', ANUA'RY25', 19T30
BSoule cres Loo
Must Provide For
N PactsE igned at the present Lon-
don Naval Disarmament conference
lbe of nvalue in averting fu-
ture warfare unless special provi-
sion is made for chemical disarm-
Ground Floor of Architectural ament, B. A. Soule, of the chemis-
School to House Art Work try departnent and a student of
chemical warfare, declares.
Throughout February. "The next war will be waged by
chemists," Mr. Soule says. ".The
ITALIAN SCENES PAINTED number of battleships owned by the
- - embattled nations will be of small
Nadal Conference IllIQ TAR nniier
Dean Edmonson Favors Adoption of PensionD FAIII QV
Bailey's Works Exhibited Lastj
Year to Royalty in Spain;
Honored by Alfonso.
An Exhibition consisting of 35
water color paintings of Italian
scenes, the work of Vernon Howe,
Bailey, is now on display in the
ground floor galleries of the archi-I
tectural building. The exhibit, giv-
en under the auspices of the Ann+
Arbor Art association, may be view-
ed daily from 9 to 5, except Sun-
days, through the month.
Show Last Year.
Art-lovers will recall that, paint-
ings by Bailey were exhibited at
the architectural school last year.
A collection of lithographs of New
York skyscrapers were shown in
the early spring, while during the
latter part of May and June, a
number of Bailey's water colors of
Spanish scenes were on display.
Bailey has done considerable
painting since 1921, having worked
in Italy, Spain, France, 'Austria,
and Hungary. He returned to this'
country last year after two years'
spent sketching and painting in
Spain and Italy. While in those!
countries, Bailey did most of his
artistic work in small, compara-
tively unknown towns. Most of the
water colors in the present exhi-;
bition portray street scenes and
water scenes in these small Italian
boats lying at rest along the
towns. Many of them are of sail-
wharves or in action on the calm
blue Mediterranean.'
Known Abroad.
An exhibition of Vernon Howe
Bailey's works, held in London, was'
officially opened by the Duchess of
Rutland. Another exhibition by
Bailey, consisting of water colors,
lithographs, and drawings, was
held in Madrid under the %auspices
of the Society of Friends of Art.
This showing was attended by'
King Alfonso XIII, who issued to
Bailey a royal decree of appreci-f
ation of his work. The King also!
appointed him to a corresponding
membership of the Royal Academy
of Fine Arts of San Fernando, in!
consequence, compared to the num-
ber of chemical devices they Will
be able to employ. The nation with
the best chemists will win the war,"
Mr. Soule says.
Navies Will Use Gas..
If another war comes, navies will
make use of poisonous gas both, inj
guns and smoke clouds, and in
someform of candle that will float,
Mr. Soule believes. Toxic smokes
ChemiealDisat-maiient ULU U IU fIUU LSystem as Stabilizer to State Education Ii LiGLJU
ing in secret government labora- "Much of the credit for the in- to be granted because of incompe-
.terest taken in the development of tency. "that teachers would agree
t at r e-a better teachers pension system in that if annuities were ,to be grant-
stantly at work on the problem, of Transportation Organization to Michigan is due to Dr. J. W. Glover ed on such basis, a very consider- Architectural Students Honor
discovering more deadly gases. An- Initiate Program With [and Senator Charles Sink," said able fraction of men engaged in Instructor Who Will Leave
other war would bring to light hor- New Speakers. Dean James B. Edmonson of the business would be entitled to them for Florida Soon.
rors that are hard to dream of, he Education school yesterday in an if one is to judge by the reports_
asserts. Plans .are being made to obtain interview on Governor Green's re- of bankruptcy." Prof. Ernest O. Wilby, of the
Chemiscty Long Important several speakers to talk before t ent in favor of the project. "In my opinion," Dean Edmon- architectural school, was honored
Cmiethe Dean Edmonson went on to stateson said, "there is one defensible last night by a testimonial banquet
i Chemistry has played an impor- Transportation Club of the engi- that Doctor Glover has been con- answer to the question of why at the Union sponsored by mem-
tant part in warfare since prehis- neering college, and. steps are be- sulting actuary of pension board there should be a pesion for teach- bers of his classes in architectural
toric days, Mr.. Soule points ot. ing taken to arouse more interest since 1917. The Dean was himself ers. That is that an annuity system design.
Many savage tribes utilized .the in the organization among the member of the board for a period for teachers is designed to promote Professor Wilby was ::ecently
practice of poisoning arrow tips members of the senior class, extendingfrom 1915 to 1929, when te wefaeef he schol o the granted a -six-months' leave of ab-
oosO rcie ftp nghe resigned. o th thebosadgrso
witch wol cue.d- !Bnce, which le will spend in Flor-
with germs would . L. Beard,. 30E.,.a been ap- On the subject of the need and the state may have the services of ida. H leaves for the South at
velopment of lock-jaw inersons pointed temporary chairman of the character of pensions for Michigan better teachers." the end of this semester
struck by the arrows. In the use organization, and meetings will be teachers, Dean Edmonson pointed Increases Efficiency" About 35 students who either are
of sulphurouis stink - pots and resumed in a short time. . In the out that they 'were in no sense to The Dean then went on to state at present in Professor Wilby's
burning pitch, savages showed ast tl lub has b be considered as a civil pension or that the answer to the qestionOfclasses, or who have studied under
further evidence of the 'ability to . yany , why the-teachers shoud be given him in the past. attended the ban-
utilize principles of chemistry in to senior but in order t assure a a thing which, he said, had arous- pensions resolved itself into the quet.
their rude warfare. more permanent organization jun-.ed many of the teachers them- problem of increasing the effici- he toastmaster of the evening
I -role Te otakene o tethein
A single chemical achievement, iors will be.,aken into the organi- selves against the plan. He pointed ency of the teachers staff. He show- was Thomas W. Pemberton. '30A.
the discovery of gun powder, revo- jation this year. out that the pensions were not ed that this would , be brought He introduced R. P. McCormick
lutionized all warfare. Chemists are Th club -o ti granted on a basis of charity oI about in three ways by the move- '31A., who presented Professor Wil-
still at work in an attempt to dis- _ :nLhold age for the purpose of support- ment. First, it allows the removal i by with a meerschaum pipe in
cover ways of manufacturing ex- other engineerng. societies,, in ing teachers who were unable to of teachers who grow inefficient honor of the occasion.
plosives which are safe for the ar- bringing Major Kenedy of Wash- look after themselves, but rather because of old age. This was hereto- Richard F. Outcalt, president of
my employing them to use. Devel- mgton, D. q., to Ann. Arbor to speak as they were to be a business-like fore difficult because often the the senior class of the College of
Aopment of poisonous gases, the lt- n Air Termiinals in the V7nited contract between teachers an i
est accomplishment of. chemical I tes" it ishoped that Mr .Shaef-; their employer, the, state, teacher needed the money and it. Architectu~e, spoke for the senior
pet ofmpoisomno gaseshemat"dr-.iseemed wrong to deny it in the class. In behalf of the Architec-
warfare, is in the present time at a fer, vice-president ,of the Pennsyl- 'FNot "Incompetance Grant." face of faithful service. Secondly, tural society, Paul F. Jerne.an
state which can revolutionize the r vania railroad, may be secured to "I am certain," Dean Edmonsori it allows more people to enter the '29A., gave a short speech. Two
nature of all future wars,- Mr. Soule I speak on The Combined Air Rail said in pointing out the fallacy of 'service because it shows possibili- architectural students gave a hu-
declarestl Work of the -National Railroad. supposing that the pensions were ties for a more .assured careen. morous skit. -
i Many Potentialities. -- -_,y ;-
will be projected into enemy ships
by means of torpedoes or aerial
bombs, he says. Once the gas gets
into the ventilation system of a
ship, it will permeate all the lower
quarters and asphyxiate every per-
son aboard.
How a single ship might wipe outj
all human inhabitants of a hun-f
dred square miles of enemy terri-J
tory was also explained. The depth-
dealing ship would approach asI
close as possibleto a port of the en-
emy. Then huge aerial projectiles3
would be released, containing spe-I
cially p.repared serums of count-
less numbers of pneumonia germs.'
As the germ-bearing missiles burst,
the germs would be wide-spread
over the country and an epidemic
of pneumonia would result. Medi-
cal facilities would be inadequate to
cope with the thousands .of cases
of the disease, and the.inhabitants
would die off with all the suffering
that was attendant medieval plag-
ues, when whole nations were some--
times wiped out.
Poisonous gases used during the,
World War were just at the .begin-
ning of their development at the
time the Armistice was signed, Mr.
Soule adds. The most poisonous
gas known to the world today, Lew-
isite, was discovered just at the
end of the War. Chemists, work-
Potentialities of gas-combat by
navies should be considered if the
disarmament conference is to pro-
duce noteworthy results, Mr. Soule
"But .after all, what good are
-pacts?" he asks. "Before the World
War, nations had signed agree-
ments not to use gases, but they
all broke their treaties. Whatever
pacts are made at the present con-
ference will be broken if another
great war should come. Whatever'
agreements are signed regarding
chemical warfare, governments will
continue to subsidize research work
in the field of poisonous gases.
"The'value of the Conference lies
in the attendant education of the
people, in the creation of a pub-
11c opinion opposed to war," Mr.
Soule concluded.
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