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January 25, 1930 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-01-25

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VOL. XL. NO. 87.




NAA EEA E ngland's Minister DFERE USI Nueum Colleagues I MPSIJIJ UASnion Opera May Be'
TalksHWihHTardiWatch Presentation SMOIM H SAolished, Delares
Ffyfinsadclege f u l Repots that the Union opera, for f
R Is 1 ..," ' I Dr. Calvn1I1.Fautlrnan drector of !helst2
o YI_ ,; ?OfLF ,.Snt ! I S UOI T G OUP .the University herbarium and pro- ' li
fessor of botany, witnessed the un- 11 11Iyar oe f heU i
XU. S. Representatives to Loudon, .:hj *.*. ' . M any Fraternities in Favor of veiling of his portrait, done in' major Aspects and Difficulties to b permanently discontinued Law
CofrneWilEpaiz y'SpotigPeet cee -bronze by Carleton W. Angell.lulu were to be printed in metropolitan
CofeeceWilEmhaie upotig rset cemf seum sculptor and artist, on the in Way of Disarmament newspapers this morningan re
Value of Stimson Plan. . '* for Rushing Freshmen. fourth floor of the University Mu- Are Discussed. lesdfrfenonpbiatint-
h. byaed nraftron pess asscation s.o-'
TA E susbidn etra fe-REPORTERS TAKE SEATS: ;M*"~''\OBILIZATION REPORTED 3noon. The presentation of tePROF. SLOSSON SPEAKS it as le arinaleda ssoclat i or"laSt
Splacque was made by Dr. G. Car] twslandatalt orls
Smsot and MacDonald Discuss' episL ur ca fti rdut s~lo.Majr dwards, Preuss, Lieut.: Was
e¢r.. u inei who reviewed the work accomplish-!mrsta the opera was to;
rno ala Si ton.'to Statements Issued by ed by Dar. Kauffman. KikPot emrlra be performed no more have been,
/ in Private Conference. Pro-Delay Group. The portarit, done in profile, was Other Viewpoints. cruae bu h apsfr
!given Dr. Kauffman by several of ;___rclteaou_
JfyAscan. Pe 2' o-te efrrdhue- thfome sudntaimDpucutisforria
C Ascf.°aFes Discussionothderedulihsfrmrdnsin appreciation Dfiute confronting dsra several days, but officials have re- Vi
LONDON, leng, at 4.t he ing plan, passed recently by the of his efforts in their behalf and 1mawt seilrfrnet fused to affirm or deny the reports. ;sorc
Amriandeegtontoth nva Snae omite o sudntafin recognition of the work which mnwihepcilrfrec o It was definitely understood 'late
Amnericn decieaid toa tnavl;nt cmite nsudn'f he has accomplished while at the naval limitations, formed the piv-- last night that the Union board of year
immditel te robemof rus-tairs was given renewed vigor yes-; University. President Alexander G.i; otal consideration around whichf directors was to consider the aboli- :after
immeiatly te poble ofcrui- ;ercay whlen a number of students Ruthven made the speech of ac- fe major aspects of disarmamentf tion of the opera at a meeting call-'tal.
ers, the crux of the Angl-Amei- who are prominent in campus a- ceptance for the University, stating were discussed at the informal sym- ed by Kenneth M. Lloyd, '30 presi- thec
can naval situation. The decision ;Lt ~~~ that the unveiling marked "one of oim ld. dent of the Union, for noon todayrce
! bruviie~s sued staements outl ning the major events in Michigan's his- posu hl yesterdy aternoon !president Alexander G. Ruthven; ee
topshte risrprbemt teseveral advantages of the planto~" under the auspices of the Round.lsih eidrpotpbih 88
Forefront of the conference agenda- from the view -point of fraternities.: Dr. Kauffman concluded the pro-+ Table club and the :,international' ed by national press associations, Jut
\vas revealed at ai meeting of the! A reply to the statements was: grain with a short speech of ap- f#u Kitimating that he had told thei nea
dee ai n ti onn .Ramsay MacDonat S nae n- scrt mftog latm.u
delegaion ths mornng. {Pr me Minister of England, who! filed by George C. Tilley, '30, who ?preciation following the unveiling. The speakers included rLiut. Mnath asrt teeUingalasedc
This development was somewhat, wsi nipratpiaecn has .'one on record during thie past The. portrait will be hung in the'.Mna htte no pr a
of srpis. ine hee s n-1 Fane' iMuseum library immediately. It is :Harold Kick, Grad., of the Navy;, to be abolished. whic-t.
of a srrs. Snethere i p ee c ih M ar msu rn e ek a pp sd t h deferred! colored green, and is the immediate Major Basil Edwards, of the R.. . A story received over the Assoc- Whil
patently a 'general agreement Irepresentative eawt .thearmsconfer- ; ekrsiga ln poe otewr faErpa rneepr.+T .dprmn rf hre ae rs iea h al fieImr
amogo hedeegtinhhatbatl-lncgeserdy.Gond, tay'arshigblattorloeaEurpen rozeexeryTe.seprten;dao.yharesiaedPrsswie a Tetaiyly'cema
hp hudb ute imie representative, was also summoned Announcement of a mobilization Angell has been working on the Remer, of the economics depart- last night read in part: he b
Ship shuldbe urter imiedfor a special conference with Mac- of fraternity representatives who! portrait for some time, sending the met; Mr. Lawrence Press. of the Rumors are widely circulating on Kui
an otoe yitrainljDnl.are in favor of the deferred rush-! plaster mould to Munich, Germany,{ the Michigan campus that a high
andcotroed by ntrntioalDonlding rules, to combat the activities' where the final cast was made. political science department; and; official" indicated the end of the he r
ofgreemreent.grItphas hbeen expected Prof. Preston Slosson of the his- Michigan Union opera at the Mon-; came
that capital ships would make e thehegpr etgpf yqhouses dy'nihtmetnhofth nier IFlt
logical tarting point forwk Bt I ii IIare f ig ht in gtepan , was alo an- rr flf or department, the qeto fca ih etn fteUie-nt
S A E S IN ITS THsarmpo ent raedfo h The story goes that at the meet-
Americans have taken the line that IL lIIdeferrunedruxpnentsroftero -poisarmfametwasf te ated rothe in;senatef. omittee ere, rernwa
cruisers are the crucial point of n i pected to give publicity on the cam- I miuri po-f
ofU O .bLC ~ pus to their view of the plan. of90,N10 DAzu bmy, economic sgnificane, his- Iosed the snate take action to bcai
th e_ _ _w h enln-ome rialcc rr e s p o d i n"tiffJ-
erences. and that this issue should iURif MkesLtateent.iN u nu!tor a eveopment, and tile diplo- aoihteOea l a tpe u
be cleared as soon as possible.- Ernest C. Ref,'3,_rsieni atic situation. Dean Bates, of w hen aWh iialorspodngt
Acceptance Uncertain. ( Hinsdale Opens Morning Session the student council, said yesterday: e.sosnna
-Wehrte ofrne il;c;"The primary premise in defense Willaru, Slocum, and Lay Will teLwshoaeds h in Washington intimated killing the I
heth the mrcnferencealillnoc-! of Archeological Society, of the deferred rushing, plan is Speak Ovcr Station of the forum. Opera was unnecessary. Abo
yet certain, but the Americans be- SekigonIdans. found in its advantages to enter- WJR Tonight. Lity ene cceable.ecnb AEca"n *t go.
lieve that Secretary Stimson will,. ing freshmen. Fraternities, as well-iguthendffnt ikterof essesi 111ib~IIH I- IL
carry his point. In their view, the ! TALKS GIVEN BY SIX MEN will have the advantages of being GE CLB W L SiGthatmaesu oufnvalfresai f' t" I liiI
conference should tackle the hard- I!-I able to pick their prospective mem- LE CU IL SN ht aeu u aa oc, adrs rbe;frt n ev h sebln o hi nulmd-;br aeul. hat parity in all types of ships is 'IdesI
Prot problmerirt.anLleavothethAssmblin-forcheirannuaemid-berscareflly."standpoifflntr He
seemingly easy problem of battle- 1winter session, more than 50 niem- '. Jerome Ellison, 30, managing TProCK.EWalterh E.tilLayeloft.thedimechftheiGcgptablsaifromt a naval standpointrtmen
The Americans today also favor-' th;.he believed tepa ol lmi rf .H lr theheu nerholeertey oppob~sd ouby t
chemist- soitynte.me t h. n-Navy. Bcuspflharetleghnud
ed plunging'into the task of reach- eI ogia oit e tt e U n ae ift" a o g fae nt ry department, and Dr. George .f a ce eco asft elin e afthle Un th) em n M y Ca se S lsO t fie
in g an agreement with a reater j est uembidn etr ebr n aefrtepi -' Slocum, assistant professor of Op- d States, the tremendous vume Within We;Sy oou stand
degree .of publicity than had been morning and afternoon, Six speak-! cal welfare both of fraternity miem- tllalmoloy are schedued to- speak, of ocean commerce, and the neces-' Wek SysDooh e em
arranged fo.Sceayo1tt r etrdteporm hc bers and ofrushees. Fewer hollow- tiytortc hi nentoa Little Deficit Danger. thro
Stimson offered to give up to the st opoetti nentoa were given at 10 o'clock and 2; eyed rushing chairmen and fewer on the weekly Michigan ight ra- trade, the Navy, he declared, should i -at hi
Associated Press and two other;ocok epctvl harassed freshmen will prevail un- dio program to be broadcast to-a be maintained at maximum! BOOTHS ARE ARRANGED by h
American news agencies three! 'lcrsetvl . der deferred rushing than under night at 7:30 o'clock through sta- strength. 'ulty.
seats reserved for American advis- iAt the morning conference, Dr.k the cut-throat system, he believes. to eri. adto,~' rEwrsta ie Tc
ors at such business meetings as W. B. Hinsdale led the program "Although there undoubtedly will ! ion WJR, Dtoi.In adtoa- Maor Ewrssttdtaate.Tcets for the 1931 J-1-op have Ftel
weehl tS.JmsPlc e-!with an address on "Education of be financial difficulties the first! cording to Prof. Waldo Abbot of: wsntdrctyivle'nbensl uig h atwe
were heldiatSt.uJamesDPaaceiyes-lth the London conference, but as toa with such demand as will bring a Ame
terday. This move was strongly, Ida o~~h" D.Hndl year. I believe that consequent ad- the rhetoric department, director its attitude toward disarmament, sell-out within a few days, Albert { gflt
urged by Senator Robinson who 1is custodian of Michigan arche- vantages outweigh the first year; and announcer of the Morris hall ; the army, in keeping with Kellogg E Donohue, '31, chairman of the sub- Ithe
was backed by Senator Reed.. ology at the Museum building, and loss," he said. sui,+,cah
his alkcovreda feld ithwhih Lonad I~vor P1stuiothe University Glee club ; ;act, disfavors aggressive war, fa- committee on tickets predicted last aOt
Ma~nl ofr.he has long been familiar.Ilie was eoeE.LrdJ.'3,an will present a varied program un- voing only adequate national de-j night. Despite the fact that this, sare.
Trhe ramifications of the Franco- I Gog .LonrJ. 0,rin ense. 'fae
Italian naval position also occu-! followed by Edward 3, Stevens, who aging editor of the Michiganensian,; den the direction of Director Theo- ,dars;esriesAre ale,0indicatins are htfhif earsort
Pied a good share of the day's con-i is now making a new state a- likewise expressed his approval of: done H-arrison. jOu ary"MjrEwdss- atyilnoly wip u h e ork
ference activities. Both Prime Mn- cheological map in Iiinsdale's d- the plan. "I believe that dlef erred Professor Slocum will discuss the serted.' "exists fLor th Edurpose of licit incurred bny wforerhedclass r ocia
ester MacDonald and Secretary 1partmentWe vens M igske n the 'rushing will be of equal. advantage cr th ysan iltelo a intaining oesi r anqup itisbuywllalorler asa ar'ent si
Stimson held conferences with Isubject,"Wr MihgnsEt-a to fraternities and freshmen," he4 as a partial pivntie fw g.ti1' hlis h
wrme ade o rneadxorks plisadeo?'1 An architect i. the inmoartance of poe lighting,,
re t t ia clndo asce an psadapop rpr e ttive rei eof B otwar, m .t b faer i-A
Foreign Minister randii of Italy by profession, the speaker Works Theodore S. Long, '30, said: '"I a and other aspects of the subject. iada rtecrisis.tieo ot raneet yfaei "' eio saeacelg drn'tefvr h rnil f eerd"hterw elz tornt"cii. To preserve peace wea ties are rapidly being made; rod-;Da
for t e pu pose of e plor ng f r- o sta e ar heol gy d ring the -favo the prin iple of D ferr de"W ethe wenetli eeit orfnt,"r'"usnbexpepar d to defe drou - podent m en2eetft 7: 0 o' lock of J
ther the nature of the problemsj winter months and has access to a Bushing because I believe that the Profesor Slocum states, "the 'care sle ntm fwr"anx usa nro 0 - h
*hIch the French and Italian moI iyopteaalalrat nuimary interest and loyalty of the of the eyes is one of the most im- PrfsoIee hwdhwn-Uno o eeto fbohi eia
spokesmnen outlined before the as-j early Michigan history. student should belong to the Uni- ' portat sections of preventative ! tions, as a result of industrializa- Twenty couples are the required fluen
e~eble deegaion yeteray. The last address on tihe morning versity, and that his fraternity medicine."-
lion, become increasingly dpend- minimum for one boothe. Each came
-Italy's naval problem seems toI program was given by I-arry L. should assume a position of secon- Professor Willard has chosen for nt upon access to raw materials group is expected to furnish itsj close
t roughly, maintenance of corn Spooner who spoke on "Indians of dary importance. The disadvan-; his subject, .The Rare Gases of the end markets and are thus vitally (booth and rovide its own chap - nmore
munication with the Atlantic Oce- Ocea,na County and 'Their Ante- t-Cages that will naturally arise will 'Atmosphere" in which he discusses ! orcerned with tracdh and com- !rone, a~ri
4.ng while France's is keeping a , cedents." Following' these speech-'be more than offset by the benefi-: helium, rgon, natural and neon merce. If their commerce is Applications for tickets to' the arid v
clear road to and from her north-I.; 05, discussion was held by the as- ial results that will ulimzately beI gases. Neon is the gas, variously~ blocked, hie said, their economic se- ! specal showing of the Union op- ' udo e
ivn African possessions.; sembly, which was followed by a achieved." colored. now employed extensively! curit~y is imperiled. Strong navies, r nStraFb 5 aebe
;noon-day luncheon at the Union. Beyond repition of their general jforf advertising purposes. Professor Remer continuedcruse: mailed to all those who have u-:
The visiting members were guests' thesis that the disadvantages of A considierationi of the modern of their proetv aue2n'e' caedJIIptcet.Peeec
UnuIsual Plane Teste'd of the University Museum staff. : deferred rushing outweigh. the ad- automobile and the advances thatI cause of theirtusefu less in time willse givenHop ticeero ee
by Aerona111utical Staff! oDr. Melvin RI. ilmciere, curator vantages, members of the appos- have been made in automotive en- of war, tend to essen. conomic In-' reservations for their tickets first,
btEhooy at h Museum, f-~on group made no specific reply gneering will comprise the talk to security. Thus, he said, to per- The Union has also announced that
1 - Reearh wrk n alowwin ; aned the afternoon session with! to any of the above statements.,a be given by Professor Lay. He will ! ;sulde nations to reduce such an a breakfast will be served in the
mnpaeiben codcebya lecture on "Living Voices of the+ last night. discuss several of the recent mech-I eff ective and vital safeguard, is taproom the morning following the DCI
'Pro. FelixisVbeinglconductofdthe ; ,dent Stones." Dr. rGilmore's - ad- -anical improvements and the need jfilled with difficulties. "Economic J-Hon.-' The hours wil h fro' have
Profuniy,"Froessr W.rpoitedlo1w0sti4:0 oclok.hran;Kunze.. nte

rProfessor Succumbs to Long
Illness after Operation;
Was Circuit Judge.
sWell Known in State Law
Circles Through Varied
Judicial Activity.
ctor H. Lane, letcher profas-
of law at the University for 30
s, died at 5 o'clock, yesterday
moon in the University hospi-
Judge Lane graduated from
engineering school in 1874, and
ived his law degree here in
dg'e Lane, who was bon at G°-
0., in 1852, received his early
ration at Hudson, Mich., after
.h he camne to the University.
le still in school, in 1876 he
ied Ida M. Knolton. In 18
Became a member of. the first
ial circuit of Michigan. where.
'emained until 1897 when hie
°to the University to take the
;her professorship of law. lie
Lied here until ,1928, when it
necessary for him to resigni
use of weakened health.
Survived by Children.
dge Lane is survived by foul'
Eren: Mrs. H. Lee Simpson of
at, Mrs. W. P. Mc~enie of
ago, Victor 11. Lane, Jr., of Ann
r, and Henry K. Lane of Chi-
F Luera1 services will be held
o'clock tomorrow afternoon
the home of his son' at 5 Ged-
was instruniental iii. securing
revisal of Tiffany's justice
le and Cooley's Constitutional
ebook. His work in the field
Lw was considered t b- out-
ing, :and he was highly es-
,ed here ait the Univenity and.
ghout the state. Deep :regret
is ;passing has been expressed
is many friends on the fac -
longed to Many Oa~4.njzatjons;
dge Lane was a member of the
rican Bar Assoctation, Mich-
State Bar Association, order of
Coif (legal Honorary society),
olepistemiad (Faculty Re-
:h Club) Phi Delta P'hi (legal
rnity). bMr. 'Lane was actively'
titled, for many years,, with the
of the Student's'Christian as-
tion. and Lane hall, the- Pres-
;tudent buiilding,'was named in
le in the Law school."' tid
Henry Mv. Bates, "feel the loss
idge. Lane in- a personal way.
wonderfulf character and per-
ity gave him a tremendous in-
Ce over all with whom he
ain contact and m tde many
friends for him. Ile has had
sthan 30 years of continuous
ce in the Michigan La.w school
wras a fine teacher, lawyer, and
dge T'ournament
Registration Held
'Open Another Week
ause only a few fraternitie

beronautical department, and his ; ress was one oi the figh lights of! Tilley Repies. for greater highways. veuit - rfesr.' rpontd1;0to430ocl. Frak K nz'' nte
staf, or Caifoniamnaufa- e society's program. He was'fol-' a " am amazed at the selfish and The Glee club will sing such well! out, "means economic opportunity. ! at the nion is in charge of break- ity
-tune fr ah Clneripably the lowed by an interesting discussion- narrow view taken of the proposed known selection-s as "The Victors,"i Nations desire this opportunity, ! ast arrangements. tionl
n.uer.estapoach toablyghcea- eport on "1hle Isle Royale ExpeI eerdrsigpla yyetan" Vgst___
neret ppoah o fyigcra- pdi dfere rshn panbycetan ari" Cclle e Days," "The ;and hence' are unwillng to reduce j__~~~__ week
1 ion of 1929," which was delivered !campus leaders. To a man they l Bum Army," and many others, (their naval powers." a o mte 30, 'c
An uunusually small and well byFe Dustin,a member of the ;represent houses among time oldest, Mr. Preuss related the different E pniuety c
stream-liedfuselage buit in and ,Irecen't expedition. Dana P. Smith- wealthiest, and most firmly estab-'English Actor to Open attempts that have been made to ]ni tes Woman Witness yeste
prjcigfrom the upper part of concluded the' session .with a ;dished on the campus; that is toj diminishar met th horizo ne
prlojecg saiteeting tetue pec on "The Summerville; say, the houses best able to weather Ply ere 1 m ro ;being set armmet the inig o hntaid
not carried by the fuselage, as is Mounds," a topic which concerned the approaching storm," George C. ____ last century, and discussed the re- 1WSIGODCJn 4- h
geneallythe asebutby two the early history of southwesern. Tilley, '30, replied last night to the Sir Philip Ben Greet, recentlyj lation~ship between disarmament, ! An invitation was 'extended tonight: paye
bpooms attached to the wings. Michigan, with special reference to' above statements.i knighted English actor and pro- iettlemenit of international dis-! to Mrs. Mabel Walker Willebrandt. hpau
___________Berrien and Cass counties. ' "From their patrician heights ducer, and his comrpany of English I putes, security, and efforts at world former assistant Attorney General, the p
b eraRevivl Planed 1A. Riley Cittenden, of Howell, they can watch the smaller frater- players, will open a series of three! peace as exemplified in the variousi to testify before the House expen-fial
O.per evvlPln e Mich., presided throughout the two nities squirm with a certain de- performances tomorrow night a pacts. ditures comnittee on the William- Alt
'for W~eek-end of J-Hop sessions in the absence of the prey-I gree of Machiavellian joy. They do the Lydia Mendelssohn theatre. a (Coninued on Pge y;sobllu fo thserea t the prhb teon red
-ident, George Fox of Three Okino seem to realize how integral "Everyman," revived after 400;v- braufo te''rauy tthntd
. 199poutinoiih a part of campu iefaente years of diormacy, will be presentedi British Lecturer Wll Justice department. 'aen
Renn h _____-- are; that what -is good for the fra-t at a special Sunday performance ed '- --wth
the Union Opera, "Merie-Go- ggS ekH re nM n a
Round," a special J-Hop perform-'I South African Teacher ternities is good for Michigan, and stamting at 8:30 o'clock tomorrow Spa-HrW nModyxe
once will be given Saturday after-1l what is bad for the fraternities us !'night. M. Greet plays the role of : ---©111y at I ' 3: 1A9. 1 es.
noon, Feb. 15 in the Mimes the- To Study at Michigan bad for Michigan. They see the' the Doctor in this morality play. Scheduled to appear before two ! - Th
A-nre. los of a dozen or two fraternities4 At a matinee performance at 3 ! Ann Arbor audiences, Fenner >-)- used
Mail order applications for thisJ Fred Dyason, who for the past! as a gain for them, not as a loss for o'clock Monday afternoon, Shake-' Brockaway, writer, lecturer, and a ~ -of N
antinee are' being taken at the 10 years has been teaching school Michigan," he added. speare's "Twelfth Nigh't" will be! Laborite member of the Bitish~ 4lrea
____o__eUin.AplctoniSuhAfiahseneedtegie._rGeto.,tepesn_'alamn,_ilspa a 'cok da
haeskbofnth en on. alpplicat n iesu thufrica, ha enteredrthe'pgiveM.geionthefprese nt'arliaerno ntwlBpek tisho'Lock -~'detera
blnkbavleeaenntkllpn-Uivrst t tuyhihayeni Suens Mut oif ouisplyngtetat fMN-otonaiatrnonoy"rtihLa
chasers of the tickets for the J-t neering. He arrived in Ann Arbor volio.I bor and India" and at 8 o'clock that .- es
Hlop, as well as to all fraternity yesterday. Landlords of Removal) Monday night the short first night on "English Prisons Today."; a a

'ing a team in the interfrater-
bridge tournament, registra-
will be held. open afar another
,until Feb. 1, Jalnes V. Thayer,
;hairman of the rInterfraterni-
auncil bridge committee, said
rday. Each fraternity may
rone two-man team, Thayer
.e preliminary rounds will be
d at the various chapter,
es, as has. been customary in
3ast, while the semi-fi~naLs and
swill' be played at the Union.
hose teams losing in the first
d1 will automatically be regis-
Sin the consolation tourna-
, which will run concurrently
the other. Cups will be award-
othe winners in both glass-
,e rules to be followed are those
by the American- Whist Club'
ew York. No redoubling of
Ldy doubled bids :will be allow-
nd the match winners will. be
'mined by three out of five rub-
The winners of each individ-
rubber will be determined by

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