LV wi t l 'C1I ti 2 ' + , 111J1 , I H'E M C 1 N~fi 4 I I- ________________________________________ kvA1'' FA US I / j J j' 1s .t t f",' f .4Si cam l C . MODERNIZED HEALTH PROBLEM SINGS IN OPERA DEPENDS ON LIFE LED BY STUDENTS{ SIGNAT JUNIORS Hs ueis not ight for this year's W Health concepts must be up-to- styles. A deficiency in the element WO O BKPON t date and applied accordingto of food is the cadse. But the "too-;tThe Passion of Joan of Arc' Is Seniors Overcome Initial Lead the factor in the health problem plump figure is ;lust as bad, a to be Shown for Week at to Win From Sophomores ,which remains constant is the pe- problem in exercise. One doesn't League Theatre. in Cage Contest. Sub-Committees Appointed Will culiar type of life led by the ave- look the best with circles under the Take Charge of Details rage college student. Competition eyes. Did you know that this was WILL OPEN FEBRUARY 17 MOTLEYS DEFAULT GAME of Production. is the key-note struck in every due to insufficient sleep? And cam pus gathering, and behind all Pesnosadjnoswr talents and personal qualities Utat here's a tip! Circles under the eyes After a startling sucess in Paris Th seniors and juniors were EIGHT GROUPS SELECTED make for superiority in campus never occur with eight hours sleep and New York playhouses, "The vctorious over the sophomores and p y asson o Jon ofArc" a inea-'the freshmen respectively in theh life is good health. This column ac- regularly, and they never disap- Passion of Joan of Arc," a Cina first team interclass games held Committee in Charge of Ushers cepts for its aim 100 per cent efi- pear after a twelve-hour period of tic production of rare dramatic yesterday afternoon in Barbour aWill be Chosen Later ciencymn everyday living, nt the sleep which attempts to make up quality and superb acting, will be Gymnasium. The Motley team de- in Year hievement of tpheahcenprnc- for a week of neglect. ! brought for a run in Ann Arbor faulted to the sophomore second in__YearExrcise onllaureoBkueo. heaeethf Fen17 2t;theteam.k Iples that was below par when the Es during the week of Feb. 17 at the Final selection of the juniors who ! century turned. Most people over 18 years of age Lydia Mendelssohn theatre. Joan In the first game at four oclock, have forgotten the benefits of ex- Lyi edlsh har.Ja he seniors trampled the sopho .. will serve on committees for the Generalities Are Important hersl, sincen ithis nlnge a e- aythe mrstoe tuned4 to s4pfte Junior Girls' Play has been made The modern health platform is toercise, since it is no longer a re-spyed by Mlle. aloneti, mores to the tune of 42 to 24 ater by the committee chairman. An- not entirely a matt'er of wool hose,1quired part of their school curri- famous French acress of the "Com- trailing at the half 18 to 1.The nouncements of the names of those red flannels, and oat-meal, al- culum, A single week when one- edie Francaise" and "Odeon." The excellent passing and sure aim of who have been chosen are as fol though they are all good enough, half hour daily is spent in the film owes its splendid photography Bates and Byard, playing forward flhnBates and Bylrdiplayinggforward lows: f- thon. t aenaltgos eno gymnasium or at the skating rink Cy positions for the sophomores, was Rosa Raisa, in season. But generalities are now i to Carl Dreyer, director. {rsosbefrbign h oh~te~hcg ii pr Assistant chairman's committee, occupying the attention of wide- will prove the worth of exercise by Ch responsible for bringing the soph- of the Chicago Civic 0pera C Ruth Van Tuyl, chairman; Alber- awake people, with the means of giving the individual a whole new hnaci noeisth mranniversary of the event which it t restpedo aytheh .npany, who is appearing in "T ta Maslen, Elizabeth Sunderland, attaining the desired ends left to lease on life. Try this remedy for trays, the film has aroused ii the next period of play, the senhaser" Frida nih the next attack of the blues," or portraysalthengflmvhas arousednipa- Katherine Wilcox, Mary Ann Jos- individual judgments. Food plus tense interest all over the country. iors, rallying in every position, par- ntue," idy night, eb. lyn, Katherine McMurray. exercise plus sleep is a problem of during examinations It deals with the trial and execu all the n e the Eight on Finance Committee. a general nature. Occasionally this Did you know that one of th t d w t tri a ex -ball from their goal and heldthe Finance committe: Jane Yearnd, column will point out timely best ways of catching the "flu' - ion of her Ar-ts ast six sophomores to a mere six points Dean Advises Moral chairman; Louise Karpinski, Hilda truths gathered from the Health like cold that is predominant on i t while they captured twenty-six be- Braun, Helen CheeverEleanor Service, the gymnasium, and the the campus at the present time is ncess was amazing at a time whenf wre the final whistle.ptrdiwnt-ixb-Coej Braun Heln Chever - cinic suming p inormaiony neglecting to wear rubbers or sound pictures were coming into Tann Cooke, Bertha Howard, Marie Well- clinicsmming up informationrity At five o'clock, the juniors won stead, Linda Schreiber, Jean Beck- Ithat will, it is hoped, be formative galoshes? Another good preventa- The olm will be presented at the a fast game from the freshmen to ton, ilvloingis htpe, beto-mtive ofhcolds isltheeremovaltof coats ton. in developing a good attitude to- ie colds is the removal of coats Lydia Mendelssohn theatre during the score of 17 to 11. At no time Discipline should be approa Publicity committee: Helen Do- ward health. while in class-room. Business ad the week of Feb. 17 with the excep- were the juniors seriously threat- today from the angle of. the m methVlentine, MarCia Lamb , - The styles are an important 1930 the Health Service has thrived tion of Friday night. There will be ened, although the game was close education of the individual a et Ha i- topic. And any fashions expert will onDr Margaret Bell., The matinees on Thursday, Friday, and enough to be interesting. The than of his punishment,ecl garet Harris. declare that the "tooth-pick" fig- Saturday.Tickets will not be plac- guarding on both teams was good. Dance Committee Appeinted. hints given above are by DrB ed on sale in advance, but may be Hatch as center for the juniors Dean Herbert E. Hawkes of Col Dance committee: Lucile Strauss,'f obtained at the box affice just be- and Whitney as guard played in bia college in a lecture on col chairman; Clara Parkinson, Jean-..WOmen journalists WOMEN'S RIFLE ifore the performance. All seats will their usual form, while Adams administration, January 23. ette Dale, Sylvia Klein. N TEAM IS WINNER bc 75 cents. first at side-center and then at Present day ollege stdets Music committee: Marjorie Mc- Cover Navy Parey forward was outstanding on the Diong, chairman; Maurine Jacobs, Michigan's women's rifle team NOTICES. freshman offense. as immature morally and as c 4arguerite Henry, Lydia Shaw. (fly Associated Press) won a long-distance match from There will be a meeting of Or- Thursday afternoon at 4 o'clock, socially as they are undevelopec Properties committee: Kathleen LONDON, Jan. 26 - Although South Dakota State college accord- chesis at 7:30 o'clock tonight at the general practice will be held for tellectually," he believes, and Dlifford, chairman; Alice Charles, France has yet to grant suffrage to ing to word received yesterday Field house. All old members and seniors and sophomores, and at 5 continued, "If the college is a $errice ndrch, Emi Grieso'clock for juniors and freshme, ernice Endrich Emily Grimes, women, women journalists are in from there. The meet was held last anyone interested in joining the k j to its duty it must recognize Grace Manbek, Dorothy McGffie, the lead in number and prominence Saturday and the scores were organization are invited to attend The motley - sophomore second Janet Michael, Helen Schneider, among the many French writers Michigan 482, Dakota 479. Helen either the meeting in natural team game is scheduled for4faconditionswthathmC Elizabeth Whitney, Dorothy Wood, covering the naval conference here. Nicol, captain of the Michigan dancing, or the class in national o'clock Thursday.bAs phomor face it and deal with them. i Joehn aqe.Iwho are taking basketball for cred- Izei; en noui it't ideas of disip Josephine Marquest One of the outstanding women is squad shot a score of 96. Eleanor dancing, which comes at9:30. i m te ong a withou the dean said that many col Costume Assistants Chosen t Mme. Louise Weiss, editor of the Kimball was high with a score of fi sphad not been "penetrated" b Costume committee: Margaret Paris weekly New Europe, a maga- 98. Other scores -were as follows: Since there will be .no more fal._educational idea for 25 years. Iapgood, chairman; Jean Becton, zinc devoted to international polit- Frances Huff, 97; Alice Mann, 96; chorus rehearsals for the Junior: Dorothy Bloomgarden, Frances Bu- ical questions. Its latest number Elizabeth Hatch, 95; Dorothy Ed- Girls' Play until the second semes- DELTA OMICRON TYPEWRITER Len, Doris Denkmore, Mariam Fin- presents some useful documents on monds, 94. The team is coached by ter. members of choruses are ask- HOLDS INITIATION'' RE:PAIRING Sterwald, Louise Ganiard, Ruth naval affairs and on political prob- Captain A. B. Curtis of the R. 0. ed to attend the meeting' o Orche- k -odwii, Edith Higbee, Katherine lems on which naval problems are I T. C. sis tonight. If unable to go to both Delt. ms- All makes ofu mqua.- Elowe, Evelyn Miller, .Ann Robb, based. Mine. Weiss has followed The next meet is scheduled for Isections of the meeting. jr is re- Omiairon Mr.ann. ousse thent nesdu prsip- aorie Wellstead. the technicalities of disarmament I the week-end of Feb. 25, and will quested that the chorus members nrsatn of itmanM . R.C. nel are considered Makeup committee: Hermine for many years at Geneva and is be held jointly with Louisiana go to the 8:3Q meeting as this will iHussey, and Miss Sarah Whedon among the best in the State, toukup, chairman; Beverly Arm- a recognized authority. State college, the University of be of special value to those doing as patronesses of the soorit. In- result of .twenty years cai trong, Marian Davis, Elizabeth Another distinguished 'French South Dakota, the University of tap work. Exercises in the funda- td I building. Pishpel, Mary Foster, Emily Grimes, writer here is Mme. Tabouis; a neice Kansas, and the University of Ne- mentals of dancing will be given. noon in the Cave room of the D/o-o 0. D. MORRILL arian Kemp, Dorothy Knight, of Jules Cambon, a former French braska. Please wear bathing sts ilding 314 South State StPhone Margaret Mauer, Frances Sum- ambassador to Germany. She writ-;-- 111Iners,1111I1iliili~l11P -vlrir Al -h _____________ ___________________ ers, Marian Templeton, Alice c for the Bordeaux newspaper, the- - ---- ---.----- -- - Wolff. Petite Gironde. Representing the L H G O I Five Aid Program Chairman. lighter side of Paris, Mlle. Maryse Program committee: Roberta Querlin of the staff of Gringoire is C Very sheer. In shades for formal eed, chairman; Mary Stuart, observer here for that weekly pub- B THE MARY SHAW S eanette Dale, Elizabeth Wood, Ma- lication dedicated to humorous po- B ASHOP 1306 South University ian Gimmy, Helen Humphrey. litical and society sidelights. I=Our Guaranteed Permanent . . $5.00-- for a limited time. Frederic's Permanent..............$8.50 Make your appoint- with six months' service. ment for 25% off on all work every Monday and Tuesday except Permanents .Za r nrafP JV if UWUU-Ho Week 1110 South University Phone 7561 Il_ __ __ill_ _tllilllll l____lli IU l1 IIIIIIItillilli WOMEN HAVE NEED Of AMBITIOUS GOA Beauty S "PERMANI Six Months' Servi ARTISTIC FINGER WAVING Di Mal 338 South State ervice ENTS" ice FREE!. CONTOUR HAIR CUTTING ttia's Phone 8878 Hark To His Master's Voice! Saying GO To UNIVERSITY MUSIC HOUSE For Everything Musical Radios:- Majestic, Victor, Crosley"' Lowest ,yo TERMS Pianos:--..nadI.ObwA*O to s Baldwin, Kohier & Campbell-- Play while Orchestral Instruments you pay. Victor. Columbia, Brunswick Records ASK THOMAS HINSHAW, Mgr. 601 East William Street Phone 7515 MI Jacobson's Final Clearance FOOTWEAR WEDNESDAY 11 1 FORSKATING HATS-TAMS-CAPS ALL WOOL IDEAL FOR ALL OUTDOOR ACTIVITIES SPECIAL ON WEDNESDAY At SOC to $1.00 Values Formerly $6.50-$7.50 $8.50 Single Pairs $385 11 I I i im 0