W=N DAY, ' ,-ANVARY 2$, 1930,: T-HE- MIC'-HIGAN- a A ILY- PAETHEE Tb nII+ PEGU . GRACE DEMONSTRATES DEVELOPMENT IN TELEPHONE USED IN OVERSEA COMMUNICA SEATS FOR DETROITl! SHOWINGOF OPERA Chicago Civic Opera Company. to Open Detroit Rin on Februar~y 17.' MICHIGAN MEN IN CAST' Arrangements for, Transportationj of Students Neariang Completion. "Michigan students will be 'well JIONNAYRGIBLE TO TEST NEW GLIDER II Screen, Reflections "II jTwvo new pictures at the Majes- tic and Wuerth are reviewed below. Barnaby Will Pilot Motorless "Rio Rita" continues at the Mich,- Plane Launched From gan. Los Angeles. Detroit's "largest and most mnag- nificent"- the Fox, offers an air thriller "The Sky Hawk." on thy. WEATHER. DELAYS TRIALS .stage leading the Fanchon anld --_ Marco weekly "Ideas" is one Frak-' plot is woven around the adventur- es of Leif Ericsson in his voyage of discovery to America. On th wh'ole, it is an unusual, and enter- taining film. Royal Romance. John Gilbert tnever bias more ap- peal than when he appears in army B Asociated ] c~..ie Jenks, a jubilant miaster of cer-- uniforms, and thus he is in "His WASHINGTON, Jan. 28.-A mo- monies. Glorious #ig ht," directed by Lioniel torless glider will be launched for- - Barrymore,; at the Wuerth. Asa th first time from the navy's Tc Colorfulit Adventurc. peasant born. cavralry captain, he TeMajastic offers us a screen? seeks the love of a Graustarkian dirigible, Los Angeles, at Lakehurst, version of the famous "Viking" princess anad' is repulsed-but she N. J., as soon as weather permnits. done in Technic'3Aor. This show is' turns out o be a woman first and The experiment-to see whether well worth seeing for the' wonderful; a princess second. gliders may not become an Integral ?phzotography alone, to say nothaing The foreign se Lting allows ti:ef representedl in the audience of the part of the equipment of the navy's ofrs L~yv r~ kuu, t'omni hrestefaos os Chiag CiicOpra he itcoespresent and future dirigibles-is; raiders. Arond a very strong'plot to Detroit Feb. 17-23," said E. . expected to take place this week. and an excellent cast haddby Young, special reprcsentative of tecclp:aulipingprkthedreftrhaseuilt ,the company, who will be in Ann. The glider, attached like a bomb ' rpigpcueo h detr Arbor all, this week to assist st- Y n a rack, could be released at will th~ieofrthesad epeo dents in making reservations fornlt litdrthisl o Ath orth the pcture is not all;I F likly ladingfield ,vAlthoughul tickets and for transportation to lieylnigredweeh ol talking," we can easily dispense y'make a hastyr survey and gather a wt h paigprst no and from Detroit: Young is making! force of men to' aid in~ landing a wt the w eaakipteiasto e his headquarters at the Union, tdirigible. usca sor d rningfrmaerp.otiewhich rises to great heights in some whr ema erace taysoth osAglsasbe of the more daai cns h timeeduringathe, week by calling « gru ioomedLoPthe experiment bith room 428. the construction of apparatus for First Winter Fiht According to Young, several fra-' Sergius P Gace who will speak before the Fourth Engineering Conference which convenes here to-' holding and releasing the glider. __ . ternies and sororities have al- morrow is shown at the right demonstrating to Dean IH. C. Sadler of the engineering college, left, some of Attachment will be made at a TVests Approach E d ready made reservations for the the most recently developed marvels of telephonic communication, including the translation of mechanicalj single point and the glider drawn vaiu efracso he com- impulses into speech. Dean Sadler holds one of the great vacuum tubes which are used in trans-atlantic J up tightly to the underside with its - Asoiaer ess) panly. He has arranged for them toj telephony and in talking between ships at sea and shore telephones. t wings making contact with rubber; make the trips to Detroit in special -~__ ___--- ____--- -- cushions" to keep it from moving.; MINNEAPOLIS, Minn., Jan. 28.- parties, he said. 1I,AM .T1OT(T BURGLA1RS ENTELideg The glider, newly aquired by the The army's first comprehensive test Wie Ha;ag hcg u. YLLJ orw naval bureau of aeronautics for (of airplane squadron maneuvers Thswekmak telatweekI A N F O DW T A SST R hpt ec j this and other exeiet, will beI under seeewne conitions' Ship Teah relasedin the lneeof flight and at; neared itsvend tdayewith only two of the iicoera Ctomparngi n___ Sounds of shattering glass' ____ the flying speed of the motorless( more scheduled jumps remainig in ~cl ag13-wer eai srngi tengw, tosocatdPr.'boktheie'tof Ann Arbor at 21 esnebefore the fyers reacb their home $20,000,000 Chicago Civic Opera, EVANSVILLE, Ind., Jan. 28-Un- o'clock a. m. last Saturday morn- ILOS ANGELES. Jan. 28.-Mrs. -ite anayany firsdAerpico angaTwent-oelfrite oFinelM i house. From Chicago, the com-s certainty as to the fate of hundreds ing, when burglars broke through,!pi h ayadfrt mrcn1 wnyoeo h rgnl T pany goes to Boston, where it will, of Posey county residents isolated the front door of Wit.arn'5 drug Charles A. Lindbergh splint a busy; pilot to qualify for a first class Ii- starters on the trip from S elfridge! playfotw wekbeoecmn by southwestern Indiana flood wa-'store, on South University and For-;hour Monday brushing up on her cense of. the Federation Aeronau- Field to Spokane, Wash., and re-1 to Detroit. ters held the attention of rel of; est, to make 'away with over two flying with her noted husband in j tique Internationale, has installed turn, ere here for the next hop{ Treseiltan arnee-Workers today. I(hundred dollars in cash and met s b- srtotasotteetuae National Guard aviators, flying ctions. 'foroiseathe homeal port.r - Irv 1 . thecafoilnegh24.ond. fortevhoeryhiggosacorig.o saro ty to cinpotty.Coe etoura e-low over many houses, found no cTeclnladth rirAiestudents in nearby rooming houses,!Tecooe adthTomehne crfwilegh24pud ifvryingosaodngt! pietrael ithth copan whchevienc oflif werejus a aybut none were able to catch anyMorroat tok An iplaMnectaining Air planes have been launched from jschedule,aj.Ra lph~yc e, com- inlds t dsth euarcsor two befre they had been greet- gimpetooh hive. igevyutfor isreglar epm e n rFellatesed eacompetiga scene shifters, electricians, musi- edby hand-waving. The y express- In Mra statementhoncernnte rtrg andlfortan hour Mrs. Lingi iiilsbt ti ed hyaemnehpst ec efig t. ed blief tht recesion ofthe swl , robery> (if, cirlusethtoibeddemonstrndatedtobyetheonstated b journey begunrneynearlynethreehreweeks cians, valets, maids, and property e eifta eeso fteso-rbey r .L ihm we ~'hhnldtecnrltkn sien. lenr streams 'may reveal bodies in "of the drug store, declared "The I ilig tefed lnigaders test flight. ago. thieves gained entrance by tossing; doinig it over aga. ,-___- - ______ The roleso h igo gp h oe.ICl ide~ ad i e a- Y ncc n~x o o cc o n c~c ccc'mr iohes ofeythe eKingeofveEgypt the hoes brick through the front entrance!; c.Lnbrhsadhsnwlw in "Aida," that of Prior in Le Jon-, Others, however, weredstmoreeop-Ua gler d Nore ame" ad tat f tmisic. The beievd tat heof the store. Over $150 in mr-ine moplesedtrr- gleurmaeNoLarave,"ofndthrtngia circling planes offered no more chandise is missing, besides $0 in ccptly purchased here is nearly"Dw y Sih sB r e So Hrman playedgCase ofTarine , thrill tp the unfortunates and that! cash taken from the soda< fountain readyt laai afe mno .-ex y Sn th' B rb rh p Are.plaed y Case aroeo,17.they did not bother to rush outside register. The merchandise stolen changes. The chief alteration was th'nsalain f'ote.gslie Secial Sa Treatment for Dandruff Union Opera Star in Cast. i and greet them. consisted chiefly of fountain pens, einsaltinobnohrgoiead Uhealty Hair Barre Hill, '26, is cast, as Lord.' ecl, and cigarettes." ak Heny Ahto in"Luia e Lin- a report by Lieut. D. .Watson _FACE__ASSAGES__SOFT__WATER_______ . .. 11nyAstni "ui d~a- that h(e had seen from 10 to FAEMSSGSSFTW TR5H MO mermoor. While at the UniversityhepadinsvrloteUin women in the upper story of aN SECOND SEMESTER oprs ncuig"I n ut"Ihuse. about 15 miles below Mt. l ICourteous Service to Ladies and Children Cto tcig, Tmorn, Vernon, where it would have been TYPEW ITIN two mentioned, Hill played the 1splewsbigietgtd mosbet oti odadfe P WRTNGn "Ticked t Deah." n th las . . talu oc o a oc S OUT NIVERSITYc ledn oe.,The Citizens' Smoke Abatement ________________________________ Reservations for the opera pre- league of St. Louis claims to have "SE'I -RI L sentations. may also be secured reduced the city's smoke by nearly SE R T RAl through Miss Lloyd, at the Print 150 per cent in the last three years. D neT ANN and Book Shop, 521 East Jefferson, EVERY WED. AND SAT. CmietePatclwt St., telephone 21081. TYP'EWRITING ( NIGHTS ATr THE CmietePatclwt To encourage consideration of, 1MEGatIn r oy h hortc" thegeneral delay in marriage and A seciRaty GHt uzc HAM L T ON I frequent failure to marry on the ABspeciltyLUE part of college students, the Human twenty years. BENOW LUEBSRES Bettermen foundation of the Uli- Prompt service.. Experienced op-,B OW R C LL G versity of California has apir-eatr.MdeaFrae.1or Engagements priated money for an essay contest1 0. D. MORRILL 6749 CALL 4310 State and William St. 1I1L+C concerning this subject. 1314 South State St. Phone 6615, love' scenes to. be served in gobs of the chest-heaving variety, and the iatgue is that impossible kind c f repartee which never fails to de- light. Catherine Dale Owen, a~ blonde stage recruit, has an. unus- ually prominent part as the leadingi lady anld- displays a regal beauty than which there is no whicher. -U.H. Jr. I) i JHOU LATEIS 'rFODAY~~now-order her 1b:. o-