i MlIAY, .JAiNUAlty ,Hs D'A lL \ - _ _ x ---- ---, _^ - i a Sa o SNOSINGAMEKJHOP CALLS FOR LATEST FASHIONS WOMENTOMANHY100CKIINGPAITS ~ 5 J ~ NBy Belle sd no gacfldae ctivities at the League no gaeu rps;building1 lOCC C lC 0 10 FRISHMIN is I"After my laughter came tears"1Oteso ofeairalsdrape'L ElL' STAG LSETS~wi~i be prticlaly numerous nextUL UdSIl i [IILSILO isdunt be reversed in a couple of from a normal waistline into en-! , week considering the fact that ex- I__ mwen hicthere WaAre Partyto Retureto Fiel INT OCU S S IESLas It won't be long now, and J-;little dance frock of black taffeta Play Production Inaugurates aminationstareoonlyuanweekFoff. I N E O LAS LLDI~~Hop means evening dresses, evening1 has a gay touch in black brocaded Plan oHaigFemininee are the usual number of rg HueAtrSkjgStra ssan moeeeigdresses. d th bright nosegays set in as ao Handesnn.aa committee and organization HueAfteArborentu. a Sophomores, Overcomei Juniors you hae" led wkdpanel down the front and added inStg meetings. yours out, the model sketched is two' huge panniers and sash ends ITd in Closest CageC ontest gaate ?mk bouey~tva h ak STUDENT WRITES PLAY rrdY groups 2 and 3 of the Amer- THAW TO CH-ANGE PLANS of Series,.sotga i se o! h sit nl-egh of course, ig the !- ---* ican Association of University Wo- - is made entirely of white tule ruf- only length permissible now for For the first time in the history; men and~ Sigma Alpha Iota wlWthold In order to take advantage of the TEAMS ELECT CAPTAINS! ties on a white satin base, The top evening. Some of the newest dress- of Play Production, all of the de- meetings. Tomorrow night Leta'snow while it Is here, the Women's _ - { es trail' along the floor after the tails of management hav been: Kappa Rho will meet. The Faculty Atletic association will conduct Mlrd wearer, and others have a detach-s Women's Chorus rehearse Monday its third skiing party of te sea- Mvarion Geib,Mide Cassidy'al pint ereoe hlpacd in the hands of "women forj and the Freshman Girls' Glee Club Ar Hig Scorer for ll tansoee orpsed vl the presentation of "Leila" Frday{ and Alpha Alpha Gamma, archi- son, and incdentally, the last of SCool anc o eeingwas r Vl nd Saturday nights. The play it- tectural sorority ill hold regular the semester. All women are Invit-" Senor._metngs iminous and frame their wearers Isf was written by Dorothy Acker- metns ed; and are asked to meet at 2 The seniors and the sophomores; faces very captivatingly. On theI man, '29, and submitted in the Regular meetings scheduled for o'clock at the Field house. twhole, evening wraps are shorter 1 play cntest of last year. Tuesday are the University Girls"farwl ecnutdo weevcoiosoe h fehe than those of last season, leaving{ At present, novel operations areGleCuanPn-een.Th1Te kand the juniors respectively in the; ( . the long skirts of the formal gowns n process in the Lydia