PAGE TWO T[HE N'TC TC.AN DAT LY S4 0FD11 TMGeology Professor -- TELVThinks Cook Should. LINDBERGH PASSES I~rn~r~nIPbe Kept in Prison 3 "5 Ap nPio ,t Lavenworth Inmate Was in Ann TO H EPEXPLRE ArborSeveralATimes toLecture. Admiral Byrd'st Expedition May "The request forwarded fron' Leavenworth penitentiary to th at I Antarctic Region. 'td.orney general at Washington re- ICE MAY BLOCK PASSAGE commending the setting at libert' __of Dr. Frederick A. Cook will recar £ to thn older geeraioithx.o x Flagship Stopped at Northern serie o Edg of Ic Bseries of frauds which were perpe tratad by Dr. Cook before he Wa finally landed in a federal prison a (By Assocatcd 'Press a result of using the malls to de- - NEW YORI, Jan. 23.-With ice fraud in connection with an of Shwn in the cockpit of a Bowlus Col. Ch blocking passage of Admiral Rich- conmpany," said Prof. William H Iecondary glder, in which he gual- hd ard E. Byrd's flagship to his base Hobbs, of the geology department fled for a first class glider pilot's ichine and n at Little America, an appeal has yesterday when informed of. th( icense or afirst flight. p s When he r been made through the state de- mpvement set on foot to parole Dr. Col. Lindbergh. never having point and t Ca tment for the aid of N'Sorwegian Ckown a glider before, rose in the' earth, he ha Some will remember the studen uAr and remained aloft 31 minutes,.class glider whalers to help save the Byrd ex- lecture association which precedetsing rising air currents along the class license pedition from spen ing another the oratorical association as a pur- 'acific coast to buoy up the ma- seconds, sec year on the Antarctic ice barrier. veyor of outside speakers for th - -figh of on The New York Times, which, campus. Lee White, now on th( and left tu with associated newspapers is editorial staff of the Detroit News censes a so t-was at that time chairman of thiI L utes over t sponsoring the expedition, said to-; lecture association, and upon th N1 sts e day that an announceient that the return of Dr. Cook from the north T gliding scho f p n o iglhax e it o , sigl c easoc atoipnd u on tgSXl'idite sts eve flagship City of New York had Mr. White closed a contract with IIfor this co reached Little America is contra-, his manager for $2,000 for a single' Glider assoc dicted by Capt. H. H. Railey, man- appearance in old University hall MichganThe desig ager of the expedition and Admiral President Angell and myself, per- Residents of ichigan Honored secondary g Byrd's personal representative in haps others, warned Mr. White by Commission for Acts established New York. The announcement against this unsafe proceeding. of-Hrois m. soaring reco originated with an amateur radio When the lecturer arrived in Ann'ofIheroism. more than operator in Washingtonvilie, O. Arbor, Mr. White begged the man- of the Wrigh "On the contrary," Capt. Railey ager to reduce the amount of Dr. Assoced 1rs first official said, "the' City of New York has Cook's honorarium, which obliging-f PITTSBURGH, Pa., Jan. 23.-A reached only the edge of the ice ly was reduced to $1,600. Receipts silver medal and five bronze med- pack in the Ross sea, a very dif- ! for the lecture were only a fewasweewrddtrsint ferent matter, and owing tothe un- hundred dollars and the lecture as- als were awarded to residents of precedented condition of the ice sociation passed out of existence Michigan by the Carnegie hero fund Al pack the New York and the Elea- The bill remained unpaid for sev- commission today in recognition of nor Bolling may not succeed in ne- eral years until it was finally taken acts of heroism performed during Its gotiating the southward pasage to f up by the regents of the Univer- the last three years. assn Admiral Byrd's base--at least not sity.~ Th' awards were to: Burney - without the aid of larger vessels. "Dr. Cook again appeared in Ann' The Co-operation Sought. Arbor when the late Major General :Veenstra, 24,. a wood-carver, 1226 Brockway1 "This is a critical time. The El- Leonard Wood and the late Admiral, Leonard St, N. W., Grand Rapids, Labo eanor Bolling will join the City of Peary were brought to Ann Arbor for saving Julius A. Brockheim, 21, New York on the northern edge of to lecture in Hill auditorium on the from drowning at Grand Haven, the ice pack about Jan. 26. If the then vitally urgent question of pre- from Jo i at GPrARnLI ice is sufficiently open by that iparedness. No sooner was it made - Mich., July 4 1929.AR time both vessels will proceed known by the press that Peary was L. G. Franklin Wall, 44, a farmer, Fenner B south to Little America. But there to speak here than Cook, who was Cedar Springs, for helping to save is at present no indication that the on the vaudeville stage with a "an indeterminate person or per- mber of ice pack will be sufficiently open. sketch of how h ad reached the s from an explosion in the nd a well "We are therefore asking the North Pole, came to the Majestic 1cos fom an edp in in E theare ad nihts enouced chool house at Cedar Springs May Enishl and state department to solicit the co- theatre and nightly denounced 10, 1928. speak on "E operation of the Norwegian gov- Peary. n attempt was made by 1Ralph Ganis, 4, farmer, Cedar at 8:00 o'cl ernment in making available to Cook to break up the meeting in G s, r cl Admiral Byrd the aid of the power- Hill auditorium, but it was frus- Springs, honored with Wall for his Jan. 27 in ful whaling vessels now fishing trated by a committee which kept dart in preventing the explosion. eses arenowthe ice a t.iks c him b"Inmopinion," concluded Pro- Grand Junction, for saving Mar- auspices of1 tance of Little America. Designat- fessor Hobbs, "it would be a mis- garet Morelandg 72, from be:rgi cioogy. ed especially for operations in the take to free at this time so notor- killed by a tran at Bangor, March Brockway Antarctic, one of these ships can ious a faker as Dr. Cook, and it .a proinen force her way through the pack would in measure tend to throw George H. Florian 31,postmast er mnent andl negotiate the return passage discredit on great explorers such as at Grand Junction, for saving Mn-; ninl.ent. I in 10 days under normal conditions. Peary, Byrd and Amundsen, all'of nie M. Ross ,D, Jr., and Virginia M peace and l "To avoid spending another year whom in succession reached the Saner, ae2, n d by retpec- 1920 was joi North Pole." .ively, from being killed by a train sse on the ice barrier the expedition P at Grand Junction on Oct. 4, 1928. son system must depart from its base at Little' .. Russell R. Chambers, 32, of Parliament. America not later than Feb. 20. If J ffcials Ask Increase Houghton Lake, for saving Edwin He has w aid is necessary to insure its de-. F. Cline, 40, from drowning at including " parture we must supply that aid. if Immigration Patrol Houghton Lake, Oct. 20, 1927. "A Ne Day The Ross sea began to freeze last (By Associated Press) The awards were six of 25 made Government year on Feb. 22. . by the .commission at its 26th an- At 4:00 o'c Reach Edge. of Pack. WASHINGTON, Jan. 23.- mmi- nual meeting. Two silver medals Brockway w "The City of New . York has gration officials want more men on were awarded and 23 bronze med- Labor and7 reached the northern edge of the horseback to patrol the Mexican als given others for acts of heroism. Science audi ice pack. There conditions de- and Canadian borders and more scribed as the worst in the history ship sleuths to search out stow- of the Antarctic confront her. aways. Without aid she will probably be Testifying before the house ap- A v~,1 nnntn ho in d)tln n~nintin b iP itt far the T A N E HLL "a fluc . .'1il ViY 1EiVU~G G t. GLIDER TEST IN FIRST TRY German GovernmentS fl TO [' 9O Holds New Evidence C U L UI U.S. War Claims NILDTBANOUL Fo ar AgentS ug ht for Ten Architects Will Give Professor ! (ByAsocated Pres WASHINGTON, J n. 23-Spec- tacular new evidence offered by representatives of the German gov- eriiment has brought about a re- hea::ing on American war claims upmn wartime disasters allegedly zccomplished by agents of imper- ial Germany. The evidence was furnished byl Thecore Woenayk, said to have been a German agent, who wasI sought in vain for more than 10 years after the disasters, and who then, the German evidence de- arles A. Lindbergh. ord of 9 minutes and 45 seconds, a iaintain it in flight mark that was not surpassed until a German expert in a Darmstadt returned to the starting soarer, flew for more than four brought the glider to hours over the Cape Cod dunes. dr rm lif i-d fn n fie T hi n r h eciIn a"c~rsc -9 as quanl e or a irsL This mar K has since been surpasseudrsvontiyapeedhe U. I1U .UI L~~i~ ~'4 ~k1~t~ ~Ci ~~ld dlares, voluntarily appeared here pilot's license. Third several times on the Pacific coast s require a flight of 30 where gliding is finding an enthu-I and gave the German officias the cond class licenses a 'siastic reception. new testimony. e minute with a right Woznayk is still beyond the reach irn, and first class li-j of American investigators, and this aring flight of 5 min- I Dcircumstance, it was learned to- he same spot. These ILday, will. figure in additional evi- oped in the German dence which United States officials ols, have been adopted i Twill offer before the case is re- untry by the National li HL\hmopened. iation. / I Roland W. Boyden, war claims ner and builder of the # arbiter, has given representatives lider shown above has Practical Public Speaking' Will of both governments until Feb. 1 with 'it .an American be Weekly Subject of t ubmit new materal. Ord by remail'ing aloft six hours In 1911 one Prof. Densmore. ROME, Italy, Jan. 23.-Pope Pius brothers hung up the . today appointed the Rt. Rev. Fran- t rthers hung re- Radip station WJR has announc- ' cais J. L. Beckman, now bishop of ed that, beginning Sunday, Jan. 26, Lincoln, Neb., to be archbishop of TProf. G. E. Densmore, of the speech Dubuque, Iowa.. department and manager of the ' Im Michigan High School debating league, will give a series of talks over the radio on "Practical Pub- RAE lie Sp.eaking." The talks will be - given every Sunday after that un- ! NOW SHOWING Active in Peace and til the 30th of March.-c ctiv ineac anThis is the second year Prof es--he Phanto*m Ot r Movements in sor Densmore has given such a se- _the Oera England. ries of radio talks. Last year he of- fered to answer queries on public With AMENT MEMBER speaking, or any matters whichON arose during the course of his lec- LON CHANEYMARY Brockway, a Laborite tures, and the flood of letters from PHILBIN AND NORMAN i Michigan, Canad:a, Illinois, Indi- KERRY. the British Parliament ana, Ohio and Pennsylvania in- known figure in both fluenced his decision to give an All Talking, Singing, Dancing coitinental affairs, will other series this year. Professor Scenes in Technicolor. - English Prisons Today," Densmore also gives extension!- 150 Piece Orchestra ock Monday evening, courses in public speaking to De- .ytroit business men. e- Natural Science audi- e lecture is tinder the the department of So- STARTING U TODAY has for some time beenT t figure in English gov- He has been active in' ROSprt abor movements and in DOLOAES nt secretary of the pri- inquiry committee of. ritten numerous books, English Prisons Today," with Crime," and "The t of India."-,, clock Monday afternoon ill speak on British India," in the Natural itorium. AVERN A WARNER BROS. PRODUCTION m F s tare Foods- PHOTOS WILL BE SHOWN Sponsored by members of his class in architectural design, a tes- timonial banquet will be given for Prof. Ernest 0. Wilby, of the College of Architecture, at u o'clock tamight at the Union. Professor Wilby is leaving at the j end of the present semester for Florida. where Ie will spend his six month leave of absence. Percy Knudsen, '31A., and Abra- ham Waranof, '30A., announce that a number of students who have studied under Professor Wilby in the past will attend the banquet. About 35 are expected to partici- pate in. the testimonial to Profes- sor Wilby. Thomas W. Pemberton, '39A., will be the toastmaster of the evening. The program will be decorated with an etching of Hill akdi~torium, in > the designing of which Professor Wilby worked with the firm of Al- bert Kahn, Detroit. A collection of photographs of > buildings designed by Professor Wilby while he was associated with Albert Kahn will be shown. WASHINGTON, Jap. 23 .- The nomination of Edward E. Brodie of Oregon to be minister to Finland was sent to the senate Wednesrdiv unaLe T o peneTiraT e T e lee a1nct ne- propr iLons suU-comm 1A wee JluA4i. gotiate the southward passage to labor department annual supply Little America. bill, Immigration Commissioner "'However, hope that conditions Harry E. .Hull and his assistant, W. in the ice pack will be sufficiently H. Wagner, painted the border pa- altered in the next five days to per- trol of the present in glowing col- mnit Admiral Byrd's vessels to pro- ors, but declared that immigratip-n ceed south or that relief will other-) laws cannot adequately be enforced wise be afforded has by no means unless it is augmented. been abandoned." Commissioner Hull said he had Capt. Railey said that official ac- discovered stretches of country tion already had been taken on the nearly 400 miles long on the Ca- appeal which was made to the state nadian border where the immigra- department Tuesday. tion service had not .a single pa- The City of New York is esti- +trolman stationed to prevent entry- mated to lie about 525 miles north of undesirable aliens. He mention- of the base at Little America. I ed the "lumberjack country" from The Eleanor Bolling is the sec- I Duluth to the Soo as such a sec- ond ship of the Byrd expedition tion. lie deplored the lack of or- which. set out for the Antarctic in 1 ganization to search freighters en- the autumn of 1928. tering the larger ports.. Whae Theatre -0,Sat. Noght, Jan. 25th WERE IT IS-THE PLAY FOR ALL HUMANITY? GILBERT MILLER (by arrangement with MAURICE BROWNE) Presents The Choicest of Wholes mail= U w aaer. we vwo wwrs ww r t6V idol i/r/ OSiI a vw v Mrs. Anna Kalmbach !r AM R ITODAY ONLYMUNICISMS A Seven-in-one Star rTe actor you can't un, maisk Don't guess: le must be Policy Muni 2:00 A cast-in-one 3:45 They're all PaulMuni 35c He's something new un- 10c der the sun 7:00 Sum u the cast: total 9:00 is Muni 50c The complete performer 25c " /A play's "Who's Who" The screen's cast of j characters A e ar of stars The monarch of make- b.lieve Io 9 a P 1= C t- l r x f a R. C.Sherriff's Play That . I Sweeping the World! -s '-en -sm Uame