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January 23, 1930 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-01-23

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- L ----




Tl-Tr~. MICT-4h2AN I) Al 1.Y




"Sib fr Phii n retois eofnt- njAnn Arbor iflcc the ape ning' of T I I fl T Do you believe there is any to-dlay are too prone to forget thei "The
CH MFG Sibe >o.teinroutinofnt hrl W'Cr whlen h e etudrned I [ \( i-j, finer ission a woan 2canl erform jTa~r hiipBe GeprtanC lcacI ignlhty of 'the rc
OV R CF sOE a id Mrs. Allison Ray Reaps of 12922 to England to sulpervise a coni-'iinstrju o Ah ~i work wl\vhich lies within ter ae
Tai Ikta Phi Bows Before Helen Woodlawn Avenue,, who was a' valscent home t or' soldiers.' Athletic Assoiation Mcznibcrs ; %v il-bein'g?" was the qutestion yec- sphcrt" stznciia
N brrinEmitin member of his company when ipetoalt,"ccatMs.Nly aurayd destedgetleMkindlymas Mherm Edioiseincied te worst
NewberdrAn Arborlimina14.on Mr. Greet has an extremely to Mee atFil Housetctl drse t r.Toas Ms (isni iln otikavanhc
Series Game. his favorite theories is that Shake- Reaps n explaiuing his popularity !-ex-atray cian of one o the greatest gen-1 misnomher in the English language,' Parent
speare should be given without any !with the company. "All of the us oes the world has ever known. 0and prefers to speak of a married ,educat
SIGMA KAPPA DEFEATED artificial scenery, as he considers ; members of his group in mny day ;PART' TO END INDOORS 11r response was, "A woman has 1woman as the "house executive." A' lave b
____the lines alone powrful enough to were very young," she added, "and -- - l-- no greater mission than that. Com- !buiness woman gains a definite ' of schc
The second week of the intra- convey the meaning. Trees, bushes, "B. G."as we knew him, was like ' W, A. A. wil hold its last skiing pared with what Mr. Edison does, title, such as, secretary, cashier, or! but wo
a few stone benches and the elec-a fathr to us. Hie always saw that pa rty o the anmester on £;3tudr, m=1 this world, there is exeedinly stenographer, and a married won- tuniitie
mural basketball elimination series tric lights we strung up at nighti we wvent to church on Sundays. and January 25. These lannzingto ' litle I can do, and if Fate has an has considerably more opor- know s
finds Kappa Kappa Gamma, Cou-, were the only propertiecs used whennaernl i ecusoz! .lcd it in my hands to be of some j tunities to dsplay constructive ef- literatu
freuetl ailland Helen Newberry suir- 'the Ben Greet players pr esented e]U, haviour.uety " n wl lcta oco . ;ovicc to himI cnfeel ttI'fort il he nia ii ;snenr, o her }about
vin.Shakespeare here in the summer," r.Pallubeo 22Abttlalluw Field house, from which hajb ve not striven in vain. Women I homue. calmin
Viin .she declared. Ms au-ube f22 Abt
Monday afternoon, January 20,° Sir Philip and his comparny of St. who was a member of the, sonv'ic tt gp wl<otote- ---- ____
K~app apaGatap Engls lyr ilpeet Eey company, was also t pupil of Mr oretnun
Kapd Kh Oap to i~t srajmarswillprNight ,andvea- GreetkinNew York. "Most of his 1Following the: sking, tl t guests
lef C4itOmeg. tohe sc orme anet' "efthaNuight2"and "a-in h u . nNwYr wr tagrs ;lrtr't h iidIOi~
of3kt .TeCiOeajLydian Me ndels' oi theatrei eTh is Ithere," e s ain r re
tea wa ~.Jpae~ty llpl's e-!appearance will be Mr. Gej s first payed a great deal1 of attention to weeteprywl ee~i~
Xorc the whirlwind attack of Kap-,- ------ --_______whom we met and to whom wel~os ~ udo
pa, wich eft tem Ispoke during the week. One of his Dorothy Elwot , 2 udo
pa hihletthmpowerless . In L ONDON IS GIVING mnain pieces of advice was 'When manage,. of W. A. A., is in charge
the second half Chi Omega made MANY RECEPll TN you're in New York, look as though of arrangements for thz, efrnst half
pvalient effort to forge- ahead, yu have some place to go and are!af air. Jane q1chaelK'31
but succeeded only in.rn hi FOR ITS VISITORS 'oingthradn(nowl n fteafirJadMce,3.i
I yu.,is mak .,,p1ars for fb , plortioi o,
Oalypavecointnufdtherganerrwin l~e ngih rmemnitrilteyo.Including our Entire Stock of Suedes, Reptilesal
Kanly contpintseof her game wile Isilbel MacDonald, daughter of I "He kook a pesonal interest in the paty to be held ain the FiickI4nsi urW llK o n l
bombardment of the gol rngteEgihpiemnsei h every member of his cast," she con- house. skn nor elK o n aquelne M
honos fr te Kppa ontnget Ic~ief official hostess to the wives; tinued. "He criticized his players j The su ccss of the two Sling p lar'
wonrsfborteeKappaviecontingent I of delegates attending the naval I unmercifully, but pra ised us justi tis which have already been span-{
wcofrenc abouchvenlydividdibeteen- enough to ink us workourselves sored by W. A. A, was inflential il
the two forwards, Eaman and cofrec whc oeedi Lneg0 aci
rooke. Ruth BishoppaynIjm don Tuesday. to death." making possible this last event. I ale
png cenerfoyCi nmga,sliowe- Receptions, luncheons, teas, and --_.--------------------------n'n,5 7.0 t
veygood form, 1los invariablyI dinners are being given in hon or of , 85 585 $. 85
zecuring the tip ofr. Lno. Lndn' osese aeO~RF R
Tuesday cvening, Couzens Hall eagerly waiting to entertain Lon-
overwhelmed Pi Beta Pi to the don's guests and their wives. Miss lss THE THE
score of 30 to . The guarding by { MacDonald has planned to give
the Couzens Hall players was ex- 'inners for the delegates' wives) FIRST NEXT
0eptionally good -- the opposingI whenever the delegates themselves
forwards being unable to get with-!'are engaged at conference dinners PAIR PAI
In shooting distance of the goal.I Two women, prominent inl govern- °
Helen Van Liew at forward play- m ient circles will assist her on these
ed a very good game for Couzens. occasions.j
Vorothy Birdzell and Frances Bil-I Mrs. Charles G. Dawes, wife of I1
by played excellent games for Pil the' American ambassador, is enter- J a cb sn}
Phi, and Sylvia Lee showed abili- taming informally by keeping openl 1cs o t,'aththheuslgodfrllis tteAmian mbsy
was^ handicapped by the close I Toward the end of the conference
guarding of the Couzens Rall play- she will be hostess at a large,
ers. ~formal party. - -........ -------- ~- --.........- - -------------
- -I The American Women's club is _______ ___________________________________
;Indian 'Princess' Tellsj entertaining the guests ata onlC7
L afternoon reception on January 31.
Health Incidents to Al American women have been giv-
;State School Children enl courtesy membership cards for
the duration of their stay in Lon-
' Inianlegndswhic slotythedon. The chub will be open to them
nianlgnswihso at all times.
Steed for proper living and eahting Anin.fatprlaetay~s
fire being told to Michigan school
chilrenby Pincss atassa hoeon which coincides with the naval
in' real life is Miss Gladys Morse,cofrnewlkepLd Ato
frilnenti'lainirnv 'II/ue"t,,C
aMlse teacher of the Michigan Tu -___________D uetoC
ierculosis Association. Since Jan-° y Reports I
Crary 1 she has given programs, Ch.aracterReot
Which arc financed by money de- Filed by Instructor O ur Store in ]
rived from the sale of Christmas
seals, to more than 80,000 children. }I Suet i -h-hsisdpr
iAlthough not an Indian by bir Studments nthe phyesicsf dner-C e k on Dc t ,e
Miss Morse is one by adoption. st r elkont hi n r e n D c 8 h , W
j~hif Sias o th Chipw, ents ofethelnonivrstyofthinne-
che ia fteCipws o-structors, for each person has on
winced of her interest and accuracy, file in the office of the department R c i e n t e h p1.
in the stories of his race, has made a character analysis card which R c i e n t e h p
her a member of his tribe by means1 tells all there is to know about him.
Of a symbolical feather and the fol- -Ca s rse, S
# "I, Chief John B. Silas (She-bahl- so astrsss.-N
e-shig), adopt Miss Gladys MorseI The Colgrt
into the Chippewa tribe, giving her U Uegat
the Chippewa Indian name, "Kee- ! Th Ideal Hair Piece for w ti ecads utpoivl ecoe u e
the-goo-qua," meaning "Princess of I A ecads ms oiieybecoe u e
the Sky."w Bobbed Hair. I to make room for new Spring merchandise. Starting Tono
Get fixed for the "J" Hop,~ this stock at your disposal at
Furs and Fur Coats its so easy to adjust. V
Makeup, Repaired, Re- Only $5.00 -
moeld n elndPatent erAdjustmnent !Lsp i g enus uuiuti
Prices Reasonabec STODDARD yr anguards ®nnr- --c
. . r n'atn BEAUTY SHOP CFl
E L.Gcn ur LJ 707 North University j The first Hatg are arriving J ~ IE ))~ a
10448 Spring Street I zuPrInae 2212

ire is no dmetie xvi e~r
pitifu~l than th, t which lI>
about , tlrough l w.tk if++
ug still while her hutibandA
xs,", concluded Mrs. Edisou
ns should feel obkligated to
e their daug.hters. Men who
xeei denied the advantag' ;
ool can educate themseves,
mnen seldom have the opapor -
)s of doing so. A girl shoul
omething about science, alt,
are and history as well P. s
interlor decoi'atiou and i<;
g inifluenlces inl tile 11o1,1.
rid Brown Kid-
fore Feb. l1st,
rrow we place

Phone 96 25 I The Crocu s 301 far unergi'uund. the lRobins waydown i Mytlisl~os-~Cee
® eu .----_-- Ua o t~c -T.. tt a sac I . . . . but Hats, that other harbinxger of Strinag . sen ct out rahead, r l --- o l " C e e
- _ __ -to say that Sping fashions are coming very soon. and to cheer StEere ts~C
- ..r..-.-..+.'."'.s . -ri.'P.that ^.^re .'r"r ^j -.jut a bit weary with witer. I .ahone as it !Sa i s -- ' Cl1'e te xE
Special~ comtes from its wra!,1xings, called forath tre "oxs"-"ah chics'-.and-
SapeciSa POl EvTery i Monday ai nd i uesaayI "how adorable" than we have ever enbfore. But we'll ay~ no mart,
SFA'POAND "A'VE for Mack anal (o. wait yoau to :oima. il.and see 'tI,~.Vau st $3
$125 , au st 3
- - - Every dress in; this Colectin is of te usual Jacob
MIRROR BEAUTY SH0I'ZP CONSTANT H OSIERY VALUES j~ quality. rlThe Styles are conservative and should scU read
iiiS.UlVRSIYAE. HON 755 oigialprices. It will .ay ou to investigate this unusual
__ ____ ~~tunity. _ _ __ _ _ _

>son style and P
:ily at necarly
Sdress oppor.

Hl 'g'S 450 Cents

A1l Winter Hats at 50 Cents,
Friday Only
227 South State


are unusual hosiery.


cE? .-. %
r I I

'I I
_ r'.
'flit-. .
- 3; '



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