PACE TWO T 1i 1 T 1. TA T l l A N DAILY TH'U DA'Y JANUArt- 0, 1930 A . .n j a 1 1 *1A9.Jr * s* '..1t* . a . +t ,L ., au rhliilrrlnnrSTIMSON CONVERSES. WJTH MAC DONALD .AFTER IS ARRIVA.L IN LONDON FOR THE NAVAL CONFEREN( O F UL L I~lg l~ Events for Two-Day Conference, Announced by Professor....::: R. L. Morrison. "..::. A.................. ...:1}ii: '"?Y ": C l i i i InNP",HEATHSERVICE URGES SANITATIONt~ NU1N51F0 TU YBUILDINGS AND GROUNDS NOTICE SAnnouncement by the Buildings' Tbyef the. fountains. Invest ainb-r D nO E ED A ER E and Grounds department that the --campus drinking fountains are be-1 Superintendent E.. C. PardGc~ of ti.. Return of $1,000,000 to Federal ing used by students as receptacles;~ and G. department and is sat Govr~icntflsuls Fom for cigarctte butts, chewing gumi revealed the situation. GovrnentReult om wrappers, and pieces of chalk,! The fountains in the Ea':st Ein- Co.=z Dcision.comes at the request of the Health gineering building contained chalk., Service, those in Angell hall had wtrape rs INS'TITU TION S, WTIFE LOS E Several camplaints were made to in them, while remnants o1 c6sar- !"r. Warren E. Forsythe, Director, ettes were fished out of the foun- t(ix- 1 C3 ciat _ of the University Health Service, tgains in University hall. TOPEKA, Kan., Jan. 29- The 'that the drinking fountains were t The .Health Service requests r tl.nvi zfi.l n , c cif.nnio n. , -ivcritl- h teBildings and Grounds, 1 1 i 1 i , /1 federal government today was fac- Doing m as JIUt sed with the task of reassemblin vh rfrrdthl Mh "UiestMe onPro-kI Building and Grounds ManyUnivrsiy Me onthe scattered fortune of Jackson It has chage of the gram; Over 700 EngineersBaetic peet Olhm _______ Expected incmtoenAttlahma Expected to Attend. ~~Creek Indian, who eight years ago, gv ihatubrn Complete programs for the si- gaewtaturbit signattre Fbur 72 teenth, annual Highway Engineer- jmoethn$100,0ci ibr~ inzg conference, to be held here Feb.; bonds to charitable institutions and Detroit's 11-13 inclusive, have finally been worked.,out, it was announced yes- ' his white wife.f Ch terday by Prof. R. L. Morrison, of The order which will effect re-________ the department of highw ay en- tuarn of the fortune to the govern- MONDAY, FEB. 17 gineering and highway transport, { - 'yY!ment came Tuesday in a decision Mzio. c 4Ai charge of arrangements for the Aida Fri prga.Sve.a at iueIhanded down by the United States, avaore, Mars changes were made during the past a , circuit court of appeals for the ~aromeo, Ballet. con week. ~~Tenth district, holding that trans- WDEDY To Meet In Union. fer of the huge sun to other parties WDEDY The complete program follows.l Premier Rtamsay MacDonald Secretary of State Stimson. hsakd°sillgl si a edi rs eJnltrD All of the general meetings will be 1 Co. Stimrson, the leader of the United States' dle gationa to the nava con~erence ac London, habake wshle galernseitwas gheld in truGtrLe.,Jogleur E held' in the assembly room of the for consideration of humane measures ini connection withl naval warfare even to the abolition of submarines by te gvermenegurdin oitoa Union, and students will be admit- a.- inktrumentis of war. Even though it is not expcted that the conference willaabolsh.submaines, theBarnett a wil aolih sumarne the The ruling came in a suit brought ted free of charge. Ameri-can ceretary and delegation leader expressed his hopes that the United States would be able to in- by the government against Marshall l R.. Fe Tuesday morning, Feb. 11, 9}:30 'filuence the other members of the meet to restrict the use of undersea craft. Prime Minister MacDonald IL. Mott, Washington lawyer, seek- 2,8 . Tan o ,clock, Harold D. Smith, secretary has been interviewing the foreign delegations singly to infOrm them concerning the results of the British inag return of $15,000 paid him as asa l. Bsaro, of, the Michigan Municipal league, and French conferences. atre'fesorhnlgpaes fraisa, Olszcws, presiding; Inspector Edward A. I --_ - _----_____________ _ -- _-- ----_fth ra ser__Bletndc Mitte, director of trafflc in the De- R craiocti'VCNT-o h rnsfer.ininalifrniaand_ troit Polie department, safety Diplomatic Lf tGeneva Finds R ceain EX C N HOUSEjAtonIedigi Clfr i ndSAT. NIGHT D qipeto Moo Veils"iLieaL T JI{ Kansas courts seeking return of, Feb. 22, 8 p, . Eqimn nMtrVhce; nDances Attended by ]Many N.oed People IN NmElA R PANICnes given by Barnett to Sli cia Capt. Laurence A. Lyon, of the ____hiswifeandHarld___________of__ hiriean aodMeui f oliviero Condw sa etyadtran ic division bi ofay the (By .Assocl: tcless) in-American countries in Genes.aI--- Coffeyville, Kan., Mrs. Barnett's at- statenedepartmentteofopueblictsafety, "Uifrm Sinsan Mrkrs" GENEVA, Jan. 29-Dancing par- are distinguished for their enjoy- (''' ' , ;fe '. ::) tr~,arexctdobestldi Sergt. Robert Demaroff, director of tispaybgp ar ntedplo- ent of dancing and their grace, MEXICO CITY, Jan. 29--ThereI accordance with the precedent es- ! TICKETS NOS mtrafficiof tefFlintvpoliehdepart-te tablished by the appellate court. menfffrom everylisectione ofarthe#in this exercise. j was a near panic in the chamber Of Msrant a ie $5,0,$.0 2 2 merit, "Piotecting School Children."neafomeeyscio fteIMariadeputies uesdayfnighrwhenAdur-- ofrwhichrsetpasid en$150 0,000,,.5,Mc-2. TraffieEngineer to Spea. globe come and go throughout the tidesdeAeoor ethof eu rol euisTedys-h hndr fwihsh ad$.000t c year on eague ofNateonguero yinBethancourt, ofy Tuesday afternoon, Feb. 11, 1:304Iyea nLau fNtosbs-Cuba; Dr. Gustavo Guerrero, of ga exrod;ay ssio Ggin heohraafofteI-2 Loal efersn~ o'lok PoessorMrio,-rsd Salvador, president of the recent lect officers for the impending dians fortune, $550,000, was given ing; Hawley Simpson, formerly( Typical of these functions wasI assembly; Dr. Alberto Guani, of Ur- presideitial inauguration a pistol to the Baptist Home Mission society I___________ traffic engineer of Essex county Iht hadfo oeheei fIIcut that arianged by the Chinese dle- aguay, another former assembly so a er rmSllwer no e ok#h eea dsrc _________ Iew Jersey, "County Highway Traf-, gation at the assembly this year. president, and Dr. Josetrrutia, thea chamber. court ofYo New York subsequently fiec Cointro;" Maxwell Halsey, traf - To the strains of American har ! Colombian minister to Switzerland, The two most excited were two! ordered the society to return that' fic engineer of the Massachusetts monies, Chinese and Japanese, ! all take pleasure in treading a; deputies who ere surprised }n the amount to the goenment.; department of public works, "<,'State 'Sianlese, East Indians and Ethio-, measure. middle ofth floor while emrc Barnett, who reaped a fortune Highway Traffic Control;" G. C. pians, in costumes of their distant' The British devotee of dancing ?s ing' each other in a huge Latin hug from valuable oil land allotments. btillman, State highway commuais- countries, moved in rhythmic ca- Philip Baker, once a famous Olyrt- or "abrazo."I married Anna Lowe in CoffeyvilleI ;sioner, "The Railway Crossing dence with their neighbors of Eu-( pie games runner, whose eloquence! One of the affectionate deputies in 1920. Problem," rope and the Americas. at a conference table is matchedt had lf the safetycah on TheiAt Tuesday evening, Feb. 11, "7:30 Some of the leaders in world af- by his lively delight in a polished automatic pistol which he hadI Mori, than fifty people were o'lcPo.H .Rgs fthe de- faoiiscakepurthese gt atherinterve floor. 'strapped to his belt open, and chosen for chorus assignments in partmet of ivl engineeringpe poiiapuos.Btmnyner But of the celebrities who fr- the other, throwing his arms about the 930 Union production, "PageZI F L s4ing at the smoker in the UnionI national personages dance because quent Geneva, none enjoys daningh 'him in resounding affectionate the Prince," a two-act musical com- E assembly hall; Pyke Johnson, of they find in these affairs their chief more Han Dr. Fridtjf Nansenl, a slaps, smacked the pistol. The shot edy to be 'presented at Michigan GLAMOR the National Automobile Chanmber' relaxation from official burdens. Norwegian explorer. This genial, went into the floor.- State Feb. 7 and 8. of Commerce, "Highways of South Representatives of almost all Lat-I veteran likes plenty of room when ( "110111 ------ - - MUSICA1 America;" addresses by Dean H. C.-------- j- he dances. Like a young polar bear LS Shows at Sadler of the College of Engine rsi er- Maintenance;" J, H. Dennis, en on an ice-floe, he romps happily j T 2T,0A ~0 ->3a j Ing and Architecture, and Horatio gineer-manager of the Genessee and to the joy also, of all behold- TIME0-TODAYI S. 'Earle, first state highway corn- conyradcmison0Dsus0r.___________________________________ mnissioner of Michigan. "i.n, c.I wnmitnne- ToDic8Mchgn igwcsouegnee rofathemisso i sehigh- Barking Dogs Banished His First Talking Picture Wednesday morning, Feb. 12, 9:30 engineerfth~entM acadr samehg Re' 'clock, C. E. Foster, chief enginleer tr earaeltRoad" I tred il rael French Town Mayoar of the state highwayj departmlent, To Hold] banquet. 1 G E l "Tf~ soitdpeiin;V .Brodpt .TusaFb,1,63 lc, CAEURAT rs)iL a.2 state highway c o in in i s s I o nt e r, Ana inr(noml ere CAEURAT a.2 "Mchga'sHihayTrnsora W. MeCalla, president. of the Mich- Dg aludrte"iec"rl tion System; Prof. W. J. EmnmonsAsoitnofaCois promulgated by Mayor Emile; a o e Igan AsoitinofRadCm is Breant and6from undownOus, iGBo of' the department of highway en-I sioners and Engineers, presiding;,Ibreakf ast timevndowntilogo gineering, director of the state ilrfesrGatatatr d rafs iteee acdg llidresses bybProf.rJohnhS.EWorleyOof! must not bark in2 this town. Here is itle picture the whole world's been waiting for-john Gil- Unsound Pa rticles of Coa rse Agi;- tedprmn;f rnprain Pars newspapers,. telling of the bert's first Talking picture bilt ol Concret .T h arpenr- ei neig .C iln tt efforts to eliminate noise in the You actually hea the great romantic star as hie nake love in one B B A gregte f oncthetenJ.T.hadra- {egneig .C ilasaecptl nhsdtemyr h' fiery scene after another You see him as the dashing cavalry officerA sCeasitn mitnac 1n highway commissioners, and Wil- cptl nhsdtemyr h who not only dares to look at a Prncess, but. actually, carries her off-and gineer of the state highway depart- ;beg M. Brucker, attorney generalnncbaihsll osefm7 makes her like its The perfect Gilbert vehicle! "Contol ofhighay Lod-'Iof :Michigan.___ _______________ _________ ProfessorontMorrisonhvihasoad- !o'lock in the evening until 8 o'- ___ _________ afenon e. 2 orking since last summer iclcni temonigrI- 1:30 o'clock, Mr. Burton, piresiding; ngnjh rgawihi x __________________ ,..J. Hoffmaster, superintendento eted to attract more than 700er i T e te state parks, "The Relation of. State engineers to Ann Arbor, and to corm-______________ Parks to the Highway System-", pel the interest of large parts of , John E. Sornnwrs, senior. airportt i the student body. ( A STH A E specialist of the aeronautics branch' Business meetings of the dele- CA ~vnnSS THEATER$2,$250 $ tfthe United States department ofj gates will occupy Thursday after- Sat. Matinee, $1, $1.50, $2 commerce, "Airports;"~lIl. E. Baker,! noon. i RITZ SCI-EI safety engineer of the Wayne cout- -- in Victor Herbert's atriccc ty road coniission, "The Wyn; TYPEWRITING "MLLE, MODISTE" County Airport.." adCompany-O rchetra-EnsemibI .MISSOUrl Engincer to Speak,. j 3IME0GRxIAPHiING and the .Artistic Thursday morning, Feb. 13, 9:30 Aspcatfo Albertina Rscli Bllet- o'clock, Otto Hess, vce-president of ' vseilty yer. y teMichigan Association of Road IPop evc. xeine p ~" Cnes omlssion7ers and aEineaier, rmp evce.Eprineo-pre- erators., Moderate rates.h engineer, of the.-_Oakland county ' "DM - R . rxra Dnn road commlaissioilnE HE TE, "Concrete Pa'ring -314 South State St Phone 6615 NWSOiG,2::'-::':-:.- atter to the department that this objeciorfable zdelaartinent. and unsanitary practice cease at maintenance once. 8 PERFORMANCES Masonic Temple .ONE WEEK Greatest Season of Grand Opera by the Licago Civic Opera Co* 78 p. mn. TUESDA'Y, FEB. 18, 8 p. in. Olszewska, hi, Lazzari, - Lucia Dei Lammermoor ;hall, Schipa Salvi, Lazzari, Hill, Oliviero._ i,' Polacco Cavadore. Ballet, Conductor, St. Leger FEB. 19, 8 p. ni. THURS., FEB. 20, 8 P. in. le Notre Dame La Traviata Baromneo, Ringling, Muzio, Hackett., Bonelli ch, Nicolich. Defrere, Oliviero. Sandrini Followed by Ballet Ballet Cond., Moranzoni ~ -. nha'user SAT., MAT,, FEB. 22, 2 P. ni Bonelli The Love of Three Kings YBurke Garden, Maison, Laziari. Cavadore j Formicehi. Paggi, d'Hermanoy. Olivicro ctor, Poladco Conductor, Moranzoni. ion Pasquale Feb. 23,'3 pMAn. Rigotetto ini. Trevisan Mason, Glade, Cortis, Bonelli Moru~ni Baromeo, Defrere, Cavadore, Sandrini toBallet Conductor, St. Leger , .i W~ ON SALE PERFORMANCES 50, $3, $4, $5, ,$6. Box Seats $8. (No Tax) tative. Ann Arbor-PRINT AND BOOKSHOP Telephone 2-1081 t C idible Color Screen Brings DL'S toUs I i rr iy, Glorious GirlsSsheer Beauty Woolsey's, Wise Cracks -Will panic you-- NIEL. JOHN BOL ES AND _CAST OF 11000. wj .jU a. Soprano of the Metropolitan s A*m ® I I SINGING rOQCPLI FOFNWi. it Superb cast wult HENR~Y BWALTHALL HELttEN FERGUSON- GEORGE DUPNEA, ltay Zallor, L arry .Jcn; , Iirect ed 11r BURTON KINC-G SoeJtar t rliI =and ZPrantu 1w in fr.. U U4 r,~ Ch' 61In ' , 1-1 5 l=i I fl