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January 30, 1930 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1930-01-30

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S TATE DELEC GATEISKenneth L.Houck, '32. President 20MEN ON J tHOP Eve ry aRa laoc. GaiS. IFFICULTIES AIE *.. O
(1of Phi Eta Sigma, honorary fresh- Every year tyleat once.Gar-
man scholastic fraternity, Fan- goyle decides to help some struTg- OT PROPOSALSCI goen
nonGned that President Alexander -In magazine get on its feet by
- ~G. Ruthven had been elected an - ~donating an entire issue to free


Fourth Michigan Conference of honorary member of the organiza-

Student Council Acts on Choice advertising.

This year Vanity Fair

Engineers to Open at Hilt
Stellar Addresses Expected from

tion. "I feel very honored to be as-
sociated with this organization,"
stated President Ruthven in ac-
cepting the membership.
At a meeting last night, seven
men awho had attained high grades

of Sub-Committee Chairman
for Annual Dance.
Schmidt Announces That Favors
Will be Issued From
3 to 5 Today.

University Graduates last semester were initiated. They
And Others. were Allen H. Berkman, Ralph il-
lison1 William A J Gt f

President Alexander G. Ruthvenp
will formally welcome the delegatesr

to the Fourth Michigan Engineer-
ing Conference at a luncheon
meeting at the Union today. The.
response will be made by Prof. F.
N. Menefee, general chairman.'
Gerald J. Wagner, president of the
Michigan Engineering Society, will

, T *Sllllu i 1. onti. es, '; eorge w .
Meyer, Allison B. Evans, Charles 0. Members of the floor committee
Marshall, and Alfred E. Taylor. for the 1931 J-Hop, which will be
held the evening of Friday, Feb. 14.
were named last night by Keith
F. IF'EA MARK 1Bennett, '31, chairman of the sub-
committee, and approved by the
Djgeneral committee in charge and
the Student council. The 20 men

has been the lucky recipient and at1
all points on the campus today
will be on sale under the name of
Gargoyle, well known to the stu-
dent body under its own name
This burlesque of Vanity Fair,
which at any other time would be
Gorgoyle's February issue, contains
further free advertising for The
Snobbs Hat Co.. of Tenth Avenue,
New York, as well as a full page
devoted to the Kinde Naste Travel,
Service informing hollow-eyed stu-
dents where to spend their be-
tween-semester vacations.
The art work by Gargoyle's spe-
cial Vanity Fair representatives-
has been done with careful work-,

First Problem Presents Itself
Through Objections Against
Steering Committee.
Premier Anticipates Obstacles
in Satisfying Delegations
from Dominions.
By Frank Haviland King.
( By Asociatmed Prc)
LONDON, Eng., Jan 29.-New and
unexpected difficulties of proced-
ure arose tonight to threaten the
smooth running of the plenary ses-
sion of the naval conference to-
morrow. A five power agreement
on the method of measuring fleet


Associated Press photo
Pilot Carl B. Eielson.

Eielson and Companion Believed
to be Buried Beneath Snow
Near Plane Wreckage.




;Demolished Plane Found Near
Russian Trapper's Cabin
in North Siberia.
NOME, Alaska, Jan. 29.-Scatter-
N ed tools, parts of the motor, bat-
teries, provisions, and even mit-
tens have been recovered by work-
ers cutting into the ice-cased snow
drifts around the wreckage of Carl
Ben Eielson's airplane 90 miles
>outheast of North Cape, Siberia.
No trace, however, has been re-
portedltoday of the bodies of Elel-
} on and his companion, Earl Bor-
!and, believed buried under the
snow nearby.

and two alternates appointed will
serve as guides during the grand

1\'ichivaiiEni prmcrintSocietv.i

manship and an eye toward the tonnage was practically complete

Groesbeck to Open.,.a- . ",..
Teprogm o ste aConference Sponsor, Holds march and aid in the actual con
The program of stellar addresses Anniversary Meeti ducting of the affair.
which mark the conference as an ' Anvra To Meet Sunday.
outstanding engineering event, will MANY OTHER SPONSORS These men will meet at 2:30 o'
open at 2 o'clock in Hill auditorium. clock Sunday i the Union to re
C. E. Groesbeck, president of the The Michigan Engineering soci- ceive final instructions. Bennet
Electric Bond and Share company, ty, the oldest of the organizations stated last night that any who fail
New York, and president of thee sponsoring the Fourth Michigan
Engineering Conference, will hold d to appear for the meeting woud
various other large utility organ-Ei it annual eeting this morning at be automatically dropped from th
zations, will speak on "The Engi- '9:30 o'clock in the Union. This ses- committee.
neer in Finance." sion will mark the fiftieth anniver- Those appointed are as fol-
W. A. Starrett, president of the sary of the society. lows: Care Carter. '32L. Paul M
Starrett Corporation, New York., George M. Ames of the Owen- de la Vergne, '30, James Gerrard
will speak on "The Engineer as a Ames-Kimball company of Gran a
.Builder." Regent Shorts, presi- Rapids will be the principal speak.- Millard Deutsch, '31, Oscar Frankel
er. Mr. Ames has been a member '31, Victor Schumaker, '31 BAd. Jo-
dent of the Second National Bank of the society for 42 years. He will seph Arsulowicz, '32L, Leo Norville
of Saginaw will discuss '"American speak on the early days of engi- '32L, Harold Cedar, James Kramer
Business-And the Engineer." All neering in Michigan, before the '31, Dale Mehring, '31A, Morris C.
thre'e are graduates of the Univer- field of the engineer had, been Schiller, '31, Maxwell Rubin, '31L
sity a lebroadened to include almost every Todd Carey, Merrill Olsen, '30, Mil-
Wallace Will Preside. phase of progressive activity, ton Frank, '31, Robert Brown, Ed-
The speaker scheduled for the This talk is expected to present a win Poorman, '32L, Kenneth Kins-
bancquet at the Michigan Union this fitting historical background for man, '30, and Ray Daly, '30E. The
evening is Secretary of Commerce the development of the general alternates are Norman Shikes, '31,
Robert P. Lamont,- also- a graduate theme of the conference, which OP- and Howard Gould, '32.
of the University. L. W. Wallace, ens inl the afternoon. The theme To Distribute Favors.
executive secretary of the Ameican is "The Engineer's Contribution to Favors for the J-Hop will be is-
Engineering Council, will preside at the Art of Living." * sued to those who have purchased
the banquet. The session of the Michigan En- their tickets only from 3 until 5
Friday morning the speakers and gineering Society will be presided o'clock this afternoon at the re-
subjects are: President Harold over by President Gerald J. Wag- tail store of Burr, Patterson and
Sherbourne Boardman of the Uni- ner of Grand Rapids. George H. Auld company, said Henry W.
versity of Maine on "'The Engineer Fenkell, superintendent and gen- Schmidt, '31, last night. After to-
as an Educator"; E. P. Goodrich, eral manager of the department of day, irregular hours will be main-
consulting engineer, New York, on Water Supply for the city of De- tained; though the possibility of
'The American Engineer in Modern troit, will present a report of the redeeming the favor stub on the
China." committee on improving the status ticket would be considerably re-
Governors to Meet. of the engineering profession. Gro- cuded, it was intimated.
The speaker at the Friday lunch- ver C. Dillman, state highway com-
eon meeting will be Gov. Fred W. missioner, will make a report for
Green, who will greet another gov- I the membership committee, and a'
ernor, Frank E. Emerson, of Wy- report on the society's publication, GM
oming, who is on the afternoon "The Michigan Engineer," will be
program th naddres on "The presentedbyLouisE. Ayers of Ann MR CP
Field of the Engineer rini Govern- Arbor, former editor, actig inO Id 1fLJ U~i~
ment." Both governors are grad- place of Prof. F. N. Menefee, pres-
Sergius P. Grace, assistant vice- the conference. Secretary E. L Investigation Reveals Leakage
president of the Bell Telephone Brandt and Treasurer Albert Roth. in Heating Equipment
Laboratories, New York, is the both of Detroit, will also make re- o Hecked Plane
other speaker on the afternoon ! ports. of Wrecked Plane.
program. He will give a lecture Other organizations which are -
demonstration presenting "The (sponsoring the conference, and FIVE PASSENGERS DEAD
Field of the Engineer in Communi- which will send representatives to
eation." Ann Arbor today are: American So- .P v Aociated P e)
Sadler on Program. ciety of Civil Engineers, American KANSAS CITY, Kan., Jan. 29.-
Presiding at the session this aft- Society of Mechanical Engineers. Deadly carbon monoxide gas was
ernoon will be Major J. P. Halli- American Institute of Electrical advanced today as a possible cause
gan, chief engineer of the Detroit iEngineers, American Institute of of the crash here Monday of a Cen-
Rapid Transit Commission; Friday Architects, American Chemical so- tral Air Lines passenger plane and
morning, Dean H. C. Sadler, of the ciety,- Society of Automotive Engi- the death of all five persons aboard,
engineering college; Friday lunch- neers, American Society of Heat- as Federal, State and Company of-
eon, Dean Emeritus M. E. Cooley of ing and Ventilating Engineers, So- ficials continued investigation of
the engineering college; Friday ciety of Industrial Engineers, Amer- the tragedy.
afternoon, Gardner S. Williams, ican Institute of Chemical Engi- The carbon monoxide gas theory
vice president of the American En- neers, American Welding society, was announced by E. L. Floninger,
gineering Council; Friday evening American Institute of Mining and field manager here for Universal
banquet, Prof. John S. Worley, of Metallurgical Engineers, American Aviation corporation, with which
the transportation department of !Society of Refrigerating Engineers, Central Air Lines is affiliated. Mr.
the nivrsiy. AmercanCermicSocityIilmi-Floninger directed workmen who
h UvsyAmerican Ceramic Society, Illumi- took apart the heating equipment
nating Engineering Society, Amer- of the wrecked plane and discov-
LEAGUE TO RUN ican Electroplating Society, Ameni- ered carbon under anunwelde
can Society for Steel Treating, collar around pipes supplying heat
JO A N OF ARC Swedish Engineering SocietyMich-. to the cabin.
rgan Society of Architects, Michi- A.
gan Patent Law Association, Detroit Air was heated by passing the
Inagurtin a an atet Lw Asocatin, etri'pipe through the exhaust pipe.Mr
Inaugurating a program for the Engineering Society, Lansing Engi- Floninger although denying actual
second semestrat' he LydiaMen- neers Club, Grand Rapids Engi- supor th gas teoysai i
elssohn theatre, "The Passion of 1neering Society, Flint Engineers was po ible that stfromsthe ex
Joan of Arc," a French film, will Club, Port Huron Engineers Club, haus ight has beome mx-e
be shown for one week starting on Saginaw Engineers Club and the with the air and carried inside the
TMonday, Feb. 17.s o Ann Arbor Engineering Association. body of the ship. Presence of car-
This photoplay is sponsored lo- bon on the collar indicated such a
cally by the Women's League and Bomb Bursts on Porch Possibility.
the undergraduate campaign corn-
mittee. of Filipino Clubhouse r
Ni rht schewing's of the ictuire are r * ._ * * 1.t _I

, ,
, '
., i

artistic values of light and shadow
in the field of photographic study.

however, and ready to be broad-
cast to the world through thes




1 T+
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} 1
t {
+ f"
) F
7 t
f C

"Shed and Shadow," a masterpiece newspapermen who will be admit- Professors Slusser and Marin Plane Found Near Cabin.
in blakrandehite lscneFondtercaisn.y
in black and white perpetrated by ted to the session. on Broadcast Program The scene of the wreck is only a
the cameraman, presents a graphic To Refer Technical iQuestionstone's throw, as distances in the
study of a much-neglected early Saturday Night. aorth are reckoned, from a Rus-
architectural form treated at The problem which s suddenly ian trapper's cabin. For almost
length in Prof. Charles A. Sale's reared its head grew from objec- LIST BEETHOVEN MUSIC three months the Russian had
recent volume on the subject. tions to the proposed steering com- vorked over his trap lines a few
"La Femme Nue Tout Le Meme" ^-s miles away, entirely unawar o
mittee of delegates on methods and Prof. Jean P. Slusser of the col- mheswrekeu r
is a complete pen and ink sketch leeo rhtcue n ro.Ae ae h atta
by some of the world's greatest limitations, the setting up of which lege of Architecture, and Prof. Alex is trap lines were along the coast
artists. Matisse, Modigliani. Pic-.was expected to be the chief for- angn at mechanicdl engineer- while the plane had crashed te'
asso, Derain, Pascin, and Ellison mal business of the session tomor- speak on the regular weekly cam- niles inland, and the few hours o
have all contributed to this rather 'row. To this committee w ere to be pus radio rogram Saturday night. :laylight in winter, explained th
difficult and expensive piece. Feet as well as Wiliam W. Bishop, hea. ituation.
by Ellison. Other outstanding art referred technical questions, such of the department of librarian, and The plane crashed in a snow
work has been done by Covarrubin, as those France and Italy have been Barbara H. Bartlett roriof atorm Nov. 9, while flying from
the witty young cube who scram- wrangling over for more tha:i a Public Health nursing, according to Alaska to the ship Nanuk, ice-
bles college verse, books, gin, and week, so that the conference prop Prof. Waldo Abbot of the rhetoric oound at North Cape. The workers'
t.hose eds.er can go forward with the busi- ccd-partment, in charge of the Mor- at the scene of the accident have
All in all, Gargoyle has become ci hall studio. een reinforced by the arrival of
Vanity Fair, for the time being. ness of disarmament. .,pilots Pat Reid and Ed Young from
Copies will be on sale on the cam- MacDonald Confers. Pra ssor Slusser, who teaches teller, Alaska, and by a Russian
anUs and at the booth in Univer- Prime Minister Ramsay MacDon- drawiig and painting, will talk on Junker plane, which accompanied
city hall. Coupons or cash will be aid tonight held conferences at his the ubjAct of "Children's Drawf _inother on a four hundred mvie
accepted, office in the House of Commons ngs and Art." Professor Slusser iiop yesterday from St. Lawrence
_______with Secretary of State Henry L.Ihs an international reputation as Bay on Bering Strait to the fur
URStimson, former Premier Regiro a painter of w ter colors and his trading ship Nauk.
Wakatsuki, and foreign Secretary pictures have been displayed ' Pilot Discovers Wreckage.
Dmo Grandi, in rapid succession many American galleries. Pilot Harold Gillam, who with
on this matter. Professor Main has been engag Pilot Joe Croffam last Saturday lo-
So complex are the political is- ed in research to determine the ef- cated the wreckage, guided thus
Dues involvedin naval disarma- feet of shape and size upon the Russian aviator from the Nanuk
Sent that Mr. MacDonald faces ! heating properties of radiators, and back to the scene of the wreck. The
obstacles even in establishing ai willdiscuss "The Effects of Paints Soviet rescue expedition of four-
Crowds of Students Celebrate committee of delegates. The Brit- 'and Inclosures on Radiator Per- teen dog-sleds, drawn by 140 dogs
Withdrawal of de Rivera, ish Dominions would desire repre- formances." He says, for instance reached Coliuchin -Bay, some dis-
sentation on such a committe and that a radiator tinted brown gives :ance east of the wreck, unawaro
Six Years' Premier. appointment of one delegate from off more heat than one coated with that the plane had been found.
each unit of the Empire would aluminum paint. The seven men digging for the
POLICE A.RREST RIOTERS mean seven British representa- Mr. Bishop will discuss the inter- body of the lost aviators reported
tives on this foreign body. If only esting work and the problem pre- that the condition of the ice and
(By Andcated Press) one empire delegate was named, sented in the reconstruction of the the wide area to be opened makes
MADRID, Jan. 29.-Police today the division not represented would Vatican library at Rome in which their work difficult
battled crowds of students boister- likely be displeased. he played an important part.
ously celebrating in the streets of Fears Reaction. Pm Chid Conservation" will be the' CI Y WILL NOT
the capital the resignation of Gen. On the other hand, the Prime topic presented by Professor B art,- i CITY WrmIeRvrfrsxyer r-Mnse a ee uc oraielt.L L PRIMAR
mimo de Riveatfor six years pre- Ministe has obeentr quick to realize letht uicfrhsvridpo HOLD PRIMTXARYX
Almost 200 were arrested and eign public opinion if there were gram will be rendered by Maud Z.
many were injured, several seri- seven or eight British members of Okkelberg, professor of piano in the Ann Arbor will not hold a pri-
ously. Clashes occurred in many the committee. Tonight he was School of Music, and Miss Louise mary election.
barts of the city. One demonstra- considering a plan of establishing' Cuyler, violinist and instructor in s a result of the withdrawal yes-
tion near the royal palace was dis- just a committee of the plain the theory of music. They have terday morning of George P
persedtwhen police fired over the "garden" variety of experts instead i been chosen for their selection Opus Whaley as one of the two candi-
students' heads. of delegates. No one seems to ob -24 in F Major in 4 movements, by ;dates for alderman of the seventh
Drawn sabers were used to force ject to how many experts there are Beethoven. yard, cancellation of plans for the
back the manifestants in some on any committee. -- city-wide primary to have been
downtownstreet. There were many The intention of the American Army Arctic Squadron :eld in March went into effect.
fst fights between the officers and delegation tonight was not to play ; This action will save the city ap-
students, who shouted "Viva rey! a particularly prominent role at Returns from Spokane proximately $1,000, according to
kuera Primo!" "Long live the the meeting tomorrow, but to fol-'-- Clarence Sweet, assistant city clerk.
king! Death to Primo!" Police 'low the plan of Mr. Stimison to pass (.. ~". '"- Whaley was to have opposed Al-
:uickly ,suppressed shouts of "Viva around among the American chief SELFRIDGE FIELD, Mt. Clemens. dermanLeonard P. Fisher, who au-
Repubica," or "Long live the re- delegates theleadership or conduct Mich., Jan. 29-The Army Arctic1 matically becomes the Republican
public." of the delegation. . patrol came back to the home air-i candidate in the seventh ward.
Meanwhile, Gen. de Rivera, whose g port tonight after a round trip ihale's withdrawal eliminated
resignation was accepted by King ;flight to Spokane, Washington. the Whaley-Leonard contest, the
Alfonso effective as of 10:15 p. m. wTO L I hich started January 10.; only one listed for the primary. Ac-
Iuesday, conferred with his suc-1 Fifteen of the 18 pursuit planesCording to the election laws of
Aessor-and perennial enemy- which started the flight arrived to- Michigan primaries are required
3en. Damaso Bergenguer, chief of gether at 5:15 p. m. One of them, in cities where at least one contest
King Alfonso XIII's military house- Lpiloted by Lieut. N. D. Sillin, waS exists. If only one petition for one
bald and former commander in Mo- lPlL forced down at Manistique. Mich- , office is filed by each party, the pri-
occo. igan, after the patrol left Escana- mary becomes unnecessary and the
Gen. de Rivera, bidding farewell "In Love With Love" Scheduled, ba, on the final leg of the flight. law stipulates that the unopposed
o King Alfonso and to the country for Lydia Mendelssohn Another, piloted by Lieut. Marion petitioner be declared nominated.
is head of the government end ex- Elliott, was delayed, having landed
;laining reason for his resignation. Theatre This Week, to render assistance, and a third Elections Committee
ssued an official note which con- had been wrecked several days ago
cluded: ENGINEERS WILL ATTEND in a storm at Beach, North Dako- Gives Seat to Grundy
"And now to rest a little, to re- ta. The plane forced down today
over my health. Two thousand. "In Love With Love," a three-act had a broken connecting rod. Lieut. (By A\.ocated Pre-')
hree hundred and twenty-six days comedy by Vincent Lawrence,is to -;Elliott arrived at 6:15 p. m. The j WASHINGTON, D. C., Jan. 29iorm
mave been tiled with inquietude, be presented by Comedy Club, hen- three transport planes lagged be- Dy unanimous vote, the Senatc
esponsibility and labor. But rest- orary campus dramatic organiza- hind on the last lap as they have elections committee held today that
d, then if God wishes, I shall re- tion, Friday and Saturday nights in throughout, and floodlights were Senator Joseph R. Grundy, of
urn to serve Spain until I die." the Lydia Mendelssohn theatre, turned on at the field here to fa-' Pennsylvania, is entitled to retain
He then expressed the belief it Advance box office sale for th-e cilitte a night landin. The first his seat as the appointee of Gov-
would be necessary, for the govern- two performances is being held at came in at 6:22 p. m.; the other ernor Fisher to succeed the ban-
nent to have some form of dicta- the box office of the theatre, at two remained in Bay City for the ished William S.. Vare.
:orship to continue governing the Slater's and at Wahr's bookstores. night and are expected to com-± Senator Ne Retulican. North


gJL g M&' pUL4La a
scheduled for every night except
Friday, and matinees will be given,
Thursday, Friday, and Saturday.
,Seats for all, performances are pric-
ed at 75 cents. No advance sale


(By Associated Pres)
STOCKHOLM, Calif., Jan. 29.-A
bomb exploded on the porch of the
Filipino center, a clubhouse here,
early today, tore out the front of

Ouur Went ! ervan

S' country during the next few years.
He pledged his personal loyalty to
M King Alfonso and declared he wel-


All seats for both nights are priced plete the trip tomorrow. Dakota, whose resolution to deny
at 75 cents. - - ' Grundy his seat is pending, an-
For the Friday night perform- Mne- ] , nounced he would ask for a vote on

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