THP M T C HTC;A N TATTY w__ . _. .... THREE T---------------------f4T ~rTJ~F~ --" -- L (ltd L 1111 LiJU i R British Writer Goes LONDON CONFERENCE ON NAVAL ARMAMENTS WILL tps for HealthON MEET TODAY IN GALLERIES OF HOUSE OF LO WITH ENGtAND FOR rl BOE L ND WORLDOINATIN EpWrILL AbPA SNrth ,WORLDROMINITI IN Exporing- About North Pole' r RDS I . HOUSE WI [HEi IMMIGRAgTION VIE Bils fox Scott Nearing Sees America at WarEWith Britain for Land or Economic Supremacy. PICTURES DEVELOPMENT Prophesies Capital and Labor Will Also right for Power Sometime in Future. Prophesying an inevitable sur- vival conflict between Great Brit- ain and the United States to de- terimine which country shall rule the world, Scott, Nearing, well- known writer and lecturer appear- ing at Natural Science auditorium yesterday afternoon under the aus- pices of the Round Table club, de- clared that not only will there be' a culmination of this ioipending struggle between empires, but there will also be a war between the cap- italistic class, now in powver, and the working class, seeking power. Which war-imperial or class - will break first is problematical, Mr.t Nearing said, but no matter what happens in the struggle for imper- ial supremacy, propaganda for world revolution will be a major factor in every army of importance. Mr. Nearing presented a panora- mic pattern-account of the devel- opment and what he believes to be the logical conclusion of imperial-. isnm. The phases of the process of im-1 perialism through which other na- tions have passed and which the. United States is now going through were described as "the establish- ment of an imperial nucleus or base for activities, expansion in which certain policies are followed, sur- vival conflict in which aspirants for imperial supremacy engage, and supremacy reached after the con- f flict has either subjugated or elim- inated the rivals. The position ofj the. United States is now in the, early period of the conflict stage, Mr. Nearing contended. Concerning the imperial nucleus, Mr. Nearing said that the United States must have as an economic and strategical necessity the whole of North America as its imperial+ nucleus. American intervention in the Carribean was cited as devel- ! opment toward that end. To ac- quire Canada will probably mean a+ class war, Mr. Nearing stated. of the Winds,' Is Based on Greenland Expeditions, TO HAVE ILLUSTRATIONS of "Exploring About the North Pole of the Winds," the latest book by Prof. Wiliam Herbert Hobbs, of the geology department and director of the University's Greenland expedi- tions, will appear late in February,i Sccording to an announcement by G. P. Putnam's Sons, publishers. The text of this new book by Pro- fesrcr Hobbs is based upon the ma- terial he accumulated during hisf three University expeditions to, Greenland, where, until last spring, the University meteorlogical ob- servatory was maiitained. The text is further supplemented by 25 half- tone plates. By use of the infor- nation obtained on the expeditions, it is moped/ that a system for pre- dieting storms which trouble trans- Atlantic shipping will be figured out. Professor Hobbs has also de- voted some space to air routes across the northern regions. 1The London Times, in announc- ing this book, stated that "it should t hof irfPAf t o "mrl ra ~ c :>:±'' '' :s ' ':.$ '. '-; YS¢ ':p?:+ c ; i ::a~ ' ' s:a x o-' :::^:?:.'!"il1 1 apt .._t". . . " 7 i . . 'Y'*s ' c r, 4L.' r r? ; 0 r Further Restriction be Considered in >Id Controversy. c s 1 i 4 i i }a De o in ereSt to general readers as Assoc'tcd eas s , well as meteorologists." King George V '(upper left) will open the first ses sions of th Sir Hall Caine, meetings will be held in the royal gallery of the House of Lords Famous British author, who has Junior High School held in the conference room of St. James palace (below). gone to St. Moritz, Switzerland, for D bRepresentatives of every major world power will be present his health. He has been ill in Lon- Will Debate Today great strides will be taken toward limiting military an d naval ar don for some time, and hopes to re- !__bonds with other nations of the world.. gain his strength at the famous ThI winter resort.f The junior high school debating----- _nrer.-steam of the University High schoolPRIMAR Y, SECONDAR Y SCHOOLS GEI s to hold a debate at 2:30 o'clockI11If MORIZE TO TALK today in the Mack school audi- $6,000,000 ANNUA'LLY FROM ST4 torium on the question, "Resolved, TO FRENCH CLUB that the installment system of buy- Discussing the subject of govern- aencies in the instruct ing goods for private consumption mental support of education in t Cercle Francais will open its is detrimental to the nation." teachers. . twenty-second annual lecture se- The judges of this debate are to Michigan, Prof. George Myers, of One-half of the six million ries of programs Thursday, Jan- be members of the University de- the School of Education, said that appropriation, Professor uary 23, when Prof. Andre Morize, bating team, it is announced, and the government spent more than stated, goes to the support a of the Romance Languages depart- is to be made up of three six million dollars a year for the ment at Harvard University will members chosen from among purposes of vocational e ducation struction of agriculture, th speak. The lecture will be held at George Forsythe, Robert Brown, for less than college grades not i bursement of which fundsi 4:15 o'clock in the Natural Science Phyllis Bruinm, Charlotte Rueger, considering the support given to trusted by the state boardt auditorium; M. Morize has chosen and Tom Tilley. the naval academy and the mili- state college at Lansing. Th for his subject, 'Esprit de Vol-taryt academy and all the schools for h s u j t''s i d V -k"^'n__ -'"o,. cer half goes to th e U niversi e Londc tupper at the inament ATE ; WILL STATE STATISTICS WASHINGTON. Jan. 20-A view of the immigration problem as it relates to the Western Hemisphere will be presented to the House Im- :4gration Committee today as it re- opens the old controversey over whether this country should restrict the entry of aliens from Mexico, Canada and other nations of the New World. Two bills to limit such immigra- .ion to approximately 50,000 annu- ally are to serve as Ithe vehicle for this new study of an old problem. 1Introduced by Chairman Albert Johnson, of the committee, and by Rep. John C. Box, of Texas, the ranking Democrat, the two bills are designed to make the old Box bill of preceding congresses conform to the national origins sections of the present immigration laws. The on naval parley today. The initial hearings on the proposal in the right). Subsequent meetings will be-j last Congress ran several weeks and produced voluminous testimony. conference and it is expected that Seek Statistics. ts. as well as toward creating closer .The committee in its first sessions will endeavor to lay the foundation for the investigation by receiving statistical information from the La- Chivalry of Gay 80's { bor Departmentand the Census TA!.Bureau on the possible effect alien Is Applied by Judge jlabormay have had no American -labor in rural districts, and on the KENOSHA, Wis.. Jan. 20.-Years number of aliens who have migrat- ago, as Judge Calvin Stewart points ed to the United States from other out, there were "real men who New World countries in recent made laws that really protected years. women." In addition, representatives of Mrs. Angelino Magnio was the Labor and State Departments brought before the court. are expected to outline their inter- Judge - Stewart, however, knew pretation of the various proposals something that most folks didn't. that have been advanced, and the "Under the modernistic idea you, results each might be expected to of course, would have to stand trial bring. in court the same as a man. But To Grant Hearings. there was a' time when women had When this preliminary work ,is the protection of the law." over, members of the committee will Picking up the ordinance book grant hearings to representatives of the court found the following ten- several western and southwestern dril of chivalry which through states, beet sugar industries. and years of "equal right" conflict still others interested. Previous hear- flourished since it was written in ngs have brought vigorous opposi- 1882. ^ tion from beet growing,. sections, "No female shall be arrested in som.e western railroads and other any action except for a wilful in- industries, on the ground that re- jury to person, character or prop- striction of Mexican immigration erty." would close to them the field from Judge Stewart dismissed the which they draw a large part of charge. their labor supply. ion of dollarj Myers nd in- le dis- is en- to Lhe e oth- ty for} t .a i rp " , aDR. W. W. CORT VISITS The programs of the Cercle for this year are seven in number, be- ZOOLOGY DEPARTMENT ginning with the lecture of Profes- - - sor Morize. A fifty cent season fee Dr. William W. Cort, professor of is charged for students on the cam- helminthology at the School of pus wishing to attend these lec- Hygiene and Public Health, John% tures. Tickets may be purchased Hopkins university, concludes a from the secretary of the Romance two days' visit of the zoology de- Languages department in room 112 partment today. He has been con- of the Romance Language building. ferring with professors, inspecting' The series is open to all students laboratories, and visiting the de- on the campus who are interested partment's allied branches, the mu- in learning about the various seum and the work in mammalian aspects of French culture. . genetics. in me iana iriLL t I~iegoer1ie1-u s.f possession. ,f i, Professor Myers went on to ex- plain that the work done by the: federally supported men and wom- en throughout the country in the line of vocational education was chiefly that of teaching the in-l structors already engaged in voca- tional work in various schools of all the states. He also pointed out that the money from the goyern- ment did not go to the support ofj any schools themselves, but rather! was spent indirectly through state 1 mmi iiW. . Professor Myers is it the head of the department here at Michigan, and is directly under the FederalI Board of Vocational Education es-t tablished in 1917. A large propor- tion of the work done by this de-: partment is accomplished away; from the campus, Professor Myers, said, being done in extension< courses in the cities throughout the: state. Several members of the' group in charge of the work do! most of their jobs out of town. t ij ,, _..._. i . ° II 6 I I Ilu rcomplete each year wth a IRW copy of the MICHIGAINENSIANI? A Free Copy of The 19,3 higan- enhian With the organizatio nane stamped in gold on I the coier to any house that sends us the na s-' its of 15 maenbers who have purchased nsian.