- - - - - - - _ . - - - --- I . I , 471 t,, 1 - I 1 4 - 1-1 1 4_; ;"li, I'A = _ _ __ ENGINEERS GHANE T TD ,MEETINGPRO0GRAM, Final Alterations Announced for Annual Conference of Highway Experts. MANY SPEAKERS ADDED IS ACCUSED rlf I~fIPI FENTON ATTENDSt SCIENTIFIC ROMACE LIES BEHIND NEON' SIGNS, ZY LEADERS UDI~t iU ISIJ! LONDON PARLEYj PROFESSOR WILLARD TELLS WJR RADIO AUD I NCE UL I UNU tv7 -i!Jti?" :: _. ----- Pledge of $20,000,000 to Help Bankrupt City in Solution of Huge Money Problem. NEW CRISES FACE BOARD MA;, ncial- tc CHICAGO, Jan. 25,.-~Temporary solution of Chicago's finmncial Final changes have been m~ade in the program for the sixteenth an- nual conference on highway engin- vering to be held at the University Feb. 11-13, inclusive, it was an- nounced yesterday by Prof. 1R. L. Morrison, of the department of highway engineering and highway, transport, in charge of arrange- ments for the conference. The number of speakers has been increased, and a few speakers have been engaged to supplant those who were unable to come. it was announced. An entire morn- ing's program, that of Wednesday, Feb. 12, has been dedicated to the state department of highway en- gineering. At that time, V. R. Burton, depu- ty state. highway commissioner, will speak on "Michigan's Trans- portation System." Prof. W. J. Eim-I colons, of the department of high- way engnieering, director of the state highway laboratory, will re- port on "The Effect of Unsound! Particles of Coarse Aggregate .on the Strength and durability of Concrete." J. T. Sharpensteen, as-i sistant maintenance engineer of the state highway department, will read a paper on "Control of High- way Loading." C. E. Foster, chief' engineer of the highway depart- ment, will preside. One of the most attractive talks at the conference, from the stand- point of popular appeal, will prob- ably be that of Pyke Johnson,, of the National Automobile Chamber of Commerce, who will show a movie of South American life and tell a number of stories, including one of a railroad company which built tracks In circles because it was being paid by the state ac'cord- Ing to the number of miles of tracks laid. University students will be ad- mitted free to all regular meetings of the conference, and will be per- mitted to p -, a !e tickets for the aofficial conference banquet. It is no cmmnl realized whatt le s evaporat~ion of thne tuingsten i ands for beacons. a scientifi roa :nce lies behind ! ilam~ent and therefore less black- For advertising purpo ses, van-te bilat o a1' e d ets th ins>lint on hercodor to ; e int; of the bulb. Argo n is as s-1 ous colors are neec. If' electricity, a~~~~~~~~ gnoueeti h i eCd to fill CCrL:if types of tubes is passed throug!h :t, glastu~be fill- bre~ithe bwu which, thirty-five Used in radio sets which are oper- ed with pure neon, an orange credl r , cn ~~to exist. atecl from the Iili hi g circuit; and'lighlt is obtained: the addtition of : ayi, pt0 wi ;1f r u e s d i at r h r itl e c r a o ;iv " a b u known thaiy thpe g whi Chmnowyrs.light. Green isobtaine~d by,:using knlln Aeiran ir tl s whichilu Neo1n is more expensivei thaonlar-' a yellow glass tube w ith 1 the blue for ~ ~ ~ ~ "01 mace.~ i~i o xs o , ostng about ;1.00 per culbic light. Helium in yellow glass g-ives only i-1 the -'gn adws therefore, foot, Whlil^ a 5onuiChaft fipure2 ar-i a golden color. Althiough; neon is mned lh'elitiiu. t oil can Ibe boughs;for . few cdol- 3expensive, the amount used iin a Argn. ecme f i; nernes.Mars. Neon conducts electricity bet- sign is small becauit i is used at is used In ilinri inc-,ndescen t evr h n any other gas~and there-; a very low pressure. The aZctual eletri Itnrls, artculrlytheby glows with the orange red lightI cost of the lgas in a small tube eletri lmps Patiulaly heso familiar in advertising signxs. three feet long is only a1 few cents. smaill onts such as are' usedl in au- J.V tonblelehig't.The large The color of the light is such thatl At the beginning of 1,his century ones Harettilled \ thjP0~contaiin- it. is visible even in sunlight and it these gaseous eeeta uh ink a little nil rogen1. Stial lamps will penetrate fog and haze farth- had no commercial inicne giv mre igt ithitssconum- r Ula an,~ry oilier color. 'phis Today, their manufat'ctreandi tioi f ~ieil ~t~h odemaukes it highly desirable for it-, represents ain inlve.,t mcmi 01oreii~ fir I problem was several steps nearer The ottanli ng developmnentI .viat the ann-ouincemnent by ilas I. istrawri, chairman of the Citizens W IRelief committee, that; a $2j,t0Q-; Assocatcd 1'r~ss IPhoto3 Herbert L. Pratt, - President of the Standard Coil Company of New York, who, ac-i cording; to charges made by the Anti-Saloon league, has been grant- I ed immunity from fines on liquorj that was smuggledl into his estate. Announce RateChanges f or Flo Flying School Announcement was made yester- I, day by Lieut. Leonard Flo, presi- dent of the Flo Flying school of the reduction in rates to prospective students of aviation during the winter months. The reduction, which took effect last week, has al- ready created a stimulus in student enrollment which was greatly in-~ creased as a result. Flo recently returned from a~ photographic tour of the northern, part i of the state, where he corn,- pleted an air survey of the tern,-I tory neighboing Gaylord and oth-. or Michigan cities. MUST PROVE RUM'S PRESENCEI LANSING, Jan. 25.-Positives proof of the presence of liquor is required for convictions under the prohibition laws, the supreme court has ruled. ,tIUU ljool lk ie b i P.1edf'ctrPy IUSI- ; aEpRA&cjc L1ethis ul U ness, industrial and railroad inter--! __________________ ests to loan money on tax arues-i- f~orn,, tr PolTh,to pmItion warrants. J. ;. Fenton, lti However, the announcement was siltl ftrdsadcsos ccompniexd by an ul~imatum that iitr ftae andt' frsom s, RAE THEATRE no loans would be made until tine , who is the representative ro public officials agreed to co-oper-1 Australia in the naval conference - ii, WestI-Imoi Street# ate in cutting all possible expenses.1 being conduxcted at London. { Opposite Painters Restaur'ant { F ridlay 'Was another pay clay for l ------SHO1WING- 13,200 teachers---but board of edt-Scals arFrm- SUND AY AND) MOND>AY Y cation officials today were still Sod:%aAllaorIForkm _ seeking money to meet the payroll. Pot .oes Con'eec ~ ~ j A l iailkhf IThe county boardl voted to pay - -- - - back salaries of 4,000 employes in Plans for the socialist labor I G AD PtHY tax anticipation warrants of smallI forum. which was scheduled to meet! ~ N YSEIA denominations--to. be cashed at in Ann Arbor on the night of, Jan- NIGHT" neighborhood stores and banks. ! uary 26 have been changed, it was- Added to the crisis was the an-l announced by Richard. O'Neill, act- Also all ta lking Comsredy and mews - inouncement fhrm trustees of, the1 ing state secretary of the socialist Tuesdlay Chicago ;sanitary district that it; labor party yesterday. The hall in "OiLD CALIFORNIA" must sell more than $6000,000 worth I which the forum was to have been' of anticipation warrants or default ' held was refuised the committee iii bond interest due Feb. 1.1 charge. ll~lf~liticei'j31t2?,' inaif ma :p~uuuuou NOW SHOWING WUERTH Continuos Today 1:30-1 1:00 A, iPart Tat in- Comedy '3 1SiM islinnires and Chosrt 4 (Ak. 1 'A j t. i . ( f {, . 1S S y { !I i Diamonds, Watches, Clocks, Jewelry Hig h Grade Repair Service A - C . n2 ' { d " ' F ............._......_ ..... 9 71r" r "77 m T =Ifl i 'IANNLye Lw".L IE A m COMEDY CLUB P resents8 "Itn Love With 19 A Sparkling Comedy By VINCENT LAWRENCE Friday and Saturday Nights Box) iffce Sale Starts Tomorrow Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre All Seats 75 Cents Phone 6300 WAYNE AND LAFAYETTE, DETROIT FRITZI SCEF Is Presented in VICTOR HERBTERT's MASTERPIECE "M ile. &A t ie TCHE NEW YORK PRODUCTION INTACT Also ALBERTINA RASH BALLET Prices Evenings $1, $1,50, $2, .$2.50, $3.00 Sato Matinee $1, $1.50, $2-00 i Y' ; I I I I : I I TTT1T1TtMTT17 . 0 omm slow RUSSIAN PIANIST CHORAL UNION SERIES I, NOW PLAYING The Living Screen Presents CONTINUOUS PERFORMANCE better Than "Lilac Time" Colleen as a "Colleen." A wild Irish rose scampering in and out of romance. It's as beautiful as Killarney. As lively as an Irish jig. Packed with romance front the land of romance. Chockful of comedy from the -_home of wit. It's Colleen's greatest--by for. $ . a i r ,,7. " . ,y r /' i._ , -.. t shobws Start 1.-00 3:00 4:50 7.00 9:06 500 25'c ) John McCormnick pleas7 Note Owing to great laigtht y j pictrt> I o r t sub- jects will lbe limited to P a r amout i presents INc t (111 ri! y.