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January 23, 1930 - Image 1

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4ittt I



VL. XL. NO. 85.









Represcntatives of Five Powers
Hold Individual Talks
.Amtericati Delegation Holds Two
Hour. Meeting at Embassy;
Stitnlsoln Busy.


The Union Needs Your Vote Today

Vol,-( today, on tbe imerit stei It is the dray of every ;nciiibcr
of Iie 1 uilyhii nUion (regi,,t r ation. i ni ,1tccs,ary to iinbcislxilp>
f 1o eXpreaInS iopinion oattlt kc (uCA1011of suich i tal. imlortanice
both I to orgUiiet 4onand IA) the c students on theMichigan
ic~iiips. T1he Ui-on is yoir club and it is to yorinees ,ite
to pas, this -aineadm nt or defiulitely rejcct it, 11(1 since a cuoruani
of 600 Is requjJte to validate+,'any d~cislii, your vote is ('sseltial.
A two"-thirdlo favorable majority of the votes cast will establish
E IL, isainiendinent ais a pcort of the Union constitution. Since nearly
1,5001 meiibers hiave alkeady Signiie their support cof the proposed
plani by giiii petitions lavoring it, there is no .apparmt reason
whly the mnerit system should fail to lags except through the uniwill-
ingncss of the studeiits. to cast their ballots. Inertia and lethargy
have m~ore than once been the cause for the failure of worithy and
bcnelcia.l measures, but such a difficulty should not arise in this
case because of the almnost unaniniou. support which the mierit
"zsystemx has received.
SBy tis plan the pre.iclcit and recordling-scrietary, instead of
S receiving office as the result of small-time politics, will be appointed
fby an electoral hoard excellently situated to judge the comparative

+Council Colmnittce to Continue
' Investigation Along More
Specific Lines.

Leader of American
Delegtes Kept Buey

All Men Students, Whether Registered or Not,




Will be Eligible to
o n Question.



Detailed Statement on Results
of Plan, on finances
Being Prepared.
Continued inivestig ation of crn~m-

LODO, ngJa.l2yh abilities of the candidates. All qualities which go to make the good
alinliistrator---jtidgint, tact, personality, diligence-will be taken l
American, British, French, Italian hinto conside ration in dicxussion, of the canxdidates.b
and Japanese deleg ates to the five rjlje civil .service principle will operate throughout the. Union.
power naval conference played BegC(Jiingxi in the scecind semester of their freshman year, students U
hide and seek all over London to~- WOJI up to the highest offices by successive stages, advancing at
Thy3 In final exchanges of vews be- ithe. end of each year if they show themselves deseriving, and at
lorethefirt buines metin at theend of their junior year will file application, for thc presidency
and recording-secretaryshilp.'
St. amesPalce tmorow mrn-All of this will increase the efficiency of the entire organiza-
Ing, when the chief delegates are to, tion by bringing out'morc tryouts, who were formerly discouraged I
outline the general naval needs of from workin~g because of the existing political. system, and at the:c
their countries, ,same time will offer a concrete objective toward which they can u
From early mioringz until late to- direct, their efforts. The merit system will mark one of the most
night the big limiousines, flying liar progressive reforms 'lastituted on thiis campus in many years and
tional flags, slipped through the needs your support. Vote- for it today. '
maze of London traffic from em-
basS;y to embassy, and back and - - "---- - ----- --- ----
forth from Dowing Street. I#Ru"ME tt~J.U 4-RU "
'W ith quiet talks ill the ,seclusion ! 11 1i I M ail ord er applications forof t er w 1i a c a it4 m d t4 S ' H T, t
-lie residence of the British Prfiie S!DT D ri-o~Rud"te1
Ofthl onJWd~"Merrar a if hUt eJ-G~o-Rud, he13f;t
Mirlnister, the delegates endeavored outo of the Uifon Opera,
treoepeiinaydfcute!ipodconand reach an understanding before GV A IY D T re being taken a tT the desk of
bucklng; own t actal wok. the Unioni now. The perform-d
bucklng dwn t actul wok. aeewill 'be given as a mati-U
Expects Busy Day. Dino Baraaicy Discloses Problem nee: on Saturday afternoon, Feb.
Thie respective SchedJules of Prime 4 ®IainIai wt 5 ct r rcda 30
Mi iste r MacDonald and Secretary o tla aiy aWith215. 0.t r~pie 30
of State Stims on indicate what' Frenich Nation~. aI d$2'. _ x
U bu y clay thelgate .tcs spent.
mneetinigof the Amcericah delega- ITLY ILLNO
tion a t 10 oclock, which lasted for
thours, 'and then called on;
Mr. MacDonald at 10 Downfigd LONDON, En g., Jan. 22.-Foreign)'
Street. Before going to* lunch,; Secretary Dino Grandi of ItalyTO 0'
of Japan. After luncheon with Mrs. visits today was understood to
Stinxison, h le worked all afternoon.' aFsupidAmra mbsa lay'Wone One of Two prizes
In the offices of the Amierican dele.- havensuStudent PlayContassast
gatlon., rounding out his state-I dor Gibson, Foreign Ministe-r BriandI inSuetPaCoes
mient for 'tomorrow's' session. anad Prime Mi ds.ter MacDonaldl of Last Year.
Meanwhile, hie had sent Amnbas- with further precise data concerni-;T,
sador Dawes with Senator Reed fu~g tlhe Italia'.i cl-Aim to parity with
and Senator Rlobinason to see the' FPrance.TIKTD M N HAV
Japaeseandlate Amassaor ie was believed tor have giveni
JughaGso ndtoesee mbamierdor- esnswy tl osiesiti-ISpecialimattinee performance of
HuhGbo osr Peir'ir . aoswl tllcniesi i-deu of Fr~lnce and Foreign Mmi-I possible to yield on this oit, al- "Leila," by Dorothy Ackerman, '29,
aster Granldl of Italy.i though probably she will not pies; ,vill be given by Play Production ait:
;Tonighit, Mr. Stinison went to hi it to excess ill the first sitting of3ocdock Saturday aifternoon in the,
.country home for qluiet and forthcofrneomrw. iig Lydia Mendelssohn theatre. Per-
leisure to put the finishing touches il general terms' Italian, navalCoaneoftiplywhcws
to his outline of Amncrican naval l needls was not particularly easy ine of the two whiners ice the Stu-
needs. ~~~~~for the Italian delegation proposes'et rtente-atllyc-
Primce Minister MacDonald was to maintain that the needs of each pest held last year, will be g ivenl
e qually busy. te~tr a cabinet meet- 1 country are not absolute but are ?Priday and Saturday nights.
ing at 10:30 A. MI. he met the : eclaidive ain propo run)1 to the force, The Show is onte of Play lrodtw-
i'renchi delegates inu t)owling I of other countries.',oisfe aabrtrypduin,
Street at 11, skippedt over to Parlia- !ft nmay be ;aid theoreticaally tiat m nd tickets may be Secured for the
iiienit afteri seeing Secretary Stinai- the need of each country are zero aiatinee at the box office of the
son and answered qjuestions at thei if all others had no fleet wha tso- f ydia Mendelssohin theatre.
Thouse of Lords and returned to ever, but grow proportionately tic Individuals who hold tickets for
P~owning Street in timie to receive the naval strength of other powers, exilt frianc
~M. Wakatsukl. ,takin~ig intospecial -account th~oeIcither ofthnitpefrac,
Premxaier S e-ak's Over Radio. whvlere there are or maybe a ntag-i and who find thxemiselves unable toi
Between hi calls to conferenc es Unistic iterests. onl such consid- t Ise them, are askted to return thiem
and the Hiouse of Commons1-1, he raationas, Signor Orandi bases his at the box office lap to thie tide of
found tithe to broadcast a miessage 1req(uest for naval parity with; the performance.
onl tli c conferenice to the United France. I TPhis adde-d peIrformjanice is given,
,.tates. During his spare m.iomen ts.1 Sonmc, indeed, believe- that even ,according to Valentine B., Windt,
Mr. MacDonald talked to the dele- p Iarity with France s insufficient t director, because of the large de-?
'gates from .tine British Doi inions.a guarantee of theq security of Italy' mand for tickets for the two nights,'
'And thus did not have twenty min- I unless the suggestion of President I___
utes to himself all day. H-oover is adopftd that food ships 1 N E E T H W
Historic old St. James Palace is3 receive immunity in case of war. 1'1LX 13fJV1
ready to receive the most cosine-1 IN TWO EXHIBITS~
politan gathering in its history. Marquette Defeats
The main conference will open Team 2 tofAmPiritis byArtists
lit Queen Anne's. old drawing room. HockeyTem 3t00 antgsbs
an e'xquisitep room decorated in ; _ - on Display This Week,.yAsoitdir~ ___

pus opinion on deferred
but along more organized
specifically deterinec the

lines to

of the severald fraternities on the
vaiw .rAc n'J LLire nua*A~~ *S bA Jiny Lqon-iun

cral, and on the plan adopted re-, Secretary tof State, w i o is the
cently by the Senate Committee { ead of the American delegation t iI
on student Affairs was ordered last' to the Lonnon Arms conference. t
night by the Student council, after !Secretary Stimnsonl retired to hlis
hecaring report on the progress of coauntry home last night, in order
campus expression during the past to find peace andl quiet in which he.
week. col"rpr i saeetoh
Tilley ~ifiurts Oppic ;itioii. -naval deeds of the United States,
The report, made by George C.: which is to be presented to the
Tilley, '30, chairman olf the inves- conference today.
tGgation committee, stated that___ ___
there was a lartge animun of oppo- ;r
sitioai to the plan as propoved by
the Senate commtittee. 9N xrsoofislicijil I N C LD0S 1ION 0 _DUEIS -

:1c\l ncir cof the Ulionl will rote f ruii z.o'clock this moruilig unitil
6 o'clcck this a fternioonilli the Uidon lobby onl the mierit sy stemu for ,lie
'+twl'lit uyc(rflin('I it (4 that orgallwrat~ioll. YTh'e proposition, ill the .ftoriii
f all an iCii'I merlt to talie Cust it ltioll, was proposed. three weeks a,,,,
bV >tiidei ii peti lIs eir nearly 1 .500 signatures andl has the approval
of all sttudent.t and faCllty leadlers of tile 'Ti~nvri
A two-thirds niajority with at least boo votes will be nlecessary fear
the Passage of the anielldlucat. The proposedl 1laii has becti termed thO
merit systemii. becaose it will allowv the two hig.hest sttn(lcnt otlic,,rs., the
prcsidenlt and rcourcill-sccrctarv, to be selected oti their miwrit 1.. -
electoral board coumpo sedl of four faculty and alnuni and three sI iuleia
memerlwis. T] )c studcenlt ;nembers will be three of the rice-presidets of
tile Ullinile cted art Ilhe all-campus election each spring.
Selectioni by a faculty-student board will replace the present systert
jof election by popular vote which
has the cf'fe'-t of putting inlexperi-
Faculty, Students enced men in office, and of not
Express Opinions 1 giving due credit to the students
who have worked on suborcllnat~e
on Merit System positions at the Union.
________________________________ Efforts to increase student tgo' .-

Pri-sidevtAii'exantlev Or. Rutliven:

crnnmint in the unI]veriies aid col-

tude toward the matter wias mnade
by the council, inasmuch as the
mema'bers felt that they had not yet
dletermiin ed the aabs olute opinion
of the camipus at large.
To Consider F1iiiimes.
A. detailed statement of the re -
sults. oftWe 'proposed clef erred
iuashiing oii tie ftinrancs of the fra-
~terati,,~td, Th'le inquiry is l11'izi ade
by an authority on frateurnity in-
auces aand uiwlageinen'it. it wa+s
Union Amendment
to be Considered
by Members Today
Change Art. IV Sec. 1, paraa-
graaph 2 to read as follow,5:
"The President of the Union
an,7d its Reeorcling-secretary to
be studenits ex officio, to be ap-
pointed by a: comimittee chosen
bay and from the Board of Di-
rectors5 at its first regular imeet-
ing of the second semteste'r of
each year. This committee shall
be composed of four (4) alumni
me mbers one, of whom ishall be
designa ted chairman of the com-
mittee byth Board of Directorsi
anid three stu ent. an~bern,-,to
beg cltOzcn from th i -;xvice - lres-
icleutfs of the Ufnion."
Un der Article IV addc the, fol-
lowinag :
"T1hie coiuiiittee shallI, at, a,
mein-ag held on the Saturday
prcce'd-big all-can jons ele ctionsvi or
azt a pO .t1?ota.EEI?-gt of such mle t-
ing, elect a Pre ident and l"e-
cording-Sec'ret~ary for the e cnsim-
Ing year. Suchu elect ion sliall be
by miajoity volt,,of thwenc.ctire
coln itt(lc. I wno can di date for
either of the of ices shall receive
a majority vote for either of-
fice on the first ballot, a second
ballot shall. be takeaa in which
only the two candida tes 'mcciv-
ing the hfghest number of votes
on the first ballot Shall be con-
siderod as canidlates.'."
Under .Arl,. Xi_,.Stc, t i.!.
leave out, the words
"Ait least two candkidates Lor
President zad Reurdi-S cre -
tary and each of the vice-piecs -
dents, five in all."
and insert the words
r "at least two candidates for
each of the vice-presidents."
Under Article XII, Sec. 2 leave
Iout the words
m'niav nrn.ate .,a canidate or
candidateks for. all slxh Offices."
and inxsert the words
" Imaay nToni ii't i ,a- t l ml ( l .e ior
candidates for vice- presidlen ."
In Art. XIII, Sec- 1 leave out
Ethe words
Presileuti. Recording; - Secre-
tars and vic-aprestidents"

I ,TI nil U H livJ~yd~irbe tis the fair- 1metswith the greatest Lsucces, it
I w lviii UN v~h htlioy for the studenoftelegate's a
thlve. rSeuent cnresof the Natkinl
sle.Studcent Council to Place Plan S- Stwhen th Federation, of Amerric,
wlie thestudent o lices were con-
Before Bado.Rgn~ )cani lHenry , M.Bates' ~futiider o Bor o tgr>trolled by systems sinillar to that
for Consideration. (liUnion-: !1Jhe civil service liimn- proposed for the Union.
ciplo ini the sy:;tenm will eliminrate Every 14 x1 May vote.
Wir O PEFAY E t t y phtc nte tdn p- All mlale students and faculty'
1 ,...3 ' .'' + ,zlz .ail atth L1a is~ t vlli i:z fl uthe 'fV 1 vei4begauo-
___ __ate_ io(ad wllm at ically mexbers of Ulu 'Uniot,,
Inclusion of class dues inl the tui- terest more studenlts in the funec- will be eligible to vote, whetheri
Lion fees of University students was l> iuis there. I they heave registered or not. Tfm
prpsdlast naight ly the Studenzt - ; namies of those votingr will be chek-
propsedErnesit C. Reif, '30, president' of ed off in a student dlirectory for
council and steps were mzadie to thme Student +councill: The merit-? identification and to guard against
place the matter before the Board sytmwilcen pteiniiu double balloting.
of Regents for its consideration. °° 'l ilcen ptz nii~s#Voting wiltk lac i te o
-The proposal was made after a polities ;at thze .JiiIofl. part of thle lobby. Two ballot boxes
discussion showed that very fewwilbusdt lilntaywi-
st:udlents paid dues1 except in the Rme Jordan, business manager w illgbemungedtemintenvwat-s
senior year when it is compulsory of W Dlaily: Thle proposed 'plan ,will b pi l w rus hs
~n rde t obai grduaio int-is one of the best developments uiwit nbe siltinliit woirupthose
(, i~t~z orer withbtai. gradbeginningviwith letters
tatonsandaftr n oter lanstudent government yet proposed i jn the first part of the alphabet
caold bed viafdtooplthe play-.iy thne undergr adtu=ate body. Ilbeiongrpadtoen
col en dvsdt opl h a- 'adt of dues.:'~~ the last half in the other. Comimit-
ll'ii ~Prof. Pavans R. Holbrook, of the tee chairman and assistantlus of the,
Plans for thne collection of cliatss, Law Sechool; member of the Board Un teioni will be in cha irge of the vote.
((ties this year are now being mnade of Dire tors of tMe union: if the Ieneh,. Lod 3Lcara
by the council (auditing commiittc e, mer ait systemnzit, approve d, the Unz-I ofthuit. council comiz t t cc
'its chiiajennings M acBride,; ionl otlliecs will iio longer be the l loi6 thecStudal 'ki4 entfu
:30, reported. The several cla s ' football of polities, ;thie vote.
treasurers will be required to use I Six Chages N ecessary.
receipt blanks prepared by the Ellis Merry, 131lil anaging ecdi- 'Timle electoral oard of seiveni
committee. All money received tor of Thme Daily: With a merit miembers, which the amiendment
will be3 deplosited Jby IJIC co iiitte' sy,tt,_ installed a h.ihe calibre of will create, will be elected ceh
ti!tueiiwat. will be attr acted to thle year by the Uniion board of cirec-
;uid dli;!trib~utcd for the c u;lass neds l ilo:ifllc-.I osf'onaog-t etrbrhp
in a manner similar to its c'ontroil 'no liC5,"r roiaogi ebrhp
of fle fnanes fr cass artis. <, Tliere are 17 directors, including
of tefnnsfoclspate. Wil [R d lowzry, '30, student dee- ;the six vice-presidents elected by
Ani investigation in the various gate to the NationalNainalStudIent Fed- the men studentsk at the all-campus
expensesC of the senior class to de- 'ecration (of America Congress: Thme . vote,
term-inie the least necessary amzountt only waiy the4 studenits can hope to(lIn order to install the method it is
of dules to be charg,;ed gradulating get iduoar,:stuenat tg" vernmnncit here nzecess;ary to change the *Union ~o~IL-
studenats will be inadeby the corn- ,is to ado~spt sys temsi like the pro- stitution in six plaices, hiowever, in
'mitts e, it' was also declof ide t thel poled meicrit systemtz for the Union. only two of these is there any largo
-nctn~-.~ ,o~p X.Hye,~ imoi~unt of alteration.
*oltialScience epar tent, inmn- F E
Siim a - D ta h c°o h 1e t eard of Directors of th~e FCHL C U E
.utae Union: 'eproposed system will TO BEGIN TODAY
mon t of the Unzion~ affazir° and stimn- .prof. Morize, Harvard, to Talk
ulate h lardecr work ainiong, the star
Iiiation was held yesterdaly aft- dents inl the various pos itionis. on 'Esprit de Volt ire."



rose and gold. The long dining ____
room adjacent, where huge fire- MILWAUKEE, Wisconisini, Jan. 221 Considerable interest has been
places give an air of homely Entg- -Thle Michigan Varsity pucksters ; shown, in the two exhibitions which
lash hospitality has become the 'lost the fifth game of their trip ~ opened Sunday in the three gal-I
general meeting place for dele- laseihttraruteenvrst of Alumni Memorial Hll. In
gates. at Milwaukee. The score was Mar- the north and south galleries are
"The French clerical staff meets quette 3, Michigan 0. hung 24 paintings which comprise
in the Throne room which has a ' a retrospective exhibition of the
fireplace brought by the Duke - of 1 - works of the late Max Bohum. while
Wellington from his foreign cam- 50 wrater colors by leadi'ng Amlerl-
paign. can. artists are displayed inl the
____ I est gallery. Both exhibitions arei
.presented under the auspices of the
Wad Dram Wil beAnn Arbor Art association.
e "The exhibition of Bohmi's works
Preseted L cal yis composed for the msot part of,
"_____ paintings of the sea and of boats

ernoon at the Union for eleven new!
maemtabers of Sigman Delta Clii, 1n4a- St mlatoai W. 'Tolil.130. president? Prof. Andlr Morize, 'professor of
biorn.lh pi'ofessiojial joiwrnalistic Ira- f time sexyior Jjteirv eb c°.Fs: Inkfairs-romance languages ,t FHarvard uni-
ternaity. Thle initiation eem~xony ; iess to students working at the versity, and director of the divisi(n
wos followed by a banq~uet. Union the , nieri~t systern should be 'of languages at Middlebury Coillege
Thme new u n en bers ic1ltud Whit- aplprovec:d todu y. summalter session, will speak here to-
field 11 ihlyer, '31. IHarold. Warren, '31,;- Jay as the pr emier on the1c Cerele,
Robert Sloss, '31, George Duiexnbury, ; rof.:lte'irv iX'idrfersonl, So the En- 'raiieais lecture ceries. The lee-
'31, P zra l Sowe rs, '31, Robert Feld- gineceriung college; membnter of the? tune will be held at 4:15 o'clock inl
ana, '31, William Gonman, '31, PAd- j Board. of Directors of time Unionx:( the Natural S 'ieic~ auditorium;
.it Stewart, '31, Richard Tobin, '32, The proposed plan is time only season tickets 'costing 50 centls wilh
Carl Forsythe, '32. arnd John Min-I proper system for the Union to op- be on. sale at the doors.. M. Morize
r1l e"'32. crate under. It gv,, a stdetho;- has chosen frhis obec,"L'splt
1'or of theil !mr. ican1. Boy, ast x t e L works thelzcre sever:al _ rs aya a real Ido Voltaire."
torof lneAntricarnBoy ww t ecllance for advancemnent. I am d- I The lecturer camne to thx Unzitedl
:;peaIker of the evening, lighted to know that students' States from France :shortly rafter
tluer 4?lv es it,,ttxated thei~ action !th~e last w-ar to -assumne his 'past at
Mells;on's Testil<ony for the cangwe. Harvardi. lie is one of the nmo.~t
pojpullar speakers in French In the
Followed by Clash' WilVaasai+arrell, '39, president of country. Last year =he appeared in
thle hIaterfrcaternity council: The (Arnn arbor onl the Oecle Froncais
WASHI1NGTON, D.C. Jan. 22._-_ sturdernts will be taking a step etr"eis adhsimnese
41> X.. .d ° I e ,l.ctue seIes, ani hImmens,.. s.u.e-.

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