_ THUYRSDAY, -3ANTMUtY -36.- 1930 PAGE SEVEN "'HEMICHIGQAN D~AILY - :1 1 1 E j 1 f Y r s r 0+ F a2 g t Vari'ty Hocky "Team EIGHT NEW (PILOT$ GET.-TRIAL BZ C--E-S"LOK.:-D.N ; Will PlayMarquette IN BIG LEAGUES THIS SEASONT J AC IS RESHMENI Ltktr1'r tewa(Coninued From Page 6) _ ___2_______ _____________opening lineup will include Bill Tiewsnosolgaohn which club he managed during the FN I1 hkys.Bean W.D .saeLangen at the center post. Joseph i two or three major league base- a ndo he12 sao we A CahVekrsRglrBet tIe ae ~oe~all bunched behind them. Basket- Tokns ygratthe tswg potions,! ball clubsnablssom e orhwihDme Bs qiteanaowr hs310 S:.S' ball, volleyball, ;bowling, handball, Topma h es hl atnwmnger nth aeyear been imported from the Amercanz FaresPoo erlyI2 fi~lltLa n relays, horseshoes, tennis and soft- w" ill oerate with Bryant from the quite a. revolution was thought to, league to replace Jack Hendricks at No season of Intramural Sports: ed for.4 Yet, for the 1930 baseball season, gership of the Brooklyn Dodgers isPIN FISSEpMEoTRhsri~se a uhitst:_______ derer, first line alternates, are Sure, which will be getting under way in doubt, with the present bossj Victor amngtenepnensuensptospet. fato rmteewthnafwsotmnhn esWilbert Robinson.;having the in-: ay c. That the Minnesota .game didaogth neenetstdns--- ____ ____ os1os than eight new leaders will be in " 'l track to retain his iob, at resi thovrnsnogo a pof the campus as the present one T® 1 A E As is the custom of the Marquette ^b rg of the contesting clubs,iO~ the new leaders, ,four hav parent in the srimmgebetween and officials of the departmient -_____________________ p sters, thelseonaldratring for- Each league wlopeis amle had no ein pilotingin .g Janet Cb the Varsity and the Freshmen tg are making-every effort to ltep{ Hockiey starting assignments. This will see helmxs of the various clubs In the BobuelshaweoJeweGbbyl Ens,( a TYIST- ern yesterday afternoon ina which o this interest on the increase. 10: 00-Sigma Alpha Epsilon vs. Moome and Furlong go to the wing American league, Bill .Killefer will:Heinbe Wagner aell;aEsrvedin Cp thae,-Veenkermen looked first. good, Starting with the opening of school,ThtaiCi. psts9Mcan ad s to enteeH. replace Dan Howley at St. Louis,~ thei role of cochs or active ply-l able ra tenms thSigm Cerraydenend KaTnsei oaef. oi us iltk Ln lc-ers in recent years, but none have on En! thn ad ad he trrbl. heinepnd-tweegrgnia Ch~i v. Tau Epsilon psitions, and Schultz to gole burns place at Chicago, Bob Shaw- hddrc oto vrtedsi 85 first half ended in a victory for with; the ;assurance that :thie would r {hi Donnie Mc ayden, Pudge MacKen- kywl iltesoso h aene facu.Klee a aa-=__ the Varsity but the course of j rcceivc points in each spor., to ap- 7:00-Alphla Delta Phi vs. Phi ie, Dunphy and Hegy will all see Miller Huggins at New York, and He facu.Klee amng events were far less encouraging. Iply towards all year independent Kappi a atinaafeutegmegt Heinie Wagner will attemipt toteCusfo ivseaswihfarWila under way. tedweeBl argm alda success. YIG In the first half while the Var- team" championship. Having suc- : 0-Accaia vs. Theta Chi. Boston. BllCarianfale raITes.NG cessfully carried on apitsse kta BoTge sto. aes sity regulars were pitted against the for fraternities, it seemed likelyi 4: 15-Jeromes vs. Actuarie.H rrsio ea The National league, too, willAV L SI- freshmen r e g u 1 a r s , Veenker's Ita iia ytmfrtemc Yazoos vs Pole Katz Soh ebur ave four new leaders,. with trb4p? f MORG harge flashed as they did in the penddnts would be satisfactory, and1 7:00-!Polomxia Circle vs. Oakland GEi During Feraypossibility that a fifth will be ad- o T w so it lhas proved. Feats !j ded before the season begins. Gab-. moder Enin aeadrnu o-At the present time there are! Law Club vts. Alberts. (Conined From Page ) by Street has assumed the thank- NOTICE 4356. ided score of 16 to 4 against the twenty-one teams competing forI SgaP B s a et Ih wlgtlau ei r ae ets fmangn teS. .oui Roger S] frsmnbfr h n ftep-tealya rpyadti hudPhi "B. ball around Boston. Greenberg is Cardinals, to replace Bill McKetch- Charles Reynolds''-- -- rod. Only ocasionally. did the be.. Ancreased "considerably w hen t ya7:o4ae ough edges pierce the pZoish'Csoefthtamenred in:as- 0-Senior Lits vs. Junior Dents. 18 yerofae six feet three and nie, who moves t Boston to at- __________________ .1nSenioems Centsdinvs.-1Junior Lits. one-half inches in height, andj tempt to pull the Braves, out of the USTIECO IN style of the Varsity during this ketball final that the points they Senior Lawss vs. FroshLrsaws scleu20t in which they stayed last ear WE BUY NOTICELCOOK-: p'sae20ponsYYuneheoJugElH.frame. gkarItemawarded rnigWtha t ohrSopputss s.unior'Lits Detroit's offers were of such ruthsthladeship ofe. Juge ml 1 .W H. BENJAMI hne 3 w60omK-1 Starting anewat the begei ningrigpoorin ta h byiY aki f 'the second half Coach Vhe m nte unngwt:thesr :201osh DLats vs. Sp Py i fatrn rprin htt E yFcsadJhnUE s eel25E Wsigo hn ( Phone remoed0-Fizoshapanaws . vs.tamsarehonPhys.yEdselected to leave school on the con- ns will remain .at Pittsburgh" .246c__ Wmeisatz aann vlRct,rnd ewteamsoareJco tinalyen-'Soh Eg. v. BsAds. pletion of his preparatory days iiitiImmnmwmIjmi1hijimiumiiijiiiiiiiiiw I#is adue LoeRcktsteigtecpetition utr-SnirEg.v. ohLt.Iwithout carrying out his previous -= iudson. Daniels, and Orwig against rSenior Eng.pvs. Sopht tn psp ,---1,,nln i..fneha nlre l ia _s )NZE TABLETS FOR EVERY USE OSEPH L. ARNET 8 W. HURON ST. 3C .L EXAM TUTORING C.TUTORING AGENCY TATE ST. PHONE 7927 123.C TUNING- Phone 6776. Aliendinger . The Stein.. )ncert artist tuner. Office deuce, 1608 Morton Ave. 234C chran -Speedy, accurate, will. heses at any time. Reason- ates include expert advice glish construction. Lucille.' Park -Theses a specialty. Fair M. V. Hartsuff. Dial 9087. C AGE LOANS .- Money at thout bonus to loan on n Ann Arbor homes. Phone 1350 hKafer WVAN LED Experienced. Would like in a Fraternity or Sorority. 8481. FOR RENT em in in' eg na, ;he strig o reerv frshmz I' aroominmg house on the campus it N minutes the score was 6 to 3 iting themrto participate. A nun favor of the freshmen and be of. leagues are being form( ach Veenker 'and Coach ;Fisher !using,. a street a unit. At the pre. gan sending in their regular's ent time the .Chinese students clu til by the time the Varsity, had are leading in..points scored by via ;ained a 9 to 6 lead the .lineups ;tue of, their winning the volley ba the two teams consisted of' the champion'ship. They have 1( ;ulars who started the scrim-- 'points, the Wolverines, Olympic ge. -. kt this junction the Varsity be -. n to play ragged basketball wi;Vth aresult that the freshmen- step- 9:00-Bills vs. Suckers. iItz k~ Vi11± .~~~U4uirEg s uirDnston first. In speaking of Green- FOjEN-ttatve roo fo Wol-rne bersPesdet Nvi rveledth =XJone or two girls. Steam heat; red oveinevs cl information that he had accepted 1 shower; soft water; washing '--terms with the youngster four years 2A2 i priiledges. Dial 8544 or 9714. Lb! URBANA, I1,-The University of; ago amid had not expected to gain 2 422 E. Washington. 34 i-IIllinois relay carnival, long. recog- the benefits of his services for allj nixed as a national indoor track four more years in that hnc had = $1.00 and $1.50 Values ATTRACTIVE, comfortable, .quiet, 'M and field classic, will be held Mar.j expected the juvenile to attend col -=r sotromfrecnsmse. es,I 5 lege. I Reasonable renit. Phone 5035.. __ -. POTABE 6 C Bo -~FOR RENT -One double and one TYPEWRITERS VeI ry reasonable . For mnen Only. We have all makes. ~~P hone45. 37Wshea.1 Remngon.Ryas.i'iV' " + 1 ~I~ FOR RENT-Manssmall single. CornaUndrwod.c.,I roomn next semester. Warm, Well Colored duco finishes. Prace $60 Stationers, Printers, Engravers, Office Outfiters frihd odcv ocn 0.s.M RRL :Ponc55Ientration. 707 Tappan. Call 314 S ,iut State St.PPhone466151 12 South Main Iafter 5 p. m. 123 drlr~llh~hIIIIIIH~lIIII~lhi~u~i~uJIIJIIII~IIIIIIII~lhjI~lhllh~ltI~Charles Baird ped into tne lead and retained it. until the end of the game in spite # ofF vigorous efforts on the part . of{ the Varsity to regain it. The Var- I ,sity found it difficult in ; sinking their shots, nearly all of the. mPn missing easy tries, while the: fresh- men capitalized a high percentage of their tries. VARSITY TANK9i3N WORiK FOR MEET WITH GOPHERS (Oontinued From Page 6) Ladd,: a husky sophomore, and McCaffree have been competing in the '220 and 4401 yard events, with the former having the edge, on races to date. In the back stroke Itrving Valentine is. assigned the task of filling the vacancy ;caused bye the graduation of Spindle and Hubbell. Indications are that Bob Gold- sr~.th, the find of last season, will do even better in his specialty, the breast strobe, this season. Glold- smith is big and powerful; and should give any of. his opponents a imace for their money. Carl Stae- fli; another sophomore, has devel- op~ed rapidly this year, while Jud Thompson, two-year veteran, is still available. Walaitis and Sidney . Raike have be'en waging a battle in,. the fancy I diving, with. the veteran Walaitk- having slightly- the ,best of it. How- cver, Raike is doing well in-his .first year of. college competition. fired Griinshaw is also flgenting hard for a place. Swordsmen W41.. Have Let- up in Practices (Continued From Page 6) F'eb. 28, the following Friday, Ohio Wesleyan's fencers will invade the Intramural buildinig, while on March 1 the Wolverines will go to Columbus to meet the Buckeye, swordsmen. Another meet has been. scheduled with Chicago to take place later in the season;.- 1 °kefr f- U _- (I I ~11 f ', Our Drtic tlReductions Warrant purchasing one, or more, of our Suits or. Overcoats whether in immediate need or not. Investigate what a. Sa vinig you can make. Masten *C 211 S. .MAIN ST'R ''T I I CONTI NUES I~ IM ItI that read teClassified, ads on page seven ThIaeIf10suetIice trno T finmyorname w ",i n eCasfedAsWst i Ofics sav e $rdutin in the purhsrfa13 icean isn ROOMS-One first and one second floor double. room on 13urns Park bus line. Phone 21895 after 6:00 p. Wn. 123 FOR RENT-Desirable front, room iin private family for second semester. 715 E. Kingsley street. 1Phone 21607. . 123 Jack Bloom-. ! k OWNER GOING SOUTH will rent. completely furnished -seven room. house for second semester to re- 'sponsible couple. Phone 3166. ,3 SMALL- Nicely furnished apart- ment two blocks from _campus. Grad-. girls preferred. Call 6609. during the, day. 3X VERY- ATTRACTIVE -Nicely-, dec- orated and furnished apartment Sbetween State St. and downtown. Four rooms and,- bath on first ffloor. Ideally arranged for a permanent home. Call 6509 durf- * . ing the, day. 3X FOR RENT-A single room at $3.50.. iSteam heat. 600 E. Kingsley. Dial 9094. 3 FOR RENT--Desirable. fropt suite, and single room. 524 11111 Street.a Phone 7027... 612 Richard Mucilen WELL kept, quiet room for men.. One block sou~th of Engineers Arch. One double room and two Irooms to share. 1110 Willard. .3 FOR RENT-=Second semester; fnear campus; two desirable single rooms for men. 411 HaiI- Itan Place, Dial 5839. 3456 FOR RENT-For. 2 men; large; warm room with shower- bath. Half block from campus. 215, +South Thayer. Phone 7981. 345 Margaret C. :Adams FOR SALE FOR SALE-n-Tailor made tux in ox, cellent condition; about size 3-8. IPhone 5017. $15. 234 FOR- SALE --fBuescher tenor :trol- bone. Good condition. Reason- ably priced.- Call at 422 E . Wash'~ ington or Dial 8544. 123 Ruth- -Horwitz, 1. .- -LOST_ TAN ENVELOPE PURSE--Finder keep money and return drivers license and glasses to Roberta Jackson, 43 Worcester Ave., De- troit. .23 LOST--A large gray hooseleaf, note- book in Union, Thjursday," Feb, S 23. O f. great value to owner. Generous reward. Call Joseph ,,Witter.. 23201. 123 U;; e Values to $50 27~ SuItsandTuxe dos Values to $50 $275 IOeleve it or not we are really selling, lotsof ,clothing these -days, not because of the low price-.but there's quality, style and fit to our clothing that's never equaled in the city. Our customcrs know. this and are never influenced, to, buy elsewhere. We invite you to try one of our garments. SATISFACTION c;UARANTU39b ii r l -v - 11 1 i. a