m I. LL7. Z - Ali! 1 ARI Y ii i'. -SO 'THE MICHICAN-DAILY a' A AAA JAN ARY 22 1 Y..iF AAAlt 1 1A allow 1"Imm- !L / - p w~v flrIlftuhIImnirn WEDDING SOLEMNIZED WITH GREAT POMP PR LIIR I FORROYAL WEDDING SOLEMNIZED WITH GREAT POMP IN CHAPEL OF THE QUIRINAL PALACE AT) PRIZES ANNO'JMCED ..:::::i::,,e. ROME ITter-Class Teams Amy Loomis Speaks Hold Practice Game to Pi Lambda Theta Interclassbasketball competition Amy Loomis, diretor of the Ly- bega yeterdy ateroon ithdiaMendelssohn theatre, address- Second Week of Semester Is Set fdr First Elimination Contest. FINALS WILL BE IN MAY Professor IIollister of Speech Department Advises Women to Compete. First preliminaries of the Thom- as E. H. Black Oratorical Contestl ,will be held during the second week of next semeter. This contest is! open to any undergraduate, mar orI woman, who .s eligible to partici- pate in studeiit activities. Speak-j ers should choose some theme sug- gested by the New Testament or in some way related to such themes. According to Professor Richard Hollister of the speech department this contest presents an opportuni- ty for students to express sincere, personal ,and individual thoughts freely. He also stated that this con- test will not be a religious or doc- trinal contest but rather one in the fields of sociological and hu- man relationship. He advises stu- dents to express their true selves in this contest and not to advo- cate a cause or support some or- ganization. Thq motive back of the contest is not a question of exped- iency or policy or propaganda but{ just a chance for students to ex-I press individual opinion. After the first preliminaries a squad will be selected and this. squad will be given thei, personal help in developing their speeches for final preliminarips. If possible, they will be sent out in groups of two and three to speak before church organizations in other three games on the schedule. The senior first team, played the :unior first team, with a resultingF -eore of 29 to 13. The upperclass motley team won the game with tle freshmen second team with a snore of 18 to 10. The sophomore first team was to play the junior first .earn at five o'clo(k but the con- Vest was pcOStponed. The second series of interclass Basketball games will be played oft iext. Thursday. At four o'clock the ,eiiior first team will meet the reshman first team and the up- irerlass motley team will meet the freshman second team. At five Yclock the sophomore first. team will meet the junior first team. Everyone is expected to report! for interclass games, and all those nterested should come out to sup- port their team. Twenty-nine qualities were the >asis of personality ratings of pop- lar students on the campus by aa el the meeting of Pi Lambda Program to be Divided Between Theta, honorary educational so- Natural, Clogging and ciety, last night on the subject of Natial Danging. 'Amateur Theatricals in Educa- - National Dancing. Lion." PLAN SPRING RECITAL How to correlate amateur the- ,4tricals with the work which chil- Ad dren are doing in the grades formh-: All women interested In dancing dI the central teousht of Mis ara invited to attend the Orchesis Loomis'. talk. She attempted, in meeting which is being held to- Sdiseussing this problem, to pre- night. The meeting is to be in tfwo sent a general idea of procedure, parts, from 7:30 to 8:00 and from and to set forth the type of ama- 18:30 to 9:30 o'clock, the first to.:be teur plays which should be at- h regular natural dancing which temptedgby children of grade Orchesis has always interested it- self in, and the second to consist- of la group sponsored by the organizlz- RE GENIT CRAM PLANS TEA tion which will interest itself main- ly in clogging and national dane- Regent Esther Marsh Cram is ing. having the third and last of her The national dancing will not be entertainments in January, from the folk dancing with which every four until six o'clock next Friday one is acquainted, but will be the afternoon, in the form of an in- solo and couple dancing of the va- formal "at home" for both men rious countries, and women. The "at home" will beI Regular mnembers of Orchesis are held in the Grand Rapids room cfI urged to attend the meeting; to- the League building. ight. class sity in psychology at the Univer- of Colorado Associed rress Prior The royal wedding ceremony in the Pauline chapel of the Quirinal palace in Rome when Princess Marie Jose, the only daughter of the king and queen of Belgium became the bride of Humbert of the House of Savoy, Prince of Piedmont and heir to the Italian throne. i i I HOUSE RULIS OF LEAGUE CHA.NCE New Closing Hours Adopted1 Cafeteria and Russian Tea Room. USE OF CAVE EXPLAINE Art, Needlework, and Hooked Rug Groups of Faculty Women's Club Do Unusual Work Art work is attracting a great ed in hooked rugs and needle workI Dd eal of attention in the Faculty!adi eddb Ms .H rf Women's club and there are now, according to Mrs. Frederic H. Ald- fitts. Others who are doing this by rich, president of the club, four in- work are Mrs. F. R. Finch, Mrs. B. dividual groups devoted to this in- D. Thuma and Mrs. J. B. Waite. terest. Two of the groups deal with These groups meet about every hooked rugs and needle work, and week and the interest in them is the other two with painting. keen. 3D Mrs. T. G. Hegge is doing unusual _ _ i i I 1 f Starts ~1SHOE SALE$1 Including our Entire Stock of Suedes, Reptile and Brown Kid- skins in our Well Known Jaqueline Modes Values $I Vaiues i r,, Today - li state work with hooked rugs at present. A The second preliminaries will be kAanoerich i tachigindustrial at unceLastc hance held just after spring vacation. At Fountain service at the League Norville wher Dr. Heggeis c- to Order All Jackets this time four or five students will building will remain open until turing. Mrs. Koella is also doing be selected for the final contest 10:30 every week night and until needle work which she is exhibit-. Today is the last day for the or- Which will he held in May. 11 o'clock on Sunday nights, - ing. Mrs. Guy Maier is heading dering of W. A. A. jackets from Do- Three prizes are offered, a firs cording to one of the rulings put one section of painting. Other rothy Birdzell, '32. Anyone who is a' prize of $100 and a gold medal, a in ymembers of this group who are do- member of the Woments Athletic Ssecond prize of $50, and a thirdJ in force by the House coirmmtteing commendable work .are, Mrs. Association may place an order any prize which will be a very fine edi of the building recently. The en- Fielding Yost, Mrs. Palmer Chris- time between 2 and 3:30 o'clock to- tion of the Bible. tire cafeteria will be open on danc tian, Mrs. C. E. Wood, Mrs. B. M. day in the W. A. A. office in the The final contest again this year nights as usual. Davis, and Mrs. F. A. Coller. Mrs. League building. >as last year will be held on some 1B. F. Bailey is head of the second Anyone who wishes to arrange Sunday in May, probably in a The Russian tea room will open group of painters, the other mem- for a fitting may call Miss Birdzell church. It is held on this day in Iat 1:30 every afternoon and close bers being, Mrs. J. B. Pollock, Mrs. at 7717. The price of the jackets is order to get away from the formal at 6 o'clock. Members of Mortar-- Lowell J. Carr, Mrs. R. V. Church- $6.75, payable when they are de- 'contest atmosphere. All speeches board will continue to e n ill and Mrs. Hempstead Bull. livered, which will be in about two I Will be limited to 15 minutes. Wed The fourth group is also interest- weeks. Anybody desiring further infor- nesdays, but new arrange-__ __ __ oration may call Professor Hollister ments for compensation of their I 11111 111111111111l11101111010111l 110100601111111001101101001000110011101111111 at University 526. He advises those services has been made by- which1 Interested to enter the first pre- they will receive half of ',he aft:er-. liminaries because if they make "the squad they will be given spe- noon's receipts. Orders may bek cial help. Anybody that wishes to made at the Food Shop. for fancy BEAUTY SHOP do so, however, may enter at the pastries, bread, and all other foods, time of the second preliminaries. served in the cafeteria. - Marcel 75c Professor Hollister specially advises Several new restrictions have Hair Trimmed c women to enter because of the na- b new res io he ture of the contest which allows for building and will be strictly en- Soft Water Shampoo.50c individuality and should be well forced and any infringements se-1 25% off on all work every Monday and Tuesday .suited to women. verely penalized, according to Mar- 110 S U". Phone 7561 garet Bush, '30, chairman of thePn1 Sororities on the campus of Ore- House committee.'11 11i 1[I111_ :gon State college are planning a Practicing on any of the pianos waffle breakfast to be held Feb- in the building is forbidden except.. ruary 1. The group selling the on the piano in the room on third _ largest number of tickets to the af- floor used by the University Girls' fair will receive an electric waffle Glee club, and then only by regis- - iron. The waffles will be served in tering for the use of it at the main five sorority houses sk 'Formerly $7.50 and $5.8 $8.50 $5 ' FOR THE FIRST PAIR Formnerly $1.00 -8.50 FOR NEXT PAIR Jacobson 's i rp }- '-"--s-a I "Much mail today; 4o much work for my burro Hosiery Lingerie Gloves Costume Jewelry THE MARY SHAW SHOP 1306 S. UNIVERSITY Alterations and Plain Sewing St FOR (WEDNESDAY any elours Hfsr c et .,,4t2- A "L'AIM A NT,, COTY THE PERFUME OF MAGNETISM COTY'S newest perfume -the sensation of. Paris. Glorifies every per- sonality. US cartas de hoy son mnuchas; el tra- bajo demasiado para el burro!" exclaimed the Mexican postman as he dumped a bulging mail-sack from his pack saddle. The Mexican was grouchy ... the Amer- ican engineer curious. Then he remem- bered that he had written an article for a McGraw-Hill Publication. Thousands of engineers had read it; hundreds had written their comment so promptly that their letters reached the author in the same weekly mail that brought his copy, of the printed story. This is only one example of the prompt- ness with which McGraw-Hill Publica- tions are read. But more than that, it illus- trates how the industrial and engineering press closely knits together widely-scat- tered groups of professional men. To the next generation's leaders of en- gineering and industry, the McGraw-Hill Publications offer a way to get a running start on their first jobs. Here's how. Spend a few minutes each week reading the outstanding publication in the field where you intend to make your mark. Learn what is being done by the present leaders in your chosen profession. Get the "feel" of industry before you enter it. Copies of practically every McGraw-Hill Publication are-or should be-in the college library. I i I - t j1M l C I 'I. McGRAW-HILL PUBLICATIONS Regular size (Cry:.taI fao)I Lutrate NMI Am iI