ESTABLISHED 1890 d:Y AL AW 41-v ANN A60 MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS - --- ------- VOL. XL, No. 7 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1929 PRICE FIVE CENTS PRICE FIVE CENTS 0 .. 'F. at i, " w a, ~ J , r , nns7 "' rr'; i ' i' :: -i ' 1' ES MEL= EFEi mm T S pmmob" 'IT, R, s, 17-0 W M 0 Ak N 0 0 ANk 0 0 0 NWA 0 MUlk N Aft MICHIGAN RADIO Hoover, McDonald To Discuss Problems In Mountain LodgeU BY C. P. WILLIAMS, principles of Anglo-American rela- (Associated Press Staff Writer.) tions. WASHoINGTON. D. C -Into the They both have emphasized the AAAautumn tinted moun'tains and val- importance of an understanding leys of Virg.iiia, the President of between the English-speaking peo- the United States tonight took as pies and such was their topic. The his guest the Prime Minister of forthcoming navol limitation con- Great Britain, that they might sur- ference was to be discussed, but not vey together the high and deep in detail. First of This Year's problems of international peace. Out of these conversations, the E Teirpuros ha be s deine ?heads of the two governments hope Stae Series Broadcast T hei purpose had en so delne- au twe vv nfsho ta es Adm SeresBrodcst ated by Ramsay MacDonald and to insure the preservation of world fViews i Last Night the setting for their talk abounded peace and the development of cor- Messai with rugged nature, an inspiration dial relations and good will among FIELDING YOST SPEAKS to frank speaking. The fastness in nations. Never before in the history A .jwhich they are locking themselves, of the United States has there been AUTO BAN WII Wilbu Hu h yd situated at the headwaters of the so unique and unprecedented an - Wilbur Humphreys and Rapidan river in the Blue Ridge cn event as that which began with Would Fix S W. D. Henderson mountains, is where Herbert Hoover moun edarture for the Virginia Faculty M AisO Talk went last summer to escape his Own Th initati of tals between thoughts in fishing.{Th intainotlkbewn Value Comprised of talks by Fielding The departure for the camp with the President of the United States H. Yost, director of intercollegiate the President and Mrs. Hoover and I and heads of foreign governments I Expression of his his daughter, Isabel, ended for in other days have been markedj athletics; Wilbur Humphreys, as- ,wt iu rbeso h tPrime Minister MacDonald a day with a pomp and ceremony called, rious problems of th sistant dean of the College of Lit-iofformalcallsonhigh governmnt for by the formality of interna- tion of the Universit Runs 80 Yards SPinal Score fl HlRLES aPERIOD FEATURES MICHIGAN ATTACK; GEMBIS SCORES INHITIAL TOUCHDOWR COACH" KIPKE'S MEN PLAY UNDER WRAPS IN OUTGAINING STATE ON STRAIGHT FOOTBALL lv lFdward I,. Warner !Kmploying an offense that utilized only a few plays, Michigan handed M1ichigan State a 17-0 setback in the twenty-fotrth renewal of the competition between these ancient rivals yesterday afternoon in the Michigan statlim. Ideal football weather prevailed as the crowd of 38,000 people watched the \Volverines greatly outgain their oppnent through a straight running and plunging attack that raied a tota of 280 yards, using only one pass which was incomplete. "Sol" H udson, promising sophomore lack, broaught the stands .--vi b 1g 1 1 erature; W. D. Henderson, director officials. He was the guest of honor tional intercourse. The instant the late yesterday by President Alex-1to their feet in the last quarter when he t of the University extension divi- at a stag luncheon in the British two statesmen departed for the ander G. Ruthven. The statement, right end, cut back to the center of the i o nEmbassy given by Sir Esme Howard Presidential retreat, however, there coming on the day following his Spartan secondary defense to run 8o yard Sion; and interspersed with slec- EbsygvnySiEseowr, Y the British embassador, and at- was begun a peace mission of sim- linon to this tlriliii run, I Idson provide tions by the University band, the tended by Vice President Curtis, plicity, but with the most in tihate appointment, deals with practical- ? tichigain's grollndainin.. I'hree times i first Michigan Radio Night pro- numerous Congressional leaders, cordiality. ly all questions concerning the ad- hiaigamo n rn garnmg. a fretidowni gram took the air last night at ' foreign diplomats and ranking Fed- ministration that have arisen with- --ar- o'clock for an hour through station eral officers. -PiniA the past few months. avemrisen WJ , f o h o rsThe silk hats and sw allow tail)N °amiel U I I ~ Al WJR, from the Morris Hall studio coat of his morning air ha Excerpts of the message,summar- On ct fhsmrngattire had been 1 zighweoinolfllw located in Ann Arbor. replaced by a dark grey business izng his opinion follow: the th The program, the first of the |suit when he appeared at the White "In my experience the difficulties .:cover 1929-30 series which will continueIHouse for the advent into Virginia. of student discipline and the guid- that n until April, was announced and di- 'He was prepared to talk earnestly ance of student activities have been1I one ti rected by Professor Waldo Abbot of with Mr. Hoover tonight in the'u iYsebe a teSo'Hudson igan's the Rhetoric department. As the firelight of a cabin about the broad Sophomore star, who thrilled the ILigVanLi opening feature of last night's - university organization. Above all stands late in the fourth quarter of and w program, "The Victors," was played ' lj3iInourTDates for This the student wants and has a right yesterday's game with a brilliant by the band, following which Pro- ; T earAnnounced to know just what he can do; and dash for the final score. Hudson Brousspau Fnua Ion To fessor Abbot introduced Fielding U Ib B'k he will not object 'to discipline ad- also took chief ground gaining to. Furnish Funds tackle Yost, whose talk was addressed to ;litE.ty Buckley ministered expeditiouly ad justly laurels against the Spartan T9 Stdnt oach the, yoth of the State. In it hefrdlxeiX1sl n sl praised the work of the Boy Scouts Eleven cities in the East and Mid- But We have failed to make clear nnhirTT I NS Grant of student loans to moreWh who have acted as ushers at foot-'Ih dle West will be visited by the 1929 to him what we expect and have th 60 t partic ball games during the past eight 6Union Opera whe n it makes its an- 'set up machinery or the adminis- bringi years, and he discussed the sports- nual tour during Christmas vaca- tration of justice which, cumber- ek is announced by J. A. Bursley' meren manship angle of college games.en fstdnt.Aerfth oas + Asks Students Not to Criticize. Central State Normal tion, and fourteen productions of some because it distributaesauthor- were from capital furnished by broke "Teeisnbefomfrsprsgsteso wl egiei wsa-him, delays action and Iwi "There is no synonym for sports- Holds Wolves to e show will be given, it was an- i general causes him as well as ILE funds of the Brosseau foundation. ball c manship," he said, "but if one word yes nounced yesterday by Paul Bunk- the faculty considerable irritation. 0111HThe loan committee which acted Way. were to be chosen that iiiight most 0_0Scoreley, general manager of the Union. Delayed disciplinary action is un- in the nearly express its meaning, that T PLEASANT The opera will open in Ann Ar- fair and cruel and when mixed-- on the many applications received ed hi word would be respect. The goo MT. EASN bor on Deceber 9 for its usual with sentimentality is disastrous Defeats M s. Pressler was composed of Dean Bursley, game sonalportsman sp, hop-pred Michigan's "B" eleven to a week's run. The cast and choruses to the morale of the individual and 4 by Shooting chairman; Shirley W.- Smith, secre- ponent. Sportsm anship, howeverIM c i a ' "B el v n t aan ch r s s t st d t bo y It m y e a o d d Besi does not end with the players. In scoreless tie this afternoon on his- will be given a rest the following to student body. It may be avoided tary of the University; George W. ifrom my opinion, football players are in- toric Tambling Field before a ca- week before the show goes on the "Another essential of proper stu- Patterson, associate dean of the Grove finitely more sportsmanlike than pacity crowd, Brilliancy ot punt- road. dent government is that both stu- By Paul R. Nicholson, College of Engineering; Professor 'State' an tean all it soBefore athletics mganthe game with idmn Chicago will see the opening per- dents and faculty consider all rules (Associated Press Sports Writer) Php E. Bursley, of the depart- Grove tators students, critics and school over the Teachers' captain, Hick- formance of the tour. On Decem- and regulations, not as immutable OAKLAND HILLS COUNTRY ment of Romance languages, and Wolve authorities must accept the word of man. ber 20, the production will be given as the laws of the Medes and the CLUB, Birmingham, Mich.-Miss Professor Robert G. Rodkey, of the sever the officials as final. Schanz' interception of a stray in the Civic Opera House The Persians, but experimental and sub- Glenna Collett added another page School of Business Administration. high "Furthermore, students must re- Mt. Pleasant pass on his own 17- night the show will proceed to ject to change. The automobile ban in the history of American women's The Brosseau foundation was es- CNo member that their representatives yard line in the closing minutes of Kalamazoo and play in the High will serve as an illustration. Not golf today, winning her fourth na- tasse i 7 n inita gs- Car on the field are only students like I the thrill packed forth quarter School auditorium. alone at Michigan has it been no- 1tiona championship by defeating tablished in 1927 by an mitial gift on o themselves: that the players are checked the most promising up- Members of the cast, chorues, I ticed that unrestricted use of cars Mrs. Leona Pressler of Los Angeles, I from Mr. and Mrs. Alfred J. Bros- tackle doing the very best they can; that state drive of the day and certainly iand committees will lay over in is not to the best interest of 4 and 3 in the finals of the thirty- Iseau, of New York City. The fund the mental stress in big games is averted a score. The Wolverine Grand Rapids on Sunday, Decem- the student and the university. For third tournament. It was the first is available for loans to "needy and aided very great, and that they have n acenter dove to intercept the ball ber 22 and open at the Regent two years we have had a ban of time in the history of American worthy" students in the University, of his right whatever to criticize. 'which was a low and wide lateral Theatre the following night. Tues- board scope with good results and golf that any golfer won the crown to students of such schools a good Humphreys Praises University heave. day night, December 24, the Strand the wide spread approval of stu- four times. To accomplish her feat throughout the state as are con- tans, Assistant Dean Humphreys spoke 1,The Courtwright coached outfit's Theatre in Lansing will house the dents and parents. Obviously a today Miss Collett shot remarkable sidered by University officials to be Crowl of the University as an institution only approach to the scoring zone production and it will then proceed complete ban is the easiest one to golf. She gained a one up lead at preparatory to an education at the A and of the farsightedness of the was early in the third period when to Flint for a showing on Christmas enforce, but quite as evidently both the end of the eighteen hole morn- University, and to students in was d launders "Before the University Widman's punt from his own 38 night. the ban and its scope ae still to be ing round with a 79 total, 3 under state-supported schools in Michi- yard 1 was many years old," he stated, "it yard line was outside on the Bear- On the way to Detroit the Opera considered experimental. The auto- par and then whizzed around the gan which furnish education in way tc became the model patterned after 1 cat's one foot marker. However will stop in Saginaw and pay the mobile is a feature of our civiliza- course in the afternoon in even collateral fields not covered by the by most of the other states of the Central State's forward wall held 1 Auditorium on December 26. tion, to be lived with and utilized fours to end the struggle on the University. severs Union, especially those of the Mid- and Hickman booted the ball out Orchestra Hall, in Detroit, will to the greatest possible extent. Con- thirty-third green where She sunk No student in courses in law, it firs dle West, the Far West and the of danger. house the production for four mon sense would dictate that the a 29-foot putt for an eagle three. medicine, the ministry, or the arts -yard 1 oith. Hre, somehow, the spirit In the backfield . Miller, Pearl- nights starting Friday, December Student no less than the mechanic Mrs. Pressler who was on the (other than useful, industrial or a ya of .adventure, the willingness to try man and Widman performed well 27, and ending the run there by nddddpossibeanreen with her second within 18 mechanical arts) is to be aided orpldded et has always been kept while in the line the play of Ka- ushering out the old year on De- and others should p i feet of the cup, picked up her ball assisted by this fund. kick adewte thingsthr hasforidwhilec alive. It was here, in President Tap- minski, Wolff, and Justice was of cember 31. adjusted to it ratherthan forbid- and conceded the match but the The donor's nephews and nieces Hud pan's time, that graduate work was high order. Widman's punting was The first performance of the New use of cars should be contre official score listed her result 4 andld and their descendants are to re-ig first systematically developed. It perhaps the greatest exhibition Year will be given in the New Mu- only t the extent to which it inter- 3.ceivereference in the selection of i was here that the first department which has been seen on Tambling sic Hall in Cleveland on January feres with the intellectual d ro- Mrs. Pressler tossed away a beneficiaries, provided they meet tyard of education, now grown into the Field in years. Time after time the 1. Buffalo will be visited on Jan-p social development of the tu s h a three, cutt th th requirements applicable to other (C -Ip e r s c a e e o m n f t e s t - f r t w t h e , c t i g t e g r e e n b e n e f i c i a r i e s . s o k i e.Sh o fI a e eEu a i n h tw s e t bo e h a l d e i h g ni t i k n e , c Ca e t n i r v 1 a h o s s o y School of Education, was estab- Istocky Michigan kicking ace drove'ur hr h pr ilpa Gs it hectigtegenbnfcais hed.ItIs ereth wmnthe bal deepnntBeartter ary 2 whre the Opera will pyay. dent, with due regard, of course, to1! for a four, one over par. Miss Col- Other loans from various founda- were first admitted to equal acade- tory and it was only this superior- Performances will be given at ti fa tr o then p roblett was trapped. They halved the tions and loan, funds will be made rnic standing with men. ity which enabled Michigan to off- i Toledo on January 3, at the Rivoli patrols, parking andem thirty-pion d ineparaflengand thtous te scoodiereatmes Following Dean Humphreys, W. set the speedy running attack of Theatre and the last showing in As ar, all relations between the dormie four.aen Burshysaid yesterday.e, enMcp D. hencoerson 'spoke of the work ,Central's "pony" backfield. Cincinnati on January 4, at Emery universityand he steudet, ethe au-i ou. uIlysadayteda.T es done by the extension division-- 1Several times in the final period Auditorium. Several days rest will moble problem istone to beper-PR F S O-ck EM EN S EWPe work that created a new conception the Mt. Pleasant crew clambered be given the cast before classes are imentaily studied. 'Bovar of a university. "We still think of within the Wolverine scoring zone scheduled to start on January 6. The best interests of the Univer- LITERARY MAGAZINE TO STUDENTS SteinR a university," he said, "as a place only to be driven back by Wid- The first rehearsal of the Opera sity and the student will be served Auer where there is a certain measure man's long spirals after Michigan 1s scheduled for 4 o'clock tomor- by a minimum number of rules en- Speaking to a reporter yesterday zinc very carefully with me last Drave of seclusion but we no longer think had held. The last State attempt row afternoon in Mimes theatre forced with justice and dispatch, concerning the new inter-collegiateI semester when- he was a member of Simra of higher education as necessarily was thwarted by Schanz's inter- and and there is still time for try- I these rules to be considered exper- literary magazine, "Manuscripts," my criticism class," he continued, Hudso being shut up within the narrow ception and the Michigan team be- outs to join the students who at- imental and made necessary only I Prof. Peter M. Jack, head of the "and I thought his idea to be a Dahle bounds of a campus." gan a drive down the field which tended the spring practice of the by the attitude of the student. rhetoric department, strongly ad- noble one, but in the publication he Gemb ----- -- - was only interrupted when State production. "I believe that the faculty should vised students interested in writing i has exceeded beyond my expecta- Sco] intercepted a pass on her own 39- I be composed of the best men avail-. to look up and subscribe for this tions. The magazine is attractive Michi yard line as the final gun sounded. able; that members of the staff work. "Manuscripts" has been pub- and distinctive; and I think the Michi SOure1eatnherbeag have a right to expect that the lished for the first time this month, writing is always interesting and Tou Ohio State 19, Wittenberg 7. Boilermakers Defeat teaching load will be fairly dis- and is an attempt on the part of sometimes extremely good." Points Northwestern 13. Butler 0."- _^ .tributed and that salary and po- I Willis H. Kinnear, '29, the editor, i In this first issue appear articles 2. Fi ook the hall on a run around eld. and(l odged through the s for a touchdown. In addi- d the chief motive power in n the first half he carried the while his total for the whole was 145 yards. defense the Wolverines held during the first half, but in ird period State began to un- a deceptive running game ietted four first downs and at me brought the ball to Mich- 30-yard line. However Mich- forced the Spartans to kick, as never in danger thereafter. oph Linemen Show Well Coach Kipke's pair of new s, Ed Hayden and Torn t, 'must go a great dea. uf for holding the Green an~d backs in check. -Rayden in ular was a power on defense, ng memories of Otto Pom- ing as he downed State re- s in their tracks on punts and through to stop the Spartan arriers before they got under Roach, after replacing Auer second quarter, distinguish- mself for the remainder of the with his fine line play. des handling the team well his quarterback post, "Ducky" 11 starred when he outpunted ,by five yards pen kick. s renowned kicker, Roger 's average suffered when the rine linemen rushed him on l occasions, resulting in short, boots. rdberg Stars For Spartans Nordberg led te State team fense, outrunning Michigan rs as he rounded the ends for tent gains. Nordberg was by fine blocking on the part fellow backs. Smead played game at center for the Spar- being the chief bulwalk in the ey-coached line. hort punt by Grove, which downed on the Spartan 29- ine, started Michigan on the o its first score. Hudson hit ft side of the.State line for l good gains, finally making t down on the Spartan two- ine. After Truskowski made d at center, Joe Gembis took all over on a line buck. He the extra point on a place son started another Wolver- arch when he went through tackle and cut back for a 25- advance, shaking off several ontinued on Page Eight) THE LINEUPS gan Michigan State owski . .. . LE...... ... Fogg 'n........LT........... Dil ... LG.........Streb 'd.........C........Smead e .......Hayden ....RT.........Ridler ling .....RE... Haun 11 ........QB.........Grove n Li......Nordberg m .......RH.....Dickerson is .......FB......Danziger re by quarters: gan .... . .......7 3 0 7-17 gan State .....0 0 0 0- 0 chdowns - Gembis, Hudson. after touchdown-Gembis eld Goal-Gembis. Substitu-