pppp" :x Al MHIGAN ED A 1 tL 1UL2JN A, i~JAWIUAY G 21.3,i1 Aw 4 7 # ,. .. w ._. .. CAS TO ME ET GOPHER UMOow Fencers Win Firs t Dual .Meet Of Season ..# , Wolerne~asete I WOLVERINES HARD PRESSED TO Prepare for Gophers IN H MINSI SIn the absence of Coach George V conker, the varsity basketballI ° squad wient through a short work-! out yesterday of ternoon under the; direction of Coaches Cappon and Oosterbuaan. The Wolverine bas-1 keteers concentrated on 'a series ofi long and short shots, with a few of the first string men trying their, skill at foul shooting ~~ The practice session was brief, ~~ the team taking things easy in an- p: y: ;;.;5:", '.~:wa= ticipation of the game with Mlinne-!. sota tomorrow night. The squad !; was divided into twvo group; dur- s ing the drill. The group composed, ..ui of Captain Chapman, Orwig, Trus- LANOVE Z_ L1 kowskl, Kanitz, Daniels, and Weiss i ' WL A 3U' succeeded in sinking a large num-'1%o 3:4 1- r ber of shots from the middle of the 64 floor, following them up with ac-A' I curate :short ones in a manner that 1 bodes ill for the Gophers in Mon- P day's contest. Ricketts and Lovell, in the sec- :,.:", ond group, also showed good form . in dropping the ball through ther meshes. It is likely that some of ' theme sophomores will break into *.'~ the Michigan lineup tomorrow night a gainst Minnesota if the Maize and Blue regulars succeed in I..<, running tip a lar ge score before the final grin. 1. KEEP CROWN-j BATTLE LAST SAON Purdue Matmen pint TowrdBuckeye Meet (Special to TboIwDaily) LAFAYETTE, Id., Jan. 25.- Looking forward to the opening of the Conference season here Feb-1 ruary 1 against Ohio State's sturdy grapplers, Coach Leslie Beers is working the Purdue wrestlers over- time this week. Bteers is depending largely on new men for his point hopes during the Big Nine cam-j SCoach -john tone's Mezn Pile up 8 oints to the Invaders' 4 But 'Show "Poor Form. BAITER STARS FOR -STATE AR, DSK 5 1 t } i 3 d DO~0WNING 30- i paign, although he has several vet-! i Michigan's fencing team won its erans, with Captain F. P. Robinson, 145-pounder, and L. E. Eward, first dual meet of the season by de- heavyweight, outstanding. feating the weak Michigan State }After a rather slow start, largely fencers, 8 to 4, in one of the most due to inexperience, the Boiler- ragged .matches in, which the Wol- maker matmen have been develop- verines have ever competed ,yes- ing rapidly under the tutelage of E terday afternoon in the intramural Beers, and the new Old Gold and building. Neither team displayed Black mentor, who was a member; anything approaching the polished of the 1928 Olympic team, is rather style expected in collegiate circles. hopeful that his charges will make= The match was almost a case of a good showing in the Conference! Captain Bauer of the Spaitans struggles. ! against the Michigan team. This Captain Robinson, who hails #versatile State fencer competed in from Indianapolis, is recognizedf all three weapons and won three as one of the *best, middleweight of the four bouts annexed by the grapplers in the middle west, and Spartans. In the finnl bout of the Hshould be able to take care of the foilo, Bauer took Friedman into 1 145 pound class in good shape. 1-1e camp by a,5 to 2 score and also in is being understudied at the ;weigh~t the final bout in the sabre he de- by L. Pozarzychl, of Toledo, Ohio. feated Scheyer 5 to 2. Hieaccount- 1Two new men, H. F. Schaible, of ed for his third victory of the aft- Wanatah, and J. E. Rupp, of La- ernoon against Koon in the epee. Porte, are :expected to have first The 'Wolverine weapon weilders call in the 115, pound class, while won three of the bouts in both the D. R. Ward, of West Lafayette, and , foils and the sabre Vind two in the W. R. Wise, of Crawfordsville, jcpce. 'Due to an injury last week seem to have the edge over H. M. to -one of the Spartan foilisnen only, .r t 0 ty.I Kanitz and Weis to ,tart. The sharpshooting Kaniiz and4 the 'sreedirWeiss are expected to start at the forwards against Mn- on Moe Is Youngest nesota, while Capt. Bob Chapman will Jump center and drop back to On ale 'C pT m his. defensive guard position. Joe nW lerC pTa Truskowski, high scorer against thee Hoosiers last week, will play of- B~y Brian Bell fe nsive center, with Bill Orwigf at (As oiated Sports Writer) the other guard post. "Truck" now NEW YORK, Jan. 25.-Donald K. occupies fourth place in the Big Moe, Oregon sapling, will represent Nline scoring race with 33 points. (Ale youth of golf 61n the 1930 In the first meeting between the 1 Walker' Cup team. Gopher and Wolverine quintets at I uufg Moe, ihe is not yet 21 Minneapolis tis year, the Maize I y-ars of age, Wll, however, fees no and Blue team Scored a decisive need to ask quarter onr account of 32-17 victory over~ their opponents.i his4 tender years. He can hold his Since then the Gxophers have fared+ own with his seniors and will not little better in their Conference be given the benefit of an appren- gamies, occupying t1 low place in tice allowance. the standings . The student of the University of Loose"',s a4 Ankrlo. Oregon has been a star of the great Earl Loowe, star of the Minnesota INorthwest for years. He is the offensive, i~uy be handicapped by, eiinmnonarch of Western ama- a bad ankle, having sprained it Ve.-'tear golf, winning the title at Kan- cently in practice. Cliff Sommrer Has City last summer but iioldinc- will be Loose'.s running mate' at 1a championship was no novelty fr iorwv ,rdl. These two Mrn11 account-° the Oregonian. od for 10 of Mimnesata's.1'7 points in tlie won7 titles of less importance the firstMiignay Wally No- but tilves evertheless way back in; ga and is e;:pcctoltp sjump center the years when he wts "only a kid"~ for the Srisitors . as Melvin Ott told John J. McGraw Recturn elf Doni Bondy, veteran when the mianager of the Glans guard, tco pttinater being askecd him if lhe ever played the ineligible will strengthen the Mei- I outfieid. When he made, this start- ntesota defense. Coachir Dave MVac-I ling'statement, Ott was even young- Millan will choose hi guards frpm or than was Moe when hle took the ;among Bondy, Joe Nowotnly, H-arry! Western Cup even farther West. Schoening, and 1'.ddie Calor, with( Young, Moe appeared at Brae the latter pair favored to start. Burn for the 1928 Amateur, a little 140,4:ble ji~uF abashed to find himself in the se- Michigan Minnesofta lect company of golf's great. He Weiss .........1.1......... LooSe found champions to the right of Ka nitz........P ... Sommeri him, and runners-up behind. The 'irruskow: ki. C N, 1orgaard timidity disappeared when he took Orwig...... ...L .... Schoenjng his clubs in hand and he qualified Chapman..... .RG ....... Gadler- (Continued on Page 7) CAPT. CHAPMAN {L7 ' r- \\\ie OR W!. 0- E r " - ycWenraub, a veteran of last year, inI two men from each squad fenced the 125 pound class.(i this event reducing the total Po4 . /.: :Y IL. E. Fawcett, of Kokomo,an J. !nme of bouts from 16 to 12. { rg iF. Malysiaks, of LaPorte, are waging Captain topman ofthe Wolver- a keen fight for the regular assign-. Ines was seriously threatened in the VENk~I(Continued on age ) (Continued op Pae 7) Aw~ Te Lantern 'Shop - !1ISSERVIN With a record of two losses and twvo wins for. a peerytage of 500 Michigan's Varsity quintet is backed J -HO11 P BREAKFAST against the wall in the 1930 title race. Agist Indiana, however, the Wolverines pnlayed championSbin - ball, and with Minnesota, a team which the Vaity five bas~ defeated once this year, slated to invade Yost E Make Reservat;os Now Field h7ouse 1ominorow, the Wolves are conceded a good chance to contnue their pace. Michiga n is topped by three, Bid; Nine ,schools. P urdue,. -vicir over the Wolverines in an early game L il68 0 atAe of the season, leads in the title race .with two wins andnl0 oEseS. ( .622.03-f itniversity.Av , S Wisconsin is a strong contender" with four victorifS andl one uipset. Illinois responsible for the other ; '" N ieigari deloaLt,1holds t: iri place i h o f rle ,l ai o w o t ssa d l sto e t1{!tiii7i~ ~ii~i~t119iII{{9~in.. th Confrence b :iing w n l.WO COVll.StS nd lo t (YfC. - -. - - .- - ~ . - . ----.~.--..---..- -..-------------.. i - _ _ _ 6 1 i The Dowan Town Store for Michigan Men- OFFERS YOU Our New York office has gone into tfie market, and due. to the present business depression, was able to purchase this merchandise at astounding reductions. +Con equ enfity, by selling these articles in groups of three on a very narrow margin, we are able to offer you new quality merchandise at great savings. BROAD CLOTH SHIRTS Packed 3 in a b~ox~. Assorted whit(-.9tin, an d blue, collar anttached or r plain white it cllr attached and detached; 3for p4.00___ 11 * . 60c o..50c AW.1 will not necessarily convince you of toe superiority of VARSITY, SERVICE. So we extend an invitation to youi to come and visit our plant and see for yourself whit mnodern equipmient, painstaking MnethodIs, - adskilled workers can 'accomplish V cI -Phon 44. e 0 }I c 11 10 Y t . iesity Serving Sunday 12 to 10 p. ;p. I NECK WEAR Four-in-hands, rmade of heavy serge tilks in at large array of plain ccolon . 3for $2.50 MEN'S TRUNKS Made of flte broadcloth in art assortment of colors. 3for $2.25 MEN'S HOSIERY T-Jejvy silk liI ispi a*i fie elc- tion of shxades and pattermn . 3for $.00 MEN'S UNDERWEAR Athletc style, ma~de of M.V.D). mnaterial, ill all sies 3for $2.25 I I II if t3