WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 22, 1930 THE M TCPTCANT t5 x ± +' ngTT V -ARA __ __ __ __ _ __ __ __ __ _ __ __ __ _ __ __ __ __ _ __1L AJ 1V1 \ A 1. 1,f-k1V.. L. H 1. Z..-....__.. YALE p. 4w-, fl MEXICAN CONSULATE AT LAREDO OPENED FOLLOWING ALTERCATION TO LECTUREHR I.**~* A A oU T ha s y {I t A A 1A m i a w i r r .ru . . ., a ,....: - .. t: y- +. ! s T J^S J"1 T T t'tiT 7 A T 7 7'T1 ....r...rr + +w.rrr... ,.r L'esprit de Voltaire' Subject of Discourse on Cercle Francais Series. AUTHORITY ON FRENCH Came to This Country Shortly After War; Popular With Michigan Audiences. .; s . r " .. a ,: ,. , r k.:" . fi, Y i { r 1 A K i R t 'L'Esprit de Voltaire" is to be the subject of Prof. Andre Morize's - lecture at the opening program on the Cercle Francais lecture series, Thursday, Jan. 23. M. Morize is professor of romanee languages at E Harvard University; he is one of the most noted speakers in French Rafael de la Coluia, Mexican consul, who has reopened his offic in the United States. in Laredo, Texas, after the smoke cleared from the furore produced o He is a native of France, com- the border when the Texas prosecutor sought to arrest former-Presi ing to this-country shoitly after dent Calles. The consul is here shown at his desk. the last war; and besides his duties . in the romanc languages depart- mnf ts proximate age of the Triassic piece ment at Harvard, he is director of Placed on Exhibit the im00sionswhi hacre tl Ce the languages division at Middle- I dent were made when the area was burg College summer session. The Announcement was made at the! a muddy slime. Ripple marks and Middleburg summer session langu-I University Museums building today mud cracks are also evident in ages division is one of the most re- of the placement of an exhibition such exhibits, being of aid to geol- puted in the country, and is visited of amphibian footprints from the ogists as well as those interested in by many'igraduates and scholars Triassic beds in Texas in the paleontology. each season.T The lecture will be held at 4:15 1 lution Hall" exhibit room. The Architects toGi in the Natural Science auditorium. collection was placed and built un- iC ct t ive M. Morize spoke on campus last! der the direction of Dr. E. C. Case, B nTe1W dirctr f aenolgy t heMuBanqu'set for W iry year as part of the lecture program director of palentology at the Mu-' of the Cercle, and his immense seum. success with the Michigan audi- Included in the new layout are Plans are now practically com- ence induced the officers of the a great many pieces found in Texas! pleted for a testimonial banquet Cercle to invite him here again. of an iron rust color as well as mis- for Prof. Ernest 0. Wilby of th His subject, "L'Esprit de Voltaire," cellaneous exhibits of worm tracks is within his field of specialization. and insect impressions. The ap- College of Architecture, to be hcld Tickets for the Cercle Francais Friday at 6 o'clock at the Union. lecture series are now selling at Automobile Production The banquet is sponsored by mem- the office of the romance languages P d t bers of Professor Wilby's class in secretary. The cost is fifty cents, Attains New High Mark architectural design, and entitles the buyer to attend Prfessor Wilby is leaving at the five other lectures offered by the! (B Associated Press' end of the semester on a six- Cercle during the course of the WASHINGTON, Jan. 21-Automo- month leave of absence. He in- second semester. Also one may bile production in the United States tends to spend the period in Flor- Nvitness the annual French play attained a new high record of 5,- ida. put on by members of the organ-. 358,361 cars last year ass compared In charge of arrangements are ization. The series is open to all with 4,358,759 in 1928 but produc- Percy Knudsen, '31A, and Abraham students of the campus who are tion for December fell to the low- Waranof, '30A. According to them, interested in learning about the est point since February, 1922. 'a number of students who have various phases of French culture. Reports issued by the depart- taken courses in the past from Pro- Tickets will also be sold at the ment of commerce showed a fac- fessor Wilby will also attend. door, Thursday. tory output of 119,950 motor vehi- I The toastmaster of the evening cles in December, only 2,000 above will be Thomas W. Pemberton, '30A.f UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS- the previous low in February, 1922, Wayne C. Mead, '31A., is making ani When a member of a medical fra- when production totaled 117,871 etching of Hill auditorium, which ternity at the University of Kan-; and more than 100,000 below the will occupy a conspicious place on sas broke his foot in a friendly; December, 1928, total of 234,116. the program for the occasion. Pro- scuffle at the house, his brothers The December production con- # fessor Wilby collaborated with Al- are showing their spirit by taking sisted of 91,234 passenger cars, 27,- bert Kahn in designing that build-1 FENNER BROCKWA Y TO DESCRIOE INDIA UNDER BRITISH CONTROL COUMPAN'! A AI TS Fennr Brockway, aLaote congress and Indian National con- N member of the British Parliament. gress.' anda brilliant figure in the peace Brockwav is alsoteahr'f Speakers Will PresentMajor atv a numerousbooks incltudingt NoNn- 1Ror al' Inquiry of Disaster to Aspects at Informal Cooperation." "The Government of I l-Fa.ted Air Transport A speymspatnfos m a Eand the continent. will speakaon India," and A New Way with Bzgun by Company. Symposium. , "British Lar and India," at4i im" o'clock Monday afternoon, Jan.27. When Mr. Langdon-Davis spok WILL MEET ON FRIDAY in Natural Science auditorium, here he recommendedBrozkwo LINDBERGH TO ATTEND __1_under the combined auspices of the very highly, say-ng that le would ~ S With Dean Henry M. Bates, of the Hindustan club, the international presentgatveryhfaiy.potie ouddPress) preen vryf air picture of India Law school, Major Basil Edwards, ?.mmittee of the Students' Chris- and the Labor movement, and ad- L1.S ANGELES, Jan. 21-The of hn lan association, and the Round ded that the 'Independent Labor first of a series of formal investi- Lieuts. LeMerton Crist, Grad., and day. party, of which Brockway is a gations into the crash near Ocean- s Krick, Grad., Prof. Preston Brockway is chairman of tdeyember, is no small party. hav ng sle, Calif., Sunday of the T. A. T.- Harold Kik rdPo.Petn Boka scara ftcimmesi of over 100. 14addux air liner in which 16 per- Slosson, of the hil tory department, War Resisters' International and Madduis srpponerthntwhich 16 per- Prof. Charles Reer, of the eco- he British o-More-ar move- t sups tht oc ons died was launched here today Pro. Carls Rine, o th ec- 1 ient. Until entering Parliament he will discuss British imperialism in by officia'ls of the company. nomics department, and Lawrence I was political secretary of the In- a manner someVhat similar to y D W. son ceprsy. Preuss, of the political science de- dependent Labor party and editor that in which Scott Nearing, who ., presidet partment, scheduled to speak, five of the New Leader. appeared in Ann Arbor Monday, of the company, in announcing he major aspects of disarmament will In 1917 Brockway was secretary discussed American imperialism. wou preside over the inquirl said be discus&ed at an informal sym-= of the no-conscription fellowship! In this connection, it is interest- every effort would be made to sde- pcsium to be held under the aus- and served a term in prison at ingto note that Brockway will fig- pices of the Round Table club and hard labor, having appeared niie ure in a three-cornered debate ineI e the International forum, at 4:00 p. Stimes before police courts or courts' New York Feb. 2, with Scott Near- ing special" to crash into a hillside n m., Friday, Jan. 24, in Natural Sci- martial for war opposition. ing and Prof. Edwin R. A. Selig- wl;.ile returning to Los Angeles with - ence auditorium. In 1919 he was joint secretary of) man, an eminent economist of Co- a :load of week-end visitors to Agua With particular reference- to the the British committee of the In- lumbia University, on the subject Ceiliente, Mexico. London disarmament conference )dian National congress and in 1920 of "What offers more to be work- just started the purpose of Friday's joint secretary of the prison sys- ers of the world, socialism, com- Pilots F. W. Whitney, Eddie Bo- s meeting is to present a background tem inquiry committee. He was munism or capitalism." Brockway mde and S D. Welch, who #vith eniqurIomtte ewa nuin o aitls, ro a ~omlinson comprise the company's of disarmament as seen fromm many executive secretary of the Labor will uphold the socialism, Nearing board of inquiry, will question ,ev- angles, so that a more than super- and Socialist International 1926- communism, and Seligman capi- cry available witness. Col Charles ficial knowledge of the issues in- 1928 and in 1929 was fraternal dele- talism. A. Lindbergh, T. A T.--Maddux volved may be gained. With that gate to the Indian Trade Union It is presumed that Brockway~ line official, who Monday made a aim in view, the speakers have been 1 because of his varied political ex- personal visit to the scene of the invited to present phases of dis- CONTEST AWARDS perience, will be able to presen;. wreck, will attend the inquiry. armament with which they are es-ifrom the inside," questions of "Although the tragedy is deeply pecially well versed. TO BE INCREASED momentous importai e. It is also regretted," Tomlin "on said "the Major Edwards will give the .Ar- expected that he w disclose 'in- company las nothing to hide, and my point of view concerning the The student who wins first place 'formation about Prenier Ramsey we intend to go to the bottom of question, Lieuts. Crist and .rick in the local current-events contest, MacDonald, telling how Premier the causes involved in the crash. will present the Navy's side, Mr. sponsored by the New York Times, MacDonald, after being so whole- We want the public to know every Preuss the historical development, on Tuesday, March 4. may find heartedly in favor of Indian inde- thing, and have urged representa- j ProfeuedasorachRemer the fg, neconomigecrersig-a n aaProfessor Reiser the economici1ig-5 wr ab pendence a few years ago, feels. tives of the press to attend the in- tnificance, and Professor 1losson thethathis, $150 award has been in- about the issue now. quiry We have been giving the diplomatic angle. Dean Bates will icreased to $650 inasmuch as the safest possible air transportation, act as chairman of the forum. papers of the winners of the con- Mechanical Engineers and sincerely ask the public to bear It is hoped that by this total-i tests held throughout the country with us in our continued efforts to situation treatment, the hazy ideas will be submitted in an intercol Will Vst Auto S OW thasemostoe have about the legiate contest which carries an , As the airtransport. inquiry gets present conference and disartna- aado 50 Students ini M.E. 15, M.E. 29, M.E.:ndrwyConeScuere- Saward of $500.. under way, Coroner. Schuyler Kel- ment in general will be clarified. The local contest affords three 30, M.E. 31, M.E. 32, will .spend the ley, of San Diego county, will con- I An effort at popularization of tech- prizes: $150 for the best examina- entire day today on an inspection duct an inquest at Oceanside, where nical terms will be made in order tion paper; $75 for the best sopho- tour in Detroit, by courtesy of the the bodies are held, for the purpose that questions concerning tonnage, j more or freshman paper not includ- American Car and Foundry com- of identification. After the inquest cruiser strength, and contentions of ed in the first award; and $25 for pany. The group will leale the En- the bodies will be released to rela- the great powers as to the type of the best paper not included in gineering arch at eigamt, visiting the tives. On Thursday a San Diego naval armament considered neces- either of the above classes. Chrysler plant at 9:30. From there county inquiry to fix' the responsi- sary for their particular purposes 1 The examination is based upon they will go to the coach building bility will be conducted by Coroner' may be comprehensible to the lay- the outstanding news vents of the division of the American Car and Kelley and a jury. man. past year. 'One division consists of Foundry company, where a talk Separate investigatioifs were or- yes or no answers to statements of will be gi-Ten. dered by the San Diego board of Statistics Show Large {fact. The second division calls for At 4:30, the group will attend the air control and by J. A Nall, in- Ridentification of persons and events. Automobile Show in Convention Spector of aeronautics for the Unit- American Rum IMPOt The third group of questions re- hall. A lecture.on "The Automobile ed States department of corn- quires brief editorial comment on in 1930" will be presented at 8:00 merce. Nall said his report would y Associated Press) three topics chosen from a group at a meeting of the Society of Au- be of a secret nature, and that. he OTTAWA, Jan. 21--Government ? of six or more. , tomotive Engineers meeting, last- would arrive at no official deci- figures, published today show that Students who wish further in- ing until approximately 10:30, when sions. The placing of responsibil- $20,787,100 worth of alcoholic bev- formation about the contest may the buses will pick up the men at ity will be the duty of the accident erages were exported from Canada consult the chairman or any other the Book-Cadillac Hotel and bring i board of the department after it to the United States during 1929. member of the committee. them back to Ann Arbor. has considered all findings, he said. him to classes on a sled. 233 trucks, and 1,483 taxicabs. ing. :e...,. ,.:. U RE YOU keeping your Library co-,mplete each year with a RW copy of the MICHIGANENSIAN? A Free Copy of The190 ganensian With the organization name stamped in gold on the cover to any house that sends us*the naes 11 _ _ _.. . ~;'. ~ ~Im