PAM* t6 T 14 r-M IC4 T Ck It")y A T E V UMMl.WWAUVIA*#It S YAti o d*' - -.- * d A A 1....11 1 Y11")..L9 A VL"':Wi l«,L.#Jb PSA, 'J lk~authnz l£4Q 19U.J N t PublishedI every morning eveept Monday during theU niversity year by the Board in Control of Student Publications.j I ANOTHER MERIT SYSTEM - The establishment of student- managed organizations on moreS DRMA d r permanent and more creditable NO MORE STUDENT PLAYS STUDENT basis, a move long existing as an BEAUTIFUL DIRECTED. ideal and recently brought into MEN A Review. 1 _ -°_0 'l MICHIGiAN BELL Member of Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Press is exchisively entitled to the, use for republication of all news dis- patches credited to it pr not otherwise credited ereins paper and the local news published Fntered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Post. master Genera!. Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, C.5 o. Oces: Ann Arbor Press Building, May- lard Street. Phones: rditorial, 49z5; 'Business, 212?4.' EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925? MANAGING EDITOR ELLIS B. MERRY Fitorial Chairman........Ceorre C. Tley City Editor................ Pierce I , istrg News-ditor-.............-- -I. nald J Rline Sports Editor.......'dward,. Warner, Jr. Women's FEditor............arjorie Follmer Telegraph ditor........Cassai A. Wilson 141isic and Drna........William J. Gorman Literary itor..........awrence R. Klein Assistant City 1Eitr.. .. Robert Jf. Feldman Night Editors -Editorial Board Members Frank E. Cooper Hfenry J. Merry William C. Gentry Robert L. Sloss Charl s R. 1raiitlwan \Walter W. Wilds CGurney Williams Reporters Bertram Askwith Lester May Helen Bare IDavid At. Nichol axwell Bauer William Pare Mary L. Behymer Howard H. Peckham Benjamin TI. Berentsonl I ugh Pierce Alan H. Berkman Victor Rabinowitz Arthur J. Bernstein John D. Reindel S. Beach Conger Jeannie Roberts Thomas At. Cooley Joseph A. Russell )ohn I-. Denler Joseph Rtiwitch Helen Domine William P. Salzarulo Margaret Eckli Charles R. Sprowl Kathearine Ferrin Adsit" Stewart Sheldon C. Fullerton S. Cad well Swanson 'Ruth Geddes J1ane Thayer Cinevra Ginn ilargaret Thompsou Jac ;Goldsmith Richard L. Tobin iorrisGcroverman Hi'ahedh Valentine Ross Custin ITarold n. Warren, Jr. Margaret H arris Charles White DavidrB. Hempstead G. Lionel Willens Cullen Kennedy John F. Willoughby e an T.evy Nathan Gtrise usselE. McCracken Barbara Wright 1 Dorothy Magee Vivian Zimit BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214I BUSINESS MANAGER s A. J. JORDAN, JR. Assistant Manager ALEX K. SCHERER Department Managers Advertising..............T. olster Mabley Advertisin ............Kasper 1.Ialverson Advertisi ... ..----- h.rnn3 ,tJA-.T TJfltn i I i practice with the passage of the After the J-Hop edition of "Mer- Six of the student plays from Union amendment providing the rie-Go-Round" the Union Opera the recent one-act contest were installation of a "merit system," will gently fold up its scenery and somewhat crudely but on the whole expire-not only for this year but quite smoothly produced last night should be extended to several other forever. There's something of sad- under student direction before a campus groups, whose development ness in the news that our boys will small select audience that was ap- has been often hampered by their no more impersonate the fair sex propriately enthusiastic in all but executive offices becoming political and go on a three-weeks' gin its abnormal excitement at seeing "plums," or being tilled with other- brawl every Christmas. a rather ordinary dog on the stage. wise incompetent or inexperienced It was a preliminary performance men. ***for purposes of ,elimination of One organization, not so much The Union Board, however, will three of the plays, and incident- hampered by politics, but much in endeavor to find some other acti- ally providing an excellent final need of new vigor and sturdiness, vity to take the place of what will examination for the Play Produc- and most of all a practical person- soon be termed the late Opera. tion students who had things all nel, is the Student Christian as- Perhaps a men's fashion show their own way in production. The sociation. The association could # would draw large audiences, decision rendered by the judges benefit in many ways by taking the left THREE-A-DAY by Hubert' selection of its higher officers out Skidmore, LASSITUDE by Hobert of the political caucuses and plac- ;Skidmore, and WIVES-IN-LAW by ing it in the hands of a board 'Elizabeth W. Smith for the final which understands thoroughly the bill which will have public presen- needs of the organization. Such a ,tation. "merit system" could be established * easily for the power to make the; RAINBOW SHAWL by Frances change rests with the association Jennings was quite a delightful directors themselves. I fantasy based on the time-honor- Selection of the higher offices by, ed idealising faculties of the poet an electoral board is not the full abnormally eager to find beauty extent and benefit that could come in one thing after another (in this. from a "merit system." There . .case one woman after another). It should be developed a hierarchy of is poetically written. But it really committee positions, (to execute the * * " gains but little in production, be- K Diai 8 I 1' - ~- b ii -3 .34~ Long Distance Rates Are 5urprisingly 10 a Low various functions of the associa- tion) so organized that underclass- men can be experienced for com- mittee chairmanships, and for the high executive positions. The in-; fluence of "appointment-by-merit"I would tend to make the students in subordinate positions more consist- ent and more energetic in their Have you any suggestions? Rolls will not only print worthwhile sug- ing clearly a fantasy for print; in the reading all necessary visualisa- 4. gestions for Opera substitutes but I tion could be quite easily accomp- will offer a prize for the best plan. lished. WHEEL HORSES by Davidj Scheyer, to be frank, was econom- Remember that in order to in- ics dramatised in the Hauptmann terest the student body the plan manner. In a labor strike - the must involve some six or eight traditional endurance contest sort weeks of afternoon and night work of strike--one of the strikers gives that will preclude any attention to in and is promptly murdered by academic endeavor and that the those with more endurance and plan should come to a climax ; less wit. The writing itself was around Christmas time with all quite affective. participants on the ragged edge of THE DAY'S WORK by Elizabeth neurasthenia. W. Smith was the other nlav that work. With such an organization an activity like the association can properly train its men for the higher positions and then give further* opportunity to those merit- ing promotion.- The "merit sys- tem" idea, invigorated by the Union ti Service... George A. Spater success, should be extended for in was eliminated. Personally, that Circulation....... .... Vernor .DavisSeealterhvecmli - Accounts...JohnR. Rose its progress lies the enlargement Several letters have come in re- was somewhat a blow; but judges rublication......eor'e r.iamilton of student self-government. garding the Inlander but I believe shall not be judged. It was strik- Business Secretary-M aryChasethe publication should be given a ingly original use of the one-act Assistants A fire of unknown origin wrecked chance and I'm not publishing form; being a hard, brutal atti- James E. Cartwright .,awrence Jucey the junior dormitory of the Illinois everything that comes my way. tude of the author successfully Robeit Crawfoird 'homas Mair Military school Saturday night; it (Hear, hear!) No, I haven't receiv- symbolised by a situation realistic- Iharry 13. Culver Georg;e R. Patterson ismoie yastainraitc Thomas M. Davis Charles Sanford is believed that a defective chim- ed my. complimentary subscription ally caught. Realism wasn't stres- Norman Lliezer Lee p a SlaytonRie ii ewareonbl.O sem er oe Van Riper ney was responsible. Or a defec- yet. I don't want one. sed, however, though the dialogue N ofrJohnson Roaert Williamson tive smoker. . never got far away from it. The Charles fline WVilliam 1Z. Worboy Dorothy Woomgrlner AyO. But here's one letter that char- attitude of the author was coldly, Laura Codling ..,.Sylvia Miller All publications issued by le acterizes one angle of Inlander severely isisted on till the very Agnes Davis Helen E. Nlussel hite government are for the benefit of bitter end as one would say. This Bernice Glaser Irleauor Walk~inshza.v 1 criticism which has for some rea- Hortense Gooding Dorothea Waterman the public and are not copyrighted, son been sent to Rolls: was effective communication by a That's good news for publishers Dear Toasted Rolls: I like that situation eminently dramatic, how- who have been itching to reprint suggestion of L. . K. about the In- ever unconventional. Night Editor-GURNEY WILLIAMS lbrighf snatches from the Congres- lander lecture series, which was sional Record. u p eieyu ounti THREE-A-DAY by Hubert Skid-: WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 29, 1930. snp (idy). My suggestion more is built on the stick-together Mints of the United -States coin would be that they get hold of this ness of a couple who have yearly IN MEMORIAM: large numbers of coins for Latin shadowy Lester John for a lecture, tramped vaudeville circuits. The PRESIDENT hUTCHINS American countries, according to a either with or without an interpre- feminine member has the tradi- President Emeritus Harry B. newspaper item. We know that, ter. I've always had a hankering to tional visions of "big time," from Hutchins is dead. And in his lssthough, having received several of hear Japanese spoken, but after which she thinks her husband is lssethose coins from a taxi driver one hearing Wakatsuki over the radio preventing her. She threatens re- the University has been forced to night. volt and almost carries out her the other morning I don't crave bid a final farewell to a man pos-- 0 any more. What I would like to threat, but comes back to her hus- sessed of unique ability to handle The Army Air- Corps is contem- hear a real live man speak now is nand and they go out "to squirt a enterprises of feverish potentiali- plating the purchase of 70 large Lesterjohnese-that is, if there is grapefruit together," placidly re- bombing planes, which, if the order such a man. united. There is effective use of an- ties in a calm, orderly, and highly is placed, will be one of the largest ; Lcctr -- other comic couple who are plan- successful way. Dr. Hutchins will single airplane orders awarded to ... .y ning the same sort of thing that perhaps be longest reme wrche an American factory since the War. There ain't none uch, Lec. they, see nearly dissolved before th inlsucs ih hc eAnd in 1940 will have a London lair ;Tee i'aon uhLe their eyes. Their indecision about conducted the affairs of the Uni- n. Ripley, the "Believe It or Not"g: Conference.I marriage is lost upon the reunion versity at a time when the insti- o__gent, is going to speak here. I hope 'of the quarreling couple. It is all tute was facing a critical transi- _ _he doesn't try to make us believe od low" comedy, trusting to im- tional period of its life. some of the stuff he put into his medIate, and not too contempla- Although the President Emeritus Campus Opiion book. For instance: Seven years 'i response. is said to have felt a personal dis- Cotr butors ae a'ked to he ri. ago (says Rip) a farmer in Iowa LASSITUDE by Hobert Skidmore inclination to assume the task of ron iiing themselves to less than 300 hung his vest on a fence in theia words- of Jpossible. 'Anonymous coin- Ssmwa aila aeilto guiding the affairs of the Univer- Inunications willi e disregarded. The barnyard. A calf chewed up a poc- abou t r pa a il sity when the Regents asked him ae confrn illoe ket in the garment in which from Vermont yearning for the to do so, he took it as a matter of 1 quest. Letters published should not he there was a gold watch. Last' reenhills. But the handling of the high duty which he felt he had no Inito' ei. the edtorial week, . the animal, a staid old nh ___________________:ik cw a ucee o plot and the waiting are very ef- right to evade. The same spirit of , palk cow, was butchered for fective; 'with an excellent juxtapo- self-sacrifice to the best interests UPPERCLASS DIGNITY. beef, and the tiempiece was sition of comedy in a tragic setting of the University which prompted To the Editor: found i such a Position between It is somewhat of a bigger achieve- him to accept the office impelled - It is indeed unfortunate that the lungs of the cow that respira- ment than Three-A-Day because him to work untiringly throughout constant reiteration seems to be in i tion kept the stemwinder wound requiring more consistent skill for his administration. order, if the upperclassmen of the up, and the watch had lost but Ireing-toecndideng silhfon He selected his faculty with care university wish to retain their dig- seven minutes in four years. emotion that is deep, though com- and perspicacity. With consumate nity - in these columns at least. .*monIace, wisdom, he secured such co-opera- The freshman who so ardently ; What I can't believe is this: If WIVES-IN-LAW by Elizabeth W. tion between all departments that voiced his views anent Hell Week the watch was really gold and any k Smith (to venture a judgment) the internal affairs of the Univer- and its degrading effects on "the good at all it wouldn't have lost was the best play of the six. Mrs. sity ran with an exceptional ideals carried by American univer- the four minutes. Smith's comic spirit (that is. criti- smoothness which prepared the sities" must be replied to in posi- -*cal spirit) works lightly but force- way for the tremendous physical tive tones. If,, as he maintains, the They're still trying to get rid of fully in a situation that is amaz- expansion which followed his ad- upperclassmen have proven them- Ensians by slipping students' ingly original and exciting because ministration. selves a spineless group of inferior names in the classified column. I so baffling. The central figure, -a In establishing alumni organiza- . beings, whose main delight is in see by yesterday's' Daily that my perfectly wonderful blackguard of tions, President Emeritus Hutch- torturing innocent (?) freshmen friend George Allen is For Rent, a woman, just glows with an iron-' ins was especially active. He travel- who are undeserving and loyal to and Miss Agnes Wilson is Lost. ical wit, while she perpetrates a ed thousands of miles to attend f the traditions of the university, * fine trick on a quite common type alumni meetings, and was respon- ( then let me suggest that the order Also (in the same column) the of man. Miss Suggs in the title sible in large measure for the de- of class superiority be reversed, or notice: part of this play was very impres- velopment of the strong alumni or- even done away with entirely so FIREPLACES' OF MARBLE sive by her promise; that is, her ganization which today is one of that we may have our halls of INDIANA OOLITIC LIMESTONE promise in the same part if she be the University's greatest assets. 'learning untarnished by the AND j granted it for the next production.: His duties as a law, student and 3 "strain" of class strife. Traditions, JOSEPH L. ARNET Her voice was fine but she lost statesman and the incessant press to all appearances, mean nothing * many possibilities in the lines by of University affairs were never to to our incoming men. And in all Professor Hobbs will be interest- landing with her accent one word interfere with his personal kindli- fairness, is there any finer, more ed in that marble limestone but I too late or early. The direction of ness and courtesy. He was loved as wide-spread group of traditions, don't know about the other item. I this play was bad, ignoring the ad- much by his students and by thne 1 whirh in their sennihlo nnd wei ll- unnacrp a o. - ' I -- t $1.00 to each of the ten lucaky students . that, read the Classifie d ads on page seven THERE IS HOW- The names of 10 students picked at random from the Student Directory will be scattered among the Daily Classified. Ads. Anyone who discovers his or her name may apply at the 'ENSIAN or Daily Offices for a one dollar reduction in thc price of his 'Ensian. To find your name in the Classified Ads. is to save $1.OQ in the purchase of a 1930 Michiganensian. This offer good to February 1st.