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January 23, 1930 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-01-23

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NtY!~Y 4~ i~ ci T1-~F MJCHIflANI T~ATTV A f1~~ trIt2~'~Y~~
-~ .----- - --------.---- -- -- ~ 4S4LbA~aZJ

Tvanspoua~ion Pro fcssot Sta~j
Lccturcs Wilt Int~vest


III New and unusual resulLs of ic K West, at the University of Wis-
ij~ CR1 CAl. SI~iE K eai ch in the problem of stutterers 1consin are organijing stutterers in-
covering a ten-year period of work I to boxing and aesthetic dancing
in the laboratories of general Un- classes. The rythm instilled by
Chairman of Citiens' Comii~ittee . guistics and speech, were diselos- these methods is curing large num-
(alls Situation ~Ct'ith~l1~~ 1 ccl yesterday by Prof. J. IL Muy- bers of sttitterers ~ these schools,
Desper.ate.' s~kens of the (lepartment of eneral _______________
-~ labora tory experiments ~ I Carl Urist Elected
STRAWN HEADS GROUP ~ a~ linguistics depart- Speaker of Adeiphi
men ts, are attempting to prove
(By A~ncmi~'1 ~ thai. a neglected part of phonetics, Carl H. Urist, '30, was elected
CHICAGO, Jan. 22,--The 'vythm, is the real basis for cur- of the Adelphi House of
cial crisis of the city, county and ing s utterers and thereby to dis- Representatives at the last ni.eet-
school board was described tochy
I by Silas II. Strawn, chairman of I prove the old belief that stutterlng~ing of the semester Tuesday night
the citizens' committee as 'crit- can be 2ured by straightening some
icaily desperate." icj nirk in the mind, in the Adelphi room. Urist has been~
The local he said.
governmenL~, The linguistics laboratory~ in a member of the society for the
f~!iowing tjwec-day search by his working on s.tuttercrs, has develop- past three years.
committee for "a way out," are ed two instruments novel to the Qilbert, F. SmIth, '31, was chosen
'"flat broke," with no prospect of tleld. The firs.t of these is a "pneu- treasurer of the so&iety for next
II~ any aid from the banks. Efforts mograph"; this consists of a chest-
to induct substantial Iropertv Own-' pelt which records every word said semester, and Evan J. Reed7'3O~

Highways of SouL~ America Will;
be Subject of One
Ad4ress. v
Several phases of ~ pvogI~am for
.the Highway Engineering confer-
ence to be held at the Union, Feb.
11-13, inclusive, are expected to D4


traet the attention of large parts A.~ ::::.2':'~ ers to buy tax anticipation ~var- I by the stutterer through the vibra-
of ~e student body, Prof. R. L rants which' they could use later as tions of adjoining small glass need-
Morrison, of the department of .~ ,~. ,,~. .-.. p!~yrnent of their 1928 tax bills also les. The machine on which the
highway engin.e6ring and highway haev beeyi successful. ne~dles record is known as a "kym-
transport, said yesterday. ~ ~" - "Con~ple~ collapse OL the lor~al o~raph," consisting of a revolving
One of th~ most attractive t~lks 1v is only "a matter of roll of blackened paper. All breath-
at the conference, from the stand- .../,.*.'2 ~'.. .~ " days" unless some means of pro- ing errors of the stutterer can thus
point of popular appeal, Will' prob- j duci'~g cash is found, Strawn be measured, and his improvement
ably be Pyke Johnson's description '' warned. Even a special session of from day to day can be watched
of the Highways of South America, . ,~ the legislature, he said, could i~ot on the graphs.
officials said. Mr. Johnson, who is
an e~e~~u~tive Qf the N~tionalAlito- ~ ~ ~ ' forestall the crisis. Such a pro- I one of the most successful methods
n~o~ji~ Ch?.mber ~ - ~ . . cedure has been suggested as a ~ ~ curing stutterers is causing
t~de ~n extended trip through sible remedy. j them to talk to the beat of a met-
South An~erica last summer. He As~oc~aScd P,'c.~ 1' The local governments, Strawn ronome for several minutes at a
picture rec- cle Harry A. Husted (below) Cleveland manufacturer with the Fokkei E1'~2 in which he hopes to encir- said, are $29O,00~,O~ in debt, and time. Charts obtained by this
took a complete motion the world in 10 days.~Jas. Doles, also pictured will be the chici pilot. '1 he piir plan to leave the w~st this i~ costing an estimated $50,000 method show that the soothing
ord of his trip, in which he found coast on 4une 15. ____ a day in interest. i beat of the metronome forces the
ro~ds said to be poorly kept. _______________ _____ ___ _________ _____ ______ ____ - ----- -. "I do not believe the public patient to slower and more breath-
Th~ ~nO~iO~i pictures will be
~bo.wn to ~Ilustrate Mr. JQhnson's n.mn YSENGINEER-PRESIDENT grasps as yet what a really serious in. Another means used to calm
taUt, which is scheduled for the (JIIM ~ SEEVJA~NEFEE SA I situation this is," Strawn declared.~ the stutterer is scratching slowly
conferen~e smoker, '7:30 o'clock UILI lU A Y HAVE PREVENTED REAL PANIC "I hope that before the poor people on sandpaper while he talks into
will be admitted to the meeti III L ~a pi.ospciity following the this in Mr. Hoovers public utter- freeze or starve to death, our Prof esor
Tuesday night, 1~eb. 11. Students T'' r *~ ~ ~ ~ "We I who are in our institutions either the "Pneumograph."
II RI I I II L I citi commenting on these reslhlts,
is announced. ngi~ ~ U Lit I L 11 U L fl election of President Hoover. which of 1928 and by 1929 jt seemed zens will come to ~x realization Muyskens stated, "Outside
Among the peculiar features' of I ______ might have happened if sonieo~e ~, only feasible bt real. Mr. the existing conditions and do what I influences, such as rythm, are
I proving themselve the most valu-
South American road sy4ems else with a reputation for sound- 1-loover could take the course he ~d they can to help."
- K Application
which Mr. Johnson is to cli scuss ~. C. A. to Receive ness had been elected. But we cause h able in curing our patients. Every
will be a description of ~ r~Uroacl for Counsellors for might today be in a more serious' e was an engineer," Pro-' SULTAN IS EXPELLED time a stutterer is 'cured by this
which was built ~iccording to a con- flancial slump," says Prof. 1". N. fesor Menefee says. - (fly Associated Press method, more doubt is thrown on
tract whereby a private company I4.~onMng 3umlner. Menefee of the mechanical enoi ___________ JERUSALEM, Jan. 21.-Sultan El the Freudian belief that stuttering
was to build a railroad between two I deartment and editor of New Attracbc, leader of the Druse, a mind disease, and at the same
ports, and the govei'nment was to Applications for positions in sum- ~eering ~ Alpha Nu Elects t~~~smen in rebellion against time more proof is given to ouv
pay them according to the miles of 1 mer boys' camps may be secured ~he Michigan Engineer, in a recent I at prance in 1925, has been ordered [theory that stuttering. is a prob-
tracks laid. The company laid ~ issue of the magazine. Officers Meeting expelled from Transjordania and lem. for the biologist."
croo~edest track in the wQrld in or- by communicating with the Stu- "We might be in the throes of a I all other British ilmandate tern- In outside flel~s, Dr. Lee Travis.
,de.r. to be able to collect f~r a large dent Christian ~.ssociati'on~ some- real panic if the President had not Albert F. Donohue was chosen tories. I of the University of Iowa, and Dr.
number of miles of ~,track laid. time this week at Lane Hall. been an engineer, for he early pro- pr sident of Alpha Nu at the __________
~us~ion of airports, which will While positions will by no means posed the expenditure of public
be 'a featur~ of the program be guaranteed to applicants, there money on engineering projects I meeting last evening when officers
planned for 1:30 6'clock Wednesday exists a good chance for University where it would eventually be spent were elected for the coming semes- I
afternoon, Feb. 12, is also expected anyway, as a means of keeping up ter. In addition to Donohue, Robert I
to attract a great deal of student students to be either a student prosperity, of preventing stagna- A. rviurphy, '31, will assume the
interest. In connection with this ,leader or counsellor at one of the 2 tion, of bringing relief from puten- duties of the vice-president this
program, John E. Sommers. s~nior many boys' camps in northern hal flood damage, and at the same February, Raymond A. Bridges, '3i,
airport specialist of the aeron~.u- Mic-higan and Canada this coming time increase transportation f a- those of the secretary, Louts P. Bit-
tics branch u~ the United States 2 summer, according to a report duties. In a word, it was a ~ tensehoen, '31, was elected recording
department of commerce, wilt read made yesterday by Cl"ester C. l3en- tic national plan to facilitate ~ecreai'y, Donald J. Si-bley, 31,
a 'paper on "Airports," and ~ ~ n~tt, assistant secretary of the as- movement of goods, circulation of
Baker, safety eiigincer I~hc sQciation. I ureasurer, and John VanOrm.an, '31
mont." -
Wayne county road commis All students who arc interested' money, and secure property invest- sei'g~'ai~t-at-ai'ms. _______
to ea4
'will repo-ri; on the top'c, ' ~j'~ ~are ~urg~d to fiU out apphcatioiij Professor Menefee points ou1~ that (2~p~f~J JWSIDENTS ~
Wayne County Airport." Adni4s~ blanks immediately so th t the S. I almost simultaneous with the ~ HUNT WILD IWAST
SiOli 01 StU(1C'fll,5 to this meetipe' ~vfll ~. A. can get in touch with the stock market crash came a niore
also be free. camp directors at the first, oppor-' specific plan for improvement CII (8v A''.2.cjat,',I Pres~)
Record attendance is c~peeted lturdty. (internal waterways from Chicago I WA~I-IINC TON, Jan. 21.-A wild ____
for the annual banquet to 15e' l~lcI ---- '--- -------- - - to the Gulf. "It was a ~emaiuder I hcsutst, real or mythical, which has _______
at 7:30 p. ni. '1 hursclay, Fel5' 11 as VWWVS AME~WAN TA14~W~ of the general l)lan previously hi ~ci becn the object of an unsuccessful '~-
en Iii
the concluding meeting of i~e con - - out," he siys, "and a~; the wuy laid lU-day chase along the 'city's oi~t- ~
.1c~rence. Prof. John 5. Wo~"~y 01 (By A o~ b~ Lfl prepared, the public ~idnd was- ~kivI >;, today had so thoroughly W
cojivinced Washingtonians of IL
Ihe department of transpodatlQn MEXI200 CITY, Jan. 21.-News- I eased to a certain (le~ree at once."
engineer:ng, x LII sj eak oni' Ihe papers of this capital today pub- I In concluding the article ProlYs--- reality that an augmented force of
change which - has come about in lisped an official statement by I sor Menefee points out that inobili- police and citizens joined in the
transport 'tion since the days ~vben Genaro Estrada, acting foreign zation of representalive business hunt. Walter Johnson, manager
01W had to buV separ. te tickets 2 mhiister, that. the governnWflA men -di over the couiiti'y, and the uf the Washington baseball team
from s jxa'at tr. n.. portation come would give its unqualified ,support pIedgi~ng ot states to ('aL*i-y out, as 2 and his favoriti foxhound, 'Rock,
pana s if he wished to make an ox- to a campaign in Mexico against ' much public work as possible pro- ' wei-e among those trailing the
tended trip. Today, this contin- talld.ng pictui~s in which the Eng- I duced the desired eflect. "I'he I beaast, which is currently believed
gency has been obviated by the or- lish h~nguage is used. public had been pi'epared ft 'air ~' panther or mountain lion.
ganization of large transportation - ________________________________ ____________________________
units, whIch sell tickets fot rail-
roads, st.eamhoats, and airplane
lines. I
More than 700 delegates are
pected to attend the c0nfevence,- that read the CIa.
which is the ~ixteentP in 'ti~e ~
of such n~~tihg~. - -, ' I
Discussion Held on -

was elected clerk. William P. put-
her, '31, was elected sergeant at
Architectural Society
I Will Qbtain Cla8s Pins
Official pins for the Architectur-
al society are expected to arrive in
the near future, according to Louis
E. Smogor, '30A., who is chair~n.an
Qf the membership comrhittee.
The pins consist of a gold palet-
te on a colored background, distin-
guishing colors for the different
classes. The freshman pins will be
a gold palette on a green buck-
I ground, the sophomores wilt wear
their palettes against red~ the 3un-
ior pins will have a blue back-
ground, while th~ senior pins will
bear a ~vhihi background,
I Pins for graduate students will
consist merely of a gold palette.
The Architectural society presents
I pins to the graduates.
2 /
~Ry A9sociated Press)
21.-Part of this city, which i~ the,
capital and chief commercial cen-
ten of Crete, was destroyed by fire
today. The damage is estimated at
nearly half a million dollars.




ion, a

Experimental Class I
i meeting of th Men's Edu-
al Club last night in the Un-
discussion was held on the

working of th& now experimental
correlated course in education.
Three members of the new class
told of their experiences in the
field work entailed in the novel
method of instruction.
After an introduction by Leo West
of the education school, who de-
tailed the purposes of the course

and described the manner in which
operated, A. J. Van Krimp-
on, '30 Ed., told of a few' of the in-
cidents that occurred in his weeks
as trial teacher in a Grand Rapids
2 school. He was followed by J. W. I
Stewart, '30 Ed., and J. F, Moore, -
- ~- '30 Ed., who added experiences of'
their own in schools of different
cities to they 'had been sent
A hi their correlation period.
- The new course is mainly con-
corned with giving students of ed- I
ucation a chance, after a thorough
grounding in theoretical methods of 2
2 teaching, to get some practical ox-
perience before leaving the school. -
Morin Heads Freshmen

~ 2
~ RA-'



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This offer good to February 1st.


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