If'HL MICHICAN DAI LA PRMV, AM PP r4 13 .. I . ... . 1-1 -- ----o--- Res=Lue- 1 4 1 k 6 DAI1LY OrFFI C IAL B ULLEIT IN Publication In the Blulletin Is constructive notiee to all members of the University. Copy received by the Asistan~t to the Pr'e dent until 3:30 p. mn. (11:30 a. mn. Saturday)_ VOL. XL. FRIDAY, JAN UARIY 24, 1930~ No. 8t Ar en-tife Wad. Tranpr ece Tourists 1'ron Ship Wt . kc * i Strts of Magellan, c! , . ,Brew 'Transferrted transport was standinrr by to hep \VtoffTierra del Fue o SE2I] later it was le aiim d the p. s- f .Ef. aiic c ieg.~ ~ csnd crew had Waken to the shpsboat:; and had been trans-I TWENTY ~Miister to Denmiarle ElIPt O IARE KILLED IN REOLT.rn mn NCAIONACT Proclaim Dethronement of KingE NOTICES c]f erred to the transport safely. NOIEStUENOS AIlRE, Jan. 23 -.More .hr een aulis Clan Chiefs. President and Mrs. Ruthven will be at home, after February 1, from: than 400 tourists from Buenos! 4 to 6 o'clock on the first two Sunday afternoons of eacll month to 1Aires were safe today aboard thej Only the officers remained; INSURRECTION AT JXBRA members of the Faculties, their families, and other residents of Ann ' ftgentine war transport Vicento{ aboard. It was impossible to pre-___ Arbor. ;Fde Lopez or the bleak shorts dit the fate of the steamer; near- (B, As~ocaed Pess) On the first two Wednesday afternoons of each month after Febru iof Terra Del Fuieo (landl of fire) by radio stations tried unsuicces- ATIF S, Jan. 23-Twenty A- ary 1, from 4 to 6 o'clock, President and Mrs. Rutiven will be at hom atter the gro tding of their ship,I fully to communicate with hr as banian government officials were to the students of the University. !the Monte Cervantes, earlier on al other vessels hurrie 1 tward the1 said in. reports reaching Salonika; la:ii the EStitso Magellan. pt today to have been killed at Dibra University of Michigan OIfia l l tlh'artionr: The Editorial Office The Monte Cervantes, which has Available records listed the ship thnran instthen reignbofkinu announces the issue of the Announcement of the Colleges of Engi- isGermian tramp designation and is as of in excess of 7,000 tons dis- neeingan Arhitctre or 93-191, hih i No 3 ofVol ~ owned by the Hamburg-SouthI placement. It recently arrived at Zog. nern adAcitcuefo 00191 hchi o 3 fVl.X TAnmercan line, etahreoIh uno ie ro abr.An assembly of the chiefs of the, of the University Official PoblictLion. A i de' o ntachne nelth u ensghesfom-Habrg arious clans, including the Mar-{ Ira M. Smith which Magellan sailed on the first Only about seven per cent of the: ditz, held at Episkoi, proclaimed circuimnavigation of the lobe, people in , England at the present the dethronement of King Zog, de-! Univeitiy of Michigan Official Publcation: 'The Editorial Officeig1 While at first some fear was heldI time are classed as "farm popula- spite the efforts of an Italian of-+ announces the issue of Death Notices, September 928-September 19291fr those aboard the Argentine war (,io." ; nicer to pacify the chiefs by offers supplementary to General Alumniu Catalogue of Officers and Students__ of money and desite the agu- 1837-1921 (Including Addenda), whichi is No. 37, of Vo. IXXXI of the mtents of the chief of gendarmerie.i University Official Pub]lication. o clock at Dley's studio. All members come prepared to pay their annualt Seeral Albanian politicd refu- Ira M, Smith ro11es. gees have returned to the insurgent --- districts from Jugo-Slavia. Chiefs n Polonia Literary Circle will hold its regular meeting in Lane hall of the insurgent clans were report- University of Michian Official Publication: The Editorial Offie auditorium tonight at 7:30 p. in. ed to have lilled King Zog's local ;t announces the issue of the Abridged Announcement of the SuYYifl hcr COMING EVENTS partisans, notable amoang themr be- Session for 1930, which is No. 40 of Vol. X XXI of the Univers;ity 0"Ticial Library Committee Meeting: There will be a meeting of the Library' ing Rusten Bairan Ghasi. Publication. iraCommittee on Tuesday, January 28, at 4 p. i., in the Librarian's office.1 The territory known as Albania fra l. SithMembers of the Faculty having requests to lay before the Committee was made up of the old rurkish are asked to hand them in at the Librarian's office before noon on:rvne fSutr n fYnn Students; Colleges of Eng neering and Architecture: AUl tud-ents in t Monday, January 27. arnce of heuparsan of he Otoma these Colleges who have not called at the Secretary', 01.1cc, 2i3 West' Win. W. Bishop, Librarian vand t of hepsrsoothandttmani Engineering building, to give the narnes of the teachers of all the.'_________ courses in the Literary College excepting Chemistry, Economics, Geology,; Rhetoric 149 (Drama 1): Assignment for Wednesday night, Janu- which bordered upon those prov- c and Pysicsare sked o do o imediatly inorde thatthei grads j ainc:(s.enAlbaniancs. inanependencedenewaa and~~~~~~~~~~~~ Pyisacakdtdosimeitlinodrttthigrdsry 2:atn h production of the winning one-act plays, Tuesday, ~roclaimed and ageed to in the may be obtained in time for classification., January 28, and take notes for discussion. Members of the class willI latter part of 1.912 and a Europeanr Louri A. Hlopk~ins, Secretary call for their tickets at the Rhetoric Office, 3222 A. '{I. picWlimo id ett gorine icimontry. sntto; Aeronautical Society: Membrs who ha;ve any a:ctivities which may ift. 0. T. C. All Classes: Except. where otherwise announced to the Wtgtevutbrano the Ero- be Included in the re prt for thle rovr Loning College Air prize, .are iass, final semester examinations will be held in the freshman Assembly j eanwri 1914 the rine left1 asked to hand them in before Saturday noon to Conelia Burwell, secre- I room, West Engineering buildin~g, 7:30 p. i., Thursday, Jan. 30.1 the country and it fell into a stateI tary; or Clarence Ellicock, president. fleports may also be left at the oinrh u f hc ntelt glider shop at 1050 Natural Science buildiig. Make a brief and detailed Hindustan Cub: Mr. Fenner Brockway, member of British Parlia- ter days of the war grew the re- report of number of solo or dual hours, here, when, and under whom, m aent, will talk on "British Labor Party and India," on Monday, JIan. 27,1 public which continued until 1928.1t summer flying; Army and Navy r,-serve fling; gliding; flying or gliding jt 4:15 p. m. at the Natural Science auditorium. All are cordially On Sept. 1 of that year Ahmed Beg license; balloon trips, where from and duration; research work and any invited. i Zogu, president of the republic reports or articles that may have been published. Include any other{ since Jan. 31, 1925, was proclaimed.1 activity also. These activities must have taken place between April 19 Standp Collectors: The regular meeting of the Ann Arbor stamp king. lie later abbreviated his 1929 and Jan. 1, 1930. j cub will be held Saturday evening at 8 o'clock in room 408 of the j name to Zog.j Romance languages building. There will be an auction. Collectors and I Recent reports have said hi Children's Rhythm Classes: Children's Rhythmi Classes are still ! isitors are cordially invited. health was very bad and have men- open for registration. Call University extension 3176 for informationn. at tioned various movements against' Craftsmen will confer the third degree Saturday at 7:30 p. i.a his authority. The capital of Al-' ..,T ODAY Masonic Temple. All Master Masons cordially invited. 1 Ii~ sTiaa Exhibit of Silk and Cotton Prints by American designers and inn- ____ -----____ ____ ufacturers, third floor Archtectuire building. in n in ' t Cr."r.3s r.,Ye0.~/i^l ,. .,,~'o.,~r wr Engli 31 and 32--Mr. Hutchins' Sections: I shall be unable to' New Y r itd i4b meet- these classes today. Stocks NewmYork All Engineering Studctits will plieAe~ examine carefully the pub-f Chicago Stock Exchange i lished Schedule of Examinations and report all conflicts in their exam- Cnevtv iri ~ 4 lvln tc ~hn inations to Professor fligbie?'s office, room 272 WVest Engineering buiildl- I.g ing, not later than today at noon. &a lI. II. Hli li New Yrk Curb Marketj Telephone 2 3271. consCrido osraieMri Engineering Mechanics: &1r. C. Burner, Detroit, will demonstrate' IAcouts1 ae nkCosevaiveMgi the application of the Rieckhof instruments used to compute stresses in 1 21 r'irst Nat".BakrP one .4294 statical indeterminate structures. The meeting will be held in West BR~W~R 0 i S~ &!O Engineering bufiling, room 445, at 8 p. in., and will be of special interest -NOIOA~ to students in. Structural and Aeronautical Engineering. NOP AEe Investment. Scurities Freshman Literary Class dues will be collected today, from 9:00 a. mn. Ar Arbor Trust Bldg.h t :3 t3:0p. in. at the diesks in the main lobby of Aigell hall. Is F1 1 ~ Sigma Delta Phi picture for the Michiganensian will be taken at 12 1 1 __ Police Are Called to Disperse . Mob Threatening Lives of Foreigners: MANY SEVERELY BEATEN (Pv Associted Press) WATSONVILIIE, Calif., Jan. 23 -- A score of Filipinos were being gutarded from possible violence in the city hall here today after e d cisturbance in. which a mob of ap- -roxiinately 600 whites, arm.(, with clubs, whips. and f rearnm wreced~c the interiors of severe? Filipino residences and severely heat their occupants. All available police, sheriffs, deputies, state traffic officers and city firemen were called out to clis-" perse the mob and rescue its vc ti- ims. To prevent a renewal of hos- tilities, Sheriff Carl Abbott and his men remained here throughout the night. Bitter feeling, which had its in-. ception in labor problems, flamed into action at the use of White girls as dancing, partners in a Filipino~ Ssocial club at Palm Beach, across Assocc led Press Photo Ralph 11. Booth, Resident of Michigan, who was nominated by President Hoover for the post of minister to Denmark. Bloodless Knife Made for Cancer Operations the Paj'aro river from here. I y A~sciatted 'res;) of white men gathered at WASHINGTON, Jan. 23-Devel- 'corners and joined in the Knots' stree t opment of a bloodless surgical knife said to be particularly effective in cancer operations was described here Monday by L. J. Williams, di- rector of patents of the Grigsby- Grunow Co. of Chicago, makers of radio sets, in testimony before the senate interstate commerce com- mittee. The knife, he said, through the use of an electrical current gen- crated by radio vacuum tubes, sears arteries as incisions are made, and prevents the flow of blood. on the Filipino residences in South Watscnville. Bullets were fired "through windows, accompanied by a hail of bricks, and the infuriate whites surged into the houses, drag-i. Bing out the occupants. At least 12 Filipinos were badly beaten and flogged by the mob, while others fled to rooftops and : cellars in terror. The arrival of police detachments was credited >with having prevented possible kill-.. I ins and the firing of the dwell- ing~s. i l 1 ryA + HO0R I "wTZ RUSSIAN PIANIST in CHORAL UNION SERIES Hill Auditorium, Ann Arbor Friday, Jan. 31,8:5 Tickts-$1.50, x$2.00, $2.50 at School of Music I I STATE CAFE 302 South State Street Elmer M. Stofflet and Lane S. Lee Dinner and Noon Lutnches 40 60c Toasted Sandwiches Special Steaks Chinese dishes I 4 , .4 I 11 I S We have table and counter service Also-semi private booths. 4 p _ __ i r. x Michigan LeAfm BOB CARSON'S ORCHES5TRA Every Friday and Saturday. Nights "eBe in the Spotlight" Tickets at Wahr's and League Desk, 1 SIR PHILIP BEN GREET MONDAY JANUARY 27 -*