MNIAPEDInterest Increases LROGUSTANSDGEN NUSUAL WTETHRvS CO A LU TO foi IFoniin F id _ CAOT CiTES UJE ASRY OULD'S SLEGE LA ED FO CAr'i 'I ciII O E A IOiIii O M Di nV.chL ELP led by Larry Goul, second in comncivd Whtan hre [ - o id idt dmial yrd tt eietd . Watathe WhenW~ihthe Italans and the French - Prof. William I. dpabs , of the ge Wj21 his o U Paul MuniS "Sevinl FaIcs" heRepresentative of Chicago Civic Mdlover naval pa.irity, theMdci colDa eed lg dprmn.uo ern f.i 9 OF M DD~ PA EMaestic and Marvybo1 hanS gOprSComhooHle iDeanriileDefendsin vera, quponrsf h ar ingexpeditio n 19 Opera ComofanyM dere tolinaugural plenarye reviewed i overeang Profesion in Grand Goul(Zs safe return to the head-1 was an ,t~trsoBoard Md ui______a ,ae eiwe eo. wl rn s n fthe longetIl a After Investigations fnore Uric's "Frozen J3ustice" thaws'BARwIellIl SNi tsinyteinoreaemal p s slmdge.trips ever made in the Arce wa of Two Days. out at the W uerth tonight, follow- xvell oh ithe ifar'asydmpum A-tarcti.oItmisd ccuiaed at nvr26 - on disarmant to be held1 Friday; GRAND RAPIDS, Jan. 22. - about 1500 mie adocuid ahi2 ed by Doloes Co trels Glad Rtag , Te toaic of making arange- Ier r~i diin eiod of over thiree monts I was;grph. { Isev~ned.i~hee i mor moey i drvinga~lin1927. ALL KILLED BY IMPACT: Dll" tomnorrow. nents for tickets to the Chicago " necessary to cross dangerous r-Amrc Deri' etbt reMrlnCvcOea opn' rsna As previously annouinced the taxi tlhainl being a physician int bridged over by snow, and jAeia Despoi 'kerst bet1are arfly Civic OperaDompaugshpCabot-'de aescan Geo. Plane Fyn o tie ilMl 's"al"at the Paramrount tionis in which two Alumni will ap- s kr il trat ve Cabt, ceanclimb ice cliffs on Mounts Nansen MligLwSrksi- illrs"rly"fv ao ~_ chigan Unseen in Severe Snow and John Barryrnore's "General; pear in Detroit Feb. 17 through 23, pets of the question with the pur- of the medical school of Univer- and Betty. ~ and for transportation to that city,;pose of clarifying, obscure notionsSity of Michgan, so declared Tues- j The return of D. Gould," he andf Rain StorinsCrack.,"opecning at the Adams.s will be much simplified this year, geealedcncriglmt-day iht at the anal mieeting continued, "completes the work of I ot rpuedeXE'1CYl, hefome i cnsqunc o te arialintin~of armament and peace pro-of Butteorth hospital. the Byrd Antarctic Expedition, (P Ahssoci an . 2) a iuskal, Anni Arbor yesterday morning of p as 4~~u~\i . C which Is expected to return home LOiAGEESnJn.22ASoclatues..Yong special representative tstudents are welcoming this op-'m d 5 thePie5 ofscienemave as soon as the ships "The City of weather condition of "unpredicted "Seven LaCcs'" is at the Majestic, of the Chicago company. mae he" z 1 poesiomr New York" and "Boling" can reach aadd nfunefo chraceriticharactaderuliusitiche"howeashwanoun Paul Munige orisanporhpotuhtyloebeserac.ain'thrnueffciwnianlexct nd ncrase jftermmbes. he ack ice blaed oda b a echica H potras ix characters in this tatton to and frorf Detroit, he will elves with the several phases of the costs of this service corespond- through which the ships must sail, lmetoabyatcnclboad ;Telat y disarmament and many of them ingly," he said. 'Doctors. nurses! is heavier this year than ever e- of inur!fteTasotnna piece ranging from Napoleon to! arrange for spieial parties, he will9 are particularly interested in fiord-anofiqiyoth asctiltl and hospitals are not receiving fore, and it is uncertain when they AijiefrteDon Juan and Joc Canls, and dloes !Secure reservations for seats for ing out whether Scott Nearing, who more nor, in fact, asmuhfrwlarieItasxpcdta, raspot-Mbg adenx etmrbytroea;insot n ifra Mnaws orc their services today as they did 25Iexcept for this delay, the expedi-1 prs ofisbgpssneCln hi stry' is about arn old care,- ;boi and service inl aonnecion with{ his declaration that "the nations asao oteicesdcs of ti. wudreunery"nArl lot fhr udywt ostkri ttemsu h h cmay'srni Dtotmy, weren t gathering to disarm, but sickness cannot be charged to "If, however, they should be L of 16 lives. fdem;ta l i, f-ed"cimL Fidnso h or eemd iai htalhs"rend"cm eotindfo on1 to maneuver for effective posi- thema." forced to spend another ya nP pu~blic after two cdays of investiga-;gt lie. When c~s the of pestrob Youigsi maki his headUarnio hsfo te ex xar"Dr. Cabot told the meeting that the Antarctic," concluded Profes- tinand constitutedth first formal ge csoesoto rul.te~ nro 2 fteUin ----- --ilesi-amr-cmo ndfe sor Hobbs, "they will be well sup-1 tin o.vrosteand it's great spoit listeninei; to Don fwhlere the may be reached atany " lelHodsFistqent a orecoth n arnor f piedihfosne omne l rnoep r al isa ster hega 'the s u n aruitJobe, ansIaoretim eigek: C t ti;mobile accidents and few make any Byrd planned to fly to the SouthS esino es thofaer iallyaster .eoriieIwoanit ould hveal ost nxT wMeelia. muates, fBarreGood _PWill Am eeting peparaition for paying for it Pole in 1931 had the attempt to nsi Inquestototoficiatll beix be n a F3m fratiactnt oudhv lms w i.Ch arad -'5 leopposed the plan of state or! reach it this year failed." Tsdaiy. Aor thaidnept:illdb hed en'tacircapicture if the diretor Hill, .'2(, adChs;armo, The first of a series ofuifomal comity edical service on the LayGolw seflnmes Thrsa. vitonexetsan ad't ragged in th e usual seniti- arc numbered among the arists in1 goodwill banquets, sponsored by the comniyLrr oudi oeLllnmei -___ witnesses have been. summoned to mental, over-done, and badly. the Chicago company. While at All ,ah scey fte i . on grounds that it is again st the pin -- - give testimony.i played love story. No actor can I Michigan 1ill1 played in a number soIyo h Hle on ciple of medical practice for per- Thxe company's board of inquiry, overcome a handicap like that, and of the ichetigan Union operas. at the Women's League building. Iak oHs ate' headed by D. W. 'Tomlinson, for-f though Muni has done his best, the "Ada." Verdi 's festival opera, has -FredrMkButTol,'97,Mstaeerstor mer navy "sea hawk" and now vice1 film falls down a bit for that reca- j been selected to open the series of ney-general, delivered the address FIM A RFQE president in charge of T. A.'1.- ;sonr. ierformances on Monday night, of the evening. The Detroit law- (WMy A oW ird Tu1 PU'JT Madx prains onldd ht nthrNecme buary17, at the Masonic Temple. yen discussed the purposes. BERLIN, Jan. 21.-The German, (or To all the motors of the plane were This is Introductory Week for It was with this same opera that steghanor Jsssoih fl esr oa eece r-ver functioning when the big shrip Blondes at the Michigan-first, lit- the Chicago Civic Opera company j Zionist movement. Prof. J. 1H. Wor- test by royal relatives of the late, struck a hilside while flying te comedienne M arjorie W hite dedicated its new $20,00,000 templet rell, faculty advisor of the Avukah KDing Ludwig II, of Bavaria, against t r u h so m e t er a d m k nRna uin c e n d b t o uscl s al h ere il]s cey g v re o m n n h h r d ci n of a h l -iih dM jetc-itr rs caught fire after the crash, remat- in "Sunny Side Up," and now1 close on Sunday, Feb. 23, with a cultural possibilities of zionism. 'German film about the king's life.' Lowest ing all but three of the b~dies. Mary Nolan brings a distinctly new matinee performance of another of__-*---- --- -- -- TERMS IPanos- From testimony of witnesses, and' and original type of characteriza-( Verdi's operas, "Rigoletto." r ui. jBldwin, Koher & Cmi from their own experience, the re-! ion to the talkies in "Shanghai "Lucia del Lammermoor" is the; LAST TIMES 2I. U :00-3;0 Play whiO ctrlumIa, rua port said, members of the board Gest-pardon us-ShangrU Lady." ! opera selected for the Tuesday eve- TODAY _______:_-_0_yo__y _ VctrCoubi, cus reached the conclusion that Pilot the plot wherein. Shanghai's 1 ning performance. Wed esday "Lo w __________VitR cr Basil Russell, after reaching Ocen-1 most notorious woman endeavos 1Joigleur dce Notre Dame" Will be- - -- -- side, en. route from Agua Caiente, to be a lady and fallsi oewt rsne. L rvaa ilb lower California, to the airport in a young American, escaped from 1 thec Thursday offering. Friday eve-, LENORE ULRIC- LOUIS WOL ElM ASK THO"11 MAS HIN Glendale, Calif., encountered, light1 prison, is not particularly note- nig will mark the performance of / rains and a gradually lowering coil- worthy.- But the new star 's realis-t the opera "Tannhauser," For the EL IM~N JE~L 61 Fast Wvilliam Street irng. ice performance combined with no f Saturday matinee, the company i r THEI SWEDE 01' "Dm obleofss al Russell believed ae, thtre is little interest in the strange o- will play "The Love of Three i COCK EYEDl WOftId. _____ ,tr tobeo sal re,"te ien'ance, class the film as above (dings" while "Don Pasqullc" will' L ISNNY SIDE UP .1 port said, because nothing of thle average, ibe the Saturday evening piesenta-l sort had been predicted." -B J. A. tion.'F oeJuic'Wtny -o 11 6 . A Stoy of the Yukon Gold Rush It. Nht i TRIP CITED 115 B. S. in Ann Arbor in sA. M. in 1923 and his Sc. 25. From 1921 until 1926 hie instruictor in gooy n }26 anll 'i tu )'oesr a ssLitt ckirec of tho ;ty expedition to.0Gree 1 nl anid geogratpfhiendtopo0- of the Putnam expedition He is a memiber of the ,n Association, the Amneri- logical Society, and the n Academy of Science. 1E THEATRE NOW SHOWING hle Phiantom of With ON CHANEY, MIARY [L.BTN AND NORMAN KERRY. Talking, Singing, Dancing 5ccnos in Technicolor. 150 Piece Orchestra Toice! Sayng MUSIC HOUSE thing Music NM I " p/isTP c lu amin HAW, Mgr. phone 7515 beaU'Afe ~ ith Today and ADramatic Masterpiece-by Richard Connell" Impersonations in'clide "PAPACHIBOU," "JOE GANS." "'DON, JUAN" Owing to great leng~thl of prodction short subjects will be litmited. Patrons will not be scan. characterization sequence SAT-COLLEEN MOR-"SM IiG IRISH EYES~l t' otloe beauty In The Dens of' The O6 IWAI ai [Fri. EfJIW.ND 'L MAKES YOU HOWL WITH I IS COMEDY IFRA JIM.IY - -. -- ___- ___ _____-___>i_ -- -('by arrangement Delightful Sa nd- qI't~ ~~iiihes and wa°rm ~aD~T k.specialties for these I3 .vCauuU'TbSziyn wintry sdays. Wft sSiepn h ord lesandsasags f . A iivid nd .lmplthetic : gie iustp uaph$of the yourIbreafasts. From Ck *-aAddfft1aoiNo*W gP a 3 Res YprI ,! i ra t ev- aau at4 Cevs. thz Fer fartb a i the Ie. r Prices : Lower Floor $3.00 The Par~rot Speaks for Itself Balcony: $2.50-$2.00-$11.50 Lett itring - Try Our Delivery Seri'vce /lfler 7:00 P. M.SET NO SLIN - Box office now open Daily from I to 5p. me CONTINUING THE JANUARY SALE. OF J. MURHSQULT FO - WEAR AT. PRICES FARQfEL OW THE ;Y ACTUAL SELLING PRICE. $6.900 4 ~This Sale includes our entire Winter Stock , of Men's and Women's street, qIfternoo~n, and ,formal slippers. Now is the time to take advantage of this January Sale which affords wonderful savings. 'r $8.15, $8.15 11