p'1cuJ E iI', 1H 'Nil MICH'IGAN EAILN 37 ll:.1 ) y 1 S.' 1,] *i1 1 JI~ AiLYFIILBiILLT ee fqrate tit ~flAE ~WOKINTERESTWNUNIVER _tl-- ni telaltnI u _u ventet i tx es~ 1fl lf .-~--. ~II1M B EO J~ That MihiansUniversity Mu- orf the livterit Copy recivd by tlw' Ass Lrt to the Pv1'xe- # ILJ UI ! 1!J G 11bii1c'w h bJec'n4aREPORT denlot until 3:30 p. nL. (1u:0a . nt. Strday) l' ,nnIir -('~''y xppular I Jac( .>.znlu g Xva-"' jVOL. X,. TIL SJIXY JANUiARY 23,h930 N. 35 r !IIJ Seccectary Davis Notices Slow -AWed Arburelsiay faLswi _ L1~II IJIIVUL ~e~ver inEmpoymnt vas j~uflc( ytrcy by Suunerm- - reover in mploment j tclden 4Wllians, in charge of tars L N0111r( 'FST After Stock Crash. of Inspection. The rcgitr in Fn- ti Uostl AnnunIH(cs IncreaseC - iut~ou Hal-l" ha iinea>cd sdead ;- All en ~tudents, Alemet~is e'1t I Milig aniiin Asitjqn Ma re: o zxlo~o ~ i(ANSu xrs JN :IY(1fli l ~t4 uthsiLW', 1(lI Nubrapetition signed by more than 110('~) llbers of the Union, Ithere wiliNumerno MenalsCIN SEN ATdRulAl.1 da¢uiigvth(IBat si be a meeting today in' the Union I in iitt a. in. to 6 pn. fr the purpes a yie1JCnc Calls. yll ave brought out. an Lwzrae os. 90t, place i fU 0 the1.mrit sO~(i for U~it to theC NOVEMtBER , i. ~~iguests over week curls. !I plae n l~ct henwitsyem ort~~ clction of the president au(dl .t t, :AL~.S§IN N ii WRWA~3IiNtC ON, D. C., Jan, 21-A cAording to uperiteudeint il- d ofteUin.ertr.Blswlll'cs t otha h tciW (upard tgene] in employment cdur Iians, a rater portion of tiie vi- ;s of tbe Ution. Lloyd, president Net Cost Per Student Amounts ip~g the last two weeks for the first tor fail to register when lookigla to*~2.O orLat ea;-1§CsViece the stock imarkt defla- over the exhiisinayon ftev to itj ,,frf 12~ 'u AI~e 'r:Al -tU~'i ~$.54foYeastYar;tr LtYveb1wa eore othre major display rooms, and an; 19ri? ea Bfoe.I ~; 't e mbrta rpotd oaccurate count of the act-ual to- ¢c I hose Colccs who have not c:; Vd tottrio ,nc1 :lrys olice. ?M3 Wey ove oayb eee -a any period is nees srilys +ilngincerikig bildilitir P(rive the nIlwm Alu,' o th Ita'elirs ofal t i,' r. WGVeii clEI Forythe, director , t.ary Davis. Ihalrd to obtain. In his es~mLae,;W cousesiaxthe Literary lCcbv.(..C pivv; liCll]M'r oEucot ies, ot+,yof .t~ieUiveiity HalhService, tlce Socei1-y ilC~rt _] -i hihe Capel of the Jziihitzran varlue. *, SF U D F~ Z Nan aiinyu icenent by Secretary Lra tion ceased saw the greatest crowd Legu bilin t :3 p r. Te -inalul pre,,srure. sys, S _____F_'. :rnt ha record year in co- I in many weeks at the institution,j - Dr. Forsythe, "upon our cepartmen'..- sti t inaind maintenance of pub- 55 registering in "Evolution hall" !e French Lecture: Professor Andre Mro rz of Hiarvaid University will for' increased and improved service 1 B ' sc~td c)lic work and by public utilities1 alone. l give the first lecture on the Csreie i7J-lcais program Thursday, Janiu- hi l' ay made difficult the pre- MANISTEE, Mich., Jan. 21.- seemed assured, with an outlay of Among the attractions with grad- d ary 23, at 4:15 o'clock, in Nalural Sa9icne auditorium onl "L'Esprit d2 oig. loll oi a necessary incomel. The ;Frank Meyers, 57 years old, pioneer' seven billion dollars in these fields iate students, back for this or that iL Voltaire." fcciirl o assuranlce which came !and veteran guide o Shoolea ft apr-obable dluring the year. - ----- ------- -- -- wall ceach past increase of student .enhlc tte nesatVon Geology 101 abratoiy: Lt make-till ierlodl today at 5 o'clock, fees v ,seyi ended by the inereas- county, was founid IfO/ i lco deathnlerc commission tdy pha -.-----_ rid cl niads for increasingly expe- !live m]iles fromt Stouuen Leaday. I-eI' tionis were filed by two railroads for A; 1. E. E. picture will be takean at 5:15 p. 111. at the Dey Studio, ,Jve seivice which could not be hsd gone out ysterday to cult ice. permlission to issue 30,00,000 in t i 334 S, State Street. withhe'ld under our very generous l me\ts asiuio'vn o hundreds of 'boxn, a large part of which IS to1_ Sir P polc?." itourss anti Lun~ers who -annu ally be %plt for new equipment and rJihc Psychologica Journal 'tb will meet thi~s evening il room l 211.15, 1FOS ,n.i,,-r.-1i y vis;its there was an visied this county. imnpovements this year. ~aia cnc uiin. 1), C , -ij; 119 ill rep)ort on inve'Stigatiouis o zcras of 2 per col( for the y5- - etnti. Mr. Brainard wxvii r'rpiert or certain entaltests of children. i12;3-25 use studo. All wmr-nbers come 1 rt 1a~ tuui i tj COMNG E~VENTS Rirp 1dt a herana usiUSSIAN PIANIST Uliivrsl"y lecturi>,: Mr. Fe~ ncr lBrockway, writer and i mebcrerrof l Jjdfjajl Clith: The election of A the ]rtish Parliament, will speak 0: I 'nlish PV1I ,;-ilflS Todayv," under II Jij(l~or the c ~c-ond(Is('estr £1 teauspices of the - OI -epaioflto nC'o", lfnil L: tal.ei iEiee au(di- ".i t !s, l- ' aeSuaday, Jan. 26, atC O ALS RE - toriurti, Molda, January 27, atl 8:.00 p.In. The public is inivited. 2.30p p ~i., a an hall AlI mem-I C OR L I NERIS_ r' .. 'UJl1' t xf'i rl e r-elted to be present RWITUniv ersity ]Art ( Ciub m e et ,; Lori ( h c .,i°r" at 7:30 at Womne's Lea ue billd- MERR1LL* LYNCH & COs. °w' ing. All mnmbors are urged to la.e and~e present as in portut discussion will Nr1 ! and Echan~ be held ol matters of bast Stock rxlN bi-ge - tire policy,(-I ecln tc o d y 1 16-4 [r 'SIT Y MUSEUM Y, DIRECTOR SAYS 1111 - r itL i Aim Arbr;, irin xy.Ad meiows petrifiedl sIuni which grar- I itle lobby of the old museum for many years. When it stood in 12 middle of the corridor where to. Romance Languages building is ow,, it became famed throughout ite schiolastic body as one or the se! pdlossesioiis which the then V1113(.Uure iii suui po&messd. To- ay it still heads the display on the concI floor exhibition hlla, but its romnence has ben\ shaded by ven more wonderful exhibits ln. very depatment. Following an interview wvith Mr.. Villianis yesterdty, Th'le Daily re- ur t or sauntered thirouh the reg- Le ns jutst to :ee if all ti %q claims f j tinc ver e j ugtif icd In the ' v - lution Hall" book thte name "Del 'ampbcll" was found, with the d- ress "Fiji Islancds" boldly standig . the adjacent column. Much akenm back with such news possi- 11lili0,, the reporter dashed back tu '. Williams to verify the unbelev- W1e discovery. It seems that Tr. 'anpbell is a student at Michgan, nid would have his joke, much to mo- reportcr'0 dsgust and - ftmp- oin tinent. The recgisters at the Museum iudin- includelinies from almost. very country in the world. The arthest point yet inscribed, how- ver, is some lonely town in cen- al Asia, the most prominent in-- abitant of whichi went th'oughi the nin Arbor institution late last year. Ch1ALLENGES TO DUEL~ WARSAW, Poland, Jan. 2L.-Aft- ra quarrel over this year's budget a a committee room, Deputy Po- oski today challenged Deputy ieberman to fight a duel hillit- ,REET hris_ PLAYERS fGTO .es'ohn Theatre ent at a on mnuary 27 rshmiiaii liLrary Clas-icues will Detroit Stock IExchange l beW colkctdd Friday, JanYuary 24 ,' New "s rl Curb Markect 3E#Maie from 9. :00 a. i7..to 3:30 l. int.a id IAcsrm %arie'~(.!Jd wi C ( svi v.4t!'1 iteiz0, r' ! Ai'?°'- Monday, January 2, from 91:00 a.BakPoe49KiMtn -- m o33 ,mat the deki 0 First Nat'l1ak hne49 the main entrance of Angell hall Evening- JUST READY By ROBERT COOLEY ,: h'A NGELL - BelGreet 1S l6cnide of the University of Michigana living authorities on the Liii A y i&T W 1r fafomousfor his remarab IUT I1 U'iPL ,j--- spearean plays and old E n ADJUSTMENTI $2.50 Hill Auditorium, Ann Arbor Bx Off ice I UNIVERSITY Frida, a fl. 31t hn ci $t~- .50, 2.00, $250 Seats $2.50, $2.C aShool o Vut _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- - - - - --__ _ _ _ _ _ _- -__ _ _ -- - ---- - -000 P. M. i NIGHT") LET" red "one. of the greatest glish drama" and - world !e productions of Shake.. glish comedies." Now Open 6300 )0, $1.50, $1,00 4 A ~1 ,. A i 4., w' _ °_' 1 mi II At the MICHIGAN UNION 111 ... r _ _ ___ _ - _ -- - -- -- T -I I _ il 1111