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January 26, 1930 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-01-26

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Lw qau







Discon tinue










ROMN 1810-20
'clock Last Nigfht


imlinishng Finances Arc Given X
as Rceason for Wtldrawal j .>'
of Camnpus Tradition.>=;3
Annual Michigan Production to
be Replaced[ by Sotnc
New Activity.
Steadily declining, interest of
both students and alunini in the
Mich lgan Union Opera has brought
about its indefinite discontinuation
by the action of the Union board of Sir Philip Ben Greet,
directors at its meting yesterday.1 English actor and producer, who
the final per~ormnance of the Opera will play the part of the Doctor in
will be give~ifl 1 hfl Arbor onl Sat- the production of "Everyman". to-
urday, Feb. 15, on the afternoon !night at the Lydia Mendelsso0hn~
folowing the J.Hlop. theatre. Mr. Greet will take tle
Careful. consideration of the pastI roc of Malvovo in "Twelfth Night"
.fliatces of the Opera disclose that tomorrow afternoon, and Polonlius
&naler audiences and decreased and the First Grave Digger in
reeeipts inlic.'te that the Show is ("Hamlet" tomorrow night.
no;= longer demanded, although
alnni. grourps in cities throughiout td
leeuy#i he UniisiyWli O I SI aintahgd, by a1 new form of ac -
ttvt~ later to be decided upon. iTO N IGHT 9 ,L A esr setmsig
Causes for lire present lack of in
teret evidenced particularly by thne -
tci1t1nts are' laid to the purely? Sir Philip len Gret Will Begin
lx~ojesloalbasis oil whichi the Three Day Series of Pla s
s~ir iaprodthzed. Formnerly Stu-YY
den~s cQl ructed t to scenery, 's- at Mendelssohn Theatre.
blted ini the direction, and d-
lgricd costuhies besides writing' ENGLISH CAST TO ASSIST
die; book~ and nusic, so that their
interest 1i the production was keeni Tknfrmhseetoethe
mist vital.Tkn rmhsrpror he
'i~day the. personal viewpoint is; of his most famous productions,
mtiinig and the tremendous drain; Ben Greet, recently knighted and
on ;members f the various alumni I dubbed Sir Philip by King George
lubs'whlicht undertook thes presen- ; V of England. will present the first
tat;)on Of the :opra i their citi s1
Will b relieved of consierable !Of three performances at 8:30 o-
pressure, It was pointedI out by T! clock tonighit in the Lydia Men-,
f the Tapping, general Seretar.y Ideil ir thatre.
Of heAlumni assocationi. Whil' Tie speeci~l Sunday evnig per-
.the alumni felt that the show as fornane of "Everyman" has re-
slsted in financing thle.Uionr, they ceived the sanction of local church
there :willing. to devote their eforts. congregations and local ministers,!
to it, Mr. Tapping added, but now and the tie of tie performance
J44 it has b5VCtmc a liability, dis- has been set at 8:30 o'clock to elim-
cottinuatioi, seems the wisest mate any interference with local
course. church services.
Dtfit Incurred. "veyma," author unknown, is,:
in Jinn Arbor, alone the receipts a morality play of the 15th century
frmteperformance here were and each'caatrrpect'~
~3,000 less than in 1 923 while th ldistinct quality or virtu. The
deficit has been equaly g~ei ii; caracters enter fromn the audence
other, cities. In 1928 tIhe ,ttal lost and te play run;. without inter-
ustained. was $8,5 3, a decrease in m11181io.
net revenue of more than $12,0001 Tomorrow afternoni Mr. Greet.
over the previous year. By reduc- and his company of Engish play-
ing the budget for the 1929 produc- ! es will give Shakespeare's "Twelf th
tion $18,000 over the previous year, Night." This play possesses an
the estimated loss ths yar will be f abundance of rollikftg humor and
Sillitly less than $2,500. Accord- is one of 'the merriest of Sike-
inbly, the finance committee has, speareai comedies. It was written
reported that the Opera could no before "lalet." Teiatinee is
loger be carried and that the in-I scheduled for 3:00 o'clock.
kurence of further expese would; Tomorrow nght1 the'Oiort first
"bey, inadvisable. quarto of "Hialet" will be given.
f This version was written about a
=VARSITY SEXTET year before the "aiet that is
gnealy known and iscoyiea,
BEATS SPART'ANS I bly shorter than the regular play.
Although. none of the actual dra-
ma or action has been left out, the
(Contiued on Page Seven) production of this vrson requires
'EAST LANSING, Jan. 25.-A vast- 'approximately two hours.
ly superior Michigan hockey sextet,!: Two copies of this edition of the,
playing part of the time with an play, published in 1603, were dis-
iai'lost entirely substitute lineup on covered in .1823. One'of these cop-
the ice, flashed. through the weak is is in the British Museum; the
defense of the Michigan State puck! other is in the rare Huntington col-i
chiasers to cage seven goals while lection in Pasedena, California.'
hiolding the Spartans scoreless, in i This "Hamlet" has never before
tIS afternoon's game. been presented in America.
Encountering no difficulty what- Seats for all three performances'
soever in penetrating the defense of; of this English company are on
tile Michigan State team, the Wol-I sale at the box ofie of the Lydia:
verines founed themselves repelledI Mendelssohn theatre. They are
time and time again 'by thle ableI priced at $.50, $2.00, $1.50, and
net guarding of List, who, despite $1.00.
Ohe fact that hie allowed seven of~
Michigan's shots to get past himm ' Arc-Light' Distributed
stopped 50 to hold the score down !
to at least a reasonable total. by Architectural Club
c= 11E SUAMARY ti, 14. .' A,.trlf

Professor Slocum Gives Cauases
for Heavy Optic Mor-tality
at Weekly Broadcast.


W oIVc ti cSwi-tllers Walk
Away From Canadiani
Champions, 49-26.




Automobiles, Pare Gasses Form
Points of Discussion;
t Glec Club Sings.
"If We Conicede the eye ,to be o'
pr iceless valpec," said1 Prof. Cteorge
'Slocum in his tallk "Thle Care of
the' Eyes" oif the Michigan Nigh',
radio {programn last nilght, "its car(
and protect on should del~ianid our
careful attentiona. Schools sliould1
be properly lighted and ventilated


Goldsmith andl Aubin Furnish
r 'T'hrin tsBreast-stroke
# TEen to Set Record.
Individual par form.iuaeslby thlree
)f Caiiadw.,iOlympslie swinmn-
k tar's failed to oftset Michiigan' :
veil balanced lank team and 4
trong Toronto Y. M. C. A. comibi-
?ation went down to defeat before
:oaeh Matt Mann's charges last
light in the pool of the Intramural
uilding;. Inl winning: by an impres-



COIII{)lcte(l i II .tltc arriw<Ii t\'
IM[ ~I Arbor late today of Harry C. H 1!
l chhis, his sona, from New Yor!.I,

Given by Dr. D. M. Cowie as Immediate
Cause of Educator's Death.
siiicc 1920. (1ied Iat 7 :1 ; u'cluck last inib lt at lhis I ioni5(8. loS llrue street,
(-)tall poplcticstruc t (1161the cirad, he rest edI con foirtabilc anduleIi
I linid ;v~s timel i u inI.IH ce ,c nssW reg-ret. Icss 1thanl w o h our s be f t ),-t
death caiim. I is t iinscs pvc yen tedI hi s reccivinii a ft ri ncr stuidcnt w
carneO to [pay Ve~pecsto Ponie ofthe I iiievisit V s 1best-lIovedI l-c"Id, i
?rescidet; it ileit n it Huchins 1had been seiious Iv ill h ~r aii\
few dayxs. lhis Cf riiion 101] be eri C'ous 1lridat V. ccur( i ig Pto8>11
ilncut is cd by I )r. I )~nid Nt. (uWie, of the I U-iversitv Iw:pit;'1 !.
persnai\llsici 811 1 ) I rcsiidciit 1 ie ritus 11i tclrin

ivnenlanainssol b ra 49-26 scor~e the Wolverne' Henry Burns Hutchins, II Fit I I HgI F 14 0(ably be held Monday afternoorL
antiinflmmatonsshoud betret nkmenn ilimited Caathes tCanadiansprmpttobyFourthtetpresidenteiden off thenivUnifrmer- Anrew' Epscopl chrch
;c prmtybj omeetpy ingle undisputed first place in the :iy who succumbed to an attack froBest.e Aindrew's icopal chum' -
silcan, and great care should be light carded eet.:faolx at his home last night.( Wolverines Take Sixs Victories' Busucideshis snvPresdenytwonsi-
takeni when the eyes are used for Swimming in brilliant fashion. Hutchins was the president of 1 olyCnctc et i tus, rH utissulvinedby wo lied
niear work. Thie eye is the m o olsih vtrnMihgnMihgn(rm11 t 90u~'ni Ann Arbor with im:n and Mill.
re:tsrlo.frihdtm - .h a ucee y Mai L 'ieat East Lasinga . !Carrie H. Worden, ecl Neworiville,
abused organr of the bodyr, with lr eatrlcrfrnsd the et z a icece ain e' ure performance of the evening inl Burton. Mass.; a ranrddau g'lecz' iini.:
po:ssible exception of the stonmach -iolding Aubin. Canada's .Olympic;- --H W1T-WINSs; ~ALLHutchins; four nephiews Fred,
Injuries Preventable, lHe Says. tar, oni even terms to finish in i f l ' F~ fl['Carlton, and Ralph H'utchins, all or
" nyacdnstroke. (vent. Staelhii. Wolverine Box o LLLJ F1+11.51' lANSINtG. Jga. 5-. -Michi- ;fruit; and a niece, Mrs. W. l' Tay-
preventable," and inr Jur r ead tar fin20shyad brt'ast [B IA jor ga Vabci'ywretill; temChicagorofN9, Mc.. Flmiug, of De
con tnued "Loss o infro m fire-rile( btime of thew Wiiers, 2;. f0Vriywolhgtath oo etn as i J h'
champions of the Westerni Confer- t g.,197
wcorks,d'ynraunite cps, arrows, sling- stablished a new pool rcourd. BEGIN UD .om' Served Uuv'iyWell
shots, air guns: flying glass dire Caiiadiaa ii Win In IDivig.ag wnm oi rak
.manhyother causes are much toc Tine only Canadian wiln calve Ils, a Md Marshall, Princeton, and Ohio mira lin rsOit meits ut%
frequent. The streets arc loadec he result of the strong shicng oful Comeldy Club's New Prodction>, Statc in this year's competition, c ity, 1910-20 intornal aau [Slairs tin
with. disease gerum. These may bet ?iilips, Olympic placewinner, ini CXii Love With Love,' to won its fourth straight victory of with exceptional smiothnres.an1d
car-led to the eye by windbhowr :he divig.'the classy Toronto Ca-tiencusoth pretlae
dust ,or foreign objects; Without r adian ltakeof artist easily Out (gnJanuary 3.tesao etra ie td-i thenucleuasofathens rwasefn 1 i'4
doubt they are;' but we ourselves lse ihgns.nreWlii feated thne strong Michigan State Iaun soitoswsfrmd
lae Mciansenre, V_ tsj ,, argely rsosilthroughis ersnal cIlots.
grapplers, ''for eapezs4t ,bfr ag
are ineye tions 'nd Raike, who finished inl second l S SECOND PROD IUCTIO)N g I4 , eor alageTe work of President Emrnelitle';;
The use of common towels may car- .nd third places. crowd of State rotersanLasg
ineto r m o e t n t e nii ulfans.an L ns g I Hutchins for the University it wa s
Thy ectmot ndro othe ano hroindvdulhigh point lhonors Box-oflice sale for Comiedy Club's Wetimgbterta t a nsaid, to have pavedthe wary or the
innumrabl gers. Whn werulgent to0 Bob Walker. veteran Var- presentation of the. three-act con- any previous occasion of the year,:vast, physic:al expan sion wh ich was
inueal edi.We erl;ty sprint artist whlo)tur~inedlrinte- " ' '''' " okda cluphahedl during 1111 e admi -
priiv wll i te 0 nd10edly, "nLv ihLoe"b i-I teMciaita okdespecially
our eyes with unclean :iger,, Cs' ir'iv \ m5i h 5 md , - lm'i O~b vf stration of his slccessr, President
pecially afte r contact with our iard firee style events and swa ain t2Vnt Lawrence. will start tomorrow good aganst its traditional oppo- Marion LeRoy Burton.,
mouth and nose, whefi we lise,, ;heaimo oito the winn-tth yinenesont eatin s. who put ull a far. better light
he atlzo gtuiatut of fie wainii" a te ydi MndlsonIhe tre. th coe ndcte. hee ofAll persons who came in co c;t~
saim ocet hmr'l l. fr w Te tylei'laly Iacain bi lt'he proiduction will be miveii Fri-!the Wlverinie wins were ain e hby thPresident, Euneritm, l:- Iit'1i ii 1
muthr, inose a gad eyes Nw, are for lThel was e xpected between . Walk- day' and Saturday nights in.11theIfllwi h her tre vctr-either rinthe lasroom naor gas hoi ,
tunate indeed to c ape infetion r and the Canzaian chanipion.I Lydia Mendelsohn theatre. All1fas.wieteohrtrevcriesnlen oYshd f ot
beic came as a result of decisions + peroa nploeshd tIa
Th 'le eyes should' never b wiped of 3ibson, ini the free style sprint seats are priced at 75 cents. gieloe h tt e.Bt friendship for himt. A inenibr of
rubbed except with a clean hand- ,vents, but failed to materialize. rTheFriday night performanceiof it er winStteme en 'vi hsfaiyutdtlstei'lt hti
kerchief reserved exclusively fu Ini the 50 yard dash Walker won . will be attended by approximatelyi White were gandb{eiin relatives "very nearly worshippedt
is pupi. andily in :23.9. Gibson and Reif 400 delegates to the Fourth Mchi- Fi ; 16 iv ~cit he ground on which hie trod"
iftydprmn soeoi"h Michigan finished second and g'an Enginering conference. As a T .. The fame of President Emeritus'
Prf 3.I.Wlado h hm hirdl respectively. In the century consequence a limited number of HutchynsAextendedsbuydntithatowf
Rare Gases of the Atmosphrere.'¢r erful Wolverines fail to best their utchinsg exedie b eyon tao
The text of his lash the W olverine speed ahrtist irst, floor seats are available for l on mt.tu er f Mihia he cl x c tv, li wa
onh paet2. tistail,.kwill be foud 'nus. Soe f ihgnepeatled eaSily while his team- this peI[rfmnahaice bt the balconiy ;State was victoriouts over Woodardi known in judicial irclts both 4+, a
diecino h mdru~ nto, I1'Ibley, touchied out Gibson stale is Open to the rgenral publc.. of Mc iilis 38.hundclylawyer of exceptiontal aimbiit anasr ax
A djcts~on }f te mder~ i r ,second o rors. The time of the aturday night thc e entire housel h uhradeitro V'<.
prviet nautom oblles was the viuner was :56.7. i-~ opn ofor general sale. 1gboo isaitcneddecision- of)3:42c'In
subject of the third talk, by P'rof 'ToSpiinrsSa.This is the second of Comedy the heavyweigt clase Captain hIu~ bto os, 'ildrz ing t e aal rop d
Walter IE. Layofterecaia.o.S'hoofre''sopomrStar. oluton drngteNr o hi~of Michigani State gained a 1.05ety""nerenaui li~ n
IoofMchigauzssop noetie decision over ;StoddardrianandEin antiLz
engieerng dparmen. rit, casu. Tis earthe raii-;cylopediar of Law and Proedure,"
"Five and a half 'millions of car:as captured the remnainin1g iui ei ao.Tist3'Ir te:ogani rie at
j idunl events to establish the Wol- zation is limiting its activities t ovetm btl.?,mSae"Gieat American Lawyers," and
Lay. ' "One million went abroad.iernicI concentrating its efort on a Ilavish gnvtrngiel algvr~Sip'm or1
{t'hose who junked some two andi c b as ot iedi n wlnrnuaze zuiv' ni~h lresetation of ' ilimi, nwcoertoWorked fo' Pva~..a;czadi-
a half maillions of them bought nev ,he 150 y ar1t b ksrok nuier tea '' quiadl inll ~lthebief tinof 2:.=h intefldoitrainl
c~~~~mrs~~~ torpaethm h emi a 2.. Griffin of Toronlto aril War-I'ryouts for lmembershi~p oi ieiOtto, Kelly,aanther veteran of last poInacye.hleo s er athe me
cars to replace Michigan, Thne remain-e nt asis of tecihnical ability will be ch-uailinpiouieseredisptnteani
kgtw mllos er sl, OHC a(nid third positions behiund Valen- addduring the run of the present ing iy thr:18 pondwest I ca neber of tie inteniorI
new car owners but snore to fani- iea Iadtigsal i o t rodafrto. Stage crew, property 1m m te18pon las l ieolnissiont -provided for ini the
lies who have found the need foin ~~-~d ~e~ uum i'i box-office agents, anmt cos-wnhsbu ya al rwn treaty ewe h ntdSae
two cars. ~'ytunic and make-up coimittees will aMarshalluin theotthee of 8:05. The-
"Inorer o ~ccnnod- ll an.t Merliatty. amd oMetahlreet amdEbe composed largely fo individual" t iu'cWolverine veteran zto cop 1iI o aUuuaeo.teavacm
' hodr oaemi'oae ap Merto iihahad coff te (.aa-had I bout onl a fall was Parker, 11wrofspeace
ths ar ih lr ihrcae 1wohave bdexperiene I innth i nAm'thethe8fpoundhiwrest- - tcme
ths aswt l3riirae econi ldistance was limed at 5,3L5 who tingiltie18 uz~lclass, who !I.
speech it will be the highway engi HMatt Mann's Varity relaha ea;msor fwr-i h at Ci eire thmrerw Shepad in 4.23.rthfilofisdpmacwrd
neers' problenm to build trunik lines ;howed a clean paireybyershipriiWiComeFryCluu. was that of Charles E. Hughes,
parof }heels to the meTberrshipilnsCoiredyBClub
especilhly between the largest ci- aain nbt hefe tl-eei Mcions15 on former secretary of state, Ti-i
ties, without crossings, few inilets nth Meeyrlyeet.rhAu niC oss wn''P I President Emeritus was- appointed
and a nlinimunilalilowable speed of seaml of Ladd. Pci f, Walaiti, a" er 11 on the Irst bontdfthaf-hi lamebroaco ite
50 mie1n asfFf O Aootball Headquarterseronwmileandandv- to bring Mr. Hughes here for a '-
sedWalker carried off the hnos ,It ageof71ovrMleoficninisflctesexspng Th
milesnhor. aned f hour.tye umereheh free styleil i numberIag o 713ovr ileinfMii1:43sofletwhileteprng.-h
" {Then with traffic speed increas- h elycmiaino ae- Inilpreparation for the large gan State. In the 148 pouned class last letter he wrote before his de ath
ed thde new car inust have greatei 'line, Goldsmith and Smith were'nibm fMcia tdnsadBn fMcia andatm wsadesdt uhs
flexibility" in operation, greater (o rse owni :8 alumni expected , to attend the decision of 2:17 over his opponemnt,J President Emeritus knoutcsedtowiinn.:1.8
powrer to go and power to stop. The _____IHarvard-Michigan football game Tompkins. Tie only other bout of 'was a member of the advisory
major improvements over the last at Cambridge next fall, Hotel the day, in thne 178 pound division,; board of the Michigan Law Review,
year have been made in this direc- W~ashtenaw Buses W1ill Bellevue, Boston, has been Seltede saw Al Steinke, Mihigan football1 and a member of thle Amecrican
tioin.Run on New Schedule' as official Alumni association 11 ad-'veteran, gain a time decision of Bar association.
"We 'find greater power in in- -quarters for the week-end, ecord- 35oemSghanwoe to BriPLboN Ii, Apil 8,
creased engine speed, and also in nodrt ccmoaeUu in g to T. IHawley Tapin Gen - 1 the Spartan squad. 1847, he attendeld grammar schIols
- -- (Cuntinu«I on1 Page a) ' em'l Secretary of thie luani asso- 1 in the Fa't. Ini 1871 lie was-'gran,
f _______________!vemsity students, the city buss:,oa mif h~' Hleu s h iDRIVE FOR vDUES edci a Ph.B. degree by teUie'
SBuckeye Quintet Beatsjth Wahtnwrue ilrntn tercohlgiate Alummni orgainization sty. He was given tlmc LL.I. d-
miusafethhoradeeyhotel in thec Hub city. OPEN~S gree by the University of W'con-
Gopher Cagers, 30 191 twenty minutes thereaftor, accord- ____ ___________ i n19;Wsoa,11;Nt-
I ingto anannoucenmet mad-by 'D mne, 1917! Univerity of Califor--
(B3y Assucac iae 1qe officials or the Eastern Mihigan I ILO ir eatfter a ue s for the junior class of the 198anth
Bus o. ~' ~iterry clleg wil be olleted and heUnivr.ity, 120
COLUMBUS, Ohio, Jan. 25.-OhioI Motor Bu-u - {ltraycle _wl e olce
State, won its first Western Corm-; Thiew"ill be io eliange; in [lhcHewa _rre
1... .1_. 1 statinig Monday ill tie ii i curl rockem'iin1872 and .for- the '-gar

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