PAU L:IU11%. 1 MIC.HIGA, . DAII, gip - _ __ --G------ -*1 -M-HI A N D AIY---_ ;. G BDAI LY_,OFFIC IAL B UL LETINH Publication in the Bulletin is con.;ti'uctive notice to all memnbers, £the university. Copy received by tle Assistant to the Prcsi"- ut until 3:30 1p. M. (12:30 a. inl. taturday) ____ Mlichigan 171gince(!riIIg Coniferenice: All students and lFaciilty 'rged to aattend tthe meetings of I b , o'ferene on Janury 30 and wh( rtever possible . The-l;(aboratories ad dratWing iroams will be oor(,i;conpeo uwrk at su :ix nolngfrheC fre will be excused from clame('. II. C. Sadler, Dean President and Mrs. I'uthvev b fit at e, af ter February 1, fr 4 to 6 o'clock oil the first two Sunday afternoons of eaeh month m]"embers of the FacultIcs. th ,ir fri,4ndls, anad other residents ofA Arbor. Onl the :First tw, oWea'y ftm s of e:chii,(:ontht after Feb ary 1, froin 4 to G o'ctocwk. Fre'Ii _andai Mrs. Puthiven will be at ho to fv the s tns of the Uiaijv!Si"A ';aciulr, y +n acr": I I hx ;uw;Pel:, v iIoi wr'lOu, , ti,,ii Yd by Palmr Cli ti , ) avand ,:i 'o(-Jht y 1 (,(";,4 c ed ,:a i. ' orubeSc ri, '.a.'".x l P. 1,0 Nvc-iol, Concllwt ye, will