PAGE T W T HE MI CH IG A N D A ILY SATURDAY, OCTOBEr 5, 194-9 HISORIDCUMNTS& MICH IG AN F ARME RS F AIL T O T AKE. Fraternities Suf fer LINDBE RG WILL CONDUCT SURV EY 1 ADV AN TAGE OF F ARM BO ARD'S AllD L osses as Unlocked AMONG ANCI E NT M AY A INDI AN RUINS (| (1Y Assocts Press> led. It was rejected, according to _ beautiful Maya maidens drowned IO BAOINGGNT C 4.-Mihi officials of the board, because Doors Invte Thieves;GUATE L Oct. 4.- there as a sacrifice to the Indian gan e n farmerls haveo not o yet received i nhodityrand the lakoef faci les f~~~ Col. Charles A. Lindbergh, and gos Randolph Adams, Clements Cus-'apnyi lasoto the $500,- storing the grapes even for the Thieves took advantage of the ;Mrs. Lindbergh will begin Sat- T R EG A U E Pt ,on, hs'Announces resnWoktsWrof 000,000 revolving fund created and ;short period during which they " pend "policy of fraternity urMay ndan isurneY uatanciantL C D S A FIaecsur Ei h o t s o eg o k put in the hands of the federal fcould be carried in storage. o u se arl tsomrni g wh n u itay a sr veyo f ex , a c et a d P A CDS TFar s r farmi board by congress at its last ithey entered the Chi Phi house at!Honduras- Profess PHTSTTC OY AEsession. For the whole country ap- f oreign Mllirtary Hero 11530 Washtenaw and the Phi Kappai Leaving here today, they go to Addkinths1e persoinelaofe s jus plications for approximately $70,- IS Shbiect of Lecture Psi house at 1550 Washtenaw. !Belize, British Honduras, and from rhetoric department due to the trp o Important documents dealing 0,0inlnshebeneeid At the Chi Phi house $80 was; there Saturday to Cozumel island,I large increase in the number of and Ita; wiheryAeia itr aeto date, of which 57,000,0000 have? To commemorate the one hun stolen from e walletsseand drvser v~fhich thcoast of Quintana Roo, ;students taking that subject. ally am wiherl mrca itryhv been tentatively approved by the dred and fiftieth anniversary of darsN The tsehae eney wi use naabase forI Among the new instructors three war sta been added to the collection of the (board. Only a total of $686,600.has !the death of General Casimir Pu- ndtawesb-e about five days flying over the ntcd!are graduates from the University of thes William L. Clements library. Three 'been called for. iLaski, American revolutionary war-Yuan peninsula where, archao-; of Michigan. of Ger thousand photostatic copies of pa-! A representative of the farm hero, Dr. Tadeusz Mitana, of the At the Phi Kappa Psi house ogists agree, a civilization sur-j George D. Helm will have fresh- being pets relating to the Treaty of 1783 (board is now in Michigan invest- Polish Literature department will about $30 in cash, one gold pocket psassing that of the Aztees and =In- man and sophomore courses. Consid hav ben aquied supleentn. gating the application of the Mich- deliver a lecture next Thursday, 'watch, and a French 22 caliber re- cas probably once thrived. . The other new instructors of the that G thae lbeary's res pment mgletin.I igan Fruit Growers, inc., for a fa- October 10, in the Natural Science volver were taken. Only the rooms Recent investigations in the: department are Mr. Bert Booth and carry, at on 10r0ry's rnscitscofle the..I cility loan of $500,000. A furtheri auditorium. of the second floor were "touched" ruins of the ancient Maya cities are Mr. Raymond Bliss, both of whom she too, addtin,10,00trnsrips f herequest from the same organization General Pulaski was a Polishi The occupants of both fraterniti-'said to have disclosed such inter-I are Michigan men and have had Prices GeorgebIishetwesp173ondn 810 1 for a commodity loan of $25,000 nobleman who enlisted in the cause ties believe that the thefts occurred eig and romantic features as a experience teaching since their contie Gere pIIIhaedteins7sum ader. on Concord grapes has been reject- of the colonies during the War of between one and five A. M. In both deep well containing skeletos of graduation. lack of weeprhsdti umr ----- --- Idpedn.Hewshedr~ houses, the doors had been left un-1 RandlphG. Adams, custodian of of the library of the King of Eng~ tor of the foreign legions who came ckalwngherbrsay Rlhthe library, has been in Europe the land. to the American's aid during the access, tlow the r bers es past eight months making theseI The originals of these letters be- struggle.acestthcam r. Frnfr eg offireand theBrit-The earlier ppers ofKing George sh office of public records in ob- III, from 1 6 o 1 8 ,h v already+ taining the documents of the 1783' been published, but the Clements, LAST period. The transcripts of King library is the only institution to TMS George's correspondence he boughtI possess copies of his MatCr Trre-Y from Sir John Fortescue, in charge spondence. /f rnic conditions in Europe prisingly good, according to or Thomas H. Reed of the 1Science department, who Europe. France, Belgium ply, he states, are economic- zost on a par with their pre- tus. The money standards e three countries, and also many, are in sound shape, stabilized at a low value. ring the tremendous load ermany has been forced to Professor Reed continued, is in a very sound condition. are higher throughout the .nt, and there is a decided unemployment. I t .,e Hear! STRATS TODAY A Barrel of it CLA'mRA ON THE LIVING SCREEN iNE-a DwAY A Paramont Picture The Laufh a Second Two Mile a Minute Thriller With Carl Dane ,Earnest Torrence Hear her voice glow- ing with the new -harm--the new "It."' A vibrant and vivaci- new setting for the raishing red-head. -- On the Stage- HERYKw"'J SANTRY'S BAND -It's their- last day in Ann Arbor I and Great Added Bill SUNDAY, Lewis Stone in "Wonder of Women" JOE THOMAS SAX-O-TETTE EDITH CLIFFORD VIRCHESTlRA $3.00 BALCONY $3.50, $2.00, $1.50 SEATS NOW SELLING Great Supportng Cast RICHARD ARLEN _ __ _ _ T . 9 We Carry the Largest Stack of BOOKS and STUDENTS 3 In the State SUF: LIES 14. Booxs NOTE BOOKS PENNANTS BRIEF CASES HEADQUARTERS for EDWARDS BROS. Mimeograph Material STATIONERY LAUNDRY CASES DRAWING SUPPLIES TYPEWRITERS EOUNTAIN PEN OF ALL KINDS t. PROMPT', EFFICIENT, AND COURTEOUS- SERVICE T hree Stores - 1 B i i