w THE f1 T1TM ,N L) AIT SUND3TAY .JANUJIARY IQ19. 193 u _ .._ 1L11 J:11V V Cll\/ 3. 1J 1 71.1V CAFMUERS P .R .:it, fir .' } t x S a' INVASION VEEKERENMEE IINDIANA LEADERjiNDA i I RADY INDINA TMOR.O URBAINA Il GRAPPERS ITHINCLADS HEED I GR PP ER fi i U M [T 0rixa t 1h FLBET_ IL! WiIOWA TRACK CAL [1..u Jan 1 Tes t rad- IO W A CITY , Iow a, Jan. 18.- , s~ity of Illinois will be with three major champions, : en lettermen this sea-1 Cage Game and Swimming Mect! men who hold some kind of a ti, *R. Morrison, L. M.! Constitute Schedulc share, and at least one cexperienc Crane, W. L. Dooley,; x. Tonkoff and L. J. fot Coing Wcek. ;letter man in eleven of the even maay bc forthcoming in Coa n ave 12won 40 oust of46 NEITHER HOLDS EDGE T. Bresnahan's tenth year as Ur ce12, but were de- - versity of Iowa track coach. Ligan last season. The ..Fo n tefed os taka mien on the squad on BLOO IGtoN.i., Jan.e hlfel oue rcka are Allie Morrison, BOMNTOId,.a.13 in, jumping pits and shot puttii the second yea wo Exaininations and the Indiana- yer r 1aeas, some 100 Hawkeye athlet ie national A. A. U.; Wisconsin basketbaal gamie here on have set their muscles into the si ite and was the onlyf Thursday night occupy the imae- mnh'tann otn.Ee yin a title nNtheo1928 light at Indiana, university for theletrenowacnthtsu Joe Sapora,1Nt co ing week. The swimming team$ en -115 pound chain- ilas e cino uvca two will join it for outdoor even- onfl ill 'wrestle in the! night when DePauw invades Bloom,-- and another pair awaie an eligibj ss this year.; ington. ity ruling. wno was undefeatedi After dropping its first confer- Olympic competitor and Arne meets last season, is I ence gar e to Northwestern the iea's broad jump champion of 19' n the.13 pound class, Badgers came back last wveek to de- S Edward L. Gordon, Gary, Ind., tl tterbgak, an inexper- I feat Ohio State by a 32 to 25 score! high and broad' leaping Negro, is the niost promis-( on the Buckeyes' playing floor. Lack the standout of the brigade as ght. Russ Crane, the r~of height in the entire Badger reputation. His kangaroo lea, in last season, will isquad, except Foster, proved a big brought him the W estern Confet~e h 6 r 1 5 h n i a nt eo e i g - m ih e c ,N to a ol ga e n , as :although at present Northwestern. tional A. A. U. titles last spring, ar ting for Bob Chamn-, Capt. Bud Foster in the ccnter i his six-two high jumping won set in, the leading mvid- position is the outstandcing Badger 1ond in the National Collegia tseason, wha proba- player and has been scoring hneav- meet. eavailable because of ily in conference games, already' Aiding in the field men's eclipsi ni. Gene "Tonkoff, arn- played. Dr. Meanwell, Badger: of runners and hurdlers is Hen can, is the leading coach, will proba bly use the samveIF. Canby, Mt. Pleasant, the pC sght, while W. E. He- starting lineup as in games played viaulter who made a new Confe none, is the most pro-? thus far. Matthusen and Farber ence indoor record last year, ar under. will be at the forward posts, Fos-1 exceeded the American indoi ter at center, and Chmielewski and! mark from a dirt runway. fi Ft alpai g tg ad . C nil w M)R1ft ,W'S +G LMEL I ski will be reinen bored as the star ' performer who sank several long ATHLETIC EVENTS FOR P No. ; shots on the Indiana floor last year THlE COM1ING WEE c C C 14 to give the Badgers a close deli- ___ ....... F 3 sion. =In the two games played be- asketball .......F 4 tween Indiana and Wisconsin last, Jan. 20-Indiana, here. ....... F 6 ,season., the Hoosiers 'were, defeated I Jan 21--"B" .team vs. Michgar ... F 7 .j'beaontulties by close margins. The 'SaeNra ee ........ G 8 = scores were 24 to 20 and 27 to 25.1 an StaBteaml,.her t ........G 11 The team presents the typical an. "C,-A." teev.Deri ...... G 17 Meanwel defense that makes scor- Hockey .......F 1-J ing difficult for any opponent, but Jan. 20--Minnesota, there. -- the short stature of all the players Jan. 21-Minnesota, there. P No. except Capt. Foster leaves some- T an. 22--Marquette, there. ..... G 4 thing to be desired by Indian a.i Jan. 5M .Ctee ...... F 6 However, the Badgers handle thel WreM.s.Cthee. tc)...........' 7 ball beautifully and execute" the JIan. 25 rMeSCthee. ....... G 8 coinplicated Meanwell plays withi Sw25 m mig.e. ....... F 1.2 pleasing precision. SwimmiBatl ng.e, hee ....... G 13 Indiana has been developin~g itl J an. 22-BTleontreYkM.there. ... G 22 each game. After a bad start dur- 25-TronoY.c . .. F 23 ing which games were dropped tohre ICONG ER BEATEN CAGERS CONCLUDE Branch Mct rackei Hoosier cage star, who his 1930 Indiana basketb against Michigan at ) house tomorrow night. will lead )all team ost Field Bob' Chapman will draw the pivot position on the tip-offs only, drop- ping back to customary back guard post and Truskowski will take over front line opening so vacated. Bill Orwig, whose play has fea"tred the pl'ay of Wolverine cage tcaaisj for two years at a forward post, will take over the all-important run-', ning guard duties. The defensivet powers have shown satisfactory im- provement along with a better un- der basket attack and unless the men of Veenker show a lapse the! team which will take the flooar against Indiana tomorrow night will force the play all the way. I With Dowing out of the game due to an injury, it is likely that some of the sophomores will see, duty. wiches and Sand- *warm or these *. Waf- ages for VI les and sauna your br eakf a CHICAGO,, U - he Chicago uefaixo, -a-'' CHICAGO, III.-Ray Schapk, n( WHIeGO SoxilplyT25exChibitiond Notre Dame by only a 'few:+ coach of the Chicago Cubs, believ Whit So wil pay 2 exibiionpoints, the Hoosiers came out of the that Gabby Hartnett's sore arm w games, 17 of them with the New rut to win handily the opening con-f be in condition to enable him. York Giants, dauring their Spring ference game with Chicago by a rgi his effectiveness as st training Season.j score of 36 to 24. cahregin er Dre irts Extraordinary care and attention must be given to the latndering of dress shirt 'and collars. The co11egre mian demands work of the highest quality. We have, therefore, developed a method of exacting care which satisfies the most meticuilous.* Prhone 4219 ~>-~*~ ~ Cappon Puts Squad Through ed 3< i Light Practice During cIt,2''Q::: Veenker's Absence. IMPROVEMENTS SHOWN ni nd {Topping off a week of strenuous dr ill in preparation for the all-mn- ingJ' portant Indiana game with a light tes session on shooting and ball hand- ix- ling, Coach Gppon, who took ten charge of the Varsity cage squad In en! the'absence of Coach Veenker, >pro- a dnounced the players fit to lay thei ts, * game of their lives. Backed against the "mall by two defeats at the hands of Ilinois ad Purdue in less than 'a eek, the 29, Wolverines have shown a determin- ,he II tation in their practice for the Hoo- is' sier game which brings to mind the to ; -spirit showen by the gridiron team ;ns .of last fall. Pummeled and beat- en l en by Conference opponents untl a_ the rospects of winning a major ndf gamne began to look gloomy,Coah Kipke's warriors outfought a powu- tte ! 4 ( erful Harvard aggregation to tae a 12-14 win from the Elasterners. A I Indications yesterday, afternoon fig RA mw were that Coach ,Veenkex' old rN 01r=l send Weiss and Kaniitz in at the 1e ~ forward psts, Chapman junixg rid'RayCongr jcenter with Joe Truskowski coig or tja Cne up 'to that 'position during;pay.y Or Beaten in his first starnt of the ! and rwig filling the other gard current indoor track season, when v he slipped andl fell as he Was start-1 This omnbination will giv te Ii spintrinsh n te MlesM:-Michigan coacha the benefit of hay- in aHugh ntMemori ,50-etyer run- ing, four lettekmen on the fo, { vHu hemboar riack1,of-mter102ndwhile Weiss, as one. of the fastest Engerter'soarmotryckinf New Yorkdmen on. the squad will undoubtedly Raygners iowmork ingNehaYr;tospeed up the offense. The Shift9~ I Ra Cogeris ~owworinghar toof Orwig to a guard pst giVes0 t~i n regain the form that has made himi team a man to start the pays wi almost unbeatable in the past. has plenty of eperience ad4 who Conger's track career started at ci fast enough to gt the bull into Iowa State, while since graduation play with-out delay. { lie has beaten such internationally ? Agast Indiana, a team w*h1~ known stars as Paavo Nurmi, Lloyd J takes advantage of every brak, this *ahn, Edvin Wide and Peltzer. (onnudnage7 SArro ,r. ew' TIhrt ill .. Redced to Values / t1t . 4 Si." k t , jr 't' y r ' ,'.ri' .' . "" f f c ~S . 33F,7 - w 4 f Lf Another '-Group of Arrow Sirts A special group of shirts have -been -reduced; for this . , selling. Generous cutting - ~and attention, to all tailoring details have made these shirts s famnous values,. Broadcloths III? TI and : Madras of every good ... LJJ .L pattern of the, season. At. I = ,.tractively priced. REDUCED - I ~-. ~ rpajma uit TO $1.45. j r not a button on it. ) "9 To bri hten up the - winter attire select ;a fresh " 4 v A I - -- i It r