l o n g rUvr s t y a i l ' 1 o W r ~ t~ r h v a m : 5 ~ ~ e - f t 7 c t c t
copied w. Berec ais follows: (JulMW etmie. N
Mayor LU riflifhm ",a-s an iii tcr~reter tis,,Sehlanderer, S
of the ide;als; and .aspirationis of the Scoring;----Finst l:
0011 terec;" c, President Gage, "zs H: 59.
an in~mterprter of the ideals and a.,-' Scoring---Seconid
p~iratiou ; of the : association; Mr. a11(1 (from Moore)
8.avYage, "as an in ter-prreter of the 11 :03; Nygut':rd (1,; am
'id.asls awncl aspi1rationrs of thos e pro' c 14:27.
f cssiona]3.11yvinter'ested i intercile- fFcrcttfs--Y. a
f UAte atI mctis;" Mr. Rice, "as ain F'aydeli, C. MCe'a.
inlterpreter of anl cntlightencd opir- I'Moore, Laiigen 2. T

the 'Michigan
seen l 2the lo-
seasons, while
;ave indications
Ys ,:len are dc-
uette Could not,
jig, many o1' its
wvhile the Michi-
themi fceti vel y
..cored til."1w rst
t af ter 15 'init-
'iod had elapsed.
a skate gash in
med play in the
e of the Calgary
"Mac", Molon-
"the s(core forl
thle sccolid pe-
iiack past T omlp-
roil oTao.
period elapsedcj.
l t s wifl ,t tiaj1
gorals araid gave
oinfoi ble mar-
Id to the finish,
Ilong ;simot fromla
,ord Slipped an-
arcluette grorace
r. Josep I tallied
ili goal :1 llat a
tHe 110"
per1iodtI lal.OWol -.j
.'a ('0 iad al,
.lg go~t dal t1)111,

ion1 (oncerts at 8:15 o'clock tonlighit ThForhMhra
Sounding tahC general themxe of Furh iEng. a irtiiecc r'-
in I-hil Audioriumthe Fourth Michigan Enkineering !Ing Conference holdsis 1 fnal os
Horowitz is only 24 and is con- conference last night, Lawrence Istons here today with anotuhir
sidered the greatest pianist of the! W. Wallace, executive secretary of i group of nationally knoxwn xii
rising generation. He conquered j the American Engineering Council, 'neers -taking part onl the prog~rrm.
Europe without adventitious pub- !said "The higItest ambition of the Presiden2t Harold Boaardnxianx of tl1,,
licity. Tile tour of Germany was a government is to contribute to the University of Maine, Gov. Fred tip,
triumxph and at the Concerts duIi art of living." Wallace'spoke on the Green of Michigan, Goy. Fran k E.
:;oiservatoirc in Faris he received program for Secretary of Corn- Eimerson of Wyoming, and Sergius1
an cxdles ovtion P. Grace, of the Bell rfelephio a1,:!-
an ndlssovaion merce Robert P. Lamont, who wvas I boiratorics. are among thio~e whot~
{us onzxple td tour ofunable toarrive for the conference. will be heard by -the dl '
the ais cstcoaltc nd theovatiofSecretary Lamont was requested to! :the conference.
given lhn2 there rivaled his first; remainl in Washington by Presidenit Boardman First dpise kr.
President Boardnma ill !o ic;
appearance. Hioover. Ithe session this morning by AcodigtsaSn rncso, utiesDveo-et
critic thxe pianxiist had "nxone of theI Wallace outlined the developi- IE. TGoodrin s a ltingcrir,
Padcrewskian thumping. Horo- + nen-t of the importance of the en-,
Itzi n ftefwpait n ginxeer to the federal government.I New York, will follow hI, ofnrI i
dwitz whosefnethe wpianois an u n- teery astegovrmn rogram with lhis sp ech,"'h
derwhoe ingrs hepiao i a ; n te arl das he goermen IAmerican Engineer in Modern Cii-
orchestral instrument; not a rival, a undertook very little engineering
I ~work," he said, " however, in re- nxa." Goodrich has recently r~etu1r--
but a brother. That is a vi'tue so ; ed from Chinl a where hie direct(;1
rare as to be- almxost phlenomnail."= cents years the field of the engineer ;ezicrn ~r o h_
ltcliierAbod has extended into every depart- eniernokfrtm hns
Prolanid Arod.ient, of the government." ,governiment. is laalz ,5,i; >c'td
A1 iambrg critic recently claami Wallace poitedou thattoa I to be one of the most inztra thi 1 ion)
ed,"itis ertin hatHorwit i .line government is spending more the~ program., oflcilals said. ,cean
be cia siil not only with the , av ney for thne development of Sadler of the engineering colleger~
greatest pianists of today, but with road . (canals, rivers, and other en- will. preside.
tile leading aastrns of his art of 'l ireiag projects than ever be- Co.reW Genwlpakt
all tinmc.'' fore., "Twenty-four of tihe forty- the luncheon meet~ing at;t.111.-.
Fromx Berlin to Barcelonla i"1110 two committees in tie house of ion. IHe will greetanzolther ,gover-
rrom Leningrad to0 London, tlilS re.presenxtatives are concerned with nor1, Frank E. Emecrsoni, of, Wyom -!
,younig pianist h1as5never had all I phases of the machine age," hie ing, Whlo is oil the( afterlnoonpro,--
adverse press criticism,. and has said, "aind twenty-three of thxe grain with an adlresstI,,t "''110 l~ieid
over failed to winx repea"t engaege-,thtirty-I~hrcc senate committees are of the EngP; r100E in ' 111 ~ yi'
azillt'S, [aced with enginleering -pr~oblemxis." tDean. Emerzncitus M1". t;. (Cou(ty.,t tIm
The b [oa tilconcert tonit is 1~zmmrl m e eoniesDele gates. pengineering colulege wvillidea
,:chieduhled to stazrt at 8:151 o'clock.' At time luncheon meeting of tihe the lunicheon meetinig.
A few ;ingle adlrissioni tickets for' conference yesterday, President Grace to Demontr{rstrate Naia lwi
the program ar-c on sale at thea Alexand..1r G.; Ru1:ven welcomed Sergius9 P. Graec, t~it'nvire-
School of Music. They arc priced, the delegates t~o Ann Arbor and to uresident of the l. i llhoneL,--
$2.50, $2.00, and $;1.00, } the University. The ,response to a boratories, New York, is Ilue oi( met,
- -the President~'s adress was made I speaker onl the atesrnoon nay'In
Gby Prof. F. N. Menefcv, general 1He will give a lecture rJdci I nstr:1
PR H B T O Oi chairman. i tion lpi'esentiiig "Thle l'icld of te,
PHOH16111O TOP~ci aIn his address, President Ruth- i Engineerl i nx Coimnizurnien ,"~I7
fLProm. iire policy of the University I of the Amxerican i rmo I i 'om-
voffJer a one-sided education to cil, will preside al- tis eylj
F~h wOf wa stllddtlaas of tahOe Nginee ring 1Grace's deinonstralioit 11s ,ih'. d((.o
I seib~ed in detail i I1 preceding is1s-1's;
1BrooL hal, Tydings, Copdand "J sincerely hope that the alumniI of The Daily. Muuny are(,%,xp.t c'(I
- and faculty :are aware of our at- to atterid.
Use St >rnuozts Term"a's n teruii to 11od(el the cour~se of studiy 1)elegates tsto time Civutoi;
4batnx Question. a int Quat college fin such a mannmer thleir wives will attend a banqw't. at
that a cultural as well as) a profes.- th:e League at 7 o'clock 1:)111r;ta,.
SU 1Z Ur jLIFi'TER RUD .',:onal triniing wil be assured its ,: Prof. John. S. Weriey. ofatie eg1o
studnt ," ht sid.eeruing transportation clepasrtuit,l~r)1
~ ~~ , S('j~i'i~m, iJeme~' leeed wll preside. 1A.thiea tre 1ps1°l. ,WIl
(A t s oiatd Prss Stall Write r) Protf'essior Menefee, in his reply follow the banquet.
'f l~lON a.3.-A uhato Precsidenat "Ruthlvcm-,stated 'that Adesngt om.'r'u y;-
.111(1 Iimo It: ( '1N , ,'ti,, Jon'mk A drssng thf, '(lamrl'
",.1.d t1110:l.( ' rotiilialol i eatr .t~lf I :inr''.3 for t.v,.Iprogtram 11'*.h Iterday rafternoon ,art hi 11.al l tidi l l cum
,'4f .f ])i oven t:1,11'j 'and (W.'iljd Ihti ,elc ted frm a tgroup of imen a It the mipel~x (: ; (l it>i '!

for each type of ship, ,and taheJreb lloh Iv'g0Will uilkl '-1,i' ii i~efeshmw;t.


braiaGold Mdal
Comedyl Crma:-to Kentucky.



to, be Given Tonight!,, ~ ;i-Agl
Was Hit inNew York; I KDLSTTh ', 30e-te--Aoi ldb
lOt m ArmemiianSociety of JlratingP
"Ii1Lovc WitL .ovc." by \ineit alid Veutitatil Pngineest'to I".
ILawrence, which is to tae presentedj Paul] Andersona, Deani of Enginleers
tonight and toamoarcrw nighat by! at tihe University of Kenitucky, fo)r
Comedy Clumb at the Lydlia Mlen- Is services .inithle field of heatinlg
delssolin theatre was omiginaliy a id ventilatinig.
presented to Broadway with hymi a'The p l(Lhati(nlW s idc ;at
Fontaine and Ralph Morgan n I thae ailn al banqicuet oi thie society
the starring roles. by Phontona Lewis, of this city, re-
Since that tlnc 19123 to be enact, 'tirinig president. It was announced
these two actors have worked to- k the mnedal wouldI be awarded anl-
gether and today are considered ;nuaally to the member of the so-
two of the outstanding actors inj ciety whose service in the fiel-d of
their ability to concentrate and co- heating, ventilating, and air con-
Operate on the stage.{ ditions are outstanding.
Others in the cast at. this Broad- - -I - -_._
wa pemlier included Robert Ourfet rA1a
Stranget" and Ber ton ChurichBill. e t -At_____
The play itself is a three-act1
young; lovers who are so "iii love !
with love" that not untll the final utlido he dscvr ha
hardshipaslarid tribulatlons hiave
made them fall in love. Tl~e shtua- I

Flying Helmet
Pilot Found in
(I; U UilJ.;[N!
inn helhnet anidl gloves c
a land, t he Seattle mec
d isappecit'ed witah Car) I
JIJn or'd a ret Ic pfilot, over
t) j-, re fund t oday
wreckage" of Fielsonl's .
i1s buried ini the sn~ow 10
t1me Arctic o0001111 Th
u 00il l'? {.;t of Nor i-im _
Pilot hi:' 1f'tif l (_ alla 1
6upp lly Ship Snaylouoli

of Lost


'J'o(m',' ~ ime-bC m;.i,tc today after UScitator wllo inlave dcistirnguitsln'd fi2ellsplves Iday meeting, ?Cla r' ecE.(poebei,
1Isin t i0o1o1l r't TP(~pl)l~(cl1210 Jomvi, 1read aIs individuals whose interests are ;pJ'ClCtao h eta od11(
.zrmy iriPi part of 0u et('1r 1'eJ)ortilagt, 3tbat "i'erraI imotconlfinecd Io engineer ing prob-ShrCoNwYkdcretaI
'. - rl
.l_,'m I r m r a~ Iit o'.stHl s'' I "f a~sbimo0tsu rumi 1CJM15, 0'iC, but IT Cx'..t1(1 zd to uthe e: teie h0a,,)a spcil tl'05.1)Ofl
N Tarrcr i ) 11 " '' ;t1are 5 1vt'(I in fluec en t Lu'y ; o '~i i ' r field , as w ell1. " kv ery a tteinp t I aibility to th e th oulsand "; of Io c s'ma:4 e Y r .j ) : :ltc c; b ir 3 r~ d o .h w t ati(o tn ed oi' g
te: C. iMc9i'ay- lP('f1'iia' to nanrte e a .1.imoa-of ?the suc esfuil einer irs fr fromt
+'Iiigan: Cojr in'-- tef I ]CU r.° noruokb~irf, loi lt Ijorrc ide inhisineducation and lin-(-
;ippiola. back _Ia thme wet which they chal et~ he said,"for it is well-
Perod:C oum'ti s, lgr eths ass'-rtion tati "booze knfuown tiat a nrian's worth to theI
coniltion" iri New York city has world is mteaSUred by the degree tof
period: McDon- Illnproved, which lie supplants uis speciali RIO FAD PUIPRPP
6:24' annm 511 01' ' ,ir l'ydrutirs ( { otoc rat.1Iknowledge with. iterests inlothmer UI U I~ lt
_lrO {14 t: o- Mam'yluintl1 (.1. ,i(! Irook at f I - dp .nJi t"n
_ rmrr<+i. todilgest setwreh h le coutld' !Gerald i4. Wagnter, who prl~eside
Lle, i cfind t ' 50 1 cl cubsin any of thej at the meeting, announced to the i Louis Emiinerson Calls Meetiugit? I, ..
ydein, 1Xa'rtixski, ljarger cities of the euoiummfn'ry. FBrook- delegates assembled t1hat Professor1 of Cook County O~fficialhs;
Bryant 3, Hart 2. 1hart, r1'Olcdto Tydiuf11s Ut, taihe"be- leefe a eneetdpeietOhrHl oig
tsre'e ad b e l c e pr sd n -4 H Op' 5; g Scim n tz, 2. longced to tlmat ,,crowd wich ~ljis abm- j of LI ac M ichigfant Eniginreeringt &tinie- - -3 _r - ;
r~~c, s~oltrt ly crazy on thi(l liq uor sse. ty at a ineeting hield In the mrorni-,,--r
____ 3ml1aor Copelanod (Dem ocrat), 'inig. 't'e society celebrated its fif - 4I LAC HERS ASK PAYM ENT
ier Flods cmw Yor'l, intsisted ltltme Iowa dry tiethl animversary ye~terday a___
x 1dFod,,. s 'bidadda"inpeirmj-(i y Asociated Pkt
y Cny 1ninrvoem~o rhbtoiem Sophomores Called forCO n pn nwvteto rl11.oae-1#CHICAGO, Jan, 30.-Th-ree p
I tei iielm t U).New 'York Cityla.' ii;Ijcrts intendsed to ease Cii 'ago' a
_ r~art1~tcr given hlrim was that "eve t1in Debate Trial Toda iacute financial situation w iere on11-
t~ti ~ ~ tiif polie en u t New York Ciy der way today.
li . an. sut ,- lhavcto go to (Jo adat to get thi or ; lt.i. ens f_:)pmo i.l' san h G Cov. Lot-ies L. Ejnimer.;oit ,lled a
En a'slit oreth e ; '. ri aso sc arir tallrt meeting of theCvarious Cook C un.
might bore the I boor l oze." artor above, wlmo wish to try out forty ax officials fo' tomorrow br
oilre< sig fo~t __ 1r I ; 33E o-_, 81 th vrMuit deatimg 1Joard of Education invted.,,o.
o'in ,ime rWa bash' '1'i'lrtrl to dte Senaie soml_ iquor ._icl.ass, will t appecar for a tryout oivtt ,7
[m uredfroa~. rrrl~nga _. t utlr ary h a "~fpeeI. t o'clock this afternoon Ilying and community bankerst
el 110am' Maevs my,, f in(edill Wasihitmgtoii, but aferin rulil t3209, Atogell hall. Thlose Imeet Tuesday to suggest wa ys by
c e "'Orge. a uvstg1inth lfltagailwh,11have passed Speehier33 and 34wic unid cho apyc
eli istaint w :rr no1l),='; *I13 y failed to tlkal tly action, !a m-htecourihseedt. A b
are ter mlitted to take tihe mhtesubisrsedt
;Resr:mm ''~- without the priintary hain.bought $40,000 worth of fi e0rr1 _ .rtn es.a u r e 1MA : jta-
it ,m Popt) y v red aGiVes 'nz1 .ques tion for debate next s mentio peniaonfud axanic
'ry ri al omit J10 ' nme: tern witlbe "aResolved: that time 0 wns
.~ nrr~, ftI S tI ca on IRentera <o*rI sr Fa ss~ntrr tp yrt i~la Th''e state's interests in the Clil-

of Earl BoI'-- sey County, in Ind
chan11ic who 1tern extrmnity, k
B~er Eielsot), brun t of depr:7tes"Jol
31 iiJ' i Nov-. 1:flood cooditions a]
a~irtnGlteeIriver,. reported to
;ane1, wim icli I!its regular cI 'ammn
f1 111 tl~s f"'01111 Terry by a h 1rr_ it
t( 0 lmnles - Ilothe<inm timafl,
ape Siberi3 1hieved 11-m f (Aeet1'
brult w dr'iven fro'n itGc'
icebound off eh inmn.,, l t "F

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