FRIDAY, JANUAR"I 24, 1930 THE MICH4IGA N DAI LY .b 'Ar ... PAGE SEVEN FRIflAY, 3ANXJAR~ 24, 1930 PAGE VEN CARD1SIN HI Thckey Tem nicturns JOPlNIO N9T1AIU ,-,From Exhusting Tour Tfl nrrir.IIfIflflTVi .®... FRESHMAN CAGERS APPEAR TO BE New Rivals to Oppose LA S S I F I Er STRONGEST TEAM IN RECENT YEARS Iowa Teams in 1930 M, Press). V !lviiiV t11I Canadian Swimniing Team Holds )nierational Y.M.C.A. Chamnpionship. OLYMPIC MEN TO SWIM With one Conference meet out of the way, in whichethey.over- whelmed Indiana by the score of, 57-14, and several Michigan State championships marked up for i-I dividual members of the team, the' Wolverine .swimmer's are preparing for one of the hardest tests of the season which will come when they .meet the Toronto Y. M. C. A. team' .: at the Intramural building at 7:301 Saturday night. Varsity Won Last Year.. Under the guidance of Coach Matt Mann the varsity has been working out daily, in preparation for this contest. In last year's neet with the Canadian team, the Con- ference champions were hard press- ed throughout the contest, winning out in the final event. Toronto won four first places and the outcome was never certain, Coach Mann's men fighting for every point and finally being rewarded with the vic- tory. The Y. M. C. A. team is prepared again this year to push the Wol- verines to the limit. They boast many excellent swimmers with three members of the Canadian Olympic team heading the list. Gib- son was. with the. Olympics,, swim- ming in the free style events, with Auburn doing the breast stroke. Besides being Olympic stars these two men are also record holders in their events. Phillips is the third of this trio. He represented Cana-: da in the diving contests. Toronto Has National Title.. Toronto Y. M. C. A. is the holder of the National Amateur champion-t ship cup as well as being Interna- tional Y. M. C. A. title holders. They have won several meets already this year by decisive scores, and with Michigan winning all its encoun- ters as well as taking a number of State A. A. U. championships, Sat-j urda.y's affair promises to be an ex- ceptionally hard fought battle. An admission fee of 50 cents will, be charged for those wishing to at- tend the affair at the Intramural building pool, with everyone invited , to attend. LAFAYETTE, Ind., Jan. 23-Pur-' due's basketball squad, leading the' race for the Big Nine title with two' victories and no defeats, will have an enviable record to uphold when ; it jumps back into the Western:! Conference schedule here February' 3 aaginst Ohio, ".T{ n,,teri~r~m P e 1 L .. r r1a.: -T 'e 1 r om T xa ,. . {Lp, was ta y. I.. reCeIt iwOrk Oa nthe par of the quintet is the two occasions on - ; TT T1 ' ms from Texas: in the first Michigan-Minnesota freshmen basketball players has which the yearling reserves not on- I tsyania, new to Un e game. The sender Varity for. lead Coach Fisher to believe that ly outscored the Varsity reserves ward, taking ovcr the defense du- cage outfits to grace the Michigan but also outplayed them. Defeat upon th1 o in a jteofCpanBynwho had re- ;heorhars oeo teretaealigmaining uo h 90batns ties of Captain Bryant, who had e-floor for several years. Somewhat for the Varsity was averted both .urvey at the department of ath- turned to Ann Arbor, skated lopsided in respect to the number times by the insertion of the Var- . through the Gopher defenses to of candidates available for the sity first string five against the make three goals unajsisted for the various positions, the squad is freshman regulars. In seven sports, a total of 48 con- nonetheless well balanced in the Coach Fisher has been using tests are yet to be played with 24 jonly scores of the first game in distribution of basketball talent. three forwards almost entirely dur- different opponents, and schedules the second test the itnnesOtans The squad as a whole is excep- ing the season because of Che lack in three other branches have not upset the dope to outskete the fa- 'icnally fast and clever for the us- of candidates in this pSt'Odan ig oth tigued Lowreymen end eke outz I al run of freshman basketball ma- Nvertheless. he has three prom-ben drawn. Eight o the colleges °n ia. As dffering from the candi- ing men in Eveland, Baldwin. and an universities never before have diates last season, this year's team Petrie, all of which are capable of sent teams against the Hawkeyes. i The Wolverines completely out- posseses little in the way of height. handling the ball in good style as The Texas teams are the state played the Gophers in the frst Very few of the men are over six well as having very keen eyes for- game, raining the Minnesota nets feet tall and two of these are cen- the basket university and Texas A. & M., both with 41 shots while the Iversonj ters who have been slightly out- Manuel has been the outstandino of which will be met twice by the coached team made only 17 plar-j played by a man only six feet in center on the squad so far this basketball team when it goes into ries at the Michigan goal height. year although the steadily improv- the southwest for its early spring Stopping off long enough on In the scrimmages with the Var- ing work of Darner and Cummins, training trip.I their return to Ann Arbor to meet sity the yearling cagers have been both Of which outdistance him in Detroit university, Penn State, the strong Marquette team, the showing to unusual advantage by stature, has been placing the pos- and Centenary college of Shreve- Wolverines dropped a close and holding the Veenkermen to surpris- session of the regular center berth port, La., are new rivals in football; hard fought game which was only ingly low scores. Making allow- more and more in question. and North Dakota State and Con- - turned to the advantage of the ances for the fact that the Varsity The three best guards at this cordia Seminary of St. Louis, bas- Hilitoppers as a result of a desper- ould defeat them by a muc.h wider stage of the season appear to be ketball opponents, are making j erate last minute aTtack. The Gold- Imargin if necessary and discarding Shaw, Altenhof, and Tessmer. their debut on Old Gold cards. en Tornado, winner over Michigan entirely the scores of the scrim- __ _-__ ___ ___ ___ __ Associatnxi i'reas I'1hto last year by a margin of 24 goals in mages, the fact still remains that Willis Glassgow. two games, was held practically ev- the first year men have been giv- University of Iowa athlete, who en over the route with Langen and ing the regulars unusually stiff op- - starred on both gridiron and dia- Nygord matching the best the All- position. American duo of McFadden and One other fact which cannot 'be mond for the Hawkeyes, has signed McFayden could offer overlooked in rating the freshman" for a spring tryout with the St. ----- Louis Cardinals. Glassgow playedC shortstop on the Iowa team that gave Michigan a close run for theIs Western Conference title in 1929. e many years we have catered I tOto the college trade and the values , NOTICE NOTICE-Will type theses at 10c a page. Phone 5449. 345 NOTICE-Students Inn will board you for six dollars per week. Breakfast 7-9; Luncheon 11:30- 2:30; Dinner 5:00-7:30. Inquire at 712 Hill street. 450 T Y P I N G- Accuracy, neatness, ' promptness. Mrs. Conkey, 1309 Wihnot. Call 5568. 345 $7.00 PER WEEK will give you the best meal in the city. Try it at Tea Cup Inn, 330 Maynard St. Opposite Post Office. 1234 TYPIST-Speedy, accurate, will iNotre itame D.ownecd by Spartan Cagers (Special to The Daily) EAST LANSING.-M i c h i g a n State won its second victory in 11 years over a Notre Dame basket- ball team here Wednesday night when the flying speed of Don Grove, the midget mite, carried the Spartans to a 28 to 21 victory. Grove, who gulps lumps of sugar to give him strength, certainly looked sweet to the home team fans. The 120 pound dynamo made five baskets in the first half and then added another in the final pe- riod when the Spartans were slip- ping and barely holding a threet point lead. ATHLETIC SCHEDULE Saturday, Jan. 25{ 'Wrestling-M. S. C., there 6ockey-M. S. C., there Swimming-Toronto Y. M. C.A. 'here icncing-M. S. C., here Monday, Jan. 27 basketball-Minnesota, here An opportunity to buy shoes of proven quality at substantial reduc- tions. Oxfords, Straps, and Pumps formerly $5.00. IlLff ovv $3.95 L2 & Be SHOE SORE 620 East Liberty Street Men's $2.50 Spats, $1.95 i 1 Ii I Hart Schaff ner & Marx The Down Town Store for Michigan Men Semi-Annual Clearance copy theses at any time. Reason- able rates include expert advice on English construction. Lucille. 5865. C TYPING-Theses a specialty. Fair I rates. M. V. Hartsuff. Dial 9087. C TYPING-Neat work. Call for and returned. Dial 21408. 2340 COUPLE driving from Chicago to Ann Arbor for J Hop can accom- modate three. Call Bob Glahn, 23201 after 8 p. m. 456 RADIO SERVICE Competent service men on all makes of radios. STIMPSON RADIO SERVICE Dial 21408 521 East Liberty 246 PIANO TUNING - Phone 6776. I Victor Allmendinger. The Stein- way concert artist tuner. Office at residence, 1608 Morton Ave. 2340 6 WANTED VNI " WANTED-Students to enjoy a real meal. Forest Inn, 538 Forest. 2460 WANTED-Ten honest- clean-cut Michigan Students to assist in organization promotion work for inter-state corporation. Chance for high pay and permanent connection. Apply Room 323, Michigan Union, Fri., 8-11 p. m.; Sat., 10-12, 2-5; Sun., 2:30-4:30. 450 CLO''HING AND SHOE SALESMAN -Experienced only need apply. Student preferred. The Fair Store, 200 Main. 45 FOR- FOR RENT-Furnished apartment. fTwo rooms, kitchenette,, and bath. Near campus. Cal J. Malcolm. 8855. 34561234 FOR RENT-Next semester, upper front double room. Also down- stairs,. half of double room. R'ea- sonable, warm, and clean. One minute from campus. 707 Tap- pan. Call after 5 p. nm. 1345 TO RENT-Two rooms for five men. Also half of double room. Shower. reakfast if desir~ed Dial 7007. 456 FOR RENT-Near campus, a desir- able room in private family for second semester. Dial 5929. .456 FOR RENT-Five blocks south, east of campus, fine large house. in good condition; shady ground; fruit, chickens;, double gauage; A No. 1 surroundings; to respon- sible tenants only. Dial 5740. 456 FOR RENT-Front suite, single and double room. on first .and second floor. 415 South Division. Dial 22352. 456 FOR RENT-During second sers- ter; a.well furnished suite. 1ea- sonable rates. 727 E. Univeity. FOR SALE FOR SALE-New tenor batjo. Leather bound case incided. Half regular price. Phone 4697. FOR SALE--Terins, New Encyclo- pedia Brittanica and mahogany book case. Phone 3725 during day. 12 Cornwell Bldg. 456 FOR SALE-Equipped waxed gold- en oak kitchen cabinet, $20.00. Call evenings, apt. 2, 415 South Pifth Ave. 456 LOST LOST-Steel beaded shoe buckle. Return to Elfie Collier, 513. E. Jefferson. Dial 3652. 45G oc T SALE SALE Our 1930 January Clearance gives bigger and better values thin ever before. To make reduc- tions easier we have placed all our stock in three groups. MEN'S SUI With Extra Trousers $350 $3, Bargains? [ 1 Including Regular Values From $30 to $35 [2] Including Regular Values Of $40 [3] Including Regular Values rom $40 to $50 Cohpare-you'll see! REDUCED TO $2250 REDUCED TO 2850 Formerly $40 OVERCOAT'S $3350 . a.. U .. 3350 I TO Fornierly $40 Formerly $45 and $50 ALSO ADEQUATE REDUCTIONS IN HIGHER PRICED OVERCOATS Now's the time to save money on Browning King clothing. We're making room for our spring stock by offering the remainder of our winter suits and overcoats at big savings. Now is the time to take advantage of this big opportunity. SU-ITS 20% Red...uction _ t 1_ Hart, Schaffner & Marx FURNIGS Extra Trousers Proportionately SUITS - SUITS Thirty dollars expresses a sale price in this line of clothing. Only a special purchase of these fine woolens I Ili if 11