PAIGB SEN THE MICHIGAN- D, A t L Y- WEDNESDAY; J'AiVU RIY 28; 1.130. ,,G. IrT E M C I A A L EDEDY ALA~2,l99 MH IA i G T NSdPE R F E C T- O F F E N S I ' TEA TO MEET DETROI CITY- COLLEGE PrCourt Shots HIGH SCORERI -Detroit Team Seeks Second Win Over a Michigan quintet s on Own Floor.E. MET RESERVES BEFOREt With an entirely new style of at- tack tucked away in reserve, Coachz Courtright will send his "B" team charges against their former con-1 querors, Detroit City College, to- night in Detroit. Both the practicE sessions this week were devoted tr the Perfect on of a new offense thai is e°.vpeted to solve the Detroiter'. effective defense which was too strong for the Wolverines in their first game during the ChristmasI holidays. The Detroit quintet has had only a mediocre season and recently lost a game to the Kalamazoo cagers. who split a two game series withI the Wolverines. On the other hand, the game tonight will be the elev- enth for the Maize and Blue Jun-I for varsity and will give them an ' opportunity to break above their average of five hundred percent for the season so far. Although booked as a return en-s gagemnent, this encounter can not possibly see more than three of the1 Michigan players in action wvho participated in the game earlier in the season. This game was played by the Varsity reserves rather than the "B" team and only three of these men are now on the Junior varsity. Something of an idea of what the Wolverines will be up against to- night may be gleaned from the fact, that the reserves lost to the De- troiters 'in the third overtime pe- riod. Ther Michigan cagers in' the first game failed to win largely be-' cause of their inability to drop in free throws. The Detroit City College five also1 possessed a loose man to man de-, fense which prevented the Wolver- ines from working the ball in for1 shor't shots forcing them to try for long tomns, none of which they were able to register. Coach Courtright has not yet de- termined definitely who he will start tonight although it is likely that only one Wolverine cagerl who competed in the first game be- tween Detroit and Michigan will=1 start the game. Lindsay, who1 played with the Varsity reserves in the first game, will start at one of the forwards. Either Hole or Jan- nett will fill in at the other for- ward at the beginning of the game. Combe is still the best bet for the center berth and Tyler and Justice, will probably start as the guards although Lytle. may. start in theIt place of one of these men, accor d-I ing to Coach Courtright.j v Jy Wand L. Warl e.r. !into effect. with their basket- Possibly worse, cxhibitipa4, of the ; sport termed basketball. have. been, In their efforts to beep the Wol- .layed on:j tho field- hoi~sc floor, but! verines from ' coring,' thi Gophers ta is dou~?tfu1l, if speca tors have! criniteq. 15 personal fouls. Mich-T ---tnessed, a poorer peLou~mance of igan capitalized on the misdirected two Conferenc~e teams thani that; zeal of the visitors, making good which occurred Moray i' iht. It on 14 out 'of 21 free throws. Coach; was a ase of- a teaia that could Veenker should be well pleased not play w4ith any degr~ee of skill , with the ability of his players to against one. that, did ol have to count from the penalty stripe, is' play.' they have dropped in 31 out of ____a possible 41 gift shots in twot Minhima~n va inth lat games. I category3. The Wlvrieia~l- Sized the ca1~re of their op- ponenits af ter thae fA~st feW Eminutes of play, anid hence. did not extend themselves. A-- though they were ap qayently off on their shooting ability, Coach Veenker's ncIA made un for this deficiency wit~h their air-tight defente. Time and agai~n the Gophers Iianitz has proved to be the, sharpsho6ter' of the (,Continued on Pade 7) VARTYCGR I N 'LI GHT DRILL Coach Veenker Discusses Chicago's $6-ring Plys in Chalk Talk would tak~e the balcdown the floor Aitr IFloor Session.Vo only to be halted by the Wolver- - ines' guarding efforts. After sev- Spending most of the afternloon: eral minutes of slow dribbling, a devising ways and means of stop- Minnesota player would make a, ping Chicago's Maroon five when WicsiBuFotr vain break for the basket, but on' the Midway school plays host to theinthBgcaesrhosla- ingtheBibNine basketball scorers only five occasions did these dashes Wolverines. Friday night, Coach' in 'rolling up points in Coi'4erence. materialize in field goals. M chi- Veenker devoted the Varsity prac-'cmeiin otrhssn gan's defense. look~ed extremely. tice.'session yesterday to light drills cobasetstian.18Fosr atotal o good, but possiblyit v as thze nia-, on odense and to a chalk talk. lAf-52. points, 10, ahead of McCracken ture of the opposition.; ter, the regular drill.. at shooting~ fIdaa the Michigan squad retired to the _____ __ Athletic ;uthlorities at 1t1in-, team roomn in the Field House fori nesota recently made the an-S discussion of the Chicago, scoriag Mic i gaflivMIinesota nouncement that they were plays, only to appear on the floor going to pursue a policy of ,later for touching up on their owxn," Cagre Tilt Broadicast taking sports less seriously at1 fast-brea1king 'combinations. the Mimwrapo is instit iqu.A It Although, the score which the i o-a ih'sbsebl a Sappears that they have but this Wolverines ran u-p. against a weak between Michigan and Minnesota, - Gopher aggregation Monday night:W'hich terminated in a 26-13 winr Wreslin Tea Drllswas far from impressive, thec Var - for the Wolverines, was put on the sity playseting working wellscrand' air over. Station WJBK at Ypsilanti, for Purdue Encounter the e eegtigit crn hog h oreyo h hli position only to be fouled by theirt. PackAdvte o ortsn Company, 01ip Michigan's Conference chain- I opponents. This is shown. by the iAn Arbor and Detroit. pionship wrestling team, victors' great number of tries from charityE The game was announced by over Franklin and Marshall, prince- lade which the officials gave them, Herbert E. Vedder, former sports ton, Ohio State, and MichiganE twenty-one in all, out of which they editor of the Daily, and the Anni State in this year's competition, isi counted on 14. , Arbor correspondent for the Chi- going through its paces daily underI Michigan's defense against Min-, cago Tribune.. The report was the direction of Coach Cliff Keen nesota kept the invaders away from 'phoned 'to. Ypsilanti, from, where in an effort to be in the best ofi the basket- throughout the gamne, it Was put on the air by Mr. Vedder. condition when they meet Purdue and did much to add to the slow- It is probable that the remainder on Feb. 15, at Yost Field house. Ines s of the contest. Against a team of Michigan's honme basketball Extensive individual work mark- (( with a less holeproof defense, the ' games will" also be broadcast, a ed yesterday's practice 5Seion ,i Gophers would break for the bas- Iboothi being erected in Yost Field Coach Keen demonstratzn 7 ve'-r%1 ket, but the guarding demonstrat- #ho1use expressly for that -purpose. hlilds. and methods of breaking ed by the Wolves kept the ball near This will assure the radio audience them to the grapplers in an effort the' center of the floor with the cif an account of the gamnes direct to perfect them in wrestling tac- (Continues on Page p) from the court. tics.__________________________________________ Michigan's work against the powerful Spartan aggregation last *1 Saturday at East Lansing stood out The Down Town Stork for ihi n n en as the Wolverines' best showing of the present camxpaign. In- this ecr,~ nlre o hs meet, which Michigan won by ai An enoe, gnle e-fo h score of 24-6, the Wolverines ouarT e dropped only two matches to their trm ndul..'shrs opponents. Texeria and Woodardsaenditr were the Michigan men to be de-a YOU11money - garanteeute FOSTER, WISCONSIN STAR, RETAINS rrrultTCA TOP POSITION IN BIGNINESCOR NG[IillliI Jft Bud Foster, speedy Wisconsini number of men among the first 15 gr Rn1 forward, retained his position~ of leading Conference sorers, four. of1P LA i N M5 IUCI leadng sore of he esten Ithe Wolverine regulars beig class- Con3ference with a margin: of 10 ed among this select group. Trus- Rune La~ost~e Mgkcs Statement pons oerhisneaes oponetkotivski, with 37 points, leads thec That He Will Take Part Branch McCracken of Indiana, when the smoke 'of the Saturday Michigan team in scoring, follow-ed i ores and Monday, basketball games in by. Orwig, with 30 points, Kanritz, i i ores the Big Nine had cleared, with 24, and Chapman, with 22. HITS AMERICANI HOPES Foster. Who is the mainstay of Dr. I Weiss, the other. Wolverine regular, ____ Mcanwell's team that 'is making it has 14 points to his credit, but his Fec ai u ees oe hot for, Purdue, Conference leaders, positionDonvtheCtamdcallssforohims has amassed , total of 52: points, to feed the ball to his teammates soe eie iewt h n making 17 field goals and 18, tosses rather than make as many shots noun-cement by no less an authmori- fiom the charity stripe. McCracken' imel. ty than Bill. Tilden that. the mna- as slink 16 baskets and added 10 Indiana and Northwestern both chine-like Rene Lacoste would very foul throws to total 42. In. thir'd trail. Michigan closely, each placing probably be ready to take up the glace, five points behind the. mdi- ~three men amiong the first 15. point- fight this summer~ when the, Au-- ana captain., is Joe Ti.'uskowski of getters. Purdue has two men, Mur- I a-or tr op ocamth Mmchgan wh ha 13basetsandphy and Wooden, in the group,i coveted; trophy which has beeu for- 11 free throws for a total of 37. while 'Wisconsin, Ohio State, Sand !ei to these shores 'since 19-26. of hia showed the 'remainder Chicago, contribute one: apiece.ThtLaotispnigaote th&Bi Nie eam is hel ii IFollowing are' the , list- of the international campaign, is great the matter. of placing the most I first 15 Conference scorers:I estdomienantfooer INIVDUL OIN w-ho were not at all confident as to .PUC.K ,FOLLOWERS '. Ft. Tp Ithe abilities of the aging meal of i ~Foster, Wis. .........1,V 18- .52 1the tricolor 'to withstand the con- IRO IE TREATMcCracken, Ind.l......1]6 16 42 t-inual:. bu~ffeting of thoe younger I ROI S TH AT iTruskowski, M0....13 11 37Unitedi Stat stnn~tlent. Ti IIWalter, North. ......12 10 34ditict ddtn toteta. f Calgary .MIacs. forM, Greatest Duo teller, Ind. ..........12 7; 31 yearago which so soundly trimmned in Amnateur Hockey Circles, _Orwig, Mich.......... 9 12 30 I.Aineric'a with Tilden in the singles. Marque tte Favorie. ait, ic...... 8 24 conpetition- Without the services of Maizrich.......6 1 24the most conisistantly' "spectaculart ~ IWhnEdieLowey VrstyChapman,Mic..............10 '2 1of their. 'top-notchers, Lacoste, Will- pucksters tangle 'with Marquette vn-Oxi10 2 2 serve as a decided edge' this year. 7tomorrow evening on the Coliseum ,Murphy, Purdue ....5 211 Big Bill Tilden, now playing in l ice, Wolverine puck followers wi ill JRie, North........... 9 3 21 I the touir-ament' along the 'Riviera 1 be treated to one. of the best stick- Wooden, Purdue... ,... 9 2 20 writes in the cu rent issue of- handlilng exhibitions of the year- Veller, Inid. ......... 5 10 20 "American Lawn Tennis" that far The Hilltoppers boast one of the Fih;h......7 6 2 from retiring from the ' gamli La- stron-gest puck combine~s in inter-'__________________ coste expects to Aplay. in' the French collegiate hockey circles and sure-j and' English champI' iships this ly a team which is second, to none POSTPONES TRIP year and to return to his 'old place in matteri of past performnances in ',under the: tri-color when the Davis the middle west.' j Elton E. (Tad) Wieman's trip Cup campaigni gets underway. The Milwyauke. skaters, a winner to Minnesota to confer with the This. is, the. moist reassuring aews ,over Michigan a weep ago on their officials of 'the Minnesota Athlet-t of Lacoste reecived since last ihome rink by. a 3-1 count, are ank- ic Committee as to the poss'ibili- summer' when a stubborn cold bor- ious to repeat over the Wolves and ties of his assuming the position (derringOn influenza prevented hien thus clinch honors for the year of grid mentor at the Gopher in- for comnpetini at Wimxbledon and against the Wolverine pucksters. stitution to succeed Dr. Clrnethem- kept him out of 'the Franco- f In the All-American combination Spears, has been postponed in- A1merican battle which j.aplly'end- of Danny MacFayden and Pudge definitely, it was announced by ed in- the reten tion of ¢th& dhain- yMacKenzie, the Calgary Macs form Mr. Wieman yesterday. He will~ pionship honors by the great net si an offensive duo whichi is second make the trip when ar time moreI stars of the Tni-color. Lacoste spent t1jto none in amateur hooiey. Moore, suitable to the Minnesota board much of his time over the past year - i a newcomer to the ranks of the can be agreed. upon'.jini a sanitariurni and many felt that sI, Golden tornado, i-s a clever young-_________________ his court career e had come to a11 e ste~r who will probably bear close untimely finish, watching. 1 BLOOMINITON,' Ill. -Dr- Frank ITilden has saidtallnGt rThat the Marquette skaters have 1 . Esper has been elected president Ib~ult, veteran tenpns playe~r and 1 ,plenty of respect for the M!ici gan o f the new Bloomingtoll three E ye solo ocean navigator and thle Brit- team is gleaned from the fact thatI League which "was recently reol'-i ish tenni enthusiast, Ak."Waal~is My- I ,th~e Wolverines, with Goalie Toinkins ganized, and is now lookind" for a ! ers were the sources of his inform a- . 'playing~ the leading role, did such a 11930 manager. Pat Harkinis, skip-i tion that Lacoste 'is now ready to e;very good job of keeping the highj per iasyear, is, favored for the po- I return tb the tennis court'-and- re-. <' 4 4 N scoring .Macs ; sQ well in harness.. isnn (Continued on Pagec 7) ATHLETIC CALENDAR FOR 'COMING WE Today 1Agsketball-"B" team atDeri -City college WEEK Detroit Thursday Lackey-Marquette, here Friday ockey--Marquette, here Basketball--Chicago, there ~BW' Basketball--Cadillac letic club, here' COLUMBUS, O.-Jolay McHugh of New Yohr .octy, official start- er for the 1924 and 1 928 Olympic games, will handlea pistol in the seventh annual 'Ohio relys here in May. TYPEWRITEItS RIBBONS SUPPLIES for all m akeso~ Tye irite~rs' Rapid turnover, freesia stock, linsures best quality at a moderate prie. 0. D. MORRILL ....Y ." "._ " " 'Y'J, . tl '::, tir:L _: distinction they're s * anu ait D ecau !i4 ft tt} I iI t! 1 i ( } }{ t {ti 1 f 1 3 Atli- t i 314 South State St. Ph pn 66151 _, ..- In V ALUE* *A new wholesaleloelIing plan . that gives you Wholesale savings! Shirts. Have you found out the distinction be- twenlaundry work. and VARSITY SERV- ICE? It is so obviou~s. Come in and see for yourself the (care that we use with your clothe. Find put why they are returned to you in such perfect canldjtion. Or, to experience the speed of our Service, just call Phone 421 110 I I A NEW TUX for the J-O I It Here is your opportunity to buy a Tux--tailored to your measwcre,-and at 3 -in-aP_ -box for $4 a very reasonable price. $45 and up And what a galaxy of good points in their favor! They're of hanidsome broadcloth, you know . . . tailored in terms of perfection . . sold only in handsome units of three or more 3 white shirts to a box, or if it's variety you're after, a white, tan and blue . . . neckband or collar attached. And just to outshirt shirtdosz, we've made them 34 inches long and webb-lined the collars to take care of any shrinkage besides adding a real custom feature . . . double sewn buttons on frgnts and cuffs. But heavens,, if we say more there won't be any left when you come in! (We're also selling hosiery, neckwear, shorts, and union suits on the Tri-Value )Plan.) $4x of 3 Hand tailored plain-color flarathea ties ......x$2.50 B~ox of 3 Athletic union suits................. , 2.25 % ,I If li