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January 29, 1930 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-01-29

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VOL. XL. NO. 90.





0|" }\|"?(0\" 'MITCH ELL TO BAN
President Emeritus Laid to Rest
i Forest Hill Cemetery -


IATAcceptance of a gift of '5,0
fli!lwhich will constitute the John
L v~I~u~ ~R fBlake Memorial scholarship has

Differences Will be
by Committee

mittee of the Regents for the Uni-
versity. The donor, Mrs. Katherine
Discussed Aldrio Bale of Grand Rapids,
of Michigan, is the grandmother of
John Blake who was a student in
the University from September,

Reeves, Gomberg, Holbrook,
Gram, Vibbert, Anderson
Act as Pallbearers.
Harry Burns Hutchins, president!
emeritus of the University, was:
quietly laid to rest by the side of his j
wife, Mary Crocker Hutchins, inf
Forest Hill cemetery yesterday aft-
^1.n n-lrn fou rlntiva d


December, 1929, to whose
the gift has been made.

The fund is to be invested and
Progress Is Slow During First from the income a scholarship is
Week of Five Power to be provided for some student
Conference. from Grand Rapids Junior college
-__ who may be recommended for the
award by the principal of that in-
By oa avild PressKStag, stitution; in case there is no stu-
AsCorressondent dent or graduate of the Grand
Rapids Junior college who is ree-
LONDON, Eng., Jan. 28-Moving ommended by the principal, the
slowly but surely, the five power scholarship may be given to some
naval conference tonight appeared other student.

ernoon. uny a iew reia~ie v
=son to be nearing the real business of
close friends of the former Presi- naval disarmament.
dent attended the private inter- William D. Mitchell, After the next plenary session at
ment on the wind-swept hillside in Attorney General of the United St. James Palace on Thursday, Se-
the heart of the cemetery. The States, who urges that habitual cretary of State Stimson hopes to
Rev. Henry Lewis, rector of St. Ali-drinkers and those definitely o9-
Rev. Henrywis, retosr ofSt.And posed to prohibition on principle be be able to call into action against
drew's parish, read the service, and considered unsuitable for federal ;the definite problems of the confer-
the glee club sang "Laudes atque offices connected with the enforce- ence the American delegation's
Carmines." ment of the prohibition law. shock troops of experts and advis~-

i- -_
Receipt Books to be Issued to,
Finance Committee by
Student Council.

a ~~~~Byft. L. S. ; 1[ 0 T E 4[
TOO 1I see Gargoyle's burlesque of their
magazine, which will appear on tlhe P O II T
campus tomorrow, the Gargoyle ed-
itors will find themselves in dire
Ticketp Are Redeemable at Burr, danger of being gathered up and General Sessions Will be Held
Patterson, Auld Company j shipped to New York. And only be- at Hill'Auditorium During
Retail Store. cause the Vanity Fair publishers Two Day Convention.
are disgruntled over the fact that
I In fact, if Michigan students did I
Independents Organize Groups not know Gargoyle sells for 15 cents, Many Students Plan to Attend
for Booths at Meeting and Vanity Fair for 35 cents, they Sessions in Anticipation
Last Night. might easily mistake one for the
other and buy Vanity Fair. They of Famed Speakers.
Distribution of the 1931 J-Hop . will soon realize their error, how- The Fourth Michigan Engineer-
favorstorall o thve alreaJ y ever, when they find that the The- in e Corc ihgan array of
favors for all who have already atre Guilt article is missing. This ing Conference, with an array of
purchased tickets will be conduct- short treatise discusses the drama-;internationally-famed engineers as
ed from 3 to 5 o'clock this after- tic situation at Michigan in the the drawing cards of its program,
clear spotlight of Broadway and r- will open tomorrow morning nd
noon and tomorrow at the retail;leautihdoradw aa will continue two days. The gen-
;store of Burr, Patterson and Auld beautifully decorated with actual eral sessions will be held in 1-ri1l
photographs of stage settings taken auditorium, with luncheon meet-
company, manufacturers of this from outstanding productions of ings each day at the Union a ban
year's favors' It was pointed out the year. This feature can hardly qut at te Union tomorrow eve-
last night by the committee in el bt aerify the n gsand- ning, and a banquet at the League
charge that these two batting averages of the organiza- ; on evening.
periods tions, and also picks the winner ofnF yevening.
would be the only regular distri- the fifth race at Tiajuana., Registration indicates that ap-
bution hours maintained. Gargoyle's Vanity Fair number proximately 600 engineers from
At the above hours, the procedure will be on sale tomorrow on the throughout the state will attend
will be simply to redeem the special campus as well as at the booth in the conference. The large student
favor coupon attached to the ticket University hall. Coupons will be registration in the engineering col-
for the affair in exchange for the accepted, or single issues will be lege has shown great interest
leather bridge set and correspond- sold for 15 cents. among the students in the lectures
ing dance program. -- that will be given by such promi-
At the same time, those who have nent men as Secretary of Com-
yet to purchase their tickets will IISmerce Robert P. Lamont, Gov. Fred
receive their favors when they buy LIW.IGreen of Michigan, Gov. Frank
the bids. The committee gave as- I C. Emerson of Wyoming, and Re-
surance last night that there would T IIgent Perry Shorts of the University.
be -enough favors available to sun- " rBadges Available.
ply each purchaser with one. ToL Engineering students may turn
accommodate last minute buyers, a .-- - in their conference registration
special order for 35 more favors was 'Wives-in-Law,' Three a Day,' cards and get admission badges at
placed, in order that a repetition Lassitude' Chosen for the office of Secretary Hopkins of
of previous years' paucities may b' Cthe engineering college, today and
avoided. Production. Thursday, according to Prof. F. N.
Independents Meet. . Menefee, general chairman of the
More than 150 independent men NAMED IN GROUP OF SIX conference. Registration will con-
met at the Union last night to or- tinue until Thursday noon at See-
ganize groups, for booths at the retary Hopkins' office, after which
dance. Captains for seven booths;First elimination in the produc- all conference business will be
were elected, to whom all other in- tion of the six one-act plays by transacted in the lobby of the Un-
dependent men who are desirous of Play Production was completed, ion. Tickets for the luncheons and
making 'booth arrangements may last night with the selection of banquets may be procured at the
apply. "The captains and their re- Union Thursday.
spective booths follow: Walter D. Smite -Thne-Lawy" by The public has been invited to
Boone, '32, captain of "Lit. No. 1"; Smith, spec., "Three A Day," by attend the sessions. However, the
D. C. Markowitz, '30, captain of Hubert Skidmore, '33, and "Lassi- central sections of the lecture
"Lit. No. 2"; Joseph Stabnick, '32, tude," by Hobert Skidmore, '32. rooms will be reserved for those
captain of "Lit. No. 3"; and W. J. Prof. . J. Campbell, of the Eng- who register for the conferere.
Watkins, '31P, "Lit. No. 4." Two I. -icialWelcome Planned;

Previously, public funeral serv-
ices were held in St. Andrew's
church, marked by the dignified
simplicity of the Episcopal cere-
mony. Many friends, townspeople,
and University folk crowded the
church. Special sections were oc-
cupied by the honorary pallbearers,
who included President Alexander
G. Ruthven, the Regents, Superin-
tendent Webster 1. Pearce, and
others representing the adminis-
trative officers and faculties. Mem-
bers of Alpha Delta Phi and Phi
Delta Phi, Dr. Hutchins' undergrad-
uate and professional fraternities,
also were seated in special sections
of the nave.
The active pallbearers were Pro-
fesgors Jesse S. Reeves, Moses Gom-
berg, Evans Holbrook, Lewis Gramt,
Charles B. Vibbert and Henry C.
ndwerson -*-- -.,
The "Laudes atque Carmine" was
also sung by the glee club at the
funeral of President James Burrill
Angell, and was repeated for Dr.
Hutchins because of its irnpressiv -
ness at that time.
Former President Hutchins, who
had served the University in that
capacity from 1910 to his retire-
anent in 1920, died last Saturday
evening of an apoplectic stroke. As
Michigan's fourth President, his
tenure of office was marked by the
growth of the faculties and physi-
cal equipment through his fore-
sight and by his calm efforts to
free the administration of the Uni-
versity from the hysteria of war-

Report Will be Present
First Meeting of

f OK

ers who have been marking time
since the sessions began last Tues-f

L I\ Newspaper Men Attend.
Seventy-eight newspaper men of
all nations, including 12 Americansj
LflhI will file into Queen Anne's drawing;
room for the meeting, where the4
Franco-Italian differences will be
ed to thoroughly aired in the open. Gen-
eral summaries and interpretations
of the work the conference has
done will be furnished as an indi-
cation of progress to readers all
FREE over the world.





Dues for the several classes in the
schools and colleges of the Univer-
sity will be collected starting today
by the respective class treasurers
and finance committees. The col-
lection will be under the general.
supervision of the Student Council
auditing committee and all funds1



How the highway laboratory of
the state highway department, lo-
cated at the University, has been
used in an attempt to compile in-
formation calculated to enable the
Ldeilriment tobuild. the best con-
crete roads possible as economical-
ly as material prices permit will be
explained by Prof. W. J. Emmons,
of the department of highway en-
gineering, director of the labora-
tory, in his talk before the six-
teenth annual highway conference,
}Vednesday morning, Feb. 12.
Professor Emmons' report is ex-
pected to be one of the most out-}
standing, fr3m the standpoint of
popular appeal, of all the lectures
to be delivered at the conference.
which will .extend from Feb. 11
through Feb. 13. Studenlts are to
be admitted free to -,l meetings
through thd courtesy of the engi-
neering school and the highway de-

Three items will feature the pro- received will be audited by thatI
gram brought forward by France, ; committee.
Great Britain, and It-y. Receipt books for the dues were
By the adoption of the alphabet- 'issued to several class treasurers
ical order of presentation, which yesterday by Jennings McBride,
gives precedence to the countries '30, chairman of the auditing com-
proposing a subject according to j mittee. Collections are to be made
the first letter of its name, France only with these receipts, and stu-
will lead the list and will have dents are asked not to pay dues un-
an opportunity of formally laying less the officers have obtained theI
before the conference her plan for books. Class treasurers may se-
limiting fleets by the global or total cure them from McBride at the
tonnage system. I!student offices in the Union.
Great Britain, who favors another; Auditing by the council commit-
means. will then outline her theory tee will guarantee all funds receiv-

TALKS TO GROUP partment, which have co-operated
in making arrangements for the
J. W. Parker, chief engineer of "The cost of a concrete road is
tha Detroit Edison company, spoke determined to large extent by the
last night on "The Very Human'grade of gravel used in its construe-
s hTHtion," said Professor Emmons yes-
Components of a Public Service in terday, in explanation of the re-
the last of a series of contact lec- search he has been conducting.
tures sponsored by the student "More than 35,000 car-loads of grn-
branch of the American Institute vel are used annually in the con-
of Electrical Engineers and the struction of concrete roads within
electrical engineering department the state," he added, "and the dif-
of the university. This lecture was ferences between the cos's of dif-
.the fourth given during this year. ferent qualities of gravel, purchased
Stressing the human element in in so large amounts, are great."
1rgesi o such as the De- The chief factor which determ-
trgit Edison organization, Mr. Par- ines the quality of gravel is tlih
ter elaborated on the position of relative amount of soft stone mixed
college men in industry. College in with the harder rock, he ex-
graduates, on the whole, are purely plained.
technically trained, he said, and Technicians in the highway lab-
require a great deal of practical oratory have made hundreds of
experience before they are fitted concrete "logs," cylindrical concrete
for executive positions of impor- casts, using various qualities of gra-
tance. Four to six years are requir- vel. The casts were tested und-,r
ed to fit a college graduate for an conditions of heat and cold and
important place in an organization submitted to other processes de-
as large as the Detroit Edison com- signed to reproduce conditions of
-pany, according to Mr. Parker. At actual use. The results of the tests
the end of this time. they stand showed the maximum percentage
ahead of men trained by experi- ; of softstone aggregate which can be
ence purely, and are fitted for more allowed in gravel used for construe-
criginal work. Ition of first-class roads.
Slides were shown, depicting theI
construction of a new power house MIMES TO OFFER
in Detroit, and showing the rough, NPRODUCTION
kin d-hearted type of men wh E PR UC I N
maVe such a stupendous undertak-
ing possible. An interesting fea. E. Mortimer Shuter, director of
ture of the explanation of the Mimes plays, announces that the
slides was the fact which Mr. Par- next Mimes production will be
ker pojuted out that one of the best "The Outsider," by Dorothy Bran-
firemeir in the new plant was a don, and will run at the Mimes
Michigan graduate. theatre from February 17 through
February 22. The box office will be

of limitation by categories of ships ied being properly accounted for, so booths for independent men in the.
and lastly, Italy will present her students may be sure that their Engineering college were organized.
'arguments for the establishment of money will be used to defray the Dale Watkins, '30E, is captain of
fleet ratios among the nations as a legitimate expenses of the class "Eng. No. 1", and E. L. Fish, '31E, is
necessary preliminary to disarma- and for no other purpose, the com- captain of "Eng. No. 2." Vernon
ment. mittee head stated. Hicks, '31FC, is captain of the For-
Progress Expected. Funds are Essential. estry school's booth.
With Premier Tardieu and For- "It is essential that every mem- Friday Is Deadline.
eign Minister Grandi discussing ber of a class assume his share of All fraternities and independents
their differences on the conference its expenses," McBride stated. must have completed their booth
floor, there is hope for more pro- "Each class has a certain amount arrangements by Friday afternoon,
ress than duringth t week. i expenses, including the cost of George J. Weyl, '31, chairman of the
Thes breezes of publicity blowing its page in the Ensian, the officers sub-committee on booths, stated
through St. James may have a sa- pictures, and similar items, besides last night. This is to be construed
lubrious effect on the France-Ital- any functions conducted by the as meaning that all booth lists, for
ian wrangling which was beginning class, and these must be met each independents or fraternities alike,
to look serious. year, or there is an exceptionally must be in the hands of the coin-
But if it .continues, a convenient large amount due in the senior mittee at the Union by that time,
little committee that will be estab- year. ? regardless of whether they have the
lished on Thursday can take it over "It has been customary for the quota of 20 names or not. If any
and put it outside the Palace to cool class to lag in the payment of its lists are handed i containing less
while the conference itself gets on dues, necessitating a large fee in than 20 names, tvo or more booth
with cruisers, battleships or what- the last year. If the students groups will be combined.
ever else is put forward on the would start, paying their dues in Weyl again emphasized that all
agenda. the lower classes, a uniform rate independents who wish to have
If the alphabetical order of pre- cold be established." booth privileges with a certain
sentation continues in effect, the May Be Made Compulsory. group must make application to
United States, ranking as America, Steps to make the payment of the captain of that group before
will be able to bring the cruiser I class dues compulsory for all stu- Friday. After that time, he said,
problem into the negotiations at dents are being considered by the the men will be appointed to the'
any time that Secretaiy Stimson council, and if the present collec- different booths indiscriminately.
and his colleagues ynd suitable. tion does not bring good results, Tickets sales for the dance have'
some effective means will be re- been accelerating during the past
AAAA T HD ommended to the University "of- week, Albert Donohue, '31, chair-'
*A.A.A. * O * HOLD (cials. One of these plans would man of the' ticket sub-committee,
r -+ T ,,7 wmc m'nave the University withhold ore- intimatted; bids may still be pur-
ME T IN WEST dits at the end of the year if the chased from g until 5 o'clock each
student had not paid his dues. An- afternoon at the Union.
ByTdVsrrother plan would have the class - -- _____
By Ted Vosburgh, (dues attached to the tuition fee So m r M i cClass;
Associated Press Sports Writer, paid at the opening of school.
NEW YORK, N. Y., Jan. 28.-For padathopngofsol.}2Orl e
eW firstRtim in its hisy o or Receipt books were issued yester- to Collect Dues Today
the first time in its history of more day to the following lasses: junior
than half a century, the classic education, freshman architecture. Dues for the sophomore class of
,championship track and field meet junior literary, sophomore literary, the School of Music will be col-
of the IntercollegiateAssociation junior pharmacy, sophomore archi- lected from 4 o'clock to 5:30 o'clock
1f Amt elriAthte of Ame r ecture, and senior law. this afternoon in the lobby of the
4zillb ') r tearwesZt min'

isn department, Prof Peter M.A When the speakers arrive in Ann
Jack, of the rhetoric department, Arbor today and tomorrow they
Miss Amy Loomis, director of the will be met by Wilfred Shaw, sec-
activities of the Lydia Mendelssohn retary in charge of alumni rela-
thivties dof theoLdJamesM' tions, and taken to. the office of
etre, and f. J President Ruthven where they will
Neill, of the speech department be officially welcomed to the Uni-
acted as judges at the two per- versity.
formances yesterday afternoon anId General registration will be held
last night. at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning at
Two plays, "The Rainbow Shawl,"' the Union. and will be followed by
by Frances Jennings, '30, and a business session and election of
"Wheel Horses," by David Scheyer, ; officers. At this time a report wtil
'30, were presented yesterday af- be made by the advisory council
ternoon. to the Michigan Engineering so-
After an intermission for dinner, ciety on improving the status of
"The Day's Work," by Elizabcth the engineers. The membership
Smith, spec.' "Three-A-Day," "Las- committee will also make a report.


situde," and "Wives-In-Law'" were
These six plays were chosen' for
production from 39 submitted in
the play writing contest held be-
fore the Christmas vacation by{
three judges: Prof. 0. J. Campbell,
Prof. Peter M. Jack, and Valen-
tine B. Windt, director of the Play
Production activities.
Production of these three str-
vivors of this elimination will be
resumed in the Spring, and the!
best of the three will be chosen at
that time.?

Vladimir' Horowitz, noted Rus-
sian pianist, is scheduled to pre-
sent the eighth of this season's
series of Choral Union concerts
Friday night in Hill auditorium.
i Heralded by European critics as
- combination of the fine points of
noted pianists of the present day.
Horowitz came to this country for
his first tour last season.
He later admitted that never in



NOT YET FOUND his twenty-four years had he been
-_- so nervous as the night of January
12, 1928, when he walked on the
NOME, Alaska, Jan. 28.-Al- stage of Carnegie Hall, past the
though word of the finding of the imren of the New York Philharmon-
body of Carl Ben Eielson, noted ie orchestra, bowed to a jammed
Arctic aviator, and Earl Borland, :house, and sat down at the piano
his mechanic, in their supposed to .play the Tschaikovsky Concerto
tomb of ice and snow on the Si- ;-his debut in America.
berian tundra, still was lacking here The avalanche of applause and
today, a movement was begun to the newspaper accounts the next
accord the flyers a final tribute if day told the story of the "most
the searchers sent out by air and successful concert artist to appear
land from North Cape, Siberia, before the American public in the
and Keller, Alaska, are successful ! decade since the debuts of Heifetj
in their quest.. and Galli-Curci."
The demolished plane of the--
Americans was found by Joe Cros- M rnp.c M11t Nntiifu

wits ne t e in tei w si

1 !!
! 1

1932. After journeying eastward -L
year after year, and capturing MARTIN MEDALIST
eight of the last nine champion- IN GOLF TOURNEY
ships, the Universities of California,
Southern California and Stanford il Amcv e r
have invited the I. C. A. A. A. A. EDGEWATER PARK, Miss., Jan.
to hold its 56th annual title event 28-Russ Martin of Chicago, today
two years hence at the new Univer- shot a medalist score of 73 in the
sity of California oval at Berkely, qualifying roun.d of the third an-
it was announced today. nual Pan American amateur golf
The bid was backed with a guar- tournament on the Edgewater Gulf
antee of $65,000 tso help defray ex- Hotel course.
penses of visiting teams and was Martin, rated as a "dark horse,"
favorably received by eastern men- is a former Western amateur run-

school. The dues are 95 cents.
Members of the class finance com-
mittee have been asked to report
at the desk at 4 o'clock.

J .. L 1WI T ykC1 son, 90 miles southeast of North
Cape Saturday. The bodies of the
aviators are expected to be found
in snow drifts around the plane.
Alfred J. Lomen, director of the
Aviation corporation rescue expe-
dition who despatched two cabin
,( t \ planes from Keller yesterday to

Landlords This Week
Men students who wish to move
from their present rooms to new
quarters at the beginning of the
next semester are required by Uni-
versity regulations to notify their

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