WEINEI.AY, -JANA RY.2 _1.934 §-. - T H E M I CJHIGAN f. AlfL Y PAGE SMV!1 I~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~r ,F-. ..-............ FIRT YAH RACInltramU TEAMIS EDICRETODAY'S GAMES Yea'jinig Cinder Squad Is Strohg in Hurdles; Broad Jump, and Sprihts. Bowling 4:00-Beta Sigma Psi vs. Sigma EGLESTON TIES' RECORD Alpha Epsilon. 7:00--Theta X1 vs. Phi Cli.- I8:30-Delta Tan Delta vs. Sigma Although for all around strength 3 PaD.S the yearling track squad this year Basketball is no match for the team which 4:15-Phi Mu Delta 'A' vs. Sigma Coach Hoyt put out last season, P '. there are several men on it who Kphi Alpha Delta 'A' vs. Pi have prospects of developing into 7:00-Zeta. Beta Tau 'B' vs. Chi first rate trackmen. Week in the j- Psi 'B.' middle distances, pole vault and Delta Alpha Epsilon 'B' vs. high jump the 1933 contribution Theta Chi 'B' - ITheta Xi' B' vs. Sigma Al- to Michigan cinder path hopes is pha Mu 'B' especially strong in the hurdles, Sigma Zeta 'B' vs. Lambda broad jump, and sprints. Chi Alpha 'B' Egleston, Hyde Park High pro- 7:40-Phi Beta Delta 'B' vs. Del- duct and Illinois Interscholastic ta Sigma Phi 'B.' -- champion, has tied the freshmen Phi Kappa Psi 'B' vs. Phi field house record in the 65. yard Kappa B' -.- high hurdles. with a time of 8:8 Phi Kappa Sigma 'B' vs. and is at present the outstanding Alpha Sigma Phi 'B.' performer in this event. DeBakez, from Muskegon, however hasF shown that he is. a natural hurdler FRENCH NE T STAR and Coach -;Hoyt expects him to; PLANS COMEBACK give a good account of himse in Conference competition on the (Continued From Varsity squad. Don Haefele of . Page 6) Lakewood, Ohio, is another hurdler gain his international proiinence. who has cought the coach's eye ,:With Lacoste and Cochet once in practice drills. more leading the way for French Hitt is Good Sprinter. defense forces the task forces the1 Hitt. one of the outstanding ath- defense forces the task of the letes on the 1933 squad has turned United States and other challeng- in times of 5:6 for the 50 yard dash, ing forces becomes greatly increas- and is the kind of a sprinter that; ed in matter of difficulty. Tilden the Michigan coaches like. Tall and also points out that the French are woringhard on new doubles com- powerful the Urbana, Ohio, fresh- In -binations. man looks like potential Varsity nts material. ' The duo of Cochet and Borotra From a point of diversity of I which wvent down in defeat before events, Ecknovitch of Detroit is I the spectacular play of Allison and probablf the- outstanding man of |Van Ryn, American youngsters, has3 the squad. He performs in the low I been scrapped, it is indicated. Three hurdles, broad jump, high jump, Inew teams are contemplated whichj r al ew I., DEFENDS CUP" ..Side Court ! Peckert, Southern California's sophomore halfback, while not con- sidered the most important maif in 4 the Trojan backfield, has earhed the title of "Iron Man" by playing 4r 1 minutes of a possible 720, dur- ing the 12 game schedule of 1929. . T PIST'-S'peedy, accurate, Will copy theses at any time. Reason-- able rates include expert advice IF Shots t'- y A.w .a... ....r...a... Sigma Chi 'B' vs. Beta (Continied From Page 6) - Theta Pi B. Wolverine contingent from the 8:20-Trignon 'B' vs. Delta Upsi- lgi Ion 'B.' foul line. Agast Indiana and Alpha Delta Phi 'B' vs. F = "Minnesota he sank eight free} Delta Chi 'B. throws without a miss. Captain Sigma PhiEpsilon 'B' v Chapman is close behind him I with five out of six dropping Alpha Psi Delta 'B' vs. Al- through the meshes."M pha Chi Sigma 'B.' . th 9:00-Kappa Nu B Vs. Pm Sg- Although their starting i.e-up W ma appa B.' averaged a little better than six Phi Mu Alpha , ' vs. Kp-et the Gophers could make lit- pa Sigma 'B.''v- tle use of their elevation. Nor- Kappa Delta Rho '.' gaard and Bondy both measured ICo Ke R 'six feet three, but this was no Tau Epsilon Phi 'B' vs. Del- i i criterion of their ability. Bondy ma ta Kappa Epsilon 'B.' was high scorer for Minnesota Di 9:40-Chinese Club (Yuen) v . against Ohio State, but he wasDi Larry's (Butler). limited to a single free throw on Chi Phi 'A' vs. Phi Delta Monday night, before he retired on H - 'personals. Alpha Kappa Kapm 'A' vs. French tennis star, who will at-! Phi Lambda Kappa 'A.' tempt a coieback this year as the Hank Weiss brought memo- Phi Epsilon Kam _va 'A' vs. mainstay of the French team in its rics of Danny Rose with his} Phi Sigma Delta 'A.' struggle to retain the Davis Cup. rapid dribbling and elusive . , He defeated Bill Johnston and Bill } floor work. His speed and lvans' to e 11 ; Tilden last fall to enable his team dribbling should prove an- asset' to walk away with ,the coveted to the Maize and glue in0tet Intratuial lManager trophy. against any opponent. He is - inferior to Rose. howo'ver, in The Intramural office has just Illi ois to Erect New his defensive ability. P) received word from the athletic f board of the appointment of Mil" Ice-Rink forStudents Just as in football, Michigan v .seems to have a jinx on the Goph-: ton D. Klivans, '31, as Senior Intr-(c toT e ers in the cage sport too. Not mural Manager. Klivans hails from } CHAMPAIGN Ill Jan. 27- Foot- since 1926 has a Minnesota quintet Youngstown, Ohio. He has been .. i.beaten the Wolverines on the hard-!M ball at the University of Illinois in wood. In the second- encounter o the pastafff theyear entdur 1928 earned $304,261 but after de- between the teams in that season,I that time has helped organize and fcits i other sports and general the Norsemen scored a 28-17 vie- 31 operating expenses were made, the tory. run off many of the leagues andl Illini had $134,509 left, which went tournaments which are handleinto a est-egg for an intramural through the department. This falh ice-rink. he was in charge of the Speedball This rink, which will probably! championships and during the pai cost $300,000, will be erected for the } month has been handling basket- recreation of men and women stu- bal1. dents. g ADERTBSiNG NOTICE on English construction. Lucille. 5$65. C Douglas Curtenius TYPING-Theses a specialty. Fair rates. M. V. Hartsuff. Dial 9087. NOTICE-Fletcher Hall will be open the beginning the 2nd se- mester. All rooms well heated;. and running hot and cold water. Single rooms $3.50; double rooms $5.00. Under new management. "Don" Donahaue a nd H a r v e y Straub. Dial 6144, 915 Sybil. 612 Charles P. Piper WA fEW COOK-Experienced. Would like work in a Fraternity or Sorority. Phone 8481. FOR RENT ilton F. Smith 'ANTED-Students to en. _ +rea meal. Forest Inn, 538 Forest. 246C RADIO SERVICE mpetent service men on all akes of radios. STIMPSON RADIO SERVICE al 21408 521 East Liberty 246c E STUDENT INN is serving special 35c nooi-day luncheon, 11:00 to 2:30. 712 Hill St. Eugene Betts, Mgr. 2C FINAL EXAM TUTORING MACK TUTORING AGENCY' 0 S. STATE ST. PHONE 7927 123C, ANO TUNING - Phone 6776.1 Victor Allmendinger. The stein- way concert artist tuner. Ofiee at residence, 1008 Morton Ave. 234C elvin H. Kamps FINAL EXAM TUTORING MACK TUTORING AGENCY 0 S. STATE ST. PHONE 7927 123c I &d i i; L II and quarter mile. Last spring., in the invitational.. interscholastic meet here Ecknovick won the low hurdle race. Weight Division is Weak. , In the weight division of the squad Tannis of Holland, Michi- gan, looks to be the best prospect at present. He has put the shot 40i feet 8 inches in practice, and ini high school he has a record of 130 feet for the discus. Other men who have ability in the weight events are Damm and Cox. Jackson of the yearling squad won the broad' jump event in the interscholastic here last -spring with a leap of 21 feet, 7 1-2 inches.' 4 , sophomore transfer from Hope College, Willit is looked upon as a good prospect in, the broad jump, but as. yet he has been unable to report, but will get out after the examination. Northwestern Hurlers Begin Indoor PracticeI (Soecial to The Daily) EVANSTON, Ill., Jan. 28-Indoor baseball practice for batterymen# was started by Coach Paul Stewart at Northwestern university this week. A dozen pitchers and catch- ers reported for work which will be conducted daily. Capt. Shorty Ro-I jan, star catcher, headed the list of backstops. Others include Jim- nie Evans and Al Manteuffel, both will include Cochet and Jacques Brugnon, Lacoste and Jean Boro- tra, and Christian Brossus and Rene Debuzelet. Incidentally Tildefi asserted thatI I he wished to emphatically clear up1 the general misconception as to his status ,,as a Davis Cup competitor. The American champion insists his{ days of Cup caripaigning are a! thing of the past and that he does not wish to be included among the I list of Davis Cup candidates. (~SearaccSl 20 % to 50 % discount on an overstock of FOUNTAIN PENS & PENCILS Correspondence Stationery BRIDGE SETS, DIARIES, CALENDAR PADS, Etc. Many of these items arrived late for Christmas. Rather than carry over, we are offering the above redactions. All good clean stock in first-class condition. Shop early as the supply in some cases is limited. A highly polished, heavily nickled' . dental mirror with every 50-cent tube of Kolynos dental cream! The same sort of instrument your dentist uses to examine your teeth- something you can use for years to come. 1 Varsity Cagers Drill for Chicago Encounter f(Continued From Page 6) players milling around looking for an opening. Bad passes on the part of the in-I vaders gave the ball to Coach Veen- ker's men time and again, but after they had rushed it down the floor for the shot, the old fault of in- accuracy would strike them and they would mis the try. During the first week of examin- ations the basketball team will hold only three practices, but starting with the second week the regular schedule of work every day will be put into effect again. Starting on February 22 the Varsity is sched- uled to play four games over a ten day period and Coach Veenker in- tends ..taking no chances .on his, men getting out of condition. To! gain a possible tie for the Confer- ence title Michigan must win all Take advantage of this unique offer. As our supply of these free instruments is limited, better "do it now." They're at all our stores. CALKINS-FLETCHER DRUG COMPANY 0 FOR RENT-Five blocks south east of campus, fine large house in good condition; shady ground; fruit, cistern; double garage; A No. 1 surroundings; to reason- sible tenants only. Dial' 5740. FOR RENT-Front suite, single and double room on first and second floor. 425 South Division.. Dial 22352. 458 I-- FOR RENT-Attractive room for one or two girls. Steam heat; shower; soft water; washing priviledges. Dial 8544 or 9714. F 422 E. Washington. 234 RENT-One double and one single room with sleeping porch if de- sired. For boys. 1102 Propect. 234 TWO SINGLE ROOMS-Newly fur- nished. Second floor. Bath and shower. Dial 23609. 2 ATTRACTIVE, comfortable, quiet, south room for second semester. Reasonable rent. Phone 5035. FOR RENT-One double and one single room close to campus. Very reasonable. For men: only. Phone 4354. 1317 Washtenaw. 12' FOR RENT-Man's small single- room next semester. Warm,. well furnished, conducive to con- centration. 707 Tappan. Call after 5 p. m. 123 Dorothy Wheeler ROOMS-One first and one second floor double room on Burns Park bus line. Phone 21895 after 6:00 p. m. 123 E FOR RENT-Desirable front room in private - family for second semester. 715 E. Kingsley street. Phone 21607. 123 TO RENT-ainge room, and suite of rooms. Also garage. Phone 22418. 509 E. Jefferson. 512 Justin Way SUITE on first floor for two men or, married couple. Housekeeping privileges and garage if desired. Double room for men students,- $3 each. Dial 3761. 612 FOR RENT-Desirable front suite and single room. 524 Hill Street. Phone 7072.'?. FOR RENT-Large, very comfort- able front suite. Phone 8194. 912 FOR RENT-Suite of rooms fur-- nished for light housekeeping. 520 E. Ann Steet. 612 Alexander W. Forbes FOR RENT-Single rooms $3.50; double $5.00. Fletcher Hall. Under new nuMaigemet - see notice above. 012 Clair E. Carpenter * toA SAL9 FOR SALE-Fried Eismann radio. Underwood typewriter. Dial 5746. 2 FOR SALE-Tailor made tux in ex- cellent condition; about size 38. Phone 5017. $15. 234 FOR SALE - Buescher tenor trom- bone. Good condition. Reason- ably priced. Call at 422 E. Wash- ington or Dial 8544. FOR SALE-2 pairs of ladies' skates, both size 6, tublars. Al- most new, 2-1754. 1 FOR SALE-Zenith radio, model 52, one -month old, priced reason- able. Call 9283 after 5 p. m..612 Daniel J. Boone 0. D. MORRILL 314 South State Strekt OPEN EVENINGS I I 324 South South and East University Avenues State Street State and Packard Streets. a - - - I I I sophomores: . of its remaining games. - I PREPARE FOR EXAMS With a New Fountain Pen, Pencils, Inks and other Supplies. Oxford Review Books to Help You Study. o<-{= F Ori ~ yn ..................*.*.*..,. J1 I U t' 0 " CORNWELL COAL - COKE Scranton, Pocahontas Kentucky and West Virginia Coal Solvay and Gas Coke This business has been growing ever since it was established. The secret- "giving absolute satisfaction to our customers." We believe it pays to do business in a friendly way. If you think so too, let's got together. I I IILTRRIE T0 TO UE A DIHIFFF AubreyAuschincloss,. TllED 6E141 I E F LOST "So? And what's wrong with my tone, my haughtyt beauty?" barked Sir Mortimer. - Everything possible," she answered him unflinchingly. A "Your voice is that of a man gargling in an elevator I TAN ENVELOPE PURSE-Finder. keep money and return drivers license and glasses to Roberta Jackson, 43 Worcester Ave., De- troit. LOST-A large gray looseleaf note- book in Union, Thursday, Feb. 23. Of great value to owher. Generous reward. Call Joseph Witter. 23201. I a ®a