PAGE TWO. THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY; JANU7ARY~ 25, 193U: MEETING HELD TO ~POAR XPEITIN~ENFORCEMENT. MAODI~l lK 1ThFTT CONSIDER CHANGE AT SUGGESTION OF IN PROHIBITION 1Andre MVorize Wins IDEMOCRAT LEADS ru irRi fl TT[MPTS SECRETARY MLO Hearts of Students WET BLOC FIGHNTUIIfJUlIUVIIl I iI During Limnited VisitHU LIfi! . "a kUIIU :+~L H-e came he saw, and he con- I BE IV R £ E quered the hearts of the students.: City N Pro. AdrcMorize, professor o ni Supply of Food and Heat Ample r., Romance Languages at Harvard jFu to -Keep Crew in Comfotj <::> university and director of the Di- for =S l Months. vision of Languages at Middlebury ' A ,rte college swmm zer sesson, cae to VESSELS ASKED TO ,AID ;Annz Arbor yesterday a stranger to( HI Smost of the students. And he left i, :Nelti s of% Flos in February! with hundreds of friends. was betz ~y Enable.fyrd s Ships j2tcola went, he allowed nothing+foa h to C*shBarier interfere with the charm of his sho courtesy. sho (BHAeoiawdas-. approached early in the dilemnfl -fternoonsbyireprters, )om the!The p handomesix-oot entlman et of buyi H. Bailey, personal represe tative at the door ndoesi-of t is room. He gn arm-t, Rep. J. C. Linlicum, .pato ofRa dia i~hr . ~ly shook hands with them, and mi- Mrl emcawo i als, to r in Rer AdiralPrichrd E Byr,, ivited them to make themselves !ladiiig the wet bloc in the fght' until th in a statement today, said that al-" comfortable. He sat on the bed !against the Eighteenth Amend - ad though an ice pack barred ships of;tathywudavcaisA- met in the House of Represeta- Ctzn the expedition from reaching the !thatn their formal questionstvs itiu i adt b nthe ci base on the Antarctic ice barrier, ." qiklh ploielortefc ardent wet of :many years' stand- Srw Admiral yrd andhis men aced nothat his time was extremely llmi;- r__________ Mr. S AmrlBranhimefaenojed because ie had to prepare a lee- busines immediate food shortage. tre for delivery later in the day. I Armed Men niet M nyrtra The statement, published in the He told them briefly of his radio bCD 1f, anks 1 New York Tmswhih is sonsor- broadcasting of French lessons, anthe_19__ ing the expedition with associated !Iachievement which has gained him Toamdmn neig the ~ thi newspapers said: ,< ,. n,tF a .Th-c4 s P~tc considerable recognition, and of BreuIn,40Sthtae'.,th eran "While it is true that the expedi- Members of the treasury department and the house of representatives epeutires coumnitee who met1 the books he has written. He con- BreuIn,40Sot ae~ltrc tion is not fully equipped to spend to consider Secretary Andrew W. Mellons recommendation to transfer the .prohibition bureau from the sidered none of his accomplish-i at 7:30 oclock Thursday night, -held eral co another winter in the Antarctic, treasury department to the department of justice. Among those present, from left to right, seated. Rep ments seriously, it seemed. He I up the attendant ad :escaped after their tU thiere is no immediate shortage of Wliam Williamson, Rep. John J. Cochran, Secretary Andrew W. Mellon, and Rep. Don B. Colton. Standing: smiled with his lips as he talkedi taking about ;$25 in currency from is that thie food supply. There is ample Rep. A. H. Gasque, E. . Alvord, special attorney to the treasury department; James /1. Doran, prohibition, of the fun he had doing the thingsI the cash register. cllect fuel for heat and for operation of commissioner, Seymour Lowman, assistant secretary of the treasury in charge of prohibition, and Rep. G. G.I for which other scholars have oftenI The the adi. Th me arenoton r- iGoodin.expressed admiration. Frequently1 Robert Bruce, '30, was on duty forced thce raio. Theren ar not onme- hei.____________--__ laughed aloud, when the two men entered. One oret diate prospect that they will be.; Ti" Sudetsi Many 1 itC m ie Soon he begged to be excused. It of them pointed the gun at him school They are well clothed, comifortably J xl aism tu et Sl Stories; RoomLstC ple foriwa nearly time to deliver his le-) and the other opened the cash reg-~ n~u housd. Fod vailbleto agazne ad N wspaer ruilnersL.Feega ero After that was done, he had ester and removed the bills. The ,pst d . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ nV Conferenuee PthMgziean Nwpaerl&bzl~r ___ prmised to meet a group of st- perto e~donly a few min- would "In -extreme circumstances an _ Householders who have rooms' dents for an informal talk, he said.! utes. furthe adequae suppy of wale, sal, Th publiation f numeous i'lacingLong, Then the wwastotonbetoaedi Tnerheguesto Bruceinfurnishedrucpolicehedwithceawihngs. aeqguateillsup lf x-e, u hselistepuiaton oftudnsmoftheplaig their stories is RuthLogwhhthy ihtorntode at the home of Prof. Hugo P.J good description of the robbers. iThe pen gnhwie 1sustalny l ife-buhsestrewitebystus of the o who has had her features jtilished gates to the engineering confer- Thieme, of the Romance Languages! The one who handled the pistol he shortaE wh iht ave toely producnfatur epwrtnt prosof th or h erotFe rs n n ee, wich will be hld here on department, where three of his described as being about 2 years feet ti aoo dietroelapooungedt a periont listiNmepten isrofct-Everygir's Magazine. Lawrence W. 1Jano. 30-3, -ay list their available ! former pupils, now professors here of age and about five feet, six'inch - pointed weuxp criecelycun t lesntsmeingoprethanre ere aca- ,iPrakken has sold one article to the b(Professorsio, 451 expi eriee ddecprpreytseqirdofProfessbycaligohrUios15.Erhardt, Lincoln, and! es tall. He weighed about 14,0rot rc "It s blieed hat thoug th 1tlasgacoringtonrof KnudCassand)ndstrrl also itoTfombiei reuirdtfr.te(fleouudonsweraalo twbeguets.pouds ndaoreaatndht tyd t ta kindly offices of the State Depart- I Brumm, head of the department Magazine and has orders for see-j(Laehwstobgutofonrdkovca. met, which has instructed thc ; and instructor of the feature writ- eral similar stoies from the same ; which is being compiled is the'I at a reception at the home of Prof. The second man appeared to be DET American ambassador at London; ing group. magazine. A Dcember issue of thef number of rooms, number of pr-' Rene Talamon. the same age and height as hisl Motor and the American minister at Oslo The Detroit Free Press, Detroit DtotStudyngtsldd a sns accom odatedl, and the price He waved the reporters good-bye, companion and weighed about nd0 tlof tsektec-prto ofteNwDtotStraNihv-feature entitled, I Want to Go and they too were added to the pounds. He wore a blue tan and c creasei toseBh ooeaino h es eri audyNgt v ack to Michigan," wihwas writ-prpro.listofhsrin. whaling companies whose vessels erygirl's Magazine, and the Class tenbyhisB SmllrFrnknoops. light colored coat ry aii are now fihing in the Ross Sea al and Industrial Marketing Magazine te--J.B mll-rnkCoe naviabl pasag totheBayof1 are among the publications which has also sold several stories to D- iHulmphkieS \il Speak Whlsales will be discovered or, ifi have purchased feature material troitper and to the Port Hurons ~necessary, forced. from members of the class.TsHrl. Before Wesleyan Guild ' "hpeidograetspr-Students enrolled in the feature Members of the present feature- -- tion of the ice in the Ross Sea is writing course obtain experience in writing coursee will cotnetbilue.Hrpris sitn in February. It is possible, there- the marketing of articles other i ee informally as a writing group; dean of thelieayclgwllb fore, that the present impenletra-i than news stories. Professori during the second semester. They the speaker at a meeting of the, 'fe condtion of the ice pack may be B runim states that many students will receive no credit for this work," Weslyan Guild at Wesley Hall! so altered within the next 10 days' write acceptably but have difficulty but will keep on writing under Pro- I Sunday evening a~t six o'clock. His! in mrkeingther mteral. n Bumn's iretio forspei- of~ Boie~' Modern' View that Admiral Byrd's vessels will be g hecouse ireatewritingthefesforthpicBwile own power to his base on te ice;eio' ccpac n purchase barrir. iof stories is fheld as evidence that! Cbafdrier.Eprethe niateIal meets requirements. "Admiral Byrd's present position Amn hItdnso h ls is vnrlytht of acol. i rre C - who have been most successful inILMM Y GM feeds 50,000,000 Dorllars [1928 Tax~es Are Paid; end Will Aid Schools. WN LEADS RELfIF (By .A"'ociated '..) AGO, Jas. 14-A civic pool ,n formed by leading busi- terests today on which to Le city, the .county and the oard from their "no funds" pool will. be for the purpose ng $x50,000,000 in tax :antici- ware ants, acciarding to of ci- run local government bodies e reassessment is completed 28 tax bills collected. The s' Relief committee, uder hirmanship of Silas Hi. is organizing the pool. 3trawn explained that large >ses, public utilities and ds have on deposit in the large sums of money to meet 18 tax roll. It is planned to s money in the purchase of iticipation warrants w.,hich an 'be redeemed by 'the sev- ncerns, in the payment 'of axes. -The present estimate ;the 1928 taxes will not be d before May 1. .cash shortage already has postponement of the pay of han '40,000 city, county and emnployes.. Coal companies aced Thursday that unless lue bills .were }paid soon, it be necessary to 'Withhold rdeliveries to school build- Chicago -and Cook county ge also has threatened to af- he state of Illinois, it, was d out today.. The: state has ~eived its share of Cook coun- es in 20 months. ROIT, J an. ,24 - The Ford Co. announces that produc- fcars andi trucks will be in- d to 136,000 .unite in 'Febru- Ld to 170,000 in March. :'p / mander. taking preliminary pregu- tions for. the safety of a numaerousJ and important expedition. "His friends await the outcome with confidence and without fear." MONROE, Jan. 24--Ralph Ald- rich, 40, a Monroe truck ttiver, was sentenced to life imprisonment An Jackson prison by Judge Jess H.! Root after he had been convicted of the slaying of Frank Miller, 42, village mparshal of Petersburg, early last fall. { { I I Detroit Theatres I CASS THEATER H. H. FRAZEE, JR. P'resents LYNNE OVERMAN And a Great Comedy Cast in "She's No Lady" Nights: $1 to ,$2.50. Mats.: Weed. and Sat. $1 to $1.50. I _ _ . Now SHOWING WUERTH Continuous Today 1:30-11:00 I i i r i w I- i w i I I I a I ! i I E I !I I ; ;, ;f .. .... i ..... LAST' TIMES TODAY o"S N-Mr PARAMOUNT SONG CARTOON 1111 LADY ' ALL TALKING COMEDY "tDON'T GET EXCITED" With MARY NOLAN Also APairt Talking Comedy of Millionaires and Chorus Girls. SUN DAY k~a _ RI A { i I I i IIM Mrs wl/r 1lri --- - -----a-. .., { i V i 1 t I it l 1 I, i 4 k 1 I (. > i y f i } t i { i t f ! _ E t t I i i w 'T I-TIIEPLAY FOR ALL HUMA. fITY GILBERT MILLER (by arrangement with MAURICE BROWNE) Presentsj 0 11# F Re C.he rri f 's Play Tatt ISweepingthe World! dAavvi4 and ;ympathetic glimpse into a phase of the World War thact no other play has ever accomplished students When Co ien Talks and Siege FEverybody Will ~I-ook and Pay to Listen. i Dircct from $2.00 Showing r 4 ,on Broadway, 0- ji-s cOLLEE* El irc'% one thil 11 (e r"C heelt Avaitir; for . (' 1 r ire--thc teal Colleic n 1 a Love story more beau- tiful than "Lilac Time." Yo olntwizh for 0 the 0 ten lucky that read the6 Class,iied HEREIS HOW- The nam esiof f10 Students licked at Irandom from the Student Directory will .be scattered :amog the Daily Classified Aids. Anyone who 1disovrs .his br her name may apply at the 'ENIANI or Daily Offices for a one dollar reduction .in .thfe paice of his 'Ensian. To fined your -name in the ClIassiffieed A ds. is to save $1.00 in. the: purchase of a 1930 Mchigannsiain. This. offer, good to -February 1st. 4 r 4 I ':11 t