1L1U.S Lt~1; rJ G IJ~li a . _L i VARSiuFI T .- a a a . Rici i . 4 A i .: t." . PUG S TERS CLI t. N D PLACE GLASSIFIE'1 v ADERTSINUDT .A WISCONSIN HODSW OVER WOLVERINES Defeat, Second Game at HandsI of Gophers, Robs MichiganY Of Topu Rung Tie.Y E Joseph Maintains Stellar. Play Over Course of Trip tor Lead Individuals. Michigan's powerful hockey sex- _ tet, although running into a snag in the second game of the series against Minnesota, forged into sec- and plac-e in the Conference puck standings by ,splitting the four games against the Gophers and Wisconsin on their present road trip. With Michigan favored to sweep' the series against Coach Emil Iver- son's Gophers, the defeat on Tu~e,%- day night dine as a distinct sur- ; prise following :their easy victory 3V: of the previouis evening. In the first game of the series with Minnesota, Micliipan Oinerged a .3-,0 victor in a battle that was devoid of thrills - and full ;of poor hockey, but on the' Cla ;iene 'v' following night, the Gophers came ISiharpshiootiii forv"a "d, lead> iisth back to defeat the Wolverines by at ;Big Green court warriors this year, 1-Q count in a game that was fea-i Cherney is considered one of th, tured by sterling individual skill. most consistant baskotball per oni- Tbryant Decides to Stay. e rs in the eastern intercolle,ate Coach Lowrey's puckmen were cage circles. strengthened in the Minnesota se-!,rls ytedcso'o ati .Clarence' Bryant to remain' with J T" Hockey + n-i the team. "He had previously plan" i . ned. to return to Ann Arbor fob. ixReady for ~pcn lowing the two contests with Wis- I__ consin, but with a chance for (Continued Vron nat5ue C6) fl n n r IDIANA C EFTS AWAIT CHALLENGE '"rT ___NIC A R E ~------I I NOTICE-Will type theses at Oc uMKE i IJi S FM~A WL S HOPEFULS TONIGHT'SAUi I T.Wi lol agemo.Cal345 nat: th fN II N [ '1~ e~eW~ se,~ ak third conference campaign aagainst U g S1 rmpn. Mrs56. C ey 39 (Continued From Par'e ( icni, ilb tt6cntrAct r) Edward Wunsch tieseason. ( ----- dpost, Strickland and eller at thci -__sscite_____(e_______c_6_orarpsiioswhleteig-!EATANIN,_a.__________$.0_PRWEKilgve__l h Two brothers, Wesley and Dick !rivas. tydfnecmiaino l gawn has informally protested to! best meal in the city. Try it at Ferrell, bth proved to be sensa- List .ycU with a stronler team! and Veller wil operate fromx guard. Michigan State over the possible Tet Cup Inn, 330 Maynard St. tions in their first yea~ in the big than the Badgers boast at present usiftezoesse o ees*Oposite Post Office. 1234 t, although the Cleveland hurl- the Hoosiers were Zevllebrth and Blagrve are sopho-'NTC er far outranked his older brother margins of 27-24 and 24-20 in hard-I mores but Bagrave beat out the 3uigtebsetalgm e in his list of achievements. Wes fo ighit gatuns.a. lis .streby explains Iveeran Gill, a "regular ,from last! tween the two tea ms here February WE . BUY USED CLOTHING hung up 21 victories and suffered ;tiW pre.ttne ofth~e i I'y rinkles! year for the backguard position.15, t wa learned here today.1 . H.BNAI g 21 E.Washington Phone 4310 big 1 o s s i is f r t c a k a ' la c o e ~ w , zs a c ~ u a - M t r league battin g. Incidentally his ibig Uin th e co i e ture on erning;E e , a d G l i lp.a l C a h G o g e n e , o h I2 r e batting was good enough to war-th 1e itcomel of hischarges oni Peec plenty of act-ion against the MWlvrines, has expresed to State'---Dorothy_____Brawn__ rant 'hm a jo as on of T < ertucniayntr l~athletic authoritiesBagerhis .oppositiothriDoeotisyoposiwio r~cant him a jo a oincof rzoer.! ~nin gtn *. Cy- ader.to meeting teams using the zone MRGAELOANS -I~nya Pecinauh' rguarpichhites.nig.Coach Meanwell will uniquestion- Style of defense. At no time has he W without bons to loan ol Rick, although batting poorly,, Tho. present 1-cc';ir five is made ably stick to the five men ivho ,have refused to bring his team to Eat ioei n ro os.P~n showed that he had the ability to tup laigly of vtrai~n and excep- carried the brunt of the burden for ;Lsing, however, for the game 4356 1350io lome.Phn ra nk with the bcst receivers in the tiopali-y briliant sopiomor~ mater- I Wisconsin this season; the flashy] with State, it was said. Veenker______________ league,.i, and in addition to thle advan- Captain Bud Foster at center, Mat- explained that Big Nine teams use NOTICE-Special low prices on ex- The West's other representa tve tage held inx experienice, :tl Ind- thu,.en and Varber at forwards, aend ;the nman-to-man defensive strt- pert fur remodeling, repairing is none tither than the great. Art, ana players willi ~s eve al inch- Chmnielewski and Paul at the guard' egy and that he will not be per- and cletvin. Attend Zwerding's Shires, who batted for .312 and es over their 13ac er o ppanent; in 1 osts. This eoiMie t u vied in the mitted to work out any other style 25th Anniversary Fur Sale. 21- fielded fairly well in his first ap- rmal er' of h;ih. entire game «:'.Ginst Iinotis wvhichi of Play. 216 East Liberty. 456123 pearance in the league. hvs coach Everlx U hDen of Indiana was foa Lu.red by the f, ling of the In view of Coach Vreenker's opp__---- ____ freally a good player, and should will pl-0)ably rely on the sonic line-' Badger ; uanif %1i ospni, four con- >it ion to the zone style of defense, C 1FINAL EXAM TUTORING make a name for himself if he can up which vws gent ag7,4nst :the Wol-I secutive mnintes c1':ia V in ps-CahBnVnltno tt, MACK~ TUTORING- AGENCY control his teiriper il the fuji ~'rc% tci1 ,'c! M;{ a - layinig h ing the bail bew.e en themzhreives in }said today he probably will not use 31 .TAET. POE72 - 1ackccu--. to r i-.T 117te 1-9 iar-i!, gainstMihgn! 1230___ ___ __________ - Sm I_ --..i , A group of $1:2 shoes ate.. 'p .r ,.... _,., ,..: F + ,, Y - f Michigan to go into a tie for the "up of 'Theta Delta Chi, Alpha Delta ! leadership of the Conference at Phi, Xi Psi Phi, Phi Mix Alpha,' del- stake he remained with .the club. ta Alpha Epsilon. In the first of the two Gopher! In thne Canadian League Lher&I games, the play of either club was are Les Canadians, last year':, far from satisfactory. With neither; champions, Delta Upsiloni, Sigma tean'I clicking as it should, and; Chi: Psi Upsilon. play resembling that of two high Last year's intramural hockey school teams, Michigan's score was program was a distinct encQurap-e- held down considerably by the ef- I ment to followers of the ice sport onil forts of Christie, the Minnesota. the Michigan campus. While the net guardian. Time and again he I development of the play will showr was -able to save the Gopher net: a general all around imiprovement ~rom an assault as a sloppy Wol-1 of those players who arc just out-! verine offense outwitted a sloppier, side of the circle who are quazil- Minnesota defense to threaten to fled to mnake the Varsity team itl score. Joseph's solo dashz through surely will aid in the i'mprovemlent the entire Minnesota defense to of these players and conseqluently# score Michigan's first goal was vir- , turn out regularly men capa-ble of1 tually the only thrill of the game. j donning; the Maize and Blue. First Defet in Years. Several of the Intramural lhogkeyj This Minnesota defeat 'was the games last year Were conducive 01f first the Gophers had suffered on excellent stickha-idling-n display.;. their home ice in more than two the series between . Jiti e s Cana- years. It also marked the end of diens'ancl Xi Psi Philr: oattstancl the jinx that Minnesota hockey ing with th-e formet winnii g ov'rt teams have lieldl over Michigan for the rot. JiV.. n-..4. _____________________ ______ - r M 3 o j I f 3i t } f i a F i ' i i i i C , b _ - t. , 1. e R J ' +v v 1 :r { fb NOW9S Ge t tat new Suit Or' coat at this $18.75, $26.25 , $30,.,$3.75 Hlere is opportunity. Don't muff it! Jest the suit or o'eoat you want is here ready to welcomie you. Prices sub. stantially reduced. How about new shoes? Btty .Selz shoes at savings as well as desirable furnishings. e Dolore GUallagher TYPIST-Speedy, accurate, will copy theses at any time. Reason- able rates include expert advice on IEnp hsh coiistriletion. Lucllle. 5865. C Robert Shaw~ TYPING-Theses a specialty. Fair, rates. M. V. Hartsuff. Dial 9087. TYPING-Neat work.- Call for and returned. Dial 21408. 2340 ~LOST--A blue stoned silver brace- let at Union or. near. Reward of~ered. Phone 4803 or 0409. ' ~234: SGeorge Allen IWANTED - Experiened waiters; colored. Apply Joe, Parker's Cafe. Dial 9166. 1 I Ch aries Cuxrmiigs .HOUSEKEEPING SUITE- Fur- nished small. suite; warm and' clean; laundry privileges. 411 N. Istate St. 3. FOR R1 vlTi1Lttlish d apairtent. Two rooms, kitchenette, and Ebath. Near cam-pus. Cgall J. Malcolm. 8855. 34561234 Robert Montagni. -" ., Tifoll~er i . 111 canJcr. Inc. tIII~ r r f (f~/) fP '. f'I Z. mas.,en 11 S. MAIN STRLITT V }- L' I' A6 F- I Ii ...n the table- ifs -KILL the pasty le vv aS[}IT1L. Th. esday's battle was of an en- tirely different character than that! of Monday, the Gophers getting re-{ venge for their df eat o'f the pre- vious evening by nosing out a 1-0; victory over the Wolverines in a' thrilling clash. With only 1:35 to play in the second period Batholdi, Gopher center, 'swooped - dW4 0on the puck in front of the Michigan - ame. ICKEY STANDINGS. Teams W ,L Pet MI1CHIGAN -- .2 2 .500 MViinnescota .,......,..1Ii~ .250 x.':.spy."bk~, wl~gsyjc+:4.. ti Balance of, Week Special Men's 4-Piece Suits Coat, Vest and Two Trousers ,, { ,, .;; . :r ::' ...ti:, . single rooms. t22E. Catherine. Dial 4776.12 FOR RENTp-.Pleasant, front roomt,. close to campus, for two boy s, reduced for second semester, 127 North State, 123 -f='tI REiN T-N ---i, sem1 5 Ie.ster 13Per Irwit ,arcloe room, Also down- stairs, half of double room. Rea- sonable, warmi, and clean. One minute from campus. 707 1 ap- t , ail ;aft er> p. . 1234a Dorothy 'Bloomgafclen S , $1 Called for Delivered Q c ( 7 Cashl ,;161( .~i Igare;;F-te-it'sSTE6 Any Ladies' Dress Ij N EA R CAMP-US AND HO0SPITA- Nice front r[oom available nx semester, Phone 818l. I1358 Gecides Ave. 123, one single wonc~ii for next semces-* ter. Strain heated :wnd clus~eter campus. Rent very reasonable. Phione 4354. 1317 Washtenaw. 230C f Silk, Pleated, Fancy, Formal or Velvet $100. (Kindly Remove Belts and Buckles) Nelso FOR SALE *AA tArm.stronlg )JDGE A TREE by its fruit" the end-less de- tail of aigeing tobacco, W di ag andc cross-be d- in g, the Standard Chesterfield mnethod, is not 'What interests you. BLut its "fruit"- kcener, spicier aroma, true w ildness with unmnistakable toba~cco "character" -is just the omle thing that smokers aw judge by- "TAS TE a,6ove eoverqlt/inq 1- °cI L { l' (' f FOR SAL E-Thoroughibred great Dane do;.;. Six M-og1th's' old. Call 3540 or 1108 TTIIlst. 123 .Read The L). ...,nd yet 'THEY $ATISFIA J ..! ,.: ;-- = . Daily _ __ ._ ; . 41 S7 1 g 4